The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar Page 25

by Joseph Arnold

  They saw the stars and planets in the evening sky as the Sun set. The planets all were swaying to a distant and familiar song. The Sun rose creating the morning light and casting their shadows on the sand. Riley noticed another, unique planet accompanying the rising Sun on the horizon, the unmistakable wings spreading out from either side of this celestial companion to Earth’s heat source.

  Sarina seemed enraptured with this other being that had brought them to this magical place and swayed gently from side to side. Riley slowly pulled away from her and he and Dana stood watching the joy-filled face of these two beings as they danced with one another. The Sun set and rose five more times as they simply existed with no agenda and no sense of a past or future, time marked only by the passing of sunset into sunrise.

  Then slowly, Sarina and the other form slid apart as their hands and arms released one another, and the form faded away. Dana was hovering by a tree pulsing once again. Sarina knew it was time to leave and Riley intuitively led her to where Dana was hovering.

  The three merged once again and spiraled in the opposite direction and, with an instant burst of speed, descended back into the void again. The Song was so loud in their ears and the distant notes of the marimba grew louder and more pronounced. Sarina and Riley focused on the three notes and everything seemed to reverse itself as if a movie reel was being run backwards. In a whoosh, they were back in the alley in the same late morning light as before. One human moment had passed, but Riley knew he had seen the Sun rise and set five times.

  Dana stood like a statue, unyielding as if in a distant trance. Riley saw his aura shifting from a rainbow color back to its original vibrant white. Sarina noticed a distance in Dana’s eyes and then witnessed his eyes return to their normal brilliance. Dana shuddered as if returning to life and spoke with a slight chuckle. “Well then, here we are good as new. Or better.”

  Sarina and Riley looked at each other and then turned in unison back to catch Dana’s gaze. Sarina began to speak and Dana waved her off. “Not here. Back to your apartment, quickly.” Dana nudged them on toward the street, around the corner. After a brisk walk, almost a trot really, they arrived at Sarina’s apartment.

  Once inside, Sarina and Riley collapsed into the sofa while Dana busied himself in the kitchen making some sort of brew.

  “Here, drink this,” he commanded. “It will help with the dizziness and nausea you are about …”

  Riley doubled over and heaved into the nearest wastepaper basket. After he came up for air, he barely could gulp down the concoction. Sarina quickly swallowed hers before the onset of whatever Riley was experiencing hit her. She was scarcely able to keep the strange drink down and belched, “Eh, what is this?”

  “A careful blend of ancient herbs known only to a few healers in the world.” Dana laughed. “Actually, it is salt water. Mind you, salt from the deserts of Egypt.”

  Riley let out a huge bellow almost falling to the floor.

  Riley, are you all right?” Sarina asked in a concerned voice.

  Oh yeah, just peachy,” Riley answered with a cough.

  In a more serious tone Dana said, “Now, both of you must shower and wash your hair. This will help release the energy lingering in your bodies. Take some time and do not rush. Here are some herbs to rub over your bodies when in the shower. Normally a sweat lodge follows but this will do for now. Come on, then, we have much to discuss.”

  With that Sarina and Riley got up and walked down the hall. “First door on the left, Riley,” Sarina said as she let him continue walking. Riley looked back at Sarina who had a huge grin on her face. “I’ll use the one off my bedroom,” she said and Riley only mustered a sad puppy dog look and went into the bathroom.

  Riley wanted to ask her how she was feeling about Joe but decided to let it rest

  Chapter - Fifteen

  Sarina passed Riley as he emerged from his shower. She was wearing a beautiful flowing frock-like garment that she had picked up on her travels in some foreign country some years ago. She loved this piece of clothing as it accentuated her femininity and the sensuous curves of her body, especially when she tied the belt around her waist. Riley stood motionless as Sarina shot him a knowing glance back. Riley dropped his gaze as she met his and cursed under his breath, “Shit. C’mon Riley, hold it together. This is not the time.”

  “What was that,” Sarina asked as she stopped at the end of the hallway?

  “Oh, nothing, I almost dropped my cup.” Riley looked in his hands and realized that he was not holding a cup.

  “Oh …” she said as she turned and walked into the main room with a slight smile on her face.

  Riley collected his wits and thought maybe this is the time. He smiled, wondering if Sarina was able to sense his thoughts with her new gift. This was going to be a challenge, he thought. He sensed that Sarina had worked out her need for space and was making a decision to be with him and not Joe.

  They gathered in the room and made themselves comfortable. Dana was already seated on the floor muttering something under his breath. After a few moments in silence, Dana looked up and re-positioned himself on his cushion. “Now then,” he began, “before anything is spoken we must bless this space. Sarina will you do the honors of smudging?”

  “Certainly … Why haven’t we done this ritual before?”

  “We held sacred space on our own merit before. We are now entering a deeper level and it is necessary to honor this space in this way using the herbs to relieve the growing anxiety, which can often be a great burden.”

