Calculated Collision

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Calculated Collision Page 25

by C. A. Szarek

  Emotion smacked into her and Lee bit her bottom lip. She needed to touch him. Kiss him. “I’m sorry. For everything.”

  Nate startled. As though he hadn’t expected her to apologise. “No. I’m sorry. What I said the day I left… It’s unforgivable. Surprised you didn’t come in here kicking my ass.” His eyes were pained, serious as they searched her face, but he made no move to touch her, like he was afraid.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said quickly, shaking her head.

  “It does. I was an asshole. Saying that… Leaving you. Hurting you. Worst thing I’ve ever done in my life.”

  Lee had to make him understand. “No. I promise it doesn’t. I hurt you, too. Over and over. Look, I came here—”

  “God, I’m glad you did. We’ve been in the same city for two weeks, and every day I didn’t see you… It killed me.”

  She closed her eyes and took the hundredth deep breath of the day.

  Here goes nothing. No. Here goes everything.

  “I love you.”

  Nate blinked. But then his eyes went misty.

  He was off the edge of his desk in seconds, then Lee was pinned to the muscled wall of his chest. He held her so tight it was hard to breathe, but she didn’t give a damn.

  She closed her eyes against his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. No doubt her tears already soaked his shirt.

  “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted you to say that?” His warm breath tickled her forehead and made her hair shift.

  Lee shook her head.

  Nate cupped her cheeks and forced her face up.

  She’d been right about the shirt. His hazel eyes stood out, a gorgeous mix of green, brown and gold. But the tears making them shine were going to kill her.

  “Angel, I fell for you hard. Last year. When you came to Texas after Marchetti.”

  “I love you,” she repeated.

  “I love you, too.”

  Then his mouth was moving over hers.

  Her whole body stuttered. Knowing it and hearing him say it were two different things.

  Lee kissed him back. She needed to hold it together, tell him about their baby. Couldn’t get lost to his touch, his kiss, the feel of being in his arms again.

  She pulled away on a gasp, her heart fluttering.

  “Lee,” he whispered, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. He lowered his head to kiss her again, but she rested her fingertip against his lips.

  She smiled when he kissed her finger. “I’m pregnant.”

  Nate blinked.


  Her stomach twisted, and she swallowed hard.

  Good job, Lee. Blurting things out seems to be your new forte.

  “I thought…”

  “So did I. Promise. I had no idea I could get pregnant. Doctors told me I couldn’t. I worried because my parts are messed up. But it’s good. I’m okay. I mean…we’re okay. Had my first ultrasound last week. The baby looks good, Doc says. We’re healthy.”

  Nate’s Adam’s apple bobbed, but he didn’t release her. Or back away. Still held her against his body, touched her face.

  That’s good, right?

  However, he didn’t say anything, either.

  She chewed her lip, forcing her gaze to remain locked onto his beautiful eyes. “I’m sorry. I mean, I don’t expect—”

  His mouth crashed down on hers again, and he kissed her until desire settled in her lower belly. Lee’s sex throbbed and her breasts felt heavy. Her already oversensitive nipples ached, rubbing the fabric of her bra in a pleasure-pain sensation. Heat suffused her limbs and her legs wobbled, threatening to dump her on her ass.

  He was the only man that could make her feel like this. Damn good thing he was holding her up.

  Nate pulled away on a ragged breath, panting against her. His erection pulsed into her stomach, and she had half a mind to ask him if he wanted to christen his office.

  “I’m not.” His voice was breathless and he rested his forehead against hers.

  “You’re not what?”

  “Sorry. In the least.”

  His words sank into her passion-hazed brain and Lee’s eyes blurred with tears again.

  He was happy about the baby.

  “We’re having a baby.” Nate’s smile was brilliant.

  “We’re having a baby.” She repeated his words, her throat burning as she fought the emotion clogging it up. She blinked, but more tears were born. Cascaded down her cheeks.

  Nate kissed them away before pressing a tender kiss to her lips. “I love you, Selena Dawson.”

  Lee smiled and snuggled close to his chest.

  “Only thing better than having you back is this.” He rested his hand against her still-flat lower stomach. “Now I have you both.”

  She shivered.

  “Are you cold, angel?” The concern in his tone made her glance up.

  “No. How could I be cold with you holding me? I’ll never be cold again.”

  “Damn straight.” Nate took a breath, and his hazel eyes bored into hers. “Marry me.”


  “Marry me. Before the baby comes. We’re already a family, but let’s make it official.”


  The word used to remind her of what she’d lost. Now… It was hope. A future. What she could have again.

  Lee would grab it with both hands and hold on for dear life. Life was indeed dear. Especially the miracle inside her. She closed her eyes and he thumbed her tears away again.

  “Fucking tears,” she muttered.

  Nate laughed. “It’s okay, angel. Tears are good. Tears show you care.”

  “Care? I love you, Nathan Dennis Crane.”

  He laughed again and kissed her. “If you love me, what about an answer?”

  Lee grinned. “Yes. Hell yes, I’ll marry you.”

  When he laughed again, she joined him.

  “Only my angel would use a curse word when accepting a proposal.”

  She smirked. “Would you have it any other way?”

  “Hell no.”

  Lee threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.


  The baby kicked and Lee laid her hand on the spot, a smile curving her lips. Nate grumbled something in his sleep, his cheek against her hip, but his face was down, buried in the pillow she had at her back. His warm breath tickled her skin.

  She ran her hand through his thick blond hair, wishing it was comfortable to bend down for a kiss.

  Nate’s arm was flung across her bare thighs as she sat propped against their headboard watching TV. The volume was low as to not disturb him, but it was really just background noise. She was too busy watching the man she loved.

  Lee ran her fingers down his stubbled cheek, shivering at the memory of the rough feel on the tender skin of her inner thigh, but it turned her on.

  His fingers twitched, tickling the outside of her leg.

  She wiggled and Nate rolled onto his back with a loud yawn, flashing a sexy, sleepy smile when he blinked his gorgeous hazel eyes.

  “Angel.” Her husband’s voice was thick with sleep.

  “Hi.” Lee caressed his naked chest, tracing his defined lines until his muscles jumped. “Did you have a nice nap?”

  He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles, then sat up and pulled her into his arms. Against the hard chest she’d just admired.

  “I did. Because you’re here with me.” He kissed her forehead and her cheek, until Lee met his lips with hers.

  Nate took it from there, kissing her softly, but deeply, their tongues rubbing and dancing. She moaned into his mouth, desire unfurling low in her belly. When he tugged the sheets and blanket away, she didn’t resist him.

  They made love slowly, tenderly.

  Nate worshipped her body, reverently caressing the curve of her belly, lavishing kisses on the place where their child grew.

  He was careful with her, but it didn’t take much to please Lee these days anyway. Hormones heightene
d lovemaking, and the further along her pregnancy got, the quicker she seemed to orgasm.

  Today proved to be the same, and she climaxed twice before Nate grunted his release. He fused their mouths as they both came down from the edge, shuddering in each other’s arms. He slipped from her body and rolled to his back, nestling Lee into his side.

  She sighed contentedly, resting her head on his chest. Her husband rubbed her back until Lee was lulled almost to sleep. However, one glance at the clock on her nightstand had her eyes flying open. She sat up.

  “We need to get up, babe. Shower, dress. You shave. Then we need to go. Clint and Robin are expecting us at five.”

  Nate sat up, pulled her to him and nipped her bottom lip.

  A tremor shot down her spine.

  “Angel, I thought we’d discussed this before.”

  Lee grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Discussed what?”

  “Your partner. Very patient man.”

  She threw her head back and laughed, and Nate wasted no time dragging warm, wet kisses down her neck.

  Biting her bottom lip to keep from moaning, Lee tugged his hair. “Right. Clint is. But it’s rude to keep Robin waiting. I like her. And she’s a damn good cook. Don’t forget the girls, they like seeing us.”

