Mr. Perfect O: A Single Dad Romance

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Mr. Perfect O: A Single Dad Romance Page 34

by Amy Brent

  I prepared for the meeting, slipping my jacket on and getting my notes together before I made another cup of coffee. I knew that someone always ordered in good food so I was set there and quite hungry after my run. Amy was coming as my assistant to take some notes and just to learn more about the company. When I walked out to make my coffee, she was securing her hair into a low ponytail and adding some gloss to her lips before she glanced at me. “Ready for this meeting?” I asked her as she nodded slowly. Was she ever going to say anything to me?

  Amy secured the iPad under her arm and walked with me, coffee in hand to the spacious conference room in the corner of the building. We found out seats towards the head of the table near the visiting staff and Amy raised an eyebrow at all the food that the company was setting out. “They go all out.”

  “I’ll say,” Amy murmured as she saw some of the people she knew and waved with a smile on her face. She greeted them in a warmer fashion than she did me.

  I was acting like a jealous middle schooler, and I sat down and assembled my folders in front of me. Amy went to speak to some of the girls, returning with a plate that she set between us as I glanced at her. It was filled with a selection of breakfast choices, and she powered on her iPad as she bit her lip. Even if she wasn’t talking to me or even making eye contact with me, Amy was obviously a compassionate person. She grabbed a half of a bagel and nibbled on it before finally looking my way as if to urge me to help myself.

  The meeting started, and I stood and talked, showing the visitors some stats on the screen that was on the iPad. Amy kept up with me, putting every image that I needed up when I mentioned it and I admired her for paying so much attention to the meeting that we had about this. I felt the eyes on me, male and female alike, but I kept going on and only made eye contact with the people that I needed to. Amy was one of them, and I saw the flush on her cheeks every time our eyes locked.

  We took a break so everyone could get some more food or their first plate and use the restroom. I walked right over to Amy and leaned down as she looked up at me. “You made me look great just now. Thank you.”

  “It’s my job,” she replied as I shook my head.

  “You do it better than anyone else ever has,” I promised her before I went to get some more coffee and some fresh air before the meeting continued. As before, Amy did her part, and I watched the other speakers present with a relaxed demeanor. I knew that the other managers were going to learn something here today and I shook hands with them afterward, where they asked me to dine with them in the city that night. I accepted and looked across the room where Amy was talking to some friends as she sipped coffee.

  “Is that lovely lady your assistant?” One of the men asked as I nodded and returned my eyes to them. “She’s brilliant. I’d suggest keeping her on as well as inviting her to join us. I’d like to talk to her more.” I knew that Amy could go further in the business with those words and I nodded, assuring him that I’d ask her. Once the meeting broke and we left the room to return to our respective offices, I met Amy at her desk.

  “They loved the presentation,” I started in without hesitation as she stared at me. “You caught their eye, Amy. They want you to have dinner with us tonight so they can talk further.” When she furrowed her brow, I leaned closer. “You can go places, Amy. You can move higher in this company. Say yes.”

  “Yes,” she replied in a daze before she blinked. “When and where?”

  I named a popular restaurant in the city, Cut. We were to arrive at six-thirty, and I offered to pick her up as she licked her lips and seemed to think about her options. It would give her time to get ready and not have to worry about driving through the city, and I knew where she lived. It wasn’t all that far from me, just in a neighborhood a few levels down from mine. I was curious to know how she afforded it, assuming I’d find out soon enough.

  “Cut? I’ve heard great things about it,” Amy murmured as I grinned. It was one of my favorites and a perfect atmosphere for chatting and getting to know people, mostly Amy tonight. “Yes, I’d like that. I’m not a huge fan of driving in the city and getting a cab at that hour would be a bit time-consuming.” She gazed at me. “Do you know where I live?”

  “I can find out if you don’t want to jot it down,” I lied to her as she gave me a calculating gaze. Amy took a piece of paper and jotted something down before sliding it over to me.

  For me, the day seemed to drag on forever as I anticipated dinner with Amy. I knew that it was a business dinner, that there would be others there, but it was a chance to see her away from the office and pick her brain a bit on a social level. I could still feel the heat between us and thought this might break the ice a bit, with some cocktails and the time in the car. I knew how to wine and dine well, and I planned to pull out all my tricks tonight.

  When I stepped out of the office at five, Amy was gathering her things together, and I glanced at her. “Would you like a ride home, Amy?” I knew that she took a bus to work and it would save time and get my plan in motion.

  “Yes, that would be great. It will save time later tonight. Do you have the address?” She inquired as I held up the paper. The drive was quiet as she settled in my SUV, making my way through traffic with ease as she smiled. “You know LA well.”

  “I’ve lived here a few times,” I replied as I pulled up to the curb in front of her apartment. “Nice complex.”

  “I like it,” she replied as she gave me a long look. “I’ll see you soon?”

  “You will.” Amy exited the car, and I made sure that she was at the gate before I pulled away to head home to change.



  My heart was pounding as I unlocked my door and pushed my way inside. Holy shit, it had been a crazy day. I knew that I had just a little time to prepare for dinner and I dropped everything on my table and hurried into my large bedroom. Business dinner at an amazing restaurant meant something a little nicer than what I’d wear to work, but not something I’d wear to a club in my mind. I headed into the bathroom first and pulled my hair down to play with it for a moment. I’d pull that up in an elegant bun later, but for now, I started on my makeup. Just a few minutes and I looked polished with foundation and concealer, along with some dark liner on my lids with some shimmer. It was simple with a dramatic flair, and I grasped my hair in my hands and tilted my head.

  “This is to impress the managers, not Brett. He just has to go,” I told myself as I looked at my counter. I decided to do a thick braid near my long bangs and twisted all the hair into a low bun with some loose curls. I learned to embrace my curls a long time ago and make them work for me. Once I was finished, I returned to my bedroom and searched my closet for the classic black dress. Mine was knee length and clung to me without being slutty, and it featured cute cap sleeves and a ruffled skirt that looked great with the Louboutins that I pulled out for special occasions. I added some red stain to my lips to match the shoes and glanced at my clock to see that I had just enough time to dab on some more perfume, moistening my neck and wrists before I added a shimmery necklace that fell just above my subtle cleavage.

  I loved to dress up and my second job didn’t offer a lot of that. This was going to be fun, and my stomach growled as I thought about the plate I was going to inhale in just a little while, as my thighs ached with the lust for the man I’d be dining with. Only one of those could be satisfied tonight, at least until I arrived back home later this evening.

  I was walking into the living room when my phone rang, making me hurry to pick it up. Brett informed me that he’d arrived and preferred to walk me from my door. I buzzed him in after telling him what apartment I was in and took a deep breath. I was breaking every rule by letting him inside of my private space, something that hit me hard when he walked through my door with his woodsy, masculine scent dressed in one of the sexiest suits I’d ever seen in my life.

  I had to hold onto the frame before I closed the heavy door and looked at him. His eyes were devouring
me, and I swallowed before I forced a smile on my face. “You look…exquisite,” Brett told me in a husky voice that sent shivers down my spine. I felt my nipples harden underneath my push up bra and let my eyes drift down his body for a free moment.

  “You clean up well yourself,” I replied, knowing that he wore suits every day. This one was different, sexier, and more fitted.

  “Clean up,” he mused as he looked around my apartment. “This is gorgeous. Do you live alone?”

  “I do. I prefer that,” I replied, choosing not to add that it was easier to make men come over the phone that way, even the occasional woman. That would be awkward if I had a roommate or even a family. We had made some small talk before I slipped a light sweater over my shoulders before he locked my door for me. I looked at him, wondering how far he liked to take his control as he led me to his car.

  It was a beautiful night, and I looked at the lights of the city as he headed towards Cut. I had a car, but I drove it as little as possible, not being a big fan of traffic. He handled it with ease and confidence like Brett seemed to handle life. I guessed that he was close to forty, at least fifteen years older than I was. He didn’t look it as much as he exuded life experience to me. He was handsome and in fabulous shape, everything I’d want in a man if he wasn’t my boss. I pushed the idea away and looked forward as we pulled up to the curb, where a young guy parked the car for Brett. Valet parking. Very impressive.

  Brett offered me his arm as we faced the glass doors and I took it with a gracious smile. It was good manners, nothing more. There was no heat between us, and I dropped it as he opened the doors for us and told the hostess who we were meeting before a pretty redhead led us to a table in the corner where Mark and Daniel were already sipping cocktails and laughing. “Brett, Amy. It’s a pleasure to see you again,” Mark told us as he stood and shook our hands, telling me how lovely I looked.

  I thanked him and greeted Daniel, telling him the same as I blushed. I didn’t have three men telling me that I was beautiful too often, not in person anyway. On the phone, they said that my voice was sexy and how much it turned them on as I made up images in my head to tell them what I looked like. I was always thinner and had a smaller nose in these descriptions.

  I came back to the present as we took our seats and someone came by to take our drink orders. I ordered white wine and Brett some Hennessey on the rocks as I gave him a long look. I knew that he was driving, but I trusted that he wouldn’t drink too much and endanger us. With a few hours of conversation and some food, it would be fine.

  We started talking about the company, and I was given a rundown of the history of it over salad, nodding and smiling in all the right places. It wasn’t that I didn’t have an interest, just that Brett was sitting next to me at the intimate table and distracting the ever-loving hell out of me. His cologne carried over to me, and I couldn’t help but inhale it as I imagined tasting it on his skin before I took him into my mouth. I had to bring myself back in the moment as out entrees arrived, which was when they started asking about me.

  I told them about my mother and my start in the real estate business, moving on to my college years that had ended in honors two years ago. I worked for a few smaller companies in that time, but this job was the best chance for me to get ahead, making me smile when all the men assured me that I would. I told them that I was originally from Tennessee but moved here when my mom wanted to make a better career for herself. I loved the business of the city and the ocean being so close. I chatted about LA with them, and we compared stories about their hometown of New York. That was certainly somewhere I’d love to visit someday, and the idea that I could work there in the future excited me.

  I knew that Brett paid close attention to every word I said and I did the same whenever he spoke. He was such a complex man and successful at a young age. He had these two men just a few years younger than he was eating out of his hand and it turned me on as I sipped my third glass of wine. I was feeling it but not so much so that I was making a fool of myself quite yet.

  When dessert came, I couldn’t wait to get home. I was having a great time and everything about the night was wonderful, but I needed some time to myself. I got myself off every night now and was craving it after being in the presence of Brett. I’d never admit it but he was my primary fantasy these days, and I had hours of content to use later.

  We ended the night with hugs, all closer after talking for so long. There were promises to talk soon, lunch before they returned home and a possible visit to their town in the future. Brett stood close to me on the curb as we waited for his car, quiet until we were alone. “That went well. They liked you.” I glanced at him, letting the wine consume me now as I smiled.

  “They seemed like they did, yes.” I laughed as I agreed, feeling his eyes on me as we stopped at a light.

  “Are you drunk, Amy?” Brett asked as heat flooded my thighs and I took a deep breath.

  “Just a little wine happy,” I assured him as I looked out of the window, falling in love with LA all over again. I was appreciative that Brett told me I could come in a little later tomorrow since it was midnight now and I knew that I’d do some work before bed. Being a little buzzed would make it so much easier. “Are you coming in later tomorrow too?”

  “A smidge but I am an early riser by nature,” he explained as he parked at my curb. “Can I walk you up?”

  “Yes, of course,” I replied as he left the car and came around to open my door. He offered me his arm again, and we walked together up to my front door before I looked at him. “I had a great time tonight.”

  “It was a good time, one of the best that I’ve had for a while.” Brett smiled as he spoke and I dropped his arm to pull my keys out of my small clutch. He took them and unlocked my door, asking me if he could come in and make sure that I was safe. I agreed, and he checked the small apartment as I set my things on the counter, hoping that it wasn’t too much of a mess. I was a clean person, though, and I turned to see him in the living room. “Everything looks good.”

  “Thank you. I’ve never had a man do anything like that for me.” He frowned as I spoke, stepping closer as I stepped back and bumped into my counter.

  “You deserve to have a man do that and more for you,” Brett told me as I licked my lips, watching his eyes drop to take them in with a hungry gaze. “Amy, I…”

  “You’re one of the most stunning men that I’ve ever met, Brett,” I told him, holding my hands up as he took them. I pulled away and shook my head. “You are my boss. Tonight, more than ever, I realized that I need to focus on my future and make good choices. I can’t let this go anywhere.” I felt empty as I spoke but it was for the best, and I knew that.

  He looked stricken for a moment before he nodded slowly. “Yeah, you’re probably right about that. I don’t want to interfere with your career.”

  “Thank you,” I spoke from my heart, even knowing how much I cared about him. I’d love to taste his lips and give in to all my fantasies, but it would be wrong. At this moment, I hated myself for making the responsible choice.

  He left after that, telling me to lock my door and set my alarm. I let my shoulders droop and went to wash off the makeup and pull on a big shirt to wear to bed, leaving myself bare underneath. Not only was I all kinds of horny but now I was upset at my decision. I needed to work that out and hard. I let my hair down and dropped into my bed with my client phone, turning it on and warming it up.

  It rang instantly, and I looked at the screen to see Robert’s name, at least the name that he gave me. I saved regulars but never reached out to them in any way. He seemed happy to hear my assumed voice, and I knew that the wine was helping me flirt with him and draw him into my need. Before too long, we were both coming with moans and short breaths before he ended the call reluctantly, needing to work in the morning.

  I was still restless, and I wondered if anyone else would call when the phone rang again. I glanced at it to see a new number, a local one and I answered in my overdon
e drawl, identifying myself as my chosen name for the business. The voice was uncertain and husky with desire as the man spoke slowly and asked if this was the line that I worked for.

  “It sure is, Sugar. What can I do for you tonight?” I said as I relaxed against my pillow and waited.

  “I’ve never called one of these before. What is the normal process?” He asked as I pictured an older man on the other end, possibly widowed like Robert or divorced and looking for some company.

  “This goes at your pace. You pay by the minute so with that being said, let’s get to know each other.” I had a whole story that I told everyone over the phone that was far different than my own life. I knew that there was a message before the call was put through reminding callers of charges, being eighteen and all the legal stuff before I spoke to them. It was standard, and he started to talk slowly as I drew my knees up and longed for it to get sexual faster. His voice was seductive and drew me in as I listened to him talk about a woman that he wanted badly, but she rejected him. I suggested that he tell me what he wanted to do to her, to reveal his fantasies. He jumped right in, and it was everything that I wanted Brett to do to me, so I urged him to tell me more. I knew that he was jerking himself off within a half an hour as he spoke in tense syllables and I slipped my hand between my legs as I told him how wet I was for him. That only promoted his behavior, and the talk grew dirtier as he said what he wanted to do to this mystery woman that he worked distantly with, making me come hard and fast. Everything he said was everything that I wanted for myself. Every act he described, I wanted to be done to me, and I lost count of the times that I came to his vivid descriptions. Minutes turned into hours when he assured me that money was not an issue, making me ultimately get just a few hours of sleep that night despite the later starting time.

  I was surprised when Brett sent me a text saying to just take the day off with his approval. I relaxed back in bed and played back the night, including the dinner and rejection followed by my new favorite client. He assured me that he’d be calling again and I looked forward to it before falling back to sleep wrapped up in my blankets.


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