Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2)

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Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2) Page 10

by Amber Flora

  “I’ll flip you for it,” Mac said leaning back with a look of satisfaction on his face.

  “Seriously? You are going to let a coin toss decide your fate?”

  Mac shrugged as he pulled a quarter out of his pocket.

  “I've done dumber things. Heads or tails?”

  “Well I’ll tell ya one thing, he’s a tough ol’ bird,” Brian said, trying to wipe the blood off his T-shirt.

  “We will get him to talk, it’s only a matter of when. We are running out of time,” Algon replied.

  The men were sitting at the bar, where Algon was having a much-needed drink after hours of interrogating Roger. Algon was surprised that the high priest hadn’t yet given up Damon’s location, but given Roger’s intense need for self-preservation they knew he would crack eventually. Cody, Mac and Ben sat at one of the booths in the back trying to clear their heads from the day's events when Gloria flashed into the bar.

  “This is no place for women, lass. Go back to your books,” Brian said over his shoulder as he watched Gloria head toward his son.

  “How ‘bout you mind yer feckin’ business,” Mac shot back at him.

  Brian sighed and went back to his water. He hadn’t had a drop of alcohol since the day the Credo attacked Avonya and he believed his son to be dead. Brian, being half-vampire and half-dreamwalker, had sought out refuge in shadow realm. Sure the place was surrounded by vampires but Brian felt more at home there than he ever did in dream realm, even with the dismal food choices. He worked with Ben on occasion as a freelancer doing odd jobs for the council, but no one, not even Cody, had told him that Mac was alive. He supposed he couldn’t blame them. When he lived in dream realm with Mac, he was a depressed drunk who took his anger with the world out on his son, yet the truth was that Mac was the only decent thing he had in the world and the pain of losing him was almost too much to bear at times. Then one day Ashtyn hunted him down in shadow realm. She wanted to find him not just because she had questions about being an impure but because she wanted him to have a relationship with his son. That girl was fearless and gentle — everything Mac’s mother wasn’t. When Ashtyn had told him his son lived, Brian vowed to himself that he would do whatever it took to regain his son's trust and be a part of his life. That meant staying sober, no matter how much he wanted a drink.

  “We have a problem,” Gloria said, sitting down next to Ben.

  His shoulder was feeling better, but he was in no mood for Round Two.

  “What’s wrong?” Cody asked, trying to read her face.

  Gloria handed him the invitation and waited as he read.

  “Why would he invite you? Do you think he knows what we're planning?” Cody handed Ben the invitation for him to read.

  “I don’t know, it doesn’t make any sense,” Ben said, tossing the invitation to Mac and glaring at Gloria.

  “You’re not going.”

  “Yes I am, Benjamin, and you can’t stop me. If Ashtyn needs me I'll be there for her no matter what it costs.”

  “Ya can’t be serious, lass. I hate to say it, but I agree with the brute. We’re breaking Ashtyn out of there the same night. Whatever you hens have to gossip about can wait until then.”

  Gloria gave Mac a death stare and stood up.

  “If I don’t show then Damon will definitely know something is up. He knows there is no way we would miss a chance to see Ashtyn. I’ll sneak out of there and meet up with one of you before things go down, but you know there could be complications. If there are I don’t want to spend the rest of my life thinking about how I had the opportunity to see my friend again and I didn’t take it. Stop treating me like I’m incapable of taking care of myself, I’m older than half of you.”

  The men looked back and forth to one another, not sure how to tame the redhead standing before them.

  “Let her go. She will be safer than at the sanctuary. If Roger could turn Ben’s own soldiers against him who knows how many spies are in dream realm. If something goes wrong Gloria would be the first person they go after,” Algon said to the men from over his shoulder.

  “I wasn’t asking for permission, but thank you, Algon.”

  He nodded his head and stood looking at Brian.

  “You ready to get this over with? I’m out of patience and in desperate need of a shower.”

  Brian stood to join Algon, not looking toward his son in the back of the room.

  “Aye, I always wanted to know how many hits it took to get to the center of a high priest.”

  The two men headed to the back room to continue their interrogation.

  Chapter 11

  Sitting in front of the vanity I looked around at surroundings. It was a decent enough room, but it wasn’t home. It held no comforts of my former life. No matter how beautiful it appeared to be it was just an illusion meant to lure you and strip you bare of all you once held dear. I thought a lot about what I would do when I was free of Damon. While the smart thing to do would be to take up my previous residence with Mac and Cody, all I really wanted to do was go home. I missed my own bed, the view from my bay window and the peacefulness of the farm. Part of me knew I could never go home again. Even if we managed to get Damon out of the picture completely, this experience had changed me. I could never again be the Ashtyn Lane I once was and I wasn’t even sure I wanted to be her anymore. I gazed at myself in the mirror. While my eyes were no longer the dark brown I was used to seeing stare back at me, the rest of my features still looked like the old me. But I didn’t feel like that girl anymore. I don’t know when or how I had changed, but somehow I shed the existence of my past self and I wasn’t sure yet if I liked what I saw. I had managed a half-updo on my hair for the event. It wasn’t extravagant but it looked decent. I curled the bottom half of my hair, allowing it to surround my face. I wasn’t a beautician; it was the best I could do. There was a knock on the door and Damon stepped into view.

  “You look lovely, my dear, although I believe something is missing.”

  I watched him step toward me in the mirror.

  “Well I haven’t put my dress on yet. I don’t think you want me meeting your friends in my robe.” Damon’s eyes darkened slightly.

  “No, that would not go well for anyone.”

  He pulled something from his pocket, dangling it in front of me.

  “May I?” he asked, motioning toward my neck.

  Damon held before me a beautiful gold chain with a tear-drop pendant. Inside the pendant sat a lovely amber-colored gem. I nodded and he placed it upon my neck, clasping it from behind.

  “That’s better. Now you will look like a queen.”

  He smiled and caressed the side of my neck.

  I attempted to keep the fear at bay as thoughts ran through my mind. If I manage to escape would Damon rage war on dream realm? I knew he wouldn’t stop. As long as I lived he would hunt me to the ends of the world. It would be too much to hope for that he would simply let me go and forget our little arrangement and my betrayal. I was so overwhelmed with the possibility of finally escaping my fate that I had spent little time pondering the consequences of my actions. Could I really do this? I tried to tell myself I was just getting cold feet, but the truth was the closer I got to freedom the more scared I became. I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to my friends. What had led Damon to be so cruel? Plenty of people have suffered throughout their lives and they don't turn into villains. Maybe it was hereditary. He had more in common with his uncle Ser’ie then I think even he wanted to admit.

  “Thank you, it’s very beautiful,” I said, touching the necklace.

  Damon smiled and bent down to kiss my cheek. I forced myself not to pull away from the feel of his lips on my skin.

  “Don’t be nervous. They are going to love you.”

  “I’m not.”

  We both knew I was lying.

  “Even still, this night is dedicated to you and all that you bring to our cause. Just be yourself, except try not to eat in front of anyone. Th
ey might think you're a werewolf.”

  I quirked a brow. “Werewolves are real?”

  “Not to worry, we haven’t seen one in centuries.”

  Holy macaroni, it just keeps getting weirder.

  “I’ll be fine, just excited about meeting new people.”

  I smiled sweetly. By the look on his face he was buying it. Damon ran his hand through my hair in an intimate fashion.

  “I have to get ready myself. I will see you shortly, my sweet.”

  I nodded as he made his way out of the room. I had to put my game face on. One way or another after tonight I would no longer be Damon’s play thing.

  I stood in the ballroom watching the strangers make their way inside. I didn’t know how to act. I had never been to a ball before and I certainly didn’t spend my time fraternizing with some of the world's deadliest people. Well, that’s not entirely true. It seems like the last couple months that’s all I did. I made my way toward the food. I doubted they would have rocky road ice cream on the menu, but they had to have something to calm my nerves.

  “Do you think they have pretzels? I've craved them ever since our little trip to the bar.”

  I smiled a true smile for the first time in a month. I spun around to see a beautiful little redhead with her hair in a soft bun and smoky blue eyes. Gloria looked stunning in a long black-lace ball gown and open-toe stilettos. No one would ever mistake her for a librarian in that dress; she was a total knockout.

  “I doubt it. Damon is more of a caviar kind of guy,” I said, shrugging.

  Gloria laughed and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

  “Ashtyn, I have missed you so much. I’m so glad you are all right.”

  “I can’t believe you came! Did they mistreat you? I tried to talk Damon out of it but he wouldn’t listen.”

  I felt horrible for getting Gloria involved, she shouldn’t be here. Gloria’s whole life was dedicated to the Archive and protecting the knowledge it held, but instead she was attending a ball in the human realm and being held by a madman. If we made it out alive I owed her one hell of a girl’s night.

  “Oh the little kidnapping? It was nothing, I have to say though it’s been awhile since I was tied up and blindfolded,” Gloria winked.

  “Well I don’t recommend any of the men around here. If they are friends with Damon then they are certainly deranged.”

  “It’s just as well, who has time for a relationship anyway?”

  She waved her hand in a dismissive manner.

  “Gloria, do the boys involve you in their conversations?”

  I didn’t want to end the small talk. I was enjoying the seemingly casual conversation, but I needed to know if she was aware of what was about to go down. Part of me was furious with the men for letting her come here. I had expected them to be smarter than that.

  “Yes, I am under strict orders to vacate the premises at exactly 9:00 p.m. prior to the fireworks starting,” she hinted.

  I sighed with relief. Half an hour wasn’t much time to make a clean getaway, but at least they weren’t involving her in the breakout. Gloria and I continued to talk. She told me about all things I had missed while being Damon's captive. I told her about life in the estate, although there wasn’t much to tell. A few times we had to pause our conversation so Damon could introduce me to his pretend friends and trot me around the ballroom like I was his prized pig. I hated every minute of it and counted down the minutes until I would be free of him. Even this ball that was supposed to be in my honor was all for him. He seized the opportunity to connect with his allies and show off his power. Every time he introduced me he made sure to inform everyone that I was the daughter of the high priestess. It made him feel empowered to have control over a dreamwalker.