  Sarina got up and pulled a beautiful abalone shell from its perch complete with an elegantly tied bundle of white sage. Dana added other herbs to complete the blend. She called in the four directions—North, South, East, and West—with their traditional Native American prayers. Dana added other blessings from the ancient European, pre-Christian pagan traditions. She then called in the fifth and sixth direction of the heavens and the earth. She smudged all the openings of the apartment and returned and smudged the two of them sitting in silence and also smudged herself. Sarina placed the smudge stick in the middle of the circle and took her place on a cushion.

  After a brief moment of silence, Dana spoke. “Today, we traveled to a sacred place where human met spirit. I was impressed that you were able to hold to your authentic selves and make wise choices. I was happy to lead you through the maze of mystery and watch the events unfold. You both used your new gifts well and discovered, on your own, how much you need each other to complete the task at hand.” Dana bowed to each of them and continued. “This first leg of your journey revealed something for both of you, although it may have appeared that it was more for Sarina. I want you to tell me of your experience. Detective, I wish to hear from you first.”

  Sarina seemed a bit perturbed that Riley was asked first but tried not to give herself away in front of him.

  “I really want to think this out logically but I find no way to do so …”

  “Detective, in matters of the spirit realm, logic has very little place; so it may serve you well to let go of the limited mind.”

  “Right. I’m working on it. I remembered the first time we entered this place but let go of any expectations. My gifts were certainly helpful and I heeded your advice, Dana. I noticed the energies flowing around these unseen beings and one showed up in a more, uh, purposeful way. At first I tried to second guess or evaluate who or what it was, but when I touched Sarina, the electrical pulse seemed to push away my logical mind and I simply felt what was happening. This is where it gets a little foggy for me …”

  “Do you believe this fogginess is a bad thing?”

  “Uh, no, not really, but it does tickle my logical mind somewhat. It was as if my mind wants to be included in this puzzle. Does that make sense?”

  “Oh yes, and the mind has a place as long as it is not one of control. Remember, it is a weak person who allows the mind to dictate perception. The mind is far too limited for these spiritual concepts. Continue.”

  “I saw the auras and simply followed them until the one that caught my attention caught Sarina’s attention as well. She seemed to know as did I that we needed to interact with this being. When I touched the being’s shoulder the electrical impulse was so powerful ….”

  Sarina was watching Riley as he recounted his story and began to see him in a different light. Here was a man whom she had just met and who knew the history of herself that she shared with very few people. His presence was larger than life for her and she was intrigued that such a man might exist. Most of her male friends were so stiff and unyielding. All too often women have been left to hold the spiritual aspects of life on their own. Yet women need men to complete the circle of life just the way men need women. Masculine and feminine working in harmony.

  Here was this amazing man sitting next to her and she was simply wondering how the masculine/feminine connection worked in this situation with Riley. Sarina was so used to being in control and caring for everyone except herself that being in the presence of this truly masculine man meant that she needed to release control of requiring perfection not only in a man but in herself. This was the hardest concept for this masculine, assertive woman. Sure, she knew how to expose her vulnerability but at what cost? She thought she appeared weak and needy when she did open herself up, so she always grabbed her own boot straps, pulled herself up, and shook herself off. The fallout happened when she tried to shame trip the men in her life, blaming them for her own lack of self-awareness. Here was where Sarina thought she had it all together but was beginning to realize that if she wanted a man in her life who was able to meet her emotionally, she needed to let go of trying to mold that man into an image of her own perfection and allow him to be imperfect so that he could express his deepest love for her. In Riley, she may have found that blend of honest imperfection combined with integrity and feeling.

  “… and then Sarina let go and we reversed and landed in the alley and I can’t help but feel information was downloaded into me similar to one of those upgrades you spoke of, only more like a picture album of someone’s history.”

  “Thank you Detective. As I have mentioned, you are gathering new information all the time, you are becoming more adept at acknowledging it. The download you speak of is what I will label as cosmic upgrades to your own genetic construct. These downloads are adding more refinement to your material and spiritual awareness and will help you in the remainder of your journey.” Riley looked at Dana and when Dana was satisfied he comprehended what he had just said, he turned his gaze to Sarina. “And you, Sarina? Sarina, dear?”

  “Oh sorry, I’m just in such a peaceful place listening to Riley. What was your question? Oh, right, my experience.” She recounted her experience up through the point where she believed the being in question was her mother.

  “What made you believe she was you mother?” Dana asked.

  “She was sharing all of the events from my childhood. Only my mother knew these events.”

  “Are you sure no one else knows?”

  “Well, most of what was shared occurred after my father had left, and my sister left a few years after that, and because I lived out my youth with my mother, I naturally assumed it was my mother.”

  “Sarina, Detective Holden knows many things about you that you have never discussed. How does he know these things?”

  “Well, he received a gift from herbs and his dream with the eagle.”

  “Yes, and is the detective any more gifted than you or anyone else for that matter?”

  “I suppose not. Oh, I see. In the spirit world, these gifts we see as new are simply a part of, uh, life.”