  Nate laughed and rubbed her round tummy. “Ah, my wife and her cravings.”

  “Hey, talk to your kid. It’s not my fault he makes me hungry all the time.”


  A tender smile curved her lips and she kissed her husband’s cheek. “You’re the only man I know that doesn’t harp on about having a son.”

  “I want a baby girl that looks just like you.”

  They’d decided to be surprised about the baby’s sex, but Lee suspected Nate was worried she’d be upset about having another son if the baby was a boy. Funny, she’d always thought having another child would be an insult to Dylan. A replacement baby.

  But she didn’t feel that way now. She still felt Dylan’s loss—always would—but her new baby was an individual. A child to be loved as much as she’d adored her son.

  And Nate’s child would most definitely learn of the big brother he or she hadn’t got the chance to meet. Someday. When the time was right.

  Nate encouraged Lee to talk about Russ and Dylan if she needed to. She had a few times. Nate was the only person on earth she’d uttered their names aloud to since they’d passed away.

  His openness in regards to learning about the family she’d lost and his willingness to be there for her only made her love him more.

  Lee had talked about her alcoholism with him as well. Nate didn’t think she was weak. He’d told her he’d never met a stronger person. She’d triumphed over a disease. Made her promise to tell him if she ever felt like she needed to go to a meeting. He’d also offered to go with her.

  “I don’t care what we have, as long as he or she is healthy,” Lee said, caressing his cheek.

  “Right. I just hope she has your eyes.” He flashed a lopsided grin that had her insides melting.

  “I love you, Nate Crane.”

  “I love you too, Lee Crane.”

  She pressed a kiss to his lips, but kept it quick so he couldn’t drag her back into the depths of desire. Lee was really looking forward to dinner with her partner and his family.

  Nate groaned when she pulled away.

  “You do realise we have all night. We’re married. Live together and all that.” She arched an eyebrow and scooted to the edge of the bed when he made a grab for her.

  He chuckled and followed her. Nate hit his feet first and gently pulled Lee to hers. “I do realise this. But do you know how irresistible you are?”

  Heat crept into her cheeks and Lee rolled her eyes. “Right. I get fatter by the day.”

  “No way, angel. You’re gorgeous.” He rested both palms on her distended stomach. Nate bent to kiss her belly, then met her gaze. “You know what the best part is?”

  She rested her hands between his, smiling when the baby moved. “What?”

  “In less than two months I get to meet my baby. You both belong to me. Forever.”

  Lee wrapped her arms around him and Nate pulled her close. Her firm tummy pushed into his abs and her smile widened to a grin. “I suppose I like your calculations. Guess that’s not so bad, Counsellor.”

  “Nope, not bad at all, Special Agent Selena Crane.”

  Their gazes collided and they grinned at each other.

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  Crossing Forces: Chance Collision

  C.A. Szarek


  Chapter One

  The paper aeroplane sailed down the long hallway, heading towards Chief’s office. Pete cringed as the click of high heels registered at the same time as the feminine yelp.

  Ethan dashed around the corner, and Pete hurried to follow.

  “Hey, squirt, slow down,” Pete called, but his partner’s son was already out of sight.

  Nikki, his boss’s administrative assistant, bent down towards the little boy. Ethan’s copper curls were several shades lighter than the young woman’s, but Nikki’s hair was as natural as the kid’s. Usually neatly coiffed at the back of her neck, today her locks were loose and flowing. Appealing.

  “What do you have there?” she was asking Ethan when he reached them.

  “I’m sorry,” Pete said. As she straightened, Nikki had a smile on her face. Thank God. “Didn’t realise I’d get that kinda air.”

  Ethan retrieved the paper creation and slid a small hand into one of Pete’s, looking up at both of them.

  “It’s no problem, just startled me. Not like a paper plane collision can do much damage.” She smiled at the little boy, then met Pete’s eyes.

  “Yeah, except for maybe a paper cut?” Pete shrugged.

