Their Virgin Mistress iTunes

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Their Virgin Mistress iTunes Page 15

by Shayla Black

  “Oliver isn’t with you,” Talib pointed out.

  No, and that weighed heavily on him. Oliver had talked them into giving Tori a few days to think, though Callum had been packed and ready to go thirty minutes after they discovered she was gone. Unfortunately, receiving clearance to visit Bezakistan hadn’t proven quite as simple as it once had.

  During those awful weeks, Rory had written her an e-mail he was fairly certain she hadn’t read. He’d sent her a few texts she hadn’t returned.

  And then her number had been disconnected.

  Luckily, they’d known exactly where she’d gone since the tabloids had published pictures of the royals entering the palace. There in the background had been a somber Tori, following after her sister, a grim look on her face.

  Oliver had announced that his idiocy wasn’t going to come back to haunt them, then he’d left the office, not to return. Shortly thereafter, he’d sent Rory a note. Oliver intended to take a vacation. Since he hadn’t taken one in years, Rory should have been thrilled. If he’d thought for an instant that Ollie was on some tropical island, he would have been. But his brother was somewhere brooding, and that wasn’t good for any of them.

  “I’m afraid Oliver isn’t ready.” Rory worried Oliver might never be. “But if we don’t move soon, we’re going to lose Tori. We can’t wait for him. How much do you know about what happened the night before she left England?”

  Talib shook his head. “Very little. From what the guards have overheard, she spent the night with Oliver and it did not go well. I was pleased to discover she wasn’t pregnant. Oliver should be pleased as well.”

  “I don’t think he was actually.” Callum seemed to miss the “or else” inherent in Tal’s tone. “I think he hoped she’d conceived so he would have to marry her. Oliver can’t allow himself happiness. That’s the problem. But we think if he sees enough of it, he won’t be able to stop himself from joining in.”

  “You have the guards listen in on the women’s conversations?” It was actually quite brilliant.

  “It’s a hobby of mine. But seriously, you will find that women like to keep their secrets. I learned long ago I can’t protect the people I love if I don’t know what’s happening. In a place this large, a network of well-meaning spies is required to ensure happiness. You will find that a woman oftentimes expects a man to sense what she is feeling. As I am not psychic or even particularly sensitive, spying works. When I find out my wife has had a bad day, I am able to magically show up with her favorite flowers and a sympathetic shoulder. There are tricks to being a husband.”

  And if Talib couldn’t be there, one of his brothers could. He never had to worry about Piper being alone.

  He did, however, have to worry about Oliver being alone, but it was time to look past his guilt. Guilt wouldn’t solve the situation and it would only make everything worse. Guilt would keep Oliver distant from her.

  “We are serious about Tori, Your Highness, and we’ve come to ask your permission to court her.”

  Talib’s fingers steepled under his chin and a long moment passed. “You are willing to marry her in the Bezakistani fashion?”

  He’d already figured all of this out. “Yes. Once she agrees, we’ll be married here. I’ve studied some of your laws. If Oliver turns around, we can return and file with the courts to have his name placed on our marriage license.”

  “Interesting. That law was put in place for brothers who happened to be off fighting wars when the marriage took place, but I cannot see any reason why it wouldn’t work,” the sheikh agreed.

  “Oliver’s fighting his own war.” Sometimes Callum showed depth. “We want him to know he’s welcome when he’s ready to come home.”

  Tori was home. He knew that now. “As for the legalities in England, we’ve decided Callum will file a marriage license with her there, though my personal will shall be altered to reflect that she is my heir and the company would be divided between our sister and Tori should anything happen to us.”

  “And how will you handle the press? The British tabloids will go wild.”

  Callum shrugged. “It’s never bothered me. They’ve run every story imaginable on me. I impregnated an alien, according to one.”

  Talib’s eyes narrowed. “I am not concerned with the alien.”

  Callum’s hands rose as if in self-defense. “I have not touched the Palmer woman in over a year. She’s lying about me.”

