Psychic Secret: An Urban Fantasy Academy Romance (Psychic Academy Book 1)

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Psychic Secret: An Urban Fantasy Academy Romance (Psychic Academy Book 1) Page 7

by Samantha Bell

  Ryland glanced at me. “Ms. Blackwell is in the hall talking to Professor Turner, in case you were wondering.”

  I had forgotten about my training. “Oh, right, thanks?” I said awkwardly. His icy blue eyes made me forget my words. “Well, I guess I should leave you guys to it.”

  “Wait,” Luke said. “I was just going to ask if you wanted to show me some of your moves, before we got interrupted.”

  Ryland scoffed.

  “Uh, I’d better not,” I said meekly. I wasn’t sure enough of my control over my powers to let anyone near me but my teacher. The last thing I needed was to accidentally knock someone out with a weight or worse.

  Luke looked at me. “Don’t let him get to you. Just cause he has a pedigree, he thinks he has more talent than the rest of us.”

  Ryland closed the distance between us. “Say that again,” He growled.

  The tension was thick and a low rumble filled the air. I put myself between them, looking up at each of them in turn. “Listen, please don’t fight. I’m going to take it easy for the rest of the night so I don’t burn out.”

  Ryland’s eyes met mind. “Fine. Rain check? I’ll spar with you tomorrow.”

  I opened my mouth to respond and then remembered that I had already made plans. “Actually, I won’t be here tomorrow. It’s prom.”

  “Prom?” They both repeated incredulously.

  “Yeah?” I shrugged. I turned my head back and forth, noticing how surprised they both looked. “What? You do know what prom is, right?”

  Ryland rolled his eyes. “Of course we do!”

  “It’s just that,” Luke added in a gentler voice. “That guy who attacked you last week is still at large. Are you sure you should be out at night?”

  My mouth went dry. That guy. The psychic with destructive powers that created earthquakes. The one who tried to kidnap me. “Oh. I had no idea,” I said. “I thought it was taken care of. No one’s said anything.”

  “Probably because you’ve been chauffeured everywhere by that FBI guy.” Ryland said.

  I didn’t bother correcting him. Ryland didn’t seem like the kind of guy who would care about people’s names.

  “Did you tell Ms. Blackwell?” Luke asked.

  “I wasn’t going to ask permission. It’s my life!”

  Luke grimaced. “As true as that is, they won’t want you risking your or anyone else’s safety. Can you imagine what would happen in that guy showed up?”

  I didn’t want to imagine. I shuddered. “Alright, then what do I do?”

  “Don’t go.” Ryland said. His tone was flat and unsympathetic.

  I seethed. “No, I want to go! I need to. I’ve been looking forward to it all year.” My voice nearly cracked. I had compromised almost everything to be at this academy, but I wouldn’t give up the most important night of high school. “Besides, I already bought my dress.”

  Ryland rolled his eyes.

  “Well, there is one way,” Luke said after a moment of thought. “If we have added security, I’m sure everyone would agree to it. You just need to bring one of us as a date.”


  In the end, I chose to go with Luke. His temperament was better suited to a long evening of small talk. Besides, I really wanted to sneak that kiss I’d been craving. Ryland was coming along too in order to keep an eye on the perimeter. They really took missions seriously for guys who were just students. No wonder they were both top of the class.

  “Mi niña hermosa,” My mother said with tears glinting in her eyes.

  I felt beautiful in my dress. It was made of purple silk that clung to my body in all the right places and fanned out in a mermaid hemline. My strapless push-up bra helped add a little bit of cleavage. My shoes were strappy, silver, and the heel was about half an inch higher than I was comfortable walking in. But if I could survive three hour training sessions with Ms. Blackwell, I could survive one night with sore feet — it’d be worth it.

  I smoothed the fabric over my hips and turned around to catch a glimpse in the mirror. For one night, I hoped I could just forget all this craziness that had happened over the past week and be a normal eighteen year old again.

  My mom snapped a few pictures with her phone.

  There was a knock at the door.

