Discovering Pleasure

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Discovering Pleasure Page 1

by Marie Haynes

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Discovering Pleasure

  ISBN # 978-0-85715-883-3

  ©Copyright Marie Haynes 2012

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright January 2012

  Edited by Stacey Birkel

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2012 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-melting and a sexometer of 2.

  This story contains 125 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book containing 4 pages.



  Marie Haynes

  Book three in the Pleasure Series

  A little wine, a little nature, and one hot man is all Rose needs to discover her pleasure.

  When Rose asks her Dominant, Nathan, to help her discover her family roots in Southern Illinois, she learns more about herself than she bargained for.

  After spending a week at Giant City State Park, Rose leaves with not only a new family, but new friends and a new life filled with the structure she craves, pleasure…and love.


  For Mr J. I love you.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Blanche DuBois: Tennessee Williams

  Jeep: Chrysler Group LLC

  Cardinals: St. Louis Cardinals

  Levis: Levi Strauss & Co.

  Chapter One

  Rosé—A soft wine with hints of strawberry and peach. Lovely as an aperitif or paired with light appetisers.

  Contract of Consensual Submissivery


  Though this contract is not legally binding in any court in the land, all parties entered into it agree to accept the full weight of its terms and honour its conditions as though this contract were of a legally binding nature. This contract is in effect only during any and all Play Events.

  Article 1. The Relationship

  1.10.100 The Dominant / submissive Relationship

  The submissive understands that this relationship encompasses that of a D/s (Dominant/submissive) nature and therefore agrees to submit completely to the Dominant in all ways. However, the submissive has the right and responsibility to voice concerns without risk of punishment.

  1.10.110 The BDSM Relationship

  The submissive understands that this relationship is one of a BDSM (Bondage Discipline Sado-Masochism) nature and that the Dominant may impose physical or psychological punishment as a means of discipline, training, or for his pleasure. The submissive will always maintain the right, without fear of further punishment, to use the safeword ‘Christmas’ or, if gagged, to nod the head three times in quick succession. At this time, the Dominant will discontinue all play and check on the condition/safety of the submissive.

  1.10.130 The Sexual Relationship

  The submissive understands that this relationship is that of a sexual nature and that such acts may include, but are not limited to, oral, anal, and vaginal penetration, penetration by foreign objects, fellatio, cunnilingus, analingus, ingestion of semen, engaging in sexual relations with others or multiple partners, masturbation, the use of sexual toys or devices, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and role play.

  Article 2. The submissive

  2.10.100 The submissive unto her Dominant

  The submissive accepts that her physical body is the property of the Dominant and may be used for his pleasure and at his discretion during a Play Event.

  The submissive willingly assumes the obligation to please the Dominant in all ways possible during play sessions. This obligation includes, but is not limited to, sexual gratification, hostess/entertainment duties, and domestic work.

  (a) The submissive shall show deference and respect to the Dominant at all times

  (b) The submissive may never refer to her Dominant by his first name but shall refer to him as ‘Sir’, ‘Master’ or ‘Lord’

  (c) The submissive shall be honest and truthful, to the best of her knowledge

  (d) The submissive shall immediately and enthusiastically obey all commands given by the Dominant

  (e) The submissive may never leave the presence of the Dominant for any reason without first seeking his permission

  (f) The submissive shall inform the Dominant of any infractions of the rules committed on her part

  2.12.100 submissive conduct

  The submissive shall, at all times, conduct herself as a lady in all manners and etiquette.

  (a) While the submissive accepts and embraces her role and station in the BDSM culture, she appreciates that the act of submission of one’s own authority and the subjugation to the will of another is an act of great courage and discipline. The submissive shall never consider herself to be weak-willed, inferior, damaged, or second-class, but instead should consider herself a person of superior integrity and intelligence.

  Article 3. submissive Attire

  3.10.100 At Home

  When in residence the submissive shall be nude at all times except under the conditions set forth in section 5.40.100(a).

  3.20.110 Undergarments

  The Dominant shall purchase all undergarments which the submissive may wear during Play Events.

  No other undergarments shall be tolerated.

  Article 4. The Dominant

  4.10.100 The Dominant’s Role

  The Dominant accepts the responsibility of the submissive’s physical and emotional well-being. The Dominant vows that he is experienced, knowledgeable and responsible as a Dominant and that his guidance of the submissive shall always be with an eye to both his and her pleasure.

  4.30.100 Punishment

  The Dominant maintains the right to punish the submissive for any and all indiscretions or infractions of the contract, for training purposes or for his pleasure. The submissive shall willingly submit to all punishments.

  4.30.100 Methods of punishment/training enumerated

  (a) Whipping, flogging, spanking, paddling, or cropping

  (b) Breast torture/nipple torture

  (c) Crotch torture

  (d) Anal torture

  (e) Figging

  (f) Private humiliation/degradation

  (g) Binding, tying or other forms of immobilisation

  (h) Enemas

  (i) Any other method agreed to by both the submissive and the Dominant

  10.20.200 submissive’s Signature


  (submissive’s signature and date)

  10.20.300 Dominant’s Signature


  (Dominant’s signature and date)

  Rose Hester signed her name with a flourish then handed the pen over to Nathan who, with a quick stroke, added his own name to the contract.

