Heart of the Sunset

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Heart of the Sunset Page 14

by Beach, Rex Ellingwood

  "I don't know of any," said Lewis.

  "Money'll square anything," Ed urged, hopefully, whereupon Urbina waved his cigarette and nodded.

  "This Ricardo Guzman is the cause of it all. He is a bad man."

  "No doubt of that," Lewis agreed. "He's got more enemies than I have. If he was out of the way there wouldn't be nothin' to this case, and the country'd be a heap better off, too."

  "What about that other witness?" Ed queried.

  "If Ricardo were gone—if something should happen to him"—Urbina's wicked face darkened—"there would be no other witness. I would see to that."

  The color receded from Ed Austin's purple cheeks, and he rose abruptly. "This is getting too strong for me," he cried. "I won't listen to this sort of talk. I won't be implicated in any such doings."

  "Nobody's goin' to implicate you," Tad told him. "Adolfo wants to keep you out of trouble. There's plenty of people on both sides of the river that don't like Guzman any better'n we do. Me an' Adolfo was talkin' it over on the way up."

  "Well, you can talk it over some more, but I'm going for a drink," Ed declared, and left the room, nervously mopping his face. He knew only too well the character of his two visitors; he had learned much about Tad Lewis during the past few months, and, as for the Mexican, he thought the fellow capable of any crime. At this moment Ed bitterly regretted his acquaintance with these neighbors, for both men knew more about his affairs than he cared to have made public. He was angry and resentful at Tad for taking sides against him, and more than a little fearful of Adolfo's enmity if he refused assistance. The owner of Las Palmas still retained a shred of self-respect, a remnant of pride in his name; he did not consider himself a bad man. He was determined now to escape from this situation without loss of credit, no matter what the price—if escape were possible—and he vowed earnestly to himself that hereafter he would take ample pains never to become similarly involved.

  Austin remained out of the room for some time; when he returned his visitors appeared to have reached some determination.

  "I reckon we can fix things if you'll help," Lewis announced.

  "And that's just what I won't do," Ed impatiently declared. "Do you think I'm going to be tangled up in a—murder? I've got nothing against Don Ricardo."

  "Who said anything about murder? Things ain't like they was when your father owned Las Palmas; he done his share of killin', but nowadays there's too dam' much law layin' around loose. All you've got to do is give me about a thousand dollars."

  "What for?" Ed asked, suspiciously.

  "So's we can handle ourselves. It's up to you to do something, ain't it?"

  Austin demurred. "I haven't that much that I can lay hands on," he said, sullenly. "I'm broke. And, anyhow, I don't see what good it'll do."

  "You better dig it up, somehow, just for your own sake."

  The two men eyed each other for a moment; then Austin mumbled something about his willingness to try, and left the room for a second time. The money which Alaire kept on hand for current expenses was locked in her safe, but he knew the combination.

  It was with an air of resignation, with a childish, half-hearted protest, that he counted out the desired amount into Lewis's hand, salving his conscience with the statement: "I'm doing this to help Adolfo out of his trouble, understand? I hope it'll enable you to square things."

  "Maybe it will and maybe it won't," sneered Lewis. "Anyhow, I ain't scared of tryin'. I got the guts to make a battle, even if you haven't."

  Ed Austin was greatly relieved when his unwelcome callers rode away; as he composed himself for sleep, an hour later, he refrained from analyzing too deeply the motives behind this forced loan, and refused to speculate too long upon the purpose to which it might be put. The whole occurrence was unfortunate. Ed Austin sincerely hoped he had heard the last of it.

  José Sanchez made use of the delay at Pueblo to institute further inquiries regarding his missing cousin, but nowhere could he find the slightest trace. Panfilo had set out to ride to this point and thence to La Feria, but the last seen of him had been at the water-hole, one day's ride from the home ranch. At that point the earth had opened and swallowed him. If he were alive why had he not written to his sweetheart, Rosa?

  José swore an oath that he would learn the truth if it required his whole lifetime, and, if it should turn out that his sainted relative had indeed met with foul play—well! José told his friends they could judge, by looking at him, the sort of man he was. He proudly displayed Longorio's revolver, and called it his cousin's little avenger. The weapon had slain many; it had a duty still to perform, so he said.

  José intended to confide his purpose to Mrs. Austin, but when it came time to start for Las Palmas there was a fourth passenger in the automobile, and he was obliged to hold his tongue for the moment.

  A motor trip along the lower Rio Grande would prove a novel and not altogether agreeable experience to the average automobilist, for there are few improved roads and the rest offer many difficulties, not the least of which are frequent fords, some deep, some shallow. So it was that Alaire considered it necessary to make an early start.

  In spite of the unhealthy fancies that Dave Law had taken to bed with him, he arose this morning in fine spirits and with a determination to put in a happy day. Alaire, too, was in good humor and expressed her relief at escaping from everything Mexican.

  "I haven't seen a newspaper for ages, and I don't know what is going on at Jonesville or anywhere else," she confided.

  Dave told her of the latest developments in the Mexican situation, the slow but certain increase of tension between the two governments, and then of home happenings. When she asked him about his own doings, he informed her of the affair which had brought him to Pueblo.

  Of course all three of his companions were breathlessly interested in the story of Pino Garza's death; Dolores and José did not allow a word to escape them.

  "So they cut our fence and ran the calves into our pasture to brand!"

  Alaire said. "It's time somebody like you came to Jonesville, Mr. Law."

  "Caramba! It required bravery to ride alone into that rincon," José declared. "I knew Pino Garza well, and he could shoot like the devil."

  "You said your horse saved your life," Mrs. Austin went on. "How do you mean?" When Dave had explained, she cried, quickly, "You weren't riding—Bessie Belle?"

  "Yes. She's buried where she dropped."

  "Oh-h!" Alaire's exclamation was eloquent of pity, and Law smiled crookedly.

  "I've been right lonesome since she went away. 'Most every day I find myself stealing sugar for her, the way I used to do. See!" He fumbled in the pocket of his coat and produced some broken lumps. "Probably you don't understand how a man gets to love his horse. Now we used to talk to each other, just like two people. Of course, I did most of the talking, but she understood. Why, ma'am, I've awakened in the night to find her standing over me and my cheek wet where she'd kissed it. She'd leave the nicest grass just to come and visit with me."

  Alaire turned a quick glance upon the speaker to find his face set and his eyes miserable. Impulsively she laid her hand upon his arm, saying:

  "I know how you must feel. Do you know what has always been my dearest wish? To be able to talk with animals; and to have them trust me. Just think what fun it would be to talk with the wild things and make friends of them. Oh, when I was a little girl I used to dream about it!"

  Law nodded his vigorous appreciation of such a desire. "Dogs and horses sabe more than we give them credit for. I've learned a few bird words, too. You remember those quail at the water-hole?"

  "Oh yes."

  Dave smiled absent-mindedly. "There's a wonderful book about birds—one of the keenest satires ever written, I reckon. It's about a near-sighted old Frenchman who was cast away on a penguin island. He saw the big birds walking around and thought they were human beings."

  "How did you happen to read Anatole France?" Alaire asked, with a sharp stare of surprise.
  The Ranger stirred, but he did not meet her eyes. "Well," said he, "I read 'most anything I can get. A feller meets up with strange books just like he meets up with strange people."

  "Not books like—that." There was a brief silence. "Mr. Law, every now and then you say something that makes me think you're a—rank impostor."

  "Pshaw!" said he. "I know cowboys that read twice as good as I do."

  "You went to school in the East, didn't you?"


  "Where?" The man hesitated, at which she insisted, "Where?"

  Dave reluctantly turned upon her a pair of eyes in the depths of which there lurked the faintest twinkle. "Cornell," said he.

  Alaire gasped. After a while she remarked, stiffly, "You have a peculiar sense of humor."

  "Now don't be offended," he begged of her. "I'm a good deal like a

  chameleon; I unconsciously change my color to suit my surroundings.

  When we first met I saw that you took me for one thing, and since then

  I've tried not to show you your mistake."

  "Why did you let me send you those silly books? Now that you have begun to tell the truth, keep it up. How many of them had you read?"

  "We-ll, I hadn't read any of them—lately."

  "How disagreeable of you to put it that way!" The car leaped forward as if spurred by Alaire's mortification. "I wondered how you knew about the French Revolution. 'That Bastilly was some calaboose, wasn't it'?" She quoted his own words scornfully. "I dare say you've had a fine laugh at my expense?"

  "No!" gravely denied the man.

  They had come to an arroyo containing a considerable stream of muddy water, and Law was forced to get out to plug the carburetor and stop the oil-intakes to the crankcase. This done, Alaire ran the machine through on the self-starter. When José's "Carambas!" and Dolores's shrieks had subsided, and they were again under way, Mrs. Austin, it seemed, had regained her good humor.

  "You will receive no more of my favorite authors," she told Dave, spitefully. "I'll keep them to read myself."

  "You like knights and—chivalry and such things, don't you?"

  "Chivalry, yes. In the days when I believed in it I used to cry over those romances."

  "Don't you still believe in chivalry?"

  Alaire turned her eyes upon the questioner, and there were no girlish illusions in them. "Do you?" she queried, with a faint curl of her lip.


  She shook her head. "Men have changed. Nowadays they are all selfish and sordid. But—I shouldn't generalize, for I'm a notorious man-hater, you know."

  "It seems to me that women are just as selfish as men—perhaps more so—in all but little things."

  "Our definitions of 'little things' may differ. What do you call a big thing?"

  "Love! That's the biggest thing in the world," Law responded, promptly.

  "It seems to be so considered. So you think women are selfish in love?" He nodded, whereupon she eyed him speculatively. "Let us see. You are a man—how far would you go for the woman you loved?"

  "The limit!"

  Mrs. Austin frowned at this light-seeming answer. "I suppose you mean that you would make any sacrifice?"

  "Yes; that's it."

  "Would you give up the woman herself, if you considered it your duty?"

  "No. There couldn't be any duty higher than love—to my way of thinking. But you shouldn't take me as a specimen. I'm not a good representative of my sex."

  "I think you are a very good one," Alaire said, quietly, and Dave realized that no flattery was intended. Although he was willing to talk further on this subject, Mrs. Austin gave him no opportunity of airing his views. Love, it appeared, was a thing she did not care to discuss with him on their footing of semi-intimacy.

  Despite the rough roads, they made fair time, and the miles of cactus and scrawny brush rolled swiftly past. Occasionally a lazy jack-rabbit ambled out of his road-side covert and watched them from a safe distance; now and then a spotted road-runner raced along the dusty ruts ahead of them. The morning sun swung higher, and by midday the metal of the automobile had become as hot as a frying-pan. They stopped at various goat-ranches to inquire about Adolfo Urbina, and at noon halted beside a watercourse for lunch.

  Dave was refilling the radiator when he overheard José in conversation with Mrs. Austin.

  "Nowhere a trace!" the horse-breaker was saying. "No one has seen him.

  Poor Rosa Morales will die of a broken heart."

  Alaire explained to her guest: "José is worried about his cousin

  Panfilo. It seems he has disappeared."

  "So! You are Panfilo's cousin?" Dave eyed the Mexican with new interest.


  "You remember the man?" Alaire went on. "He was with that fellow you arrested at the water-hole."

  "Oh yes. I remember him." With steady fingers Dave shook some tobacco into a cigarette-paper. He felt Alaire's eyes upon him, and they were eloquent of inquiry, but he did not meet them.

  José frowned. "No one at La Feria has seen him, and in Pueblo there was not a word. It is strange."

  "Panfilo was in bad company when I saw him." Law finished rolling his cigarette and lit it, still conscious of Alaire's questioning gaze. "He may have had trouble."

  "He was a good man," the horse-breaker asserted. "If he is dead—" The

  Mexican's frown deepened to a scowl.

  "What then?"

  José significantly patted the gift revolver at his hip. "This little fellow will have something to say."

  Dave looked him over idly, from head to heel, then murmured: "You would do well to go slow, compadre. Panfilo made his own quarrels."

  "We were like brothers, and I do not know of any quarrels. But I shall find out. It begins to look bad for somebody. After he left that charco there is—nothing. Where did he go? Whom did he encounter? Rosa will ask me those questions. I am not given to boasting, señor, but I am a devilish bad man in my way."



  Nothing more was said during the luncheon, but when Alaire had finished eating and her two employees had begun their meal, she climbed the bank of the arroyo ostensibly to find a cool spot. Having succeeded, she called to Dave:

  "There is a nice breeze up here."

  The Ranger's face set; rising slowly, he climbed the bank after her. When they stood face to face in the shade of a gnarly oak-tree, Alaire asked him point-blank:

  "Where is Panfilo Sanchez?"

  Dave met her eyes squarely; his own were cold and hard. "He's where he dropped at my second shot," said he.

  He could hear his companion's sharp inhalation. He did not flinch at the look she turned upon him.

  "Then—you killed him?"


  "God! He was practically unarmed! What do you call—such an act?"

  Dave's lips slowly whitened, his face became stony. He closed his eyes, then opened them upon hers. "He had it coming. He stole my horse. He took a chance."

  Mrs. Austin turned away. For a time they were silent and Dave felt himself pitilessly condemned.

  "Why didn't you tell me at the time?" she asked. "Why didn't you report it?"

  "I'll report it when you give me permission."

  "I—? What—?" She wheeled to face him.

  "Think a moment. I can't tell half the truth. And if I tell everything it will lead to—gossip."

  "Ah! I think I understand. Mr. Law, you can be insulting—"

  For the first time the man lost muscular control of his features; they twitched, and under their tan his cheeks became a sickly yellow.

  "You've no right to say that," he told her, harshly. "You've plumb overstepped yourself, ma'am, and—I reckon you've formed quite a wrong opinion of me and of the facts. Let me tell you something about that killing and about myself, so you'll have it all straight before you bring in your verdict. You say Panfilo was unarmed, and you call it—murder. He had his six-shooter and he use
d it; he had the darkness and the swiftest horse, too. He intended to ambush me and release his companion, but I forced his hand; so it ain't what I'd call murder. Now about myself: Panfilo isn't the first man I've killed, and he may not be the last, but I haven't lost any sleep over it, and I'd have killed him just as quick if I hadn't been an officer. That's the kind of man I am, and you may as well know it. I—"

  "You are utterly ruthless."


  "You left him there without burial."

  Law shrugged impatiently. "What's the difference? He's there to stay; and he's just as dead under the stars as he'd be under the sand. I'd rather lie facing the sky than the grass roots."

  "But—you must have known it would get out, sometime. This puts both of us in a very bad light."

  "I know. But I stood on my cards. I'd have preferred to report it, but—I'd keep still again, under the same circumstances. You seem to consider that an insult. If it is, I don't know how to compliment you, ma'am."

  Alaire pondered this statement briefly before saying, "You have a strange way of looking at the affair—a strange, careless, unnatural way, it seems to me."

  "Perhaps that's the fault of my training. I'm not what you would consider a nice person; the death of Panfilo Sanchez means nothing whatever to me. If you can grasp that fact, you'll see that your own reputation weighed heavier in my mind than the lives of a dozen Mexicans—or whites, for that matter. People know me for what I am, and—that may have had something to do with my decision."

  "I go anywhere, everywhere. No one has ever had the effrontery to question my actions," Alaire told him, stiffly.

  "And I don't aim to give 'em a chance." Dave was stubborn.

  There was another interval of silence.

  "You heard what José said. What are you going to do?"

  Dave made a gesture of indifference. "It doesn't greatly matter. I'll tell him the truth, perhaps."

  Such an attitude was incomprehensible to Alaire and brought an impatient frown to her brow. "You don't seem to realize that he will try to revenge himself."

  "You might warn him against any such foolishness. José has some sense."


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