  I grabbed my clutch purse and kissed my mom on the cheek. “Love you. See you tonight.”

  “I’ll be waiting up for you,” My mother said with a smile. “Now, go have a good time.”

  When I opened the door and saw Daniel, I couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked in his black suit and tie. He waved to my mom as I shut the door behind me.

  “You look beautiful, Bianca,” He said.

  “Thanks,” I said shyly. Where had this man come from? It was as if he replaced the boy I grew up with overnight. Daniel had been a bit of a late bloomer, but I finally was able to see how handsome he was.

  Daniel motioned to the driveway where his father was waiting in the car. “Shall we?”

  I nodded. “Actually, just one thing,” I said.

  “What is it?” Daniel’s eyebrows drew together with concern.

  “Well, I know that we said we were going together as friends,” I said. “But, because of what’s being going on with the-you-know-what, I had to have a bodyguard come with me and pose as a date.”

  Daniel’s eyes widened with realization and then an indifferent mask fell over his face. “Oh,” He said with a nervous laugh. He held up a white box with a corsage that matched my dress. “I see. Well, I can’t say I’m not disappointed.”

  My heart strained when I heard the hurt in his voice.

  “But it’s ok. I understand.” Daniel took the corsage out of the box and tied it around my wrist. “Your safety matters more to me than anything.”

  “Thank you,” I said and kissed his cheek. “You’re a good friend.”

  Daniel nodded slowly and then cleared his throat. “Anyway, let’s get going.” His shining confidence that appeared when I first opened the door had faded.

  Guilt took its hold on me and I felt suffocated. What else could I say? I had been looking forward to prom as much as he had. Wasn’t it better that I was here instead of being cooped up at home or at the academy for my own safety or the safety of others? It seemed that the professors were much more concerned about the wellbeing of the community more than my own health. Whatever their reasoning, I was thankful that Luke had convinced them everything would be alright as long as I had some trained psychics to intercept anything that tried to ruin the night.

  “You look beautiful,” Mr. Dolinsky said as I gathered the hem of my dress so it wouldn’t get caught in the car door. His smile faltered when he sensed that the silence between his son and I was more than typical teenage nerves. “What’s wrong you two?”

  Daniel shrugged.

  “The academy has put security in place for tonight,” I explained. “One of the top students is going to pose as my date. He’s meeting us there.” I shifted uncomfortably as Mr. Dolinsky’s eyes shot from me to Daniel. “It’s for the best.” I added.

  Daniel agreed halfheartedly.

  Mr. Dolinsky frowned. “I see,” He said. “Well, if there is any psychic disturbance, make sure you call me right away. It would probably have been smarter to have actual agents around instead of students. But, I suppose a student would blend in better.” He shrugged and pulled out of the driveway.

  I nodded.

  We drove in silence until we reached the banquet hall. Limos and minivans were lined up as parents dropped of their kids. I could hear the music from outside. Strobe lights flickered; balloons and glittering streamers decorated the entrance in a blue and gold arch.

  I was beyond relieved when I got out of the car and the fresh air hit me.

  Daniel’s door slammed with an ounce of excess force and his dad drove away.

  I looked to Daniel and forced a smile. “Hey, I’m really sorry about this. But, let’s try to have a good time, ok?”

bsp; Daniel nodded. “Yeah. Like I said, your safety is more important to me than anything.”

  We caught a glimpse of Jessica and her girlfriend Mia. They were almost at the doors. Jessica waved at us to hurry.

  I waved back, but she had already disappeared in the crowd of students.

  Daniel looked around. Dinner would start soon. “So where is he?”

  I looked over my shoulder and as if by magic, Luke appeared.

  Daniel hissed in surprise and took a step back.

  “Luke!” I gasped. “You shouldn’t just teleport in and out like that!” I kept my voice low. It didn’t seem that anyone around us noticed.

  Luke grinned and shrugged his shoulders. He was dressed in a dark navy suit with an orange pocket square and tie that complimented his dark complexion. His hair was freshly cut with a neat lineup that went straight across his forehead. “I think I know what I’m doing.”