  “Yes, in a manner of speaking. All beings in the spirit world are sentient or living, you might say, maybe not by human standards, but living nonetheless. These gifts you now possess, as I have said, you have always possessed. You are simply more aware of them now. The beings in the spirit world also possess these gifts and more; some you may never fully understand. It is possible that the being you encountered knew many things about you and simply used them to connect and see who you were. This ‘visit’ to the spirit world was a sort of test for both of you. It is possible that what you experienced might indeed have been the spirit of your mother if she has indeed passed away or someone else who was very close to you.

  The issues you were experiencing were how you were raised as a child. Whereas your biological mother had the greatest human influence on you, it can also be said that the “Cosmic Mother” has had enormous influence on you as well. This spirit is the mother who influences all women. The being you encountered was the manifestation of her spirit, which is also a part of your own biological mother. The essence of the “Cosmic Mother” can then be related to your thoughts about masculine and feminine. The feminine “Cosmic Mother” embraces all emotions both masculine and feminine as does the “Cosmic Father” (albeit in different proportions, but that is a topic for another time) and teaches her children to do the same. The problem appears when a great divide opens between the light and dark energies and a portal closes and the delicate masculine and feminine balance is knocked off center.

  The fact that the detective noticed Cosmic Mother’s rainbow aura was vitally important. No other being in the universe possesses a rainbow aura. She can heal all beings who are in need. Look for her when you are need of healing and she will offer her healing abilities to you. That being you were connected with may have been your own mother’s spirit connected to the Cosmic Mother’s spirit, which thus explains why the detective felt such an immense pulse of electricity.

  Sarina, you are a powerful being and must be connected directly to the Cosmic Mother. You have lived in human form many lifetimes, which is why your spirit is so powerful. When you embrace your power, your energy field expands in intensity and the detective was so sensitive to its nuance that he was able to allow the electrical pulse to radiate his entire body. Do you both see that the possibilities in the spirit world are endless and take on many forms?”

  “I understand what you are saying,” said Sarina, “I’ve encountered these forms many times in this human world when I visited various indigenous cultures, although not as intense as the forms I just witnessed, but never fully understood their meaning. I have a better sense of that now.”

  “Detective, what are your feelings about this?”

  “My mind can’t wrap around what you said …”

  “I know. This is why I asked you how you feel about this.”

  “… Uh, well … I feel light and filled up. I don’t know if that makes any sense …”

  “It is not important that it make sense. Feelings are more powerful than human thoughts and will direct you through this journey if you let go of thought and explore your feelings more.”

  “Alright, I had an urge to wrap around Sarina when she encountered that being. Was that operating from my feelings?”

  “In a sense, yes, you see, intuition is fueled by the feeling or Emotion Body and cannot be readily explained in the human world through science. No solid scientific proof or theory supports intuition, but humanity’s greatest sages, prophets, philosophers, and scientists have known this for eons. The greatest answers to life’s questions are found by exploring human intuition. You may know that many of your developing machines utilize an intuitive process. Computers and even computer gaming rely heavily on intuition. It is not enough to learn the mechanics of the game, which is easy. It is the intuitive path that guides the player through the game, which symbolizes our journey through human lifetimes. Even your boys, Sarina, know this on a subconscious level. Certainly, a gamer may tell you the game is learned and conquered, but deep inside they have a knowing that without the intuitive process, they will fail again and again.”

  “So navigating the spirit world is similar to playing video games?” asked Riley.

  “I would not say they are the same. In the spirit world, the stakes are much greater and involve deeper and more dire consequences. The young people
who are playing these games are preparing for a greater challenge or more to the point a way to navigate what is about to happen.”

  “How so?” asked Sarina. She had been combating her children for years about the merits of video gaming.

  “You have explored this question many times before, have you not?”

  “Well, yes and I’ve never come to a solid conclusion.”

  “I believe your younger generation is preparing for spiritual communication through the idea of virtual gaming. This is where they play against or with other gamers from around the world. They usually do not know the other person, but they drop themselves into a game together and become comrades grouped together for a cause. This is a great tool to prepare for connection with the beings from the spirit world.

  Generally, these games have a goal, which is to beat the other team. A few games involve humans playing with other humans, but the gamers have little conversation or interaction and the only purpose is to achieve a certain accomplishment like climbing to the top of a mountain. These games are more advanced and not many are up for the challenge. Many of your youth declare that gaming is solely for entertainment, but that is the mantra society has been repeating for decades. Illusion is very powerful and easy to accept. The young mind is easy to control. They lack the maturity and rely heavily on visual stimulus to develop their conclusions about life. Very few actually explore their world outside of a computer screen with the Internet as their source of fact.”

  “So how do we make a shift from addictive technology to something else?” asked Riley.

  “That, Detective, is something to be explored. Humanity is at a precipice and will be faced with collective choices soon enough.”

  Sarina’s stomach made a monstrous sound and they all laughed. “I’d say my stomach is at a precipice and is signaling its choice. I’m hungry,” she said “Shall we have some lunch?”

  Sarina and Riley looked over to Dana wondering if they were going to receive more gifts. “Is it safe to go out?” asked Sarina.


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