The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar Page 37

by Joseph Arnold

  We have transported ourselves into another dimension. I don’t know how this is possible but I do know that in this realm all we humans know about physical laws do not apply. It was Dana who mentioned that we were able to accomplish great feats that he knew little or nothing about. This must be one of those feats.

  Why weren’t we able to do this before? Riley thought.

  Maybe not ‘why’ but ‘what’. What did we lack that we now possess?

  We have always had the urn, the bracelet, and each other …

  Don’t you hear what you just said? We have always had each other, but NOW we ARE each other. A union of souls, so to speak.


  We’re connected now in a way we haven’t yet been.

  You mean we’re like one being?


  How did this happen?

  I don’t really know but it may have had something to do with me passing through Cum-Hau’s scepter. Maybe there was a power in that scepter that was meant for me and you. And remember that last electrical pulse when we touched one another that seemed to change everything.

  Riley was eying the scepter in his hand. Or perhaps the power of the scepter and the power of our touch pulled everything together.


  Sarina was standing in place near Cum-Hau and Riley was hovering just outside of Cum-Hau’s reach who was screaming an ear-piercing sound, moving in what to them seemed to be normal motion. They had to act quickly not knowing if this dimensional shift would last forever.

  Sarina was across the room and Riley was almost upon Cum-Hau. Riley began moving as fast as he could toward Cum-Hau. For an instant, Riley thought he was too slow and then he felt his love for Sarina grow so quickly that he let go of the thought of not reaching Cum-Hau. Cum-Hau spun around when he noticed Riley’s approach and Riley’s speed doubled as he merged with the scepter’s energy, still in his grasp, just as Cum-Hau swung towards him.

  The moment seemed suspended for eternity. There they were, suspended, with Cum-Hau moving in normal motion allowing Riley to see everything clearly. Returning to fast motion, Riley shifted his arm and chopped at Cum-Hau’s hand with the scepter and severed his hand, which fell to the floor.

  Riley was inches from Cum-Hau, who was spinning, no longer suspended in mid-air and screaming in what must have been intense pain. Riley smacked hard, with the scepter, on the small indentation on his crown, which immediately opened the small hatch with a loud, piercing screech. The pulsing light grew brighter and the sound louder. Cum-Hau abruptly ceased screaming as if his voice had been snatched from his throat and moved his one remaining hand, incredibly slowly, and grasped at his throat as if in extreme pain. Sarina and Riley were still in an accelerated state and Cum-Hau was not able to react as fast as they could.

  Sarina flew in from where she was positioned and reached Cum-Hau with the bracelet poised in her left hand. She opened her hand and launched the bracelet in toward Cum-Hau just as he wrenched his hand from his throat and tried to grab her wrist. He was too slow and the bracelet slammed into the small chamber in his crown and the door swung shut with a thud.

  At that moment, Cum-Hau’s hand passed through Sarina and she let out a scream and disappeared from sight again. Riley, still inches from Cum-Hau, was watching this all happening but had not been aware of what Sarina had just accomplished.

  Cum-Hau turned to Riley who was now in the same relative motion as the Mayan god. Cum-Hau seemed to recover and his fury was now more evident as he lunged in Riley’s direction. Riley regained enough strength to project himself away from his position. Cum-Hau followed Riley’s projection as Riley sped away from his position now with very little strength left.

  Riley paused and refocused. Revenge for Jennifer’s death was permeating Riley’s consciousness, which seemed to produce a heavy sensation much like an intense gravitational force. He looked over in Sarina’s direction and felt his love for her rise again coupled with renewed purpose and rage. The gravitational pull on him dissolved and, once again, he zipped towards Sarina’s position.

  She had vanished and was nowhere to be seen. Cum-Hau realized what had happened and left Riley’s projection and returned to Sarina’s last position in a blaze of bright light. Riley thought Sarina’s name again but still couldn’t find her. She was nowhere. He quickly scanned the entire space but couldn’t see her.