  “I came to the same conclusion. I had a private investigator follow her and watch her house. She is not pregnant. Though I find it distasteful, my PI tipped off the tabloids to go through her garbage for proof. I believe the story will run tomorrow. I thought Tori at least deserved to know you weren’t a complete bastard.”

  Callum’s head fell back. “Thank god that’s over.”

  “We are deeply appreciative, Your Highness.” Rory was a little in awe of the sheikh’s devious mind. He certainly hadn’t thought of that and he should. “With regard to the tabloids, you should know I will ruthlessly protect my family with everything I have and I vow to learn from you. I don’t care what they think. I’m going to be happy and they can shove it up their tight arses if they don’t like it. I’m done playing by their rules. The people who care about me will accept the relationship.”

  “After a while, we’ll be boring,” Callum explained. “Rory here will lose his hair and no tabloids will take pictures of that.”

  His brother could really get on his nerves. “As you can see, my brother has plans.”

  Talib smiled, the first genuine happiness Rory had seen since they walked into the room. “You should replace his shampoo with Nair. I did this to Kadir once. It was very amusing. It’s good to see you behaving as brothers should.”

  “Oliver was once the joker,” Callum said quietly. He shook his head as though clearing it. “Sorry, it’s hard not to think about who he was before his last visit to the palace. I worry a bit that one of the reasons he won’t admit he wants Tori is because she’s so connected to this place. I don’t think he’ll ever walk through these doors again.”

  Rory worried the same thing. “One day, Cal. Your Highness, we’re formally asking permission to court your sister-in-law. Do we have it?”

  “As long as you promise you will never tell her this meeting occurred,” Talib said, getting to his feet. He strode to the small bar he kept near his desk. “Tori can be very independent. The idea that a group of men sat in an office drinking incredibly expensive liquor while deciding her future would likely rankle. Scotch?”

  “Please. After the two-hour interrogation by your airport security, I need it. Did you know they set bomb-sniffing dogs on our private jet?” Rory gratefully took the tumbler.

  “And drug-sniffing dogs. One of the German shepherds buried her head in my crotch. I was fairly certain I would lose my manhood then and there,” Callum admitted.

  Talib threw back his head and laughed. “You have Rafe to thank for the greeting. He took great joy in torturing you. Now, I have something to tell you. Oliver is here.”

  Rory sat up straight. “What do you mean? How?”

  “By plane, of course.” Talib passed Callum a drink and made one for himself. “Though he came on a commercial jet. He arrived yesterday and asked my forgiveness for the manner in which he treated Tori. I knew what you were going to ask me because he’s already pleaded your case. He intends to talk to Tori tonight and ask her forgiveness as well.”

  Oliver was here? Rory had to take a moment to wrap his mind around the fact. “He didn’t tell us.”

  “I doubt he wanted you to know. Tori has no idea. He’s sequestered in a private room, and I don’t think he’s left, so only Rafe, Kade, and I know he’s here. I’m actually about to tell my cousin I want her to speak with him.”

  “Alea.” Rory remembered the kind princess. They had met when they were younger, before Oliver married Yasmin. “He always liked Alea.”

  “Should we talk to him, too?” Callum asked. “I don’t wa
nt to surprise him. He doesn’t like surprises. Well, not anymore.”

  At one point, adventure had been Oliver’s middle name. Before Yasmin, he’d been the one to try everything. Rory had to pin him down to get him to work because he’d wanted to see the world. Rory had taken care of most of the day-to-day operations of the company and he’d definitely held the purse strings. He’d always wanted less responsibility, but the reasons Oliver had finally assumed responsibility had always bothered him. Oliver used the job to hide. “I don’t think it would do any good. Our presence here might unsettle him.”

  “I think you should meet with him. However, I will leave it up to you. He claims he simply wants to talk to Tori and will then return home. I believe he’s trying to be a good brother. He doesn’t understand that the sacrifice is unnecessary. It’s up to her to teach him. It’s something a man learns from a woman or not at all. I hope Tori can get through to him. As for the two of you, I suspect you have an uphill climb. She’s not happy with any of you. What’s your plan?”

