The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar Page 21

by Joseph Arnold

  Sarina and Riley both nodded like school children staring at Dana in wonderment. With their new abilities, it was easier to follow Dana’s monologue and not feel overwhelmed.

  Dana went on. “When we feel good about our Dharma and our lives are functioning at a higher vibration, we can make better choices for ourselves. Humans were in this higher vibration in their early development. Humans were able to access more of their intelligences and function better socially, intellectually, spiritually, and individually. Humans formed lasting bonds, not only with other humans, but with their environment. Humans made choices from a deep place of love and not from fear. That is not to say there was no fear early on. The difference was that humans were better equipped emotionally to embrace fear as an ally. Today we are told to face our fear and to overcome it, to conquer it. This way is an error in thinking.”

  “How does fear help us?” Riley asked.

  “Fear, when it is in balance with love, helps humans better understand their connections to one another and to embrace that which you call the unknown or the mysteries of life. This may seem like a paradox because we want to connect through love and not fear but both are needed to make complete connection with one another. When humans live mostly in fear, the unexplainable can be daunting. When humans began to grasp the power of reason, the mysteries of life became something to avoid. Not all humans have done this. Many indigenous peoples certainly embraced their fear as an ally and honored the mystery of life while embracing their own reasoning development. This is what allows humans to recognize what they witness. The carving found in the mountains illustrates this well. Why carve a deity of a python? The answer lies in the acceptance of that which is not shrouded or limited by reasoning alone. The python represents the balance in life. The carving of it into the stone shows this balance of using a tool to carve and experiencing what the carving represents. Here was an incredible creature capable of ending a human life and yet the people expressed honor. This honoring gave humans strength to continue through life in a higher vibration and to simply allow life to shape the pathways of individual and collective choice.”

  “I’ve seen this in the cultures I’ve visited throughout the world,” Sarina said. “The power of ritual speaks well to how these people can navigate their lives. They make a choice after they perform a ritual and after counsel is sought from their elders or shamans of the village. The process is quite magical for me to witness and no one in the village ever truly suffers.”

  “This is because those humans operate on a higher level of vibration. It is important to note that this is available to every living being on the earth. Earth has seen to that. Life did not emerge as we know it from emptiness. Human life emerged from fullness born from the emotion of love and not from the emotion of fear, but fear was and will always be present so that perfect balance can be achieved. Remember the agent? A creature born only from fear will ultimately lose power and dissolve in the face of balanced fear and love. This has been so since the beginning.”

  “I am not sure I follow the thread,” said Riley. “Can you explain more?”

  “In what you call the beginning, humans came to be on this planet not as an instant existence but more as a development. What I mean is that humans grew from a seed of desire from Earth herself. She cared for humans when they were nothing more than a feeling from her highest vibration of love. She nurtured the feeling, tended the medium in which to grow humans, and patiently allowed humans to form from the single cell organism to the collective creature and ultimately to the evolved species we now see. This did not happen in short order, but Earth is ancient and human lifespan is relatively short.”

  Dana paused. “Here is where the story gets complicated. The human species is not very old in nature unlike some of the ancient trees or other animal species. One of the greatest questions of contemporary human time is how did humans gain so much knowledge over such a relatively short geological period in time? Human evolution began to accelerate about the time when the ancient pyramids of Egypt were built. During that era, humans gained knowledge they had not yet known. From that time forward human evolution advanced many times faster than would have been possible without an intervention.” Dana paused to let this information sink in.

  Riley was the first to speak. “My rational mind asks, what do you mean by intervention?”

  Dana continued. “The human species was not capable of such isolated evolution. Humans simply had no foundation to accomplish the feats that were necessary for their evolution into this present time. The Great Pyramids of Egypt are an example of this. They were necessary for a number of reasons and needed to be built during that era of time.”

  “What reasons?” asked Riley.

  “They were used for the generation of electricity. Some theorize that this was necessary for illumination within the pyramids and allowed the contemporary artists of the time to carve and paint images on their walls. Others believed electricity was needed to illuminate landing strips, which required that large bulbs be laid out in specific patterns. The Crypts of Dendera reveal carvings on the wall of very large light bulbs. Electricity was also needed for the various industries such as weaving and gold plating of metals used for jewelry making. As interesting as all that was, these carvings also reveal something more important to our discussion. Specifically, they show three humanoid figures, but of quite different sizes. Two small humans and one much larger being, yet similar in appearance. This indicates a race of beings who colonized Earth for a reason.”

  “A race from another world,” Sarina asked.

  “Yes, but we will get to that later.”

  “If ancient Egyptians possessed the knowledge to create electricity, then why is it that humans went through the dark ages and used oil lamps? And why do we believe that electricity in this country wasn’t explored until 1752 when Benjamin Franklin discovered that static electricity and lightning were the same?” asked Riley.