  Cum-Hau could not find Sarina either and turned around and was descending upon Riley. Sarina emerged again from her hidden position and into Cum-Hau’s line of sight. He ignored Riley and raced toward her snarling. Sarina had the urn in her hand; she knew what she had to do. Twist once to the left and twice to the right or once to the right and twice to the left. She fumbled with the urn for a fraction of a second and then pulled off the top.

  Cum-Hau was a few feet from Sarina’s position with sparks and light flashing from his body as if he was using his last reserves. He descended upon her in a violent rage with his remaining hand opened wide, ready to grab her. Then all movements slowed to a crawl as if in slow in slow motion and at the last possible instant, Sarina flung Ann’s ashes in Cum-Hau’s face. Time sped back up to normal and at the last possible instant, Sarina darted out of his path. Cum-Hau’s voice returned and he let out a sound unlike anything Sarina or Riley ever heard as he passed through the space where Sarina had just been. They both covered their ears to ward off Cum-Hau’s shriek.

  Cum-Hau stopped, again suspended in mid-flight, unable to move, this time completely paralyzed. The pulsing light was now a steady brilliance so bright Sarina and Riley had to shield their own eyes, no longer immune from the light as before. The light consumed their surroundings. Then a great wind sounded and the light faded and the sound ended with a room-shaking DOOM.

  The room was emptied of all beings except for Cum-Hau, Sarina, and Riley and a pedestal in what must have been the middle of the control room. Then Cum-Hau’s brother, like a twin mirror image, appeared directly opposite Cum-Hau and faced him. They began to grow in height and expand outward. A bright green light glowed upward between the two brothers and grew brighter as the two gods expanded. They began to rotate in a clockwise direction until they were spinning at an incredible speed so much so that they merged into one being of crystal green light. The light slowly dimmed to a warm green glow as what had been two rotating beings came to a stop now merged as one.

  The room was silent and this reconstituted Cum-Hau stood, pulsing as a being of light and dark with a gentle song emanating from his center. A song that reminded Sarina and Riley of their own, “Bliss.” The room was warm and a great peace filled the air. Cum-Hau came to them, no longer the fierce dark lord but a gentle immense being looking at them with love and compassion. He reached down and simultaneously touched both of them on their chests directly over their hearts. From their hearts, beams of green light emerged and connected with Cum-Hau’s heart. As a triangle of green light joined the three of them, an energetic pulse washed over Sarina’s and Riley’s entire bodies and they felt a surge of bliss fill their souls.

  The warm glow of the light faded almost to darkness and on the pedestal, illuminated by a green light, in the middle of the chamber was the urn with the bracelet around the neck of the urn with the lid lying beside it. A gentle zephyr swooshed Ann’s ashes into a tiny whirlwind and floated them down into the urn just as the lid rose and capped them inside, one twist to the left and two to the right.

  The light in the chamber slowly increased to normal. Then Joe, Ann, Mona, Dana, and Yumma walked to the center. Eairth’s council members began to appear around the perimeter of the chamber that was now expanding into an enormous hall. One in particular walked toward Riley and stretched out her hands to Riley. He took her hands, bent down, and kissed them ever so gently. She touched his face, gave him her police badge, and without a word settled back in with the other council members next to another familiar face. The two stood arm in arm and Riley knew that Jennifer and his twin were now friends.

Sarina’s mother stepped forward and touched Sarina’s face and smiled. Sarina was overcome with emotion at the sight of her mother, not sure of how or why she was there, just overjoyed as she embraced her mother. Joe remained back and blew Sarina a kiss and winked at Riley. Riley put his hands together in Prayer Pose and bowed to Joe.

  It was Ann’s turn. She approached Sarina and wrapped her energy around her and her mother and stayed with them for a long time. Then it was time to withdraw. Ann gazed into Riley’s eyes and mouthed a “thank you” as Riley smiled at her.