  Rory knew what his plan was. “We corner her at the ball and show her how good it can be to have two men who care for her.”

  “But with respect,” Callum said.

  “God, I hope not too much,” Talib said with a groan. “Really, you should bed her as soon as possible. Courtship is overrated. Get her into bed, muddle her mind with pleasure, and before she knows it she’ll find herself with a ring on her finger. It’s the best plan of action. You’ll find your bedrooms are fully stocked with everything you could possibly need. A woman like Tori has to stop thinking and feel. That is your job. And if you don’t marry her quickly… Well, it’s been a while since we’ve had an execution.”

  Yes, this was going to be his brother-in-law. He was glad he fully intended to treat Tori like a queen. “Thank you for everything.”

  Rory looked to Callum. His brother sent him a hopeful grin. Tonight they claimed their woman.


  Callum took a deep breath and knocked on the door, hoping this wasn’t going to end in blood. Lately, all of his encounters with Oliver seemed to culminate in someone throwing a punch.

  He wouldn’t do that today. Well, he wouldn’t throw the first one, at least. If Oliver punched him, naturally he would be forced to defend himself.

  And then he would ruin his perfectly good tux. Maybe he should have changed for the gala after this meeting.

  The door opened, and Oliver reared back, eyes wide. “Well, I suppose I should have expected this. Rory is here as well?”

  “Indeed. He’s getting dressed for the ball.” When Oliver stepped aside to admit him, Callum entered. It looked as if Rory wasn’t the only one running behind in his preparations. Oliver had apparently shaved and showered already and had dressed in slacks and a snowy white shirt. His tie hung loose around his neck. He’d slung his tuxedo jacket negligently over a chair. “I was surprised to learn you were here.”

  Oliver closed the door. “I wanted to talk to Tori. I also need to speak with Alea.”

  That surprised him, too. “You haven’t talked to Alea in years. You duck her phone calls.”

  A faint blush stained Oliver’s cheeks. “Yes, that wasn’t well done of me. We used to be friends. I’m going to apologize to her for that.”

  “Are you going to apologize for anything else?” Since the moment Talib mentioned Oliver’s visit, Callum had suspected his brother had several motives. He’d always been a multitasker.

  Oliver crossed his arms over his chest. “As a matter of fact, yes. I’m going to say some things I should have said long ago.”

  A chill settled over Callum. “Are you planning on committing suicide?”

  Oliver’s jaw dropped in shock. “No. Why on earth would you say that?”

  “Knew a bloke who offed himself. For three weeks, he made amends to everyone, apologizing for things he’d done years before. At the time we thought he was just trying to be less of an arsehole. Then he shot himself through the head the night before our game with Liverpool Football Club. The next day the press came forward with a story and some pictures, outing him for being gay. It’s funny what people think is worth dying over.”

  The clubhouse could be a cruel place at times, but Callum couldn’t imagine the choice his teammate had made. The one he was afraid his brother might make. He hadn’t even been able to talk to Rory about it. But from the second Talib had mentioned Oliver’s visit, Callum had feared this possibility.

  Oliver stared at him for a long moment. “I remember that incident. I’ve no plan to kill myself. I promise you on my honor.”

  Something inside Callum’s chest eased, but he wasn’t done. “It isn’t enough to not kill yourself, brother. It’s time for you to start living again.”

  His older brother groaned but at least he wasn’t tossing him out on his arse.

  Oliver crossed the room. “I came nearly three thousand miles to avoid this lecture.”

  Callum followed. “I thought you came here to apologize to Tori and Alea. By the way, I get Tori. You completely owe her an apology because you were an asshat.”

  Oliver turned. “What?”

  “Asshat. It’s an American phrase. Tori uses it a lot. Apparently hats are made infinitely more terrible if they’re on an arse. Who knows why Americans say anything, but you have to admit they come up with some colorful insults. You were also a douchebag and a douche nozzle. Really, anything that can attach to a douche.”

