Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2)

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Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2) Page 13

by Amber Flora

  We sat in silence for quite a while, I wasn’t sure how much time had passed but it gave me too much time for my mind to wander. My thoughts drifted to Cody and Mac. I prayed they had made it home safely. They would have had to make the same trek Herrick and I did before they could flash. Everything they had gone through to get to me had been for nothing. Why had they ever cared for me? I was nothing but trouble for them from Day One.

  “What did Damon mean about your mother?”

  I recalled the words Damon had said about Herrick getting the same deal he gave his mother.

  “Jewel was hired by Damon to kill a council member. She betrayed him. He let her live but he banished her to a remote area of Belize.”

  “She worked for Damon? Better yet, who was the council member she was supposed to kill?”

  “Yes, by her account it was about eight years ago. I don’t know who the council member was but he offered her more money to keep him alive.”

  Well at least I knew it was a he, but who? I doubt Ben would ever back down from a fight, which left Roger. Why would Damon want to kill Roger, and why did Roger make a deal with a vibrant? Then the truth hit me like a brick to the head.

  “Roger’s the traitor,” I blurted out.

  Herrick rose from his chair coming to sit next to me on the couch.

  “Elaborate please,” he said calmly.

  “Damon said he had someone on the inside in dream realm. If Jewel failed in killing Roger, Damon wouldn’t just give up. If I had to guess, Roger once again paid for his life. Only this time it wasn’t with money, it was with information. Roger was my mother's confidant and he’s the high priest. Ben told me that he has watched over me since I was a child. Who better to be a rat then the man everyone trusted.”

  It made my skin crawl thinking about how my mother trusted him, how my uncle trusted him. Yet, at the first sign of trouble he had betrayed them. The man was a coward and not fit to lead.

  “I’m guessing your friends have already figured that out.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  I was betting he was right. I had told Mac about a leak and knowing him he didn’t quit until it was flushed out.

  “How else would they have found you? It’s possible they followed Gloria but knowing Damon, he made that impossible.”

  “Is that how you came to work for Damon? Because your mother did?”

  I knew he didn’t have a normal relationship with his mom, but maybe it was like the family business. They shared clientele.

  “I didn’t know she worked for him. I hadn’t seen or spoken to her in more than fifteen years. When I asked Damon to find her so I could attempt to discover the truth about your eyes, he never let on that she worked for him or what he had done to her. It wasn’t until I found her that I pieced it all together. I think he was wanting to show me my future if I betrayed him. For a vibrant to be unable to do what they were born to is a fate worse than death.”

  I felt horrible for Jewel. Even though I had never met her it made me sad to think of someone alone and exiled with no sense of purpose or a companion. I knew she had brought it on herself. She never should had worked for Damon and killing people for a living wasn’t an honorable career, but that was all she knew. Vibrants were born to be fighters. They spent their lives learning the skills and gaining knowledge. For her to just be an average person with no drive or purpose had to affect her. That made me think, could a vibrant obtain feelings? If the majority of them lived their entire lives not deviating from their goals, then there would be no reason to inherent feelings, but what if their surroundings changed? If they took a step back from their born objectives and detoured to a more normal life, would they start to feel? It was worth questioning. I couldn’t imagine a life without emotions. What good are memories if they don’t arise the familiar feelings inside of you?

  “What about your father? Where is he?”

  I had never heard Herrick speak of his dad. I knew they didn’t have much of a relationship, but he had lived with the man for quite some time.

  “He passed away.”

  “Oh, Herrick, I am so sorry. What happened?”

  I watched as he stared off into space, as if he were reliving the moment.

  “We were on a mission together, while I was under his care we often took jobs together for training purposes. It was supposed to be a fairly simple job in shadow realm. Kill a couple vampires that owed a wizard money. Trevor, my father, was gathering intelligence on the vamps’ whereabouts. I was supposed to be watching his back. Instead I ducked into a club to grab a beer. When I came out, Trevor's throat had been slit and vamps were drinking him dry.”

  I clasped my throat as a knot formed in it, I felt as if I were going to be sick. What a horrible way to go. Herrick didn’t even get to say goodbye.

  “I’m so sorry, I can’t imagine what that must have been like for you.”

  “It wasn’t anything for me, we all know the consequences of our line of work.”

  I didn’t believe him for a second. Vibrant or not I could see the look on his face, he didn’t want to remember that day.

  “Herrick, you can't blame yourself, I know it has to be hard on you but I doubt your father would want you to live your life with regret.”

  He snickered before closing his eyes again.

  “Ashtyn, I know it’s a difficult concept for you to accept, but I feel no remorse or sadness. Yes, it is my fault that Trevor died. I should have been doing my job, but what’s done is done and feeling guilt over it will not bring him back.”

  He was right, but it was difficult for me to accept. No one, not even Herrick, could have witnessed something so terrible happen to their own flesh and blood and not have some residual effects from it. He could pretend all he wanted, but I knew the real reason he closed his eyes and it wasn’t because he was tired.