  Dana was now present. He turned to Sarina and Riley and handed Sarina the urn with Ann’s ashes and the bracelet. Yumma turned to Riley and handed him the scepter and crown of Cum-Hau.

  Dana and Yumma bowed to them both and moved back with the other council members. The council chanted and two spirits without form emerged to stand at attention facing Sarina and Riley. Riley looked over to Sarina who had a questioned look on her face, wiping away her tears from her reunion with her mother and sister. These two beings were not familiar to Sarina or Riley, who looked at each other, but every other being seemed to be in awe of their presence and in a slight bow.

  The two beings wore long purple royal robes and the only human feature was the vibrant, glowing eyes. Their essence was more light-based, without form. They stood over eight feet tall with a gentle green light emanating from their inner core. They too bowed to Sarina and Riley who in turn bowed back, still uncertain who these beings were.

  Dana stood close by and shared the story of the two robed beings. “This couple you see before you are the direct descendants of what are called the First Universal Beings. When a universe is born, in the initial burst of energy, matter and anti-matter are balanced. If these remained unchecked, the universe collapses back into itself and nothing remains. But every design of every universe always includes a fail-safe. This fail-safe is one more fragment of matter, which is necessary for a universe to exist. Every star, planet, and creature is contained in this one fragment of remaining matter. This expands to create the entire universe. Everything owes its existence to this tiny speck of energy and manifests as light and sound surrounded by the dark vastness of space. Everything emerged from that moment in time, the beginning, if you will. These beings are, in a sense, your first parents, the origin of that first fragment of matter.”

  The scene faded leaving Sarina, Riley, Jack, and this apparently royal couple in place with Dana now nowhere in sight. The chamber melted away revealing a great Yin-Yang symbol that housed the light and dark presence. Sarina and Riley revisited their journey of light and dark that now seemed to be connected as one complete energy. The Yin-Yang symbol began to swirl around keeping the spirit world in balance once again.

  The royal couple held out their hands and led Sarina and Riley to a vision room. They looked and saw Eairth in all her glory occupying her destined spot in the cosmos shrouded in a spectacular rainbow aura emanating light as Nibiru passed around the sun and off on her own journey away from Earth.

  Chapter – Twenty Seven

  Sarina and Riley gazed at Eairth for a long while and then it was time to go. Sarina tapped Riley on the shoulder and said, “I love transformation, don’t you?” as she melted into Riley’s arms.

  Dana re-emerged into their field of vision. He had witnessed the entire battle from a remote location somewhere outside the control room that was now a great hall.

  “Dana,” Sarina said as she released Riley’s embrace and put her hand in his, “where have you been?”

  “I have always been right here.”

  “What do you mean ‘right here’? Why didn’t we see you in the control room?”

  “Because I was in yet another dimension to observe.”

  “Why didn’t you help us?!” Riley demanded.

  “There was nothing I was able to offer, aside from warning you about Jack,” Dana said calmly. “You see, I have not the power alone that you two have together. I guided you here with information and efforts to enhance your powers. You may have believed that I gave you your powers but I did nothing of the sort. I only offered tools for you to unlock your own gifts, that which you have always possessed. Only the two of you were able to confront Cum-Hau. It was up to you, alone, to complete the task. Does that answer your question, Riley?”

  Riley looked Dana over and replied, “For now.” He held Sarina’s hand a little more tightly.

  Sarina smiled at Riley and then turned back to Dana and said, “Dana, I understand the process of opening the portal so the light and dark energies became balanced once more. I even understand the role of Cum-Hau. What I don’t understand is his brother. Who was or is he and what role did or does he play in all of this?”