  Nikki’s smile slid into a grin and he got swept into the deep pools of her big brown eyes. She shoved her hair over a shoulder and Pete swallowed hard. The soft, wavy sea of red begged for a touch. A light floral scent tickled his nose with her pleasant perfume. It made her more intriguing.

  Gorgeous. How had he never noticed before?

  “Somehow I think I’ll live.” She laughed. The sound was sweet and he found himself grinning back. Like a besotted idiot.

  “Unca’ Pete. Did you see? It went faaaaaaar,” Ethan piped up, tugging on his hand and jumping up and down. He veered the plane back and forth with his free hand.

  “I did, squirt.”

  Ethan grinned, his blue eyes wide and bright. “What’s your name?” the four-year-old asked Nikki.

  Her white billowy skirt moved as she bent down and offered her hand. The fabric stopped at her knees. Damn, she had killer legs.

  Pete averted his gaze from her asset-hugging lilac top and the cleavage peeking out as she moved to the child’s level.

  “I’m Nikki. Ethan, you’re getting big! I know your mommy. Andi’s my friend.”

  “And my daddy is Cole!” Ethan tugged his hand out of Pete’s and shook Nikki’s outstretched one.

  A smile played at Pete’s lips as he watched them.

  “I know him, too. We all work together.”

  Ethan eyed her up and down. “Where’s your gun?”

  “Oh. I work for Chief Martin. I don’t have a gun. I’m not a detective like your parents and Detective Crane,” Nikki explained.

  “C’mere, squirt,” Pete said, hauling his partner’s son onto a hip. “Hungry?” His shoulder didn’t even twitch. Good. Never could tell when his year-old bullet wound would bother him. How much of that was in his head?

  “Yeah,” Ethan said, nodding.

  “How’d you get little guy duty?” Nikki asked, brown eyes dancing. As she squared her shoulders, her lilac top hugged her breasts more.

  Pete’s stomach fluttered. He must be hungrier than he thought. He was too old for her, even if he didn’t consider her off limits. Unlike his partner, he didn’t date—or marry—at work. “Andi went
into labour this morning.”

  “Ah, I hadn’t heard.”

  Shifting his feet, he met her gaze. “Yeah, and Cole’s with her, of course. Bella, his normal babysitter, is a camp counsellor for the rest of this summer down south in Livingston, and Andi’s mom is on her way. She moved to Ohio a few years ago when she remarried. Cole’s sister’s even coming in from Seattle later today. But for now, I’m it. I don’t mind, really. Me and Ethan are cool.”

  Nikki’s eyes widened as she took in all the info he’d thrown at her.

  Babbling? Really?

  Come to think of it, that soliloquy was probably the most he’d ever said to her. He cleared his throat.

  “My cousins are coming,” Ethan announced.

  “That’s nice,” Nikki said, an easy smile back in place.

  Pete had never noticed the dimple in her chin before. He tried not to stare.

  “My mama’s having a baby,” his partner’s son continued.

  Nikki ruffled Ethan’s hair. “You’re gonna be a big brother?”

  Pete chuckled as the little boy nodded. He looked at Nikki’s slender hands. She’d been close enough to touch his face. What would that feel like? Her skin against his—

  Jesus, what is wrong with you? Lusting after a kid. What was she, twenty-five?

  “I’m gonna be the bestest big broder ever!”

  Her laugh jolted him. It was as tempting as she was.

  “I bet you are,” Nikki told Ethan, holding out her hand. The little boy slapped a loud high-five.

  The buzz of Pete’s phone offered him the excuse he needed to tear his attention away from the Chief’s lovely administrative assistant. He offered a wave and turned away. He admonished Ethan to hush while he brought the phone to his ear.

  “Crane,” he said.

  “How’s Ethan?” Cole asked.

  “Howdy to you, too, bud,” Pete answered, hiking the little boy up higher on his hip. Kid was getting heavy.

  Cole’s sigh was all the answer he got.

  “Everything okay?” he asked his partner’s husband.

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Isn’t your wife, I don’t know, having a baby or something?”


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