  I yawned as exhaustion hit me. Hours had passed as we just sat there in one another’s company talking. Mostly about normal things — well, as normal of a conversation that a dreamwalker and vibrant could have. I tried not to think too much about my current circumstance, but it was a pointless endeavor. Although I was no longer living under Damon’s roof I was no freer than when I was with him. I couldn’t go home, I wasn’t able to be with my friends and I was still in danger. I couldn’t stop my mind from wondering why Herrick had helped me. He knew what Damon was capable of; he had seen firsthand what he does to people who betray him. Yet, he risked everything to help me escape. It just didn’t add up. Even I would be hard-pressed to help a near stranger escape from a madman. What did I have that he wanted? I knew little about his race but everything that I did know said that vibrants didn’t do anything without a price. I knew he would eventually ask for something and when he did I just hoped I was willing to pay.

  Chapter 14

  It was dark and damp, and the cool air chilled me to my bones. I looked around at my surroundings in an attempt to get my bearings. When the room began to come into view fear consumed me. I found myself standing in Damon's dungeon in Scotland. The smell of the dank cell had my stomach churning. Ahead of me I could see the steps that led to the upper levels. This was the very cell Damon had held Mac in. How did I get here? Herrick must have drugged me and handed me over to him. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted a vibrant. I ran toward the bars, feverishly pulling on them in an attempt to escape. I racked my brain trying to understand what had happened. Was this entire thing a setup? Were Damon and Herrick playing a sick game, giving me a false sense of security before stripping me everything? I saw a shadow walking toward me as I frantically searched for a way out. I couldn’t go back to him. I wouldn’t survive this time. My life was not meant to end this way. Fate be damned, I had dreams and a future I intended to see come true.

  “Ah, Miss Lane. How kind of you to join me.” Damon’s dark eyes came into view and I took a step back. With the wave of his hand, my cell door creaked open. I clinched my fists together and prepared to fight. He would have to kill me,
I would give him no other choice. Death was a better alternative than an eternity with him.

  “You cannot run from me, my dear. We are fated, you and I.”

  He slowly made his way into my cell to stand in front of me.

  “Well it’s a good thing I don’t believe in fate. I’m more of a live-in-the-moment type of girl.”

  I planted my foot like Herrick had taught me and swung my right fist into his jaw. When he stumbled slightly I took the opportunity and kneeled down, kicking my leg out. Damon flew back and smacked into the concrete. I made a mad dash for the door, barely making it out before his hand seized my hair and pulled me back. He spun me around, grabbed my throat and picked me up off my feet. Rage burned in his eyes and I knew I was dead. His grip tightened as the dark began to consume me. I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness. At least I would finally find peace.

  “Drop the lass and I’ll let ya keep one of your hands.”

  My eyes shot open. I couldn’t see anything except Damon’s fury, but I would know that voice anywhere.

  “I don’t remember inviting the two of you to the party,” Damon said right before he threw me across the room. I slid about twenty feet before my head hit the back of one of the cell doors. I gasped trying to draw air into my lungs and clear my blurred vision. I looked up in time to see him charging toward Mac with a look of pure satisfaction on his sinister face. Cody rushed toward me from the opposite direction.

  “What are you doing here and how the hell did you find me?” I asked, holding my throbbing head.

  “Ashtyn, you are dreaming. You aren’t really here.”

  Damon hadn’t captured me again? This was all a dream? It felt so real, especially the pain.

  “Cody, he can manipulate dreams! I wasn’t dreaming this. He brought me here.”

  I saw the sorrow in Cody’s eyes. I realized I missed him more than I thought. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him it would be all right. That I would be all right. That I was sorry he had wasted so much of his life trying to protect the girl who couldn’t be what he had hoped for.

  “I figured as much. He is too powerful, Ashtyn. We don’t know what he is capable of. Algon thinks he found a spell that can temporarily prevent you from dreaming. It’s not as strong as Damon's, but it will buy us some time. You can’t dream while Damon is after you. It’s too dangerous. I need you to read this and memorize it. When you awake, cast the spell.”

  Cody handed me a piece of paper and I read the words.

  “I’m not going to do this. It was awful not being able to dream, I can’t go back to that. Not to mention that would mean I would never be able to communicate with you and Mac.” I looked around Cody to see Damon and Mac battling it out. Mac had more strength than Damon but I doubted Damon would continue to fight fair.

  “This is the only way to keep you safe. It will only last for a week at best, but you can’t let him in.”

  I nodded hesitantly and read the paper again. The last thing I wanted was to lose my ability to dream, especially since it meant I couldn’t contact my friends, but looking at the battle raging around me I knew I had to keep everyone as far away from me as possible, at least until I dealt with my rodent problem.

  “Ashtyn, I need you to tell me why Damon wants you so badly. We have to know what he is planning.”

  I lowered my head. I didn’t want to tell him the truth. I was afraid he would look at me differently, that he wouldn’t care for me anymore, but knowing everything I had put him through and that he still fought to save me, I wondered if there was anything I could do that would make this man turn on me.