  “Your understanding of electricity and its development is partial and limited. That is true in part because the technologies the Ancient Egyptians possessed were hidden deep in the tombs of the pharaohs and only a select few humans were allowed access to the technologies of that era. The idea of changing history is a fearful concept. Remember this. World history is written and as we move through time, re-writing historical facts becomes harder simply because people are afraid of a new truth. This knowledge is just now being revealed during this Mayan age of transparency, and yet society resists updating its historical view. Humans still like to believe something that makes logical sense in scientific and physical terms.”

  “Do any groups or societies have access to this knowledge today?” asked Riley.

  “Yes,” said Dana. “They are known as the Free Masons and the Knights of Templar. These two groups understand this knowledge, which is greater than just the Egyptians’ ability to create electricity. The knowledge contained within ancient documents reveals the secrets of how the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built. Contemporary scientists and engineers have not been able to replicate the process to build structures like the Great Pyramids with today’s technology. Plainly stated, no one can prove how the pyramids were built. The same can be said for the pyramids and other structures built in Central and South America. Their construction remains a mystery to human engineers to this day.”

  Sarina interjected her comments. “I’ve been to Egypt and Central and South America as well as other regions around the world and learned about an ancient language, the oldest recorded language. It is said to be Sumerian. I have texts explaining this. The work is credited to, among others, Thorkild Jacobsen.” She quickly pulled a book from a nearby shelf and started reading aloud.

  “‘The Sumerians developed one of the earliest civilizations on earth (3500–1750 B.C.), but the existence of such a people and civilization was not even suspected until the middle of the 19th century. People had long known about the Babylonians, since the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, and Greeks had all come i
nto contact with them and written about them. But no one knew that the Sumerians had preceded the Babylonians and had developed the writing, religious, and agricultural systems that the Babylonians adapted and modified later. In the early 19th century, British, German, and French archeologists began to dig out the earthen mounds that are the remains of cities that once flourished thousands of years ago in the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys called Mesopotamia [“between the rivers”] in the history books and is called Iraq today. In the process of deciphering tablets written in the Babylonian language (called “Akkadian”), they came to suspect that the writing system was ill-suited for that language and thus must have been invented for an earlier, unknown tongue. Eventually, after a half-century of decipherment and excavation, the existence of the Sumerian language, people, and civilization was confirmed.’” Sarina closed the book and sat with her eyes closed for a moment.

  “This text still does not explain the origins of this ancient civilization, and given the discovery of the python carving from some 70,000 years ago, there must have been earlier interventions. Am I on the right track?” Sarina asked. “I also am beginning to believe that the Sumerians must have been the figures carved on the wall that depict them as larger than other humans.”

  “Very astute, Sarina. What I am about to reveal may be hard to believe but please let your Mind Body rest and open your Emotion and Spirit Bodies. This journey has been forgotten by humans over the ages.”

  The three sat in silence for a moment with eyes closed. Sarina used her heightened acuity to see not only across the room but across the cosmos and seemingly beyond the constraints of time.

  Riley, with eyes closed, focused on the subtle energy associated with all living things beyond human concepts of animal and plant life. He was able to see auras of the planets and the universe. This startled him as his eyes snapped open. He looked over at Sarina, who seemed to be in a trance, and then back at Dana and closed his eyes again.

  Dana sat motionless as both Sarina and Riley sat opposite him with their eyes still closed. As they opened them they saw Dana’s body begin to dissolve into energy without form. His energy was boundless and flowed through Sarina and Riley generating a sense of peace.

  Dana seemed to be nowhere and everywhere at the same moment. Time seemed to stand still. It was as if a moment was a thousand years but once again the clock on the wall revealed that only a few minutes had passed. Sarina and Riley closed their eyes again and time seemed to reverse itself as Dana reconstituted his human form.

  The three took a deep breath in perfect unison and grounded again. Sarina and Riley were both speechless. Riley and Sarina had no reference point for what they had just experienced. Riley wanted to ask what had just happened but could not find words and Dana just held up his hand.

  Dana continued. “The ancient civilization that humans call the Sumerians, came to earth long before the great pyramids of Egypt were erected. The human life forms on this planet did not possess the knowledge to create these engineering marvels but did possess a more developed rational portion of the brain, ready to be programmed, if you will. These ancients travel the cosmos living on a planet now named Nibiru or Planet X, as your United States government calls it. Its orbit intersects this solar system about every 3,600 years. The last visit was around the Ancient Egyptian era. Nibiru can be seen in the early morning sky on your East Coast, especially on the North Carolina coast and in Antarctica. The next visit of this galactic giant will be between December 2012 and February 2016 when it passes closest to earth.”

  “December is the month when the Mayan calendar ends, right?” asked Riley.

  “Not exactly. The actual date of December 21st 2012 was just the beginning of the transition,” said Dana. “The ancient Mayan astronomers monitored the cosmos and were able to reconstruct Earthly events throughout history. Their calendar is extremely accurate and is made up of segments lasting 13 days and nights. At the beginning of every segment, an astonishing event has occurred. Early on, these events included major evolutionary milestones such as adaptations of creatures evolving from aquatic to terrestrial occupation. As the years moved through the Mayan segments, their tuns began to include human evolution such as political changes ...”