  Oliver was still for a moment, then he burst out laughing. “I will try not to be attached to a douche again, I promise. I do owe her an apology and I wanted to clear a few things up with her tonight. As for Alea, I have my reasons for apologizing. Do you want a drink? The sheikh stocks his bars well.”

  “No, I want to go into this evening with all my faculties.”

  He would need them. Tori might not be happy to see them. Who was he kidding? She wasn’t going to be happy. He hoped there were no blunt instruments lying about when she found them.

  “You’ve grown up, Cal.”

  “Sometimes I don’t act like it, but I really am ready to be the man Tori needs.”

  A wistful smile crossed his brother’s face. “I’m glad for you. So you and Rory have figured everything out? You know, where Tori is concerned?”

  He hadn’t expected that question, but he was pleased Oliver was opening up a bit. “Yes, we’ve discussed it and I’m going to take her backside. I’ve got more experience with anal than Rory, so I think I’m the man to do it. Rory will practice, of course, and then we’ll flip positions occasionally.”

  Oliver’s jaw dropped for the second time. “That is not what I meant.”

  Callum sighed. “Oh, sorry. I suppose that was a lot of information.”

  Oliver had gone pink and he strode toward the door that connected the parlor to the bedroom. “Yes. That was quite too much information, but I’m glad you’ve given it such thought. Now have you made any plans to marry her before you start perverting her?”

  “You know you used to be quite perverse before that stick lodged up your arse.” He wasn’t going to let Oliver’s newfound prudishness make him feel ashamed. What he was planning to do was a beautiful act between two brothers—who would try very hard not to glance at each other’s junk—and the woman they loved.

  Oliver stepped back out into the sitting room, working at the tie around his precisely buttoned-up collar. “I’m not the only one who thinks it’s out of the norm. How are you going to protect Tori from the tabloids?”

  “If we behave normally, our marriage will be front page news for exactly three minutes. I was thinking we announce the marriage, have the sheikh release a few official photos, along with his endorsement of the marriage. Then we’ll go on a nice long honeymoon in the country. While we’re having weeks and weeks of depraved sex with our wife, everyone will lose interest. Do you think our choices will hurt the company?”

  “Of course not. We’re solid. We can weather any storm. I’m not worri
ed about the company. I’m worried about Tori.”

  “She handles this kind of thing all the time.” She was brilliant at deflecting negative press.

  “Yes, for other people. She’s never been in the eye of the storm herself, and I don’t think she’ll handle her own scandal well. She nearly broke down when I found you with her. She was ready to walk away from everything because she didn’t want to face us again. She walked away from everything rather than deal with the fallout. Her embarrassment was more important than her job, it seems.”

  “Maybe it was her broken heart. You hurt her with your terrible accusations and she probably couldn’t think of a single reason why she should stay and hear more of your contempt.” Callum offered an alternate suggestion with a sardonic lift of his brow.

  Oliver gave him a half-shrug, as if admitting that his younger brother might have a point. “I think you’re going to have a hard time convincing her she can handle the pressure.”

  Put like that, her actions concerned him. “Do you think she believes we’re not worth it?”

  “I’m not certain she’s figured that out yet. I worry she won’t allow herself to. I suspect she intends to leave for America soon.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I don’t. But I know how to run away from a problem, Cal. I’m an expert at it. Why do you think I’m here? I’m looking for closure so I don’t make the same mistakes again. I hate myself for what I did to Tori that night. I don’t want to hurt another woman the way I hurt her.”

  “How are you going to handle it once she’s married to Rory and me? I know you doubt it’s going to happen, but I can’t live without her. I’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen.”

  “To be honest, I don’t know.” Oliver sighed. “That’s another thing I’m trying to figure out.”

  “There’s always a place for you with us,” Callum offered, hoping that Oliver truly listened. “Just think about it. You wouldn’t have to worry about who would take care of Tori if something happened to you. You also wouldn’t have to worry about her suddenly turning into Satan because I obviously have better taste in women than you.”


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