  “Where’s Ryland?” I asked.

  Luke tipped his head in the direction of the parking lot. “Nearby. Keeping an eye on everything. He may be a jerk sometimes, but he’s great at what he does. With both of us around, you have no need to worry.”

  Daniel kicked at the ground, reminding me he was there.

  “Oh, sorry!” I stepped back to introduce them. “Luke, this is my best friend Daniel. His father works for the FBI. Daniel, this is Luke. He’s going to be our added security tonight.”

  The boys shook hands. Luke was friendly and warm but Daniel was on edge. “Pleasure,” He said. He straightened his jacket “We’d better get inside before they serve dinner.”

  “Oh, one more thing.” Luke said. He revealed an orange corsage that matched his tie. “For my date.” He tied it around my wrist above the one Daniel had given me. “I never got to go to my prom because of training. I figured I’d may as well do it right.”

  Daniel scoffed and began up the stairs to the entrance.

  I shot Luke a glance and followed Daniel.

  Luke linked our arms together as we walked. “Did I do something wrong?” He whispered.

  “No,” I said. “But, Daniel and I promised we’d go together and now this has really thrown everything off.”

  “Is he your boyfriend?” Luke asked.

  “No, but he’s my best friend and I don’t think he was counting on a third wheel. No offense.”

  Luke shrugged. “I’m here to keep you safe. If he was really your friend, he’d understand.”


  The tension between Daniel and Luke tainted dinner. I tried my best to ignore it. Introducing Luke to people I knew as my boyfriend who went to college out of state. No one asked follow-up questions, which was a blessing.

  The ballroom was decorated with the same school colors as the entrance. The prom committee sure had done a great job. I wasn’t normally into this kind of stuff, but I couldn’t help but be impressed.

  We sat a round table with Jessica and Mia. Jessica was in a red mini dress while Mia, who generally preferred the androgynous look, was rocking a white tuxedo. I saw between Daniel and Luke to prevent any conflict that might be caused by the palpable discomfort.

  The center of the room was being cleared away for dancing and the DJ turned up the volume. Now the real party could get started. I was thankful that the first hour had gone off without a hitch.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you started seeing someone,” Jessica whined as she finished her second plate of dessert.

  I shrugged and glanced at Luke. “We just met, actually.”

  Jessica clasped her hands together. “That’s so cute.”

  Mia shook her head and laughed. “Jess, you’re such a hopeless romantic.”

  Jessica feigned shock. “Well, doesn’t everyone need a little but of romance in this world we live in? Love is what makes it all worthwhile.” She kissed her girlfriend’s cheek. “Still, you should have told me right away!” She scowled in my direction.

  I didn’t miss the hurt in Jessica’s voice. It was her personality to keep everything light and bubbly, but she wasn’t happy with me. I wasn’t surprised. She was my go-to friend for anything boy related. I couldn’t tell her anything that was honest about Luke.

  Jessica and Mia went off to the dance floor, leaving us in silence.

  I sighed and looked down at my hands. Having two corsages on my wrist was just a reminder of the two worlds that I now had to play a part in. How was I going to handle this?

  As if reading my mind, Daniel leaned in. “This is just the start. This is what happened to my parents. Once you’re psychic, there’s a part of your life that you need to hide from other people. It destroys relationships.”

  I swallowed hard, tears prickling at the corner of my eyes. He was right. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing one of my best friends because I had to hide half of my life. I stood up and brushed some crumbs off my dress. “I’m going to go to the washroom. I’ll be right back.”

  Daniel called after me, but I ignored him.

  I kept the tears at bay until I left the ballroom. My vision blurred as I went looking for a washroom to hold my private pity party in. I didn’t need to ruin anyone else’s night. I found the washroom and it was empty. I locked the door behind me and hunched over the sink, crying big, ugly, mascara-stained tears.

  There was a pop of pressure in the room and when I glanced up at the mirror, I saw Luke standing behind me.

  “Luke!” I gasped and turned around.

  Luke handed me a wad of tissue to clean up my face. “Don’t cry. Please,” He said. “It’s never a good look when a girl cries all her makeup off.”

