The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3

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The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3 Page 102

by Valerie Roeseler

  Camael approaches, “When he arrives, I need you to stay in control. Do not let—”

  Michael materializes in the center of the Throne Room. He takes one step towards us but stops in his tracks as he recognizes the eerie glow. His content façade falls away, aggravation building in his countenance. His eyes trace the wards around the room, absorbing the reality of the cage we’ve created. He continues marching towards us. This time, the air is electric with his wrath. Michael demands, “What is the meaning of this?”

  Camael steps forward. I fist my hands at my sides, focusing on the nails digging into my palms and ignoring the need for my Darkness to be released on him. I heed Camael’s instructions to remain in control of myself and allow him to address Michael.

  Camael presents his open hands. They part in welcome. “I am sorry to bring this upon you in such a manner. I’m sure you will understand why I had no choice.”

  Michael stops five feet from him, “Explain yourself, immediately.”

  Azrael joins Camael’s side, “You have lied to us.”

  Michael appears taken aback. “I have never lied to you.”

  Camael cross-examines, “Can you explain why Azrael has had a ward placed on his memories? I would tell the truth here, Michael. The ward was broken…as was the ward placed on Ivy.”

  I grit my teeth, anticipating his reply. I feel Solas tense behind me and send him a thought, Are you still against reading an Original’s mind?

  Solas answers, “I’ve been trying to get through since he arrived. He must have a ward blocking me.”

  Of course.

  Evelyn shifts uncomfortably on the other side of Jack, her expression on the cusp of fear and sadness. Michael surveys me for a long moment, his breathing becoming heavier by the second. He judges the rest of the room, not liking his conclusion of the situation.

  Michael’s fury explodes into madness, “The scales of Darkness have been overpowering the Light for far too Long! I did what was necessary to prevent the Darkness from taking over!”

  Evelyn croaks with the hurt he’s caused, “Why? You know The Creator has a plan. The Creator would never advocate for you to create Darkness of your own volition. It is not the way.”

  Michael’s eyes soften for her, though his tone remains stern, “After so many eons, I finally understood why the Darkness was overpowering the Light. Once I grasped the reasoning, I could not believe we had not thought of it before. You see: To defeat an enemy, one must know the enemy. No Son or Daughter of Light has known Darkness well enough to defeat it. I would never succeed in convincing a Fallen to destroy its own kind.”

  I advance on him tentatively, “So, you had me created and made it look like you had nothing to do with it.”

  Michael’s rage returns as he pivots on me, “The only mistake I made was not destroying Lilith when I had the chance and taking you under my wing from the beginning! You are an ungrateful harlot with no respect for yourself or your superiors!”

  Solas attempts to move past me as Jack makes to attack Michael with him. I splay my hands over their chests to stop them. I feel their eyes burning through my skin with incredulities. I ignore them, addressing Michael with as much calm as I can produce in my tone, “You know nothing about me. You claim to know all, see all, but you have been so caught up in your own crimes, you underestimated what you had a hand in creating.”

  He threatens, “Do not test me again, Ivy. I will not allow you to walk away a second time.”

  I taunt, circling him, “You’re petrified. I can feel it. You know as soon as Dominions discover the truth about what you’ve done. You haven’t only betrayed the Light, you defied The Creator. What do you think they’ll do to you?”

  Michael attacks with an outcry, his massive white wings surging from him. I hesitate, wondering if I allow him to beat me if it will further seal his fate against Dominions. I’m crushed against the far wall, the bones of my back shattering with the impact. Rock rains around us, then Michael restrains me within the crevasse my body created in the wall. He hisses into my face, “Ungrateful. I was protecting you.”

  I choke out, “From what? You have never protected me.”

  He tosses me into the closest pillar. My skull racks against it, causing me to bite my tongue. I fall in a heap like a rag doll, waiting for my body to repair itself. Michael stomps, “You would be dead if it were not for me! I sent the Cherubim to watch over you. I healed your wounds when you almost died in that wreck! I ensured you were accepted to Red Meadow University where Jack and Evelyn resided. I commanded them to watch over your transition and guide you on the right path! I provided you with armor for your first battle against Darkness! I—”

  “About that,” I interject as I rise to my feet. “You knew that Jack would return to the surface, yet you led us all to believe he was never returning. You provided us with enough armor for when he returned, conveniently leaving Solas out. Why is that?”

  “If anyone was to show you the Light, I knew it would be Jack. You needed him. Without his guidance, the Fallen you had befriended would have drug you into the Darkness with them. All my work would be for naught!”

  Azrael bellows from behind Michael, drawing his attention from me, “My daughter is not the only one you have deceived! You will pay for your crimes!”

  Michael smirks, “Who will carry out my punishment? You, Azrael?” He regards Camael, “Or will it be you, Camael?”

  Camael shakes his head. “It would only be right for that which you’ve created to be that which destroys you.”

  Michael spins on me as I counter pivot a roundhouse kick. My foot disintegrates his cheekbone. His left eye hemorrhages, instantly bruising around the socket and becoming bloodshot. His body sails across the room. His neck snaps as it hits the steps of the dais and I know he’s momentarily paralyzed.

  Evelyn rushes to him holding his head in her lap. Her tears run down her face and drop to his crisp, white button-up freckled with blood. She utters, “We trusted you, Michael. How could you?”

  Michael gurgles on the blood in his throat, “It was the only way.”

  Behind me, a woman calls to question, “By whose authority, Michael?”

  Solas falls to his knees, stunned with a sorrow and fear I’ve never seen before he bows his head. I twist around to find a tall, slender blonde woman wearing a stark white business suit. Something about her is so familiar, yet I know she shouldn’t be here. Azrael and Camael echo, “Gertrude.” They bow to her instantly, lowering themselves to their knees.

  Chapter 28

  Gertrude is the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen. There’s not a blemish to her appearance. If a woman could be deemed perfect, she is perfection. Her blonde hair falls straight down to her waist, and her nails are painted a delicate primrose pink, complimenting the color in her cheeks and lips. Her skin appears to be as soft as silk—I swear it radiates its own glow. She strides towards us, emanating power. Her power isn’t aggressive in nature, though it exudes an innate sense of supreme dominance in its potentiality.

  Evelyn slips away from Michael, laying his head gently on the steps. She takes her husband’s side and joins him in bowing to our guest. Jack takes a knee beside me and shows his respect as well.

  Gertrude nears gradually. I’m not able to distinguish the color of her eyes. As I first catch a glimpse of them, I believe they’re a silvery blue. The light hits them, and they appear to change to a vibrant green, like spring grass. With each step she takes, her irises morph in a kaleidoscope of colors.

  I tilt my head in wonderment, “Who are you? I feel like I should know you. You are so familiar.”

  Gertrude’s smile casts a warming affection. She testifies, “I would hope so. This will be the third time we’ve met. I imagine you will remember me better this time.” She offers her hand, “My name is Gertrude Olivia Davenport.”

  I take her hand, “Iv—”

  “Ivy Harris. Yes. I know,” she states with more enthusiasm than I find necessary.

  Her touch melts my senses from head to toe. It’s not in a mind-numbing way, but as if all tension in my body is relieved at once. I ask her, “Why are you here?” Are you a Dominion?”

  The room reverberates with the twinkle of her laughter, “No, silly girl.”

  “Are you here about Michael?” I hint.

  She nods deliberately. It’s childish in nature and gives her an odd innocence I hadn’t perceived from her appearance. She then whispers harshly to me behind her hand, “He’s been misbehaving.”

  I mumble beneath my breath as she pivots away, “That’s an understatement.”

  Michael pushes himself up, shaking as he leans on his palms. His body is slowly healing, and his strength will be fully restored soon. I worry he will try to escape. His eyes widen as they land on Gertrude crouched at his side. Her smile is gone, replaced with an inscrutable gaze. Her knees support her elbows, her hands folded between herself and Michael. They stare at each other a moment, then the most profound thing happens; Tears well up in Michael’s eyes. They spill over onto his face, and he rasps, “I’m so sorry.”

  Gertrude reaches out, cupping the side of his face in her hand to ease his sorrow. Her tone is soft, yet pierces Michael to the core, “My dearest, Michael. You’re only sorry that I know your deeds.”

  He defends himself, “It was the only way to tip the scales back in our favor.”

  Her hand slides from his face, returning to cover her other hand. She angles her gaze, “Who says that they may have not come back to us? You? You were my right-hand, Michael. You of all the angels know there is a reason for everything.”

  Her words hit me like a cannonball to the head. She’s The Creator!

  I fall to my knees with too many emotions overwhelming me. My chin drops to my chest. I feel guilty for not recognizing her for who she is. I’m disgusted because I wish I deserved to be in her presence. I’m optimistic that she will give Michael the punishment he deserves for what he’s done. I’m infuriated that she knows what he’s done, yet waited until now to do anything. Ultimately, I’m terrified what she will do to me because Michael’s actions amount to nothing compared to what I’ve done. If I could crawl inside of myself and hide away, I would. I cannot imagine what Solas feels at this moment and understand why he froze upon seeing her.

  The Creator continues to scold Michael, “I believe you have been The Supreme for far too long. You’ve allowed yourself to become complacent and thought yourself invincible.” Gertrude regards me over her shoulder, “Until she came along.” She looks to him again with a sigh. “I worked with the Fates to twist the future into something Ivy would be successful in contributing to the world. I don’t regret her existence, but you have come to fear what you’ve created. Your betrayal against the Light became a regular occurrence. I can’t have that, Michael. You know better. I have plans, and they are not to be persuaded. It is not the way.”

  Michael dries his tears, “What will you do with me? Please, don’t take my wings.”

  Gertrude stands tall in her white stilettos. She regards Jack’s father, “Camael.”

  Camael rises to his feet, allowing himself to look her in the eyes, “Yes?”

  She bids, “Please, help Michael to his feet so he may hear his punishment.” Camael assists Michael with a firm grip to stand before The Creator. Gertrude smooths the invisible wrinkles from her suit’s jacket, then addresses Michael directly, “Michael, I hear by remove you from your position as my right-hand in Paradise. You will be escorted to Bastille immediately and will await trial. Dominions will decide your fate from there.”

  “Please!” Michael begs. “Don’t do this! It was the only way I knew to defeat them!”

  She counters, “That was not your decision to make.” To Camael, she requests, “Please, escort him to Bastille. You may return for a time with your family, but I may call upon you when the time comes.”

  Camael bows his head once, “Thank you, Gertrude,” then vanishes with Michael.

  The room is still, unsure of what to do in the presence of The Creator after she has sent Michael away. I hear the smile in her voice, yet I do not dare to peek up. “Azrael, rise.” The sound of my father heeding Gertrude is a soft swish of his cloak and shoes against the floor. She approves, “You have done well. I thank you for your constant loyalty to the Light.”

  My father questions, “Are you not upset with me for my failures?”

  She replies, “I’m not upset. I was disappointed at first, but I understand your affection for Lilith. If it weren't you, it would have been someone else. I am grateful it was you.”

  Her heals click across the floor five times and stop. She summons, “Evelyn, you are the best thing that happened to our Camael. Without you, he would not have learned compassion. You have also been a motherly mentor these past months, accepting those in your heart and home openly. You have a grace I wish upon all beings.”

  “Thank you, Gertrude,” Evelyn expresses.

  I squeeze my eyes closed as The Creator nears the cluster of myself, Jack, and Solas. I hear Jack rise to his feet beside me with her words, “Jack. It is so good to have you back on the right track. I’m sure your hiatus, traveling the world, was refreshing, but you were needed to guide Ivy as she lost her way. I relieve you of your duties as her guardian. She no longer requires one. Your path doesn’t end here. You are your father’s son, a warrior at heart, and you are your mother’s child, a gentle benevolence hiding beneath your exterior. Don’t contain yourself to what is expected of you and you will be surprised with the results.”

  Jack utters, “I don’t understand.”

  Gertrude declares, “You don’t have to now. Eventually, you will.” She passes me to address Solas, and I worry about his state of emotions. Her voice is more stern as she speaks to him, “Solas, stand and look at me.”

  His tone is guttural, “I cannot.”

  She counters, “I am asking this of you. Why can you not?”

  Solas replies, “I am no longer worthy of your presence. I am tainted and have committed despicable crimes. I am ashamed.”

  The Creator is silent a long moment. Her voice is much softer when she speaks again, “Solas, I want you to rise and look at me.”

  I hear him move and open my heart to him, allowing him to feel how proud I am of him. He chokes on his tears, “I’m sorry I choose to leave your presence in Paradise and follow my heart. But I’m not sorry for my choice. I only regret any resentment I’ve caused you to have towards me.”

  “Solas,” she repeats. “I want to make something very clear to you. You were destined to be here, as you have discovered on your own. I do not condemn you for fulfilling your destiny. I do not judge you for the color of your wings. I know your heart. Your actions have spoken louder than any. You are here for a reason. I want you to forgive yourself. The future holds great things for you. I want them for you. Continue to follow your heart. Forgive yourself, Solas, as I have forgiven you.”

  His heartache is heavy, pouring into me from a distance. I send my own gratitude for him and what he’s done back through him in hopes that it will soothe his essence. She’s right. He needs to forgive himself. His heart is pure, and even she can see that. Though, I wonder, Why doesn’t she give him the Light again?

  “Princess Ivy Harris,” she articulates as her stilettos continue to click towards me.

  Keeping my head down, I tell her, “I’m no princess.”

  Gertrude lifts my chin with the gentle guidance of her finger. Her eyes mesmerize me as she affirms, “Oh, but you are. You are a Princess of Light. Perhaps one day you will become a Princess of Paradise.”

  The weight of that title sits on me profoundly. I blurt out my fears, “I’ve fulfilled the prophecy, but will you have me punished for my creation?”

  “Never,” she coos as if I should be repentant for asking such a question. “You are quite extraordinary. There has never been a being like you, nor will there ever be again.”

  I shake my head, biting back
my emotions. “I have so many questions.”

  She takes my hands, “I know you do.”

  “Why would you allow Michael to go on as he has if you had already known what he was doing?”

  She smiles softly, “You have been through so much as Teloch. This is only the beginning for you. I will tell you the truth, and I hope you can keep it in mind. Are you willing to hear and accept it at face value?”

  I straighten my spine, readying myself to hear the ultimate truth of the universe. For a split second, I speculate if I will be able to handle it.

  The Creator heralds, “There is a time and a place for everything. One mustn’t act too early, or a butterfly effect of tsunamis will destroy the beauty of the world.”

  I stare at her blankly a moment, then snicker. I divulge, “It actually makes perfect sense.” My smile falters, melding into a tight grimace. “It just hurts sometimes. Sometimes the ones that don’t deserve the pain get the worst of it.”

  Gertrude places a hand on my cheek. I can’t help but lean into it. “That is true, but it is all part of their journey and purpose in life. You have persevered through each obstacle against you. You have learned to live in the moment, innocent and free. You have learned to see others for their hearts. You have learned to let yourself love again and finally be loved in return as you deserve.”

  I venture, “I’m not the same person I was before I found my new family. I owe it all to them.”

  Her hands rest on my shoulders, “I am very proud of the being you’ve become. There is so much more in store for you in days to come. There are choices to be made and new adventures that await. Know that your sacrifices will be rewarded.” She pulls me into an embrace. She smells like summer. If sunshine had a scent, it would be hers. Her breath tickles my ear as she whispers, “You are making the right choice. Listen to your heart and let your dreams guide you.”

  As The Creator pulls away, my tone is hoarsely filled with emotion, “Thank you.”

  She announces, “Safe travels, Ivy.”

  The Creator evaporates in a wisp of golden light. I collapse to the ground and cover my face. Everyone in the room remains where they are, silent and unmoving for a long time.


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