  “The final entry to this part of the story is this: The lords of the light and dark energies were the same. That is to say Cum-Hau was both light and dark, brother and brother alike. There are never true or separate dualities in this universe, only opposite sides of one being. When the energy is blocked and the light and dark are cast into imbalance, it only seems that there are two sides. Think of it as a coin. On one side is tails, on the other heads. Does this make the coin two separate units? No, as they are connected at their core as one. Cum-Hau was not battling anyone or anything other than himself. Many of your human myths and lore depict good and evil as if one must conquer the other. Humans have been led to believe this has to happen. It is only a byproduct of the ego or Mind Body. It has become paramount in your media that good must overcome evil, light wins over darkness, hero defeats villain. Although it makes for good storytelling, those who perpetuate it become wealthy and powerful beyond their wildest imagination. Such distorted tales have been the downfall of all humanity. Remember when you were in the control room communicating with your father?”

  “Yes, I do,” replied Sarina.

  “When you looked at the two thrones, did you see two beings seated in two different thrones?”

  “Well, there were two thrones.”

  “Who occupied those thrones?”

  “One was Cum-Hau.”

  “And the other?”

  “I can’t say.”

  “It turned out to be Cum-Hau as well, the other side of the coin, only in a somewhat dormant state of being. They appeared to be two and yet became one in the end, reconnecting the light and dark together. The idea of an unbalanced universe cannot be. If the darkness remained without the light then all life would eventually end. If balance is restored …”

  “Of course. I see,” said Riley with a bit more enthusiasm “What we were seeing was a potential outcome with the dark overshadowing the light. If the energy remained blocked, the human species was destined to perish, if not, the being in the throne would have been balanced and the human race free to unite in that balance.”

  “Very good, Detective.”

  “If the energy was unblocked and balance restored ...”

  “The human race continues on with a fresh purpose. Do you understand that purpose?” Dana asked.

  Sarina answered, “Stewardship of Eairth.”

  “Simply so.”

  There was a pause and then Sarina asked, “Why did my father murder his own daughter?”

  “Ah, my dear. Your sister was brave and her soul was on its own journey with its own destiny. Did your father not tell you why he left your family while you communicated with him in the control room?”

  “He said that he was summoned. But I don’t know what that means.”

  “He was called into the spirit world by his own curiosity. He lacked purpose as a man and was lured by his own ego. Was there a phrase he relayed to you early in your childhood, before he left?”

  “‘Curiosity killed the cat.’”

  “And why did he not want you so close to him?”

  “He was trying to protect me.”

  “So, to answer your question, I must ask you another. Were Ann and you close?”

  “When we were young, yes. We grew apart later in our lives.”

  “Your sister was by your father’s side and was given the responsibility, by your father, to protect you even when it meant that she was to die. You were the chosen one and she knew that fact yet never spoke of it to you. You might ask, why was that? She was not conscious of it in this life time but in her deeper knowing, her soul was solid in this understanding. This was your soul’s destiny from the beginning, but you needed to follow your own life’s journey to discover that for yourself. Remember, the council members are part of the collective for each world. They represent the spirits of those who are physically present on Eairth. Your sister held a critical key to help open the portal, but she had to die a human death for this to happen.”

  “I know that these underworld or spirit beings are not able to actually kill humans on their own. Did Cum-Hau need to send my father back to kill my sister?”

  “Precisely. Cum-Hau knew that she had the key to remove the blockage of energy but had no way of knowing that the key was to be her—in the form of her ashes—along with the bracelet and the urn you found. Your father was still very much human even under Cum-Hau’s spell. However, once he was walking in Eairth again to fulfill his own destiny, which was killing your sister, he was able to experience his human side for a brief time, something Cum-Hau was not able to prevent and saw as a weakness. Jack had let go of his human side for decades and when he came back he began to regain human feelings and emotions. If he had stayed long enough he would have realized that he had choices and Cum-Hau could not allow this to happen. The collar was a way of controlling Jack but its powers were limited on the human plane. Jack killed her and she died as an offering, maybe not consciously, for you to fulfill your destiny.”

  “How did he kill her?” asked Riley, in his detective mode.

  “The real question is, was she actually human?”


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