  I wiped my eyes and a tiny laugh escaped me. “Thanks, Luke.”

  He tipped his head to the side as he looked at me. “I heard what your friend said and maybe it didn’t work out for his folks, but my parents are still together. My dad didn’t find out about psychics until I started at the academy. If a marriage is on the rocks, maybe being psychic is an easy scapegoat; I’m sure that wasn’t the only thing.”

  I shrugged and dabbed my eyes.

  “Ryland and I disagree on pretty much everything. But it’s probably always easier if two psychic people are together. At least you can rely on each other for support when no one else in the world would believe you even if you told them. We make up around 1% of the population. I won’t sugarcoat it — it gets lonely.”

  I looked up at him, feeling a warmth glowing inside me. He was so sweet and so caring. I knew I had made the right choice for him to take me to prom. Even if it was just for security. I smiled. “Thanks, Luke.”

  “Anytime.” Luke smiled.

  I let myself fall into his arms. He held me close and we were silent for a moment. I listened to his heart beating slow and steady in his chest. His grip on me was secure and gentle.

  I was never one for dating. I had tried a few times, but most guys in my school were complete idiots. I hadn’t really counted on meeting anyone worthwhile until college. Standing here felt right. It felt like I imagined it would.

  I looked up at him. “Luke?”

  “What is it?”

  I could see myself reflected in his eyes. Even the harsh fluorescent bathroom lighting and the sound of a leaky tap wasn’t enough to ruin this moment. “If things were different and we didn’t need security, would you have gone to prom with me anyway?”

  To answer my question, Luke leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

  I melted into his kiss. Shivers ran through my body as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and leaned into him.

  Our kiss turned hot almost instantly. I parted my lips and our lips wrestled against one another. I moaned into his mouth as he lifted me up onto the counter, his hands roaming down my back and over my hips.

  I ached for more as he pulled away.

  “Does that answer your question?” Luke asked with a spark in his eye.

  I kissed him again. My body felt as if it were on fire. I wanted more. I wanted all of him. I wanted everything th
at I had been holding back from my entire life. Our bodies pressed together and I could feel his hardness against me.

  A low rumbling sound interrupted our kisses. I pulled away from him, feeling the counter top shake. The lights were flickering and swaying from the ceiling.

  “Earthquake?” I breathed.

  Luke’s expression darkened. “No. Looks like we have an unexpected guest.”


  The ground trembled underneath our feet. The now-familiar hum filled my ears and my stomach lurched. “What is that?”

  “If I had to guess, it was probably that guy that attacked you last week in the park.” Luke said.

  The rumbling patterns were eerily familiar. That night in the park seemed like a lifetime ago now. My fear flooded back, remembering the raw power that guy possessed.

  “Alright, let’s go handle this.” Luke said. He pulled his hands from my waist and loosened his tie.

  I followed him out of the bathroom. People were running in all directions, most towards the exit. We fought against the current of people and towards where the pulsing feeling was strongest. I tried to catch a glimpse of Daniel or Jessica in the crowd, but there were too many people.

  “Earthquake!” Someone shouted.

  Luke pulled me to the wall so we wouldn’t get trampled. “Stay close!”

  I nodded and held onto the back of his suit jacket. The room was empty when we got there. Tables were overturned, the DJ’s set up had crashed to the ground, broken glass littered the floor. It was too quiet.

  Just as the ground began to shake again, a man appeared. He floated above us in the center of the room and grinned down at us maniacally. “Ah, so you are here, pretty girl. I knew I could sense your power.”

  His voice made me want to throw up and the way the floor was swaying certainly didn’t help.

  Luke stepped in front of me and took up a fighting stance. “You’re not getting away this time.”

  The man scoffed. “Oh, academy scum, don’t make me laugh.” He had sallow skin and a hooked nose. His hair was dark and his clothes looked old and dirty. If I didn’t know what he was capable of, I would have thought he was just some crazy homeless guy. But I had seen firsthand what kind of psychic power he possessed.


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