Once Upon the Rainbow, Volume Two

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Once Upon the Rainbow, Volume Two Page 5

by Jennifer Cosgrove

  His dad glanced at them. Scott didn’t miss the quick quirk of his lips. “Are you okay with me talking about this?”

  Chris nodded. “I was going to tell them anyway, so go ahead.”

  Mr. Prince went into what Scott always thought of as his “court mode,” hands behind his back, shoulders straight and confident. “We’re going to sue.” He held up a hand before Scott or Molly could say anything. “There was blatant misuse of funds and negligent care of a minor in direct contradiction of a legal document. Mr. Masterson’s father left very clear instructions, and we have the law on our side in this.”

  “So, do you serve papers, or how do you let her know?” Scott was concentrating very hard on their conversation, but he couldn’t help that the majority of his attention was on Chris’s warm hand against his.

  “Mr. Masterson, Chris, had an idea about that.” Mr. Prince shared a conspiratorial look with Chris. “Why don’t you talk it over and let me know.” He turned and walked back to his office, then closed the dark wooden door behind him.

  Molly and Scott looked at Chris expectantly. A mischievous grin suited him far more than slumped shoulders and tired eyes. “Well, Nadine likes a party, and it just so happens, I know of one. I work for a caterer, after all.”

  MOLLY’S APARTMENT WAS the best place to do their planning. Molly and Chris sat at her kitchen table, heads bowed over her tablet. Scott couldn’t help but smile over the fact that they were getting along so well. Even if nothing ever happened between him and Chris, he was happy that the two of them had become fast friends. Chris needed that more than anything.

  “Are you sure you want to do this publicly?” Molly was looking at Chris with concern, but there wasn’t a trace of pity on her face. “I mean, it could get pretty nasty.”

  Chris shrugged. “I’m expecting it.”

  Molly nodded. She’d confided in Scott that Chris had let her look through his phone, and she’d been shocked when she saw some of the demanding and abusive texts that his stepmother had sent him.

  “It is kind of fitting.” Scott walked over to the table and sat down. “I mean, the event is a benefit for an orphanage.” It had been Chris’s idea, but it was Scott’s mom who had gotten them their invitations. It was a happy coincidence that she was on the board of a nonprofit that raised money for various charities, and the next event on their calendar happened to be for an orphanage in the city. It was easy enough for her to make sure that Nadine was invited.

  The clincher had been the fact that Nadine would have to pay $1,500 a head for her and her daughters to attend. The party would be very exclusive, and she wouldn’t be able to pass up the temptation, no matter the fee. It had been heavily promoted, and Molly had taken care of reblogging it on sites that Chris pointed out that his stepmother frequented. He’d said that she was addicted to social media, so they should use that to their advantage.

  “Well, at least we won’t have to hide you.” Molly grabbed a bottle of water. “Either of you want one?”

  They both shook their heads.

  Scott went back over what Molly had just said. “What do you mean, won’t have to hide him?”

  Chris grinned. “Didn’t we tell you? It’s a masquerade.”

  SCOTT HADN’T BEEN sure what to expect, but it wasn’t this. Molly bumped his arm with hers, her other hand tucked securely into Michael’s elbow. He had made it back just in time for the party and, after hearing what was going to happen, swore that he wouldn’t miss it for the world.

  “Are masks required?” Scott looked around at the people dressed in their best, all with half their faces covered. The masks themselves were fascinating. They ranged from a simple domino to elaborate things with feathers and sparkles, like the plumage of brightly colored birds. It was all strangely charming and far more interesting than the usual attire for a social event.

  “Yes. And here’s yours.” Molly produced a crimson domino mask from her purse. It perfectly matched the tie and pocket square that she had forced on him. He leaned down so that she could help him make sure it was straight, and she gave a flick to his hair to put it back in place.

  “Let me see yours.” She had taken hers off and given it to Michael to hold when Scott had arrived. Michael gently helped her put it back on, brushing her hair back from her face. Simple and tasteful, her mask was dark blue and silver, sparkling in the party lights. Michael had his on already. It was similar to Scott’s, except it was silver to match Molly’s.

  He smiled at Scott before striking a pose, hands on his hips. “I feel like a superhero.” Scott laughed and struck the same pose while Molly took a picture.

  “Just so you know, I sent that to Chris.” She smirked at Scott’s look of horror. “I’m sure he’ll think it’s adorable.”


  Michael put his arm around her waist. “I should get you out of here before you cause any more trouble.” He started to lead her away and then turned back to Scott. “Where is Chris, anyway?”

  “I have no idea. He’s supposed to meet me here.” He hadn’t seen him all day. Molly had whisked him away to get ready and kept telling Scott to be patient. And he had been. Mostly. They still hadn’t been able to talk properly, as all of their time had been spent making sure that everything was in place. Chris had displayed a previously unknown talent for tailoring and helped Molly with some of the costume preparation. She’d already been commissioned for a few masks before everything came to a head, so she had been grateful to have another set of hands. Scott had found himself running errands for them both and hadn’t been able to spend much time with either one of them. Sometimes it felt like he was purposefully being left in the dark. He’d been trying not to let it get to him.

  Molly looked past him and smiled. “There he is.”

  Scott spun around to see Chris, and he had to admit, Molly definitely knew her stuff. He was all in black with a dark mask outlining his pale eyes. “Wow. You look amazing.”

  “I could say the same thing about you.” Chris looked Scott up and down, that cocky smile from before on his face. “That red suits you. Brings out your eyes.”

  Scott blushed, and that made Chris smile even wider.

  “Thanks.” Scott still didn’t know what it was between them. He wanted to move closer, but he also didn’t want to overstep. It was a delicate dance. He could see the difference in Chris already, after being away from his stepmother for just a few days, but that didn’t mean it was a good time to start anything. If Chris was even interested. Scott still couldn’t tell if the flirting was on purpose or something he just did automatically. He knew he didn’t have very good instincts for that sort of thing, and Molly would agree.

  Chris stepped closer and reached for Scott’s face. “Sorry. You’ve got—”

  Scott froze and held his breath as Chris ran his thumb over his cheek and then held up his hand, glitter shining on the tips of his fingers.

  “This stuff gets everywhere.” He brushed his hand off on a paper napkin. “I suppose we should actually go to the party. See how this all shakes out.”

  “Definitely.” Scott was proud of how steady his voice sounded to his own ears. “How much longer?”

  “Your dad said a half hour after the party starts, so…” He glanced at his phone. “About ten minutes?”

  Scott was pleased to see the new phone he’d gotten in his hand. They’d come to the conclusion that he would have to make a clean break, so he’d bunked at Molly’s and given up his old phone. Chris needed space, Molly had told him, to come to terms with what was about to happen. Scott had gladly given it to him, only sending a text now and then.

  They were still standing very close together when Molly and Michael approached them from the main room, where they’d obviously gone to give them a moment of privacy.

  Molly let go of Michael’s arm and stood between them, a hand on each of their shoulders. “It looks like the fireworks are about to start.”

  “You ready for this?” Scott looked over Molly�
��s head and into Chris’s eyes.

  Chris’s face was hard to read behind the mask, but his voice was steady. “I think so.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  IN THE END, it wasn’t nearly as dramatic as it could have been, but it was immensely satisfying, nonetheless. Scott had stayed right by Chris’s side the entire time and been surprised and pleased when Chris had gripped his hand as his stepmother and stepsisters made their grand entrance. They were dressed in style.

  She hadn’t given Chris a second look. Scott wasn’t surprised that she hadn’t recognized him. She was used to seeing him in secondhand clothes and worn sneakers, not the tailored suit and black mask that turned him into the most handsome man in the room. Scott smiled to himself. He might have been a little biased.

  They watched, moving closer when they saw a neatly dressed man approach Nadine as she chatted with another woman, champagne glass in hand and a smile on her face. Her mask was securely in place. Chris’s stepsisters drifted toward her when they saw the man coming closer, curiosity evident on their faces.

  Chris pressed up against Scott just a little more, and Scott slipped his arm around his waist, looking across the small crowd to catch Molly’s eye where she stood with Michael.

  She mouthed Okay? across to them, and he nodded.

  The man tapped Nadine on the shoulder, and although they couldn’t hear him, they knew he was verifying her name before handing her the envelope, clearly saying, “You’ve been served.”

  She accepted it and handed her glass to Lindsey so forcefully that it sloshed over her hand. An indignant bark of annoyance sounded over the crowd, followed by petulant questioning as Nadine shoved past her daughter.

  Nadine looked up from the paperwork with which she’d just been served and scanned the crowd to see who was watching. Chris removed his mask and stepped forward, the movement catching Nadine’s eye. She angrily snatched off her own mask, mussing up her hair in the process. She took a step toward Chris, mouth drawn into a cruel line until Scott removed his own mask and took his place next to him. Her face paled as she recognized him, and her gaze darted to where he’d taken Chris’s hand.

  She folded the paper and put it back in the envelope before stalking out of the main hall, daughters trailing behind her like confused ducklings. Scott looked for his dad, found him easily, and gave him a nod.

  “Well, that’s done.” The relief in Chris’s voice was palpable.

  “You okay?” Scott pressed his shoulder against Chris’s and released his hand, not sure if it was still welcome.

  Chris turned to him with a grin. “Yeah, I think I am.” He laughed, and the sound made the small knot in Scott’s chest loosen. It wasn’t over, not by a long shot, but according to his dad, Nadine didn’t have a leg to stand on and would probably decide to cooperate if she didn’t want to make her life even more difficult.

  Molly and Michael crossed the room. Chris swept Molly up into a tight hug, and both of them laughed. He kissed her cheek and murmured something to her that Scott couldn’t hear, but she nodded and hugged him again. She took Michael’s hand and gave Scott a wink before they made their way to the dance floor, which was just starting to fill up with couples.

  Chris made his way over to stand next to Scott, but Scott couldn’t quite get a read on him. He was still smiling, but he seemed a little nervous. They stood side by side and watched the dancers for a few minutes before Chris suddenly turned to Scott.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  That was completely unexpected. “Are you sure?” Scott usually didn’t dance at events unless Molly made him. He couldn’t tell if Chris was asking him to be polite or if he really wanted to dance with him.

  “If you don’t want to, that’s okay.” Chris clasped his hands in front of him. He looked embarrassed, and Scott felt like an idiot.

  “Of course I do.” He took Chris’s hand, and they walked to the middle of the dance floor. If he was going to dance with a gorgeous man, he might as well do it where everyone could see. “I will warn you, I’m not very good.”

  “Molly warned me.”

  Scott gave him a betrayed look, and Chris laughed, easily leading them into a simple waltz.

  “Just don’t look at your feet and you’ll be fine.”

  “Definitely not looking at my feet.”

  They were so close together that Scott could see the flecks of darker blue in Chris’s pale eyes, and he couldn’t stop an automatic glance to his lips. After a few turns, Chris stopped them, stock-still in the middle of the floor as couples still moved around them.

  He kept one hand on Scott’s waist and cupped his face with his other hand, thumb sweeping along his cheekbone. “I’ve wanted to do this since I first saw you.” Chris leaned in and pressed their lips together, soft and chaste.

  Scott suddenly didn’t know what to do with his hands, finally settling them flat on Chris’s chest, the fine wool of his jacket smooth under his fingertips.

  Scott broke the kiss first, looking into Chris’s eyes before kissing him once, twice, again. He pulled Chris in close, finally able to fold him in his arms like he’d wanted to since forever. “I wanted to do that, too.”

  Chris huffed out a laugh. He stood back, mask slightly askew. Scott reached up to straighten it, pressing his thumb to Chris’s bottom lip gently.

  Chris grinned, and they started to dance again, a little closer than before. It was easy then to kiss him again, both of them smiling at the way their masks bumped against one another.

  “Oh thank god.” Molly’s voice behind them wasn’t a complete surprise, and Scott knew that he was going to get teased even though she was happy for them. “I was wondering when you two would finally get your shit together.”

  Scott looked at Chris and caught the flush on his cheeks.

  Molly grinned at them both. “No more pining boys on my couch for a while, all right?”

  “Really?” Scott directed that at Chris, who shrugged. “Well, it’s good to know I wasn’t the only one that she was making fun of.”

  “Oh god no.” Molly grinned at them as Michael twirled her away.

  “At least I know she approves.” Scott caught the grin on Chris’s face. “I wasn’t sure if—” Scott was cut off when Chris kissed him, hard. “Um.”

  “Thank you.” Chris pressed their foreheads together for a moment and then kissed Scott on the cheek, deftly moving them toward the edge of the dance floor. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “You could have.” Scott hooked an arm around Chris’s waist and pulled him close as they moved out of the crowd. “You would have.”

  “Maybe.” Chris smoothed Scott’s tie down and looked up at him from under his lashes. “Can I take you to dinner?”

  Scott grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.”


  There was a knock on the door. Scott was amused to see that after all these years, Molly had finally learned not to just barge in. It had been a lesson learned the hard way, but they’d all finally recovered from the mortification.

  “Come in.”

  Molly entered, hand outstretched with her other hand firmly over her eyes. “Please tell me you’re both dressed. My heart can’t take it.”

  Chris snickered from where he was leaning against the headboard scrolling through something on his tablet.

  Scott sat down next to him to put on his shoes. “Oh my god, that was one time.”

  “One time too many.” Molly looked around the room, smiling at the boxes that were stacked neatly against the wall. “Are you all packed?”

  “Almost.” Scott waved at a small bookcase in the corner that had yet to be emptied. “That’s the last of it, I think.”

  “You’ve still got some stuff in the closet.” Chris was staring at his tablet now. “Scott?”


  “I got in.” Chris sounded calm on the surface, but Scott could feel a slight tremor running through him where they were touching.
r />   Scott turned around, shoe falling forgotten on the floor. “You got in?”

  Chris had been waiting on an acceptance email from the same university Scott was almost done with, and had secretly begun to wonder if it was ever going to happen. But it had. Chris was going to be able to pick up and continue what he’d started before everything had fallen apart.

  Chris looked up from his tablet, carefully sitting it to the side. “I got in.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair. “I can’t believe it.”

  Scott crawled up the bed and into Chris’s lap, straddling his hips with his knees. He cupped Chris’s face in his hands and kissed him. “I am so proud of you.”

  They both laughed when they heard a throat being cleared behind them. Scott looked over his shoulder to see Molly with her hand back over her eyes. “Don’t mind me, but I’m really proud of you too, Chris.”

  Scott climbed off him but stayed pressed close to his side. “You can look again.”

  Molly peeked through her fingers. “Good.” She walked over to the bed and gave Chris a hug and a smacking kiss to his forehead. “You deserve this.”

  “Thanks.” Chris blinked a few times and then laughed out loud. It was something that he’d finally started doing a lot of, and it made Scott giddy to hear. The ordeal with Nadine had been fast-tracked through the system, mostly by having Edwin Prince on Chris’s side. It had helped that Nadine had decided not to contest anything, taking the small settlement that Chris had decided to give her, then getting out of town.

  Chris had stayed on with Molly but, after a few weeks of dating, was spending most of his time with Scott at the family apartment. After everything was finalized, the first thing Chris had done was to rent his own place, a small two-bedroom apartment. It suited him.

  He’d asked Scott to move in with him just a few days prior. Chris had been nervous about asking him, because the apartment wasn’t as grand as what Scott was used to, but Scott had put a stop to that line of thinking very quickly. He loved him and only wanted to be where Chris was. It didn’t matter if it was the nice apartment near the university that Chris had pinned his hopes on or a cardboard box.


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