  “He wants me to give him a son. In his twisted mind he thinks that our child will be powerful enough to destroy the realms.”

  Cody placed his hand on top of mine, squeezing it lightly. I looked up into his green eyes and saw his compassion. I didn’t deserve his friendship. He had waited a lifetime for me to be the savior, yet all he had ever done was save me.

  “We will not let him have you. You belong with us, your family, not that demon who has lost his mind.”

  I heard a loud noise and turned to see Damon standing over a fallen Mac. He had a dagger sticking out the side of his thigh. Anger rose through my veins. I could feel my blood boiling as I as I watched him snicker at Mac’s pain.

  “Ouch,” I heard Cody say from my side.

  I looked down to see the hand Cody was just holding. To my astonishment my hands were ablaze. Red and orange flames dancing along my fingertips. Well, this is new. I rose, methodically turning toward Damon.

  “Hey, psycho!” I shouted, glaring at Damon.

  He turned and his face went white when he saw my hands yielding the unforgiving fire.

  “I’ll do the spell, I will contact you when it’s safe. Take care of each other,” I whispered to Cody right before I threw the swirling ball of flame directly at Damon's head.

  I roused abruptly feeling incredibly sea sick. That’s when I realized Herrick was shaking me like a ragdoll.

  “What the bloody hell was that!” he yelled as I pushed myself up.

  It took a moment for me to regain my memories. I held my forehead in an attempt to push back the massive headache that was quickly forming. Then like a tidal wave, my dream came flooding back.

  “Damon, he was in my dream. Well, it was more like I was in his version of a nightmare.”

  Herrick’s eyes sizzled.

  “He can manipulate your dreams?”

  “It would appear so.”

  He stood, his jaw tight and posture stern.

  “I should have guessed he would try something like this. I can’t believe I didn’t think about you dreaming. You could have been killed!” he growled.

  “I don’t think I can die in dream realm, I’m not a full dreamwalker.”

  Herrick grabbed my arm and practically dragged me into the bathroom. He spun me to face the mirror and I gasped when I saw my reflection.

  “Then how did you get this?” he demanded, pointing to my neck.

  I was shocked to see a bruise in the shape of fingers around my throat. Well, that theory is out the window. Turns out I can be killed in my dreams. No wonder my head felt it had been smashed in by a rock.

  “Mac and Cody showed up to help me. Cody said my father found a way to temporarily prevent me from dreaming. He gave me a spell to cast.”

  Herrick’s anger diminished a little and he touched his hand to my neck.

  “You will perform it as soon as I heal you.”

  “It’s not that bad. You don’t have to heal me, but that isn’t all. I was able to manipulate my dream as well. I shot fire at his ass right before I woke up.”

  I would have laughed at the shock on Herrick’s face, but I didn’t think it appropriate.

  “It’s a rare thing indeed when you can surprise a vibrant, hummingbird. Come and sit on the bed. I will heal you. I don’t want you reminded of this night every time you look in the mirror over the next couple days.”

  I decided to let him win this fight and followed him over to the bed, taking a seat next to him.

  “When will we be able to perform the ritual? I’m ready to receive my mother's memories.”

  “The ritual has to take place on a full moon. The next one is in six days. We will perform it then. I caution you that we don’t even know if this will work. You are not one of us, it may be impossible to complete the ritual. I just don’t want you getting your hopes up if the outcome isn’t what you had anticipated.”

  “I know, but even the slightest bit of hope is better than none at all. I doubt my mother would have gone through all that trouble if she honestly didn’t think it would work.”

  Herrick gently placed his palm on my neck and let his power flow through me. My skin began to tingle and heat warmed my body. I stared into his gray eyes and saw them swirling like a hurricane. His teeth were clinched and I wondered if it caused him pain. This time seemed different than the others, I had never before thought that it may
hurt him to heal someone. I thought back to my conversations with Kat. I couldn’t recall her ever telling me that healing was painful, but maybe she just kept it to herself.

  “Does it hurt to heal me?” I was starting to worry that I was somehow transferring my injuries onto him.

  “Not in the way you are thinking,” he replied in a whisper.

  “Then how? I don’t want you to feel pain because of me.”

  Herrick removed his hand and looked me over.

  “Do you have any more injuries?”

  I looked over my arms and legs. There was a small scrape on my leg from where Damon threw me across the room.

  “Nope, I’m good.”

  Herrick’s eyes furrowed and I knew he had seen it too. Damn this man. Even kids get scrapes and bruises, it was no big deal.

  “Give me your leg,” he commanded.

  I rose my leg and sat it in his lap. He ran his hands up my foot to the bottom of my thigh. When the warmth touched my skin I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. It felt like I was bathing in the sun and I imagined myself sitting on a beach somewhere with my toes in the sand.

  I thought I heard a small growl come from Herrick and I opened my eyes to see him pulling his hands back.

  “Herrick if it hurts you then stop healing me. I’m not going to die from a few cuts and bruises,” I said, agitated by his stubbornness.


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