  Nine o'clock came around too soon and it was time for me to say goodbye to my friend. I hugged Gloria tightly, not wanting to let her go. I remembered the day she told me she loved me. It was so strange how comforting it felt, like we were always meant to be friends.

  “We will see each other very soon. Stay strong, you can do this,” she said squeezing my shoulders.

  “Just in case we don’t, look after the boys for me. Someone needs to keep them in line, and make me a promise to get out more. I know you love your books but, honey, I need you to get a life.”

  Gloria laughed but I could see her trying to contain her tears.

  “Come back to us and I’ll never go back to the Archive again if that’s what you want.”

  She kissed my forehead and turned, making her way through the crowd.

  Thirty more minutes, and it would all be over, one way or another.

  Herrick stood by the door watching Ashtyn’s friend move through the crowd. He turned his attention back toward the beauty now standing alone. She was the most mesmerizing thing he had ever seen. He thought he was staring at an angel when he spotted her talking to the short redhead. Ashtyn looked breathtaking in the emerald dress he had selected for her. The seamstress had done a killer job making the silk caress her in all the right places. The front of the gown had a slit up to her knees that showed off her long glistening legs and the strapless top dipped down, allowing just enough cleavage to push through. His throat tightened. As if she could look any more stunning, seeing the dress flow elegantly behind as she walked had Herrick imagining all sorts of scenarios where he stripped her out of it. He couldn’t think about anything else except running his hands down her bare back as he trailed kisses along her delicate neck.

  “I must say, I have impeccable taste in women's clothing.”

  I felt Herrick’s warm breath on my ear; the sensation sent tingles down my spine.

  “Well, if assassin doesn’t pan out perhaps you could open a clothing store,” I mocked.

  Turning around I nearly lost my breath seeing the untamed man standing before me.

  Herrick stood looking sexy as hell in his black fitted tux, Oxford shoes and emerald bow tie. His wispy black hair partially shielded his piercing gray eyes. The man was straight out of a GQ magazine. My eyes darted back to his bow tie. Did he intentionally wear that to match my dress? Suddenly I was acutely aware of my emotions and tried desperately to reel them in.

  “I don’t have to read your emotions, love, your blushed cheeks say it all,” he said with a purr.

  Damn him, why did he make it a point to embarrass me?

  “Yes, you look very nice tonight. Don’t go getting a big head. I was caught off-guard. I have never seen you in anything but your I’m-too-cool-for-school outfit.”

  Herrick’s intoxicating laugh made my knees weak. I don’t think I have ever heard his real laugh. Actually I didn’t think the guy knew how to laugh.

  “Would you care to dance?”

  He gestured toward the dance floor.

  “I can’t dance, plus I don't think Damon would approve.”

  I had never learned how to dance. As clumsy as I was, it would not have been beneficial to anyone to have me on the dance floor.

  Herrick looked in the direction of Damon.

  “He’s too busy chatting up some influential vampires to notice, and don’t be concerned about your dancing skills. I happen to be a miraculous dancer.”

  “Mr. Scary is a dancer? This I have to see. I should probably ask you if you have health insurance.”

  I let him take my hand as we made our way through the crowd.

  “I’ll take my chances.”

  He winked mischievously. If I didn’t know better, I would think the vibrant was flirting.

  Herrick led me to the center of the room and took my hands in his. I was surprised by his gracefulness. I let him take the lead as we began to waltz. I felt empowered as we glided along the floor like we had been this way for years; the way we moved was almost intimate. This man was not the warrior I had spent the last few weeks sparring with. He looked elegant and peaceful. For a moment I could have sworn I saw happiness in his sparkling gray eyes. A giggle escaped me when I spun and returned to his arms. An enduring
grin swept across his face that made me forget where we were.

  “Ashtyn, may I ask you a question?”

  “You’re asking my permission, are you sick? Usually you have no problem diving into my personal life.”

  He sighed and continued. “Just answer honestly.”

  I nodded, concerned by his change in demeanor.

  “If your mother had left you some of her memories, would you want them, even if some of them may be difficult to endure?”

  I thought about his bizarre question. If I had the opportunity to have a moment with my mother I would take it, whatever the cost. To experience her memories would possibly be the closest I could ever get to actually being in her presence.

  “Yes,” I said without hesitation. I would take whatever I could get.

  “That’s it? You would want that, even if there were consequences?”

  “Herrick, I know nothing about my mother other than people's accounts of her. If I could have one memory that is hers I would want it. Why are you asking me this?”

  He studied my face like he was searching my soul, looking for hesitation.

  “I know why your eyes are teal and it’s not because of your wizard half.”

  I froze. How long had he known the truth? Did he withhold this information from me this entire time? Furthermore, what was he going to ask in return for providing me with this information?

  “Tell me, Herrick, all of it.”

  I attempted to speak calmly, knowing I was screaming on the inside from his possible betrayal.

  “Vibrants have a unique ability to pass their memories onto their children at birth. They perform a ritual while they are pregnant and once the child reaches a certain age their eyes change to an uncommon color. Once this happens they are ready for the final ritual. This releases the memories that were stored inside of them, pushing those memories to the surface of the child's mind.”


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