  “Satisfied?” she asked.

  “Very. As long as you are, that is,” he responded, taking her into his arms and kissing her soundly. “So, when you first came to my house as a birthday gift, did you ever think you’d become a permanent part of my life?” he murmured into her ear.

  Rose giggled, remembering her first encounter with Nathan. When Joe Dunes had suggested she give Nathan a birthday massage, Rose had jumped at the chance to land a new client. As a certified massage therapist, she had decided against working at a slick spa in St. Louis that charged outrageous prices and catered only to the rich. Instead, she’d purchased a portable massage table, mixed her own oils, and hung out her shingle. She’d planned to offer at-home massages to the average person for a reasonable fee. Nathan had been one of her first customers.

  “No, but I’m so glad you consider me ‘permanent’,” she answered. “So, when is our first play event?”

  Nathan threw back his head and roared. Rose smiled, loving the rich sound of his laughter.

  “Anxious little slut, aren’t you?” he asked.

  Rose nodded.

  “You’re just going to have to wait a bit, ‘cause I’ve got a few errands to run. In the meantime, I expect you to prepare for my return,” he commanded.

  “And when might that be?” she enquired, her little pink tongue darting out to moisten her lips.

  “When I’m good and ready,” he answered sternly. Deftly, he spun her around and, with a sharp slap to her bottom, pushed her in the direction of the bathroom. “But when I return, I expect you showered, shaved, naked, lubricated and ready. Questions?”

  “No, Sir,” she said, with a saucy grin.

  Once she was standing in the shower, Rose luxuriated in the feel of the hot water and scented, soft lather. She disliked the harsh chemicals commonly found in commercial brands, so she used only organically made soaps. Carefully, she shaved her legs, underarms and pubic area—just as prescribed in the contract. Smiling to herself, Rose remembered how Nathan had argued against the contract. He didn’t want her to feel obligated to please him or trapped into doing something she really didn’t want to do. After days of badgering, arguing and cajoling, she had finally managed to make him understand that a written document would satisfy her need for order. She would not feel trapped at all, but rather…free. Funny, most people would think that the Dominant in a relationship would want the contract, not the submissive. But then again, most people didn’t understand her at all.

  Humming slightly off key, Rose stepped out of the shower and dried herself with a big, fuzzy towel. She scooped her fingers into a jar of coconut oil scented with her own perfume and liberally worked the soothing moisturiser into her skin. Conscious of her newly signed contract, she also coated her pussy and anus with Nathan’s favourite lubricant, not that she needed much. Her thighs were already glistening with her own honey.

  Now what do I do? Needing something to occupy herself, Rose wandered into Nathan’s bedroom with the intent of changing the sheets on his bed. Freshly laundered sheets always felt lovely against bare skin. Propped against a pillow, though, lay an envelope with her name scrawled across the flap.

  “I should have known he’d leave instructions,” she murmured, grinning with anticipation.


  By now you are showered, shaved and properly lubricated. You are also looking for something to do to keep yourself busy and out of trouble while you wait for me to return. In fact, you’re probably ready to do some laundry or clean something.

  Rose laughed. Without a doubt, Nathan understood her need to stay busy, not to mention her almost compulsive cleaning habits.

  I want you, however, to remember that your first priority is to act as my submissive. To that end, you will go to my dresser, open the top left drawer and remove a package wrapped in pink paper.

  “Okay,” Rose said, following the directions. Sure enough, she found the package.

  When you open the present—and yes, it is a present for you—you will understand what to do with it. I should return in about an hour, at which time I will expect my gift to be in its proper place, my floors swept, the kitchen spotless, the bed turned down and you kneeling three feet from the front door ready to welcome me.

  I love you, Nathan

  PS You will NOT orgasm in my absence.

  Curious and more excited than ever, Rose carefully removed the pink wrapping, taking care not to rip the paper. For a moment, she could do nothing except stare at the gift. A butt plug. Seriously? He wanted her to insert a plug into her ass and then clean his house? Rose re-read the letter just to be sure she understood Nathan’s instructions. She had told him that she was ready to be challenged.

  Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she said, “Well, this is what you wanted. Besides…Nathan—or rather, Sir—will understand if you really don’t want to do this. Good Lord, I’m talking to myself again.” She began to pace. Suddenly, she stopped and glanced in the mirror once more before nodding and making her decision. Reaching around to run a finger over her anus, she felt confident in the amount of lubrication she had applied earlier. Rose picked up her gift, took a deep breath and slowly inserted the plug. Graciously, Nathan had chosen a fairly small plug so, despite the initial discomfort, Rose’s body soon accepted the rude intrusion. Rose sighed deeply, feeling a seductive warmth begin to grow in the centre of her being—a full feeling that left her excited and trembling.

  How on earth will I be able to move about and clean without having an orgasm? she thought as she began to sweep Nathan’s floors.

  * * * *

  An hour later and panting heavily, she knelt—head bowed, nipples hard and pussy dripping—as she heard Nathan step through his front door. Immediately, she leaned slightly forward, kissed his crