The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3

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The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3 Page 104

by Valerie Roeseler

  I admit, “I’m not sure yet. I would enjoy doing all of them.”

  Cassius claims, “You will do well with anything you choose to do.”

  I smile at him, “Thanks, Cass.” I transfer a glance between him and his sister, “What will you and Thea do now?”

  Thea admits shyly, “We’re going back to Red Meadow. We want to finish school and Beckett will be staying there with his bride. She is responsible for reporting back to her family about what is coming and going from the portals to Sheol around the area. We thought it would be best to stick around and keep the Darkness from emerging.”

  I nod absentmindedly. “That sounds like a great idea. When will you be leaving?”

  Cassius notes, “Now.”

  Alice imparts, “We are leaving too. Your dad is sending us on a new mission.”

  “Where?” I ask.

  Eric gives me a cunning grin, “I guess you’ll have to be a Guide to find out.”

  I snicker, then gesture to Ezra with a head nod, “What about you?”

  He admits, “I must go speak to Raphael and Gabriel now that Michael is no longer in charge. He had sent me on a mission. I need to advise whoever is taking his place. It’s important that I return to the mission as soon as possible.”

  Alice hugs me around the neck tightly. “I love you. I’m sorry for overreacting. I just really wanted you two to work out.”

  “I know.”

  She backs away, and we kiss each other’s cheek. She winks at me, “See you soon?”

  “Safe travels,” I tell her.

  Eric wraps his arms around me next. “Be good.”

  I smile, “I’ll do my best, boss.”

  Cassius and Theodora approach me next. Thea hugs me first and whispers into my ear, “Treat him well.”

  “I will.”

  Cassius stands rigid before me. “I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for my family and me.”

  I throw my arms around him, knowing it makes him uncomfortable. “Ditto.” With hesitation, he wraps his arms around me. No other words pass between us because there’s nothing left to say. The Griffin triplets will always be the siblings I never knew I needed. They will always be a part of my life, and I will continue to protect them.

  Our goodbyes are bittersweet, but I know it’s not the last I will see of them. This is a new beginning for us. New adventures await. We will conquer them all with or without each other, but we will always be there for each other when we need to be.

  Ezra leaves to find the Originals, and I find myself at Solas’ door. A sickening bowling ball forms in my stomach. What if he doesn’t believe we should be together?

  The door flies open before I even knock. Solas stares at me silently, his expression full of expectation. His chest rises and falls heavily as if he just finished running a marathon. The unexpected sight startles me, and I lose my voice. My mouth open and closes, but no words come out. However, his words flow with anticipation, “Did Dominions assign you to a new mission?”

  It’s then I realize his distress. He’s afraid I’ll have to leave him. I clear my throat. “They gave me a choice. It’s part of why I’m here.”

  Solas steps aside, presenting a hand to lead me into his room. The door closes softly behind me, and a sense of déjà vu hits me. I shake the feeling away and turn to him. He prompts, “What are the choices they gave you?”

  I begin, “Well, I can take on the ranks of an Arch and do what Lilith never did, I can follow my father’s footsteps and be a Reaper, or…”

  “Or…” he urges.

  I deflate, “Or I can continue to be Teloch and become a mercenary for the Light.”

  His brows rise in surprise as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Wow.” He shakes his head in disbelief, “That was very generous of them. What did you choose?”

  I look to the floor, avoiding his disappointment. “I haven’t. I have a few hours left to make a decision or Dominions will choose for me. What do you think I should do?”

  “I can’t choose your future for you. Whatever you decide, just know, I’ll be there if you need me.”

  Suddenly, the rug at my feet isn’t so interesting. My face snaps up to his smirk, the corner of his mouth wrinkling. Tears threaten to pool in my eyes. My throat begins to burn. I mutter, “Would you?”

  The pain in his regard worries me. His breathing picks up again. He takes a step towards me but keeps his distance as he swears, “If it were up to me, I would never leave you again. I’ve lost so much precious time with you. I’ll never be able to make that up.”

  I blurt, “I’ve already made my decision, Solas.”

  He freezes. His response is flat, “Oh.”

  I confess hoarsely, “It has always been you. I never let go of the promise of us. I’ve loved you since you were just the boy next door. I need you—”

  I’m scooped into Solas’ arms as his mouth crashes into mine. It takes my breath away. I wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss him with every part of my being. He is all I want, all I need. Solas makes me stronger. He makes me push myself to be better. He makes me want more out of life. Without him, I wouldn’t know how to love. He has saved me from harm when I couldn’t defend myself. He has empowered me to become the leader I was meant to be. Solas is my heart, my happiness, my one and only, my future.

  He pulls back from me, our heavy breaths loud between us. His ice blue gaze bores deep into my being, seeing everything that I am and accepting me for it. His voice is husky as he speaks, “I love you, Ivy Harris. I love you more than I’ve loved anything. I will do all that’s in my power to stay with you for the rest of our existence and make you happy. We will have adventures and journey across the world together. We’ll discover everything we can…and we will be happy.”

  I smile. “I know.” I pull him back to me, letting my emotional walls down. Our passion fuses within us, becoming all that we are and all that we want to be. I withdraw from him enough to whisper in his ear, “Her name is Anora.”

  Solas peers at me quickly, his shock apparent. His lips slowly grow into a prideful smile. He whispers, “Anora.”

  The name of the little girl from my dreams elicits an ecstasy of laughter from the both of us, a giddiness for the distant future. Solas lifts me into his arms and takes me to his bed. Above me, he takes his time observing my features. He brushes my hair from my face and boasts, “She will be as beautiful as her mother.”

  So easily, his sweet words make me forget the rest of the world exists. Solas is my rock, grounding me where I need to be as his hands glide over my body with the most seductive touch. I never want to be apart from him again. Without him, I’m a desert of sorrow. With him, I’m the sun rising on the day.

  We release our passion on each other, our hunger. His thumb wipes the corner of my cheek. I turn my face into his palm. My teeth graze over the salty taste of his finger in my mouth. He pulls the sleeve of my shirt down, kissing my shoulder and trailing to the small indentation at my throat.

  I place my hand on the side of his neck, rocking into his hands. My shirt is slowly ripped from my body, Solas’ angelic strength getting the best of him. As he lowers himself down my center, his lips and tongue tracing a trail of promises down my stomach, I inch his shirt over his head. He kisses my inner thigh. My back arches with the ache it elicits in my core.

  When his lips find mine again, I wrap myself around him. We become part of each other again, two parts coming together to complete the entirety of us. We reach and push and pull against each other for more. We gasp for air, yet we are all the air we need. We are one and will never be any less again.

  Chapter 30

  With my fingers laced through Solas’ tightly, our steps echo in sync down the corridor to the War Room. I’m ready to tell Raphael and Gabriel what I’ve decided, yet I’m anxious about what will happen once I do. Will they send me on a mission right away? I’m not ready to leave Solas. Will they allow him to come with me? Do they really have control over whether he

  We stop at the doors to the War Room, and I stare ahead at its wooden surface unblinking and unseeing. Solas squeezes my hand once to get my attention. I snap my focus to him, and he invites, “Ready?”

  His hand in mine and feeling more connected to him than I’ve been in a long time, it gives me confidence in my decision. With him by my side, I can do anything. I prompt, “Together?”

  He nods once, “Together.”

  We push the doors open together with our free hands, revealing Raphael and Gabriel with a guest. She is tall and lithe with severe angular features, and her deep brown eyes complement her brunette pixie-cut hair. Raphael introduces her as we enter, “Ivy, this is Zinovia. She is a Dominion and has joined us from Paradise to hear your decision.”

  I incline my head to her with respect, “It’s nice to meet you, Zinovia. Thank you for being here.”

  Zinovia examines my hand in Solas’. Her accent is thick with her Russian heritage. “This is to be a confidential exchange.”

  I petition, “Solas is privy to anything concerning me.”

  Zinovia questions, “You are bonded?”

  Solas expresses with conviction, “It is not complete, but we plan to remedy that in the future.”

  My heart flutters. I have to force myself not to smile up at him and remain focused on our guest. However, Raphael and Gabriel are grinning ear to ear for me. Gabriel gives me a wink. It makes me happy to know that I have his approval.

  Zinovia commences, “Very well.” She addresses me, “Ivy Harris, daughter of Azrael, because you have fulfilled your destiny and have given so much to the Light, you have been given three choices to seal your future. Will you follow your Archangel heritage and protect humanity? Will you join your father’s ranks as a Guide to souls? Will you accept your rank as Teloch and take on missions for the Light as a mercenary? What say you?”

  I declare, “The most important thing I’ve learned over the past year is that success and happiness are contingent on the full acceptance of self. It is the closest I will ever be to Paradise. For that reason, I accept myself as Teloch and will continue to be a warrior for the sake of the Light.”

  She confirms, “You do not get to change your mind later. Are you positive this is what you want?”

  I verify, “This is who I am. This is who I will always be.”

  With a curt nod and a revealing quirk to her thin lips, Zinovia approves, “Splendid.” She spreads her arms wide with her palms up and closes her eyes. “With The Creator’s blessing, I, Zinovia of Dominions, grant Ivy Harris, also known as Teloch, to remain a Warrior of Light and take on missions from Paradise as a mercenary for The Creator.” There’s a pause in her decree, then she bellows, “As The Creator wills it, so shall it be!” Zinovia’s palms strike together with great force. It generates a wave of energy that slams into me with an intensity so remarkable it is unmistakably supreme.

  I gasp for breath, stumbling back a step. My hand meets my chest where a strange heat has embedded itself, yet instantly begins to ease. “What was that?” I ask breathlessly.

  Raphael enlightens, “That is The Creator’s blessing. It has solidified the two halves of your essences. While your abilities will continue to function as they have, your essence will no longer be vulnerable to becoming estranged.”

  Gabriel clarifies, “Your Darkness can no longer be taken from you, nor can it overpower your Light. Your essence will remain balanced.”

  I question, “I’ll still be able to reap an essence if needed and it won’t take over my essence?”

  Gabriel affirms, “Yes. You will still have to purge excess Darkness when it is not necessary to enhance your abilities.”

  I can breathe again, and do so with a sigh of satisfaction. I acknowledge Zinovia, “Thank you.”

  She begins, “Yes. Now that you have chosen your path, your first mission is to take control of the Kapet distribution and—”

  “Actually,” Raphael disrupts. Zinovia gives him her attention rather aggravatedly. He continues, “Camael has appointed his son to correct that situation.”

  Zinovia makes known, “It would be best if I know of any future missions before you appoint them.”

  He apologizes, “We will ensure that it does not happen again.”

  Regarding me once again, Zinovia assesses Solas and me quietly. She comes to a conclusion, “I will return to Paradise and notify Dominions of the path you’ve chosen. It may be a few days before you are notified of your first mission.”

  “Thank you,” I accept.

  With a bow of goodbye, Zinovia says, “Safe travels, Teloch.”

  Raphael adds, “It has been a pleasure, Ivy. Until we meet again, safe travels.”

  “Thank you, Raphael. You’ve taught me more than I thought I needed to know,” I chide.

  He gives me a delighted grin, then disappears with Zinovia to return to Paradise. Gabriel approaches us from around the table, “Well…”

  I shrug a shoulder and glance between him and Solas, “What do we do now?”

  Gabriel smiles, takes my right hand, then Solas’ left hand. He places them together between his own and transfers a glance between us, “Now, you enjoy what you have discovered. Downtime will come few and far between. Take this time and do something for yourselves for once.”

  The warm sun rising on the west coast of Morocco shines over my face, waking me from the deepest sleep I’ve had in a long time. The exotic spicy-sweet fragrance in the air is soothing, and I turn my cheek on the pillow to face Solas as he pretends to sleep. These past few days have been exquisite. We’ve journeyed through the heart of Morocco, soaking in the colorful surroundings. We’ve dined on the beach by candle and torchlight. We’ve surfed the clear waters and bathed in the sun. And we’ve indulged in finally being together the way we were meant to be. We’ve let our passion consume us entirely, and I’m not ready for that to end. I’ve enjoyed every moment with Solas. I don’t think either of us has smiled or laughed as much as we have since we left The Keep.

  I wrap myself around him and begin trailing soft kisses over his face. In between each kiss, I whisper, “Wake…up…Solas.”

  His voice rumbles in his chest, “I’d rather keep pretending to sleep, so you’ll continue to do that.”

  I smile against his lips. “Or you could wake up and take me again.”

  He chuckles deeply, then pulls me to him. His lips move against mine with all the love he’s had to hold inside for so long. When he leans away, he brushes his fingertips over my face. His eyes trace my features, memorizing every line. He comments, “I still can’t get over how bright your eyes are now. They’re so electric—blue and green within each iris. I’ve never seen anything like it.” His love bleeds to me, creating an ecstasy of bliss. I can’t imagine anything better than this moment with me in his arms.

  I admit, “It still startles me when I look in the mirror. It takes me a second to realize I’m looking at myself.”

  Solas smiles softly. Suddenly, his expression falls serious. I place a hand on his cheek, “What’s wrong?”

  He hesitates. “I’m grateful you haven’t pushed for answers, but I feel I should tell you now.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “The reason I won’t accept the Light anymore.”

  I still in his arms, searching his face. “Why?”

  “I thought it was because I felt I didn’t deserve it. After seeing The Creator again, I realized the true reason I refused.”

  “What is it?”

  His eyes bounce over both of mine because of our closeness. He divulges, “You are my Paradise, Ivy. You are my Light. As long as I’m alive, I will never put myself in a position where I can’t come back to you or reach you if you need me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If you’re ever sent on a mission and find yourself in Sheol again, I want to be able to come for you. I wouldn’t be able to do that if I accept the Light again. And if I was pure again, I could be sent back to Paradise. I
refuse to leave the surface without you.”

  “Why would you give up so much?”

  “I thought that was evident… I love you. You’re more important to me than any of that.”

  “I love you too, Solas.”

  We lose ourselves in each other, accepting our faults, forgiving our mistakes, and loving each other for who we are and what we’ve become. The truth has been hard, the scars have been profound, but we’ve found the beauty in the depths of our Darkness.

  On the bedside table, my phone lights up with a text message I won’t see for nine more hours.

  Ezra: Got your first mission. Meet me in Sydney.

  Enochian Hierarchy

  Divine :

  Fallen :

  Original Archangels

  Michael – The Supreme

  Lilith – Angel of Clarity

  Gabriel – The Benevolent

  Uriel – Angel of Repentance

  Raphael – The Healer

  Camael – Angel of War

  Azrael – Angel of Death











  Divine :

  Fallen :










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