  “Like when various people came into power?” Riley asked.

  “Exactly so. One of those tuns happened when John F. Kennedy became president. We are just now about to complete the last cycle of what some predict to be the end of the world. This is erroneous and it will serve all of humanity to realize that the end of something only signifies the beginning of yet another era. And, as I have said earlier, this is the Mayan era of transparency.

  “The coming of Nibiru is not a completion of the human race, only a transition into a different age. Recent discoveries actually show the Mayan calendar continuing on. This illustrates my point that the Mayan calendar notes the end of an era but goes forward into the next era, whatever that may be. I have responded to your calling to help guide you through this transition. You no doubt are wondering if I am a guide, yes?”

  “Are you a guide?” Sarina asked.

  “In a sense,” Dana responded.

  “Why are you here now as a guide?” she asked.

  “Well then,” Dana responded. “I am here because you both have chosen me to be by your side. Allow me to clarify. Sarina, I am actually not really a guide but a liaison of sorts, a bridge from the spirit realm to your human world. I represent a part of you and Detective Holden. I am simply a manifestation of what you have called in. So, in essence, I am a part of each of you. We form a trilogy. I am the third leg of the two of you. In that sense I can be considered a guide for the entire human race working through and with you, but I am not the same type of guide you possess within yourselves. I share information to help you transition into another plane of existence and I will assist you in resolving the conflicts that exist between what you think you know and what you want to believe.”

  “What does that mean? I don’t understand,” Sarina said.

  “Simply put, Sarina, you will be asked to drop away all you have been taught by other humans regarding the spirit realm. The information you received from those individuals is very important and yet incomplete. You are about to witness the spirit realm in its completeness in ways very few other humans have ever or can even imagine, and the tools you have, while they serve to help other humans find their journeys, are only just introductions. Compare the tools you have learned in your human life to the ones you now possess and tell me if you notice a difference.”

  “Absolutely, I’ve never experienced anything like this before!”

  “Neither have I,” said Riley. He felt a bit embarrassed when he realized that he had never been in a spiritual circle before so all of this was new to him.

  “The tools, or gifts, you now possess are designed to enhance the gifts the two of you already have. You received these recent gifts through the pure food you just ate. The herbs and meat were combined in such a way as to nourish you and enhance powers locked inside each of you. Along the way, more of your gifts will be enhanced to help you as our journey together continues.”

  Riley looked at his empty plate and raised his eyebrows, then shook his head ever so slightly. Dana smiled. “You were speaking of the planet Nibiru earlier and its orbit in relationship to Earth and our solar system. Please share more,” urged Riley.

  “The plant Nibiru is a critical component of human evolution,” Dana continued. “Many of your human mythologies depict this planet’s passing. As Nibiru nears the sun’s magnetic pull, two wings form on either side of the planet as it races through space. The planet, with its wings, has been carved into ancient walls for thousands and thousands of years. You see it as Isis, the winged god in Egyptian mythology or the Thunderbird in Native American mythology. Literally hundreds of these images in countless cultures all depict the image of Nibiru as it passes Earth on its orbit around the Sun. The critical missing link involves your solar system’s con
struct. Until recently, humans believed Earth to be flat and that all celestial beings revolved around her. One of your great astronomers and philosophers, Galileo, stepped into his own fear and presented information that rocked the very foundation of the age. In the past year, your scientists formed a new more complete model of your solar system. It depicts a helical model illustrating the planets orbiting around the Sun while the Sun travels at thousands of miles per second through space. The orbital patterns of the planets form a cork screw-like pattern trailing behind. This shows that Earth never intersects its orbit twice as it moves around the Sun. Does this make sense to you?”

  “I’ve read about this,” said Sarina excitedly. “It looks something like our model of the DNA helix. The man who laid out this vision of our solar system is Nassim Haramein of the Renaissance Project.”

  “That is correct. This theory also explains that a record of human history exists in the energy trails left behind in Earth’s wake and all the other planets as they orbit in a spiral around the Sun while moving through space. DNA has been mapped in Earth’s energy trail from one generation to the next since the beginning of the human species.

  “This is where it is wise to let go of what you know about evolution as well as creation. Everything we see, touch, hear, and so on, is made of energy. Your scientists introduced this theory and it is widely accepted in your scientific communities and is what you call quantum physics. Simplified, this shows that all matter makes up less than 10 percent of any particle. The remaining 90 percent consists of empty space. All solid matter follows this rule with no exception.”

  “Then why are some forms of matter denser than others?” asked Riley.

  “This is because in those forms of matter more atomic particles are gathered closer together, but the percent of space is still the same. Stones appear more solid than water, but this is only because you process what you see and feel with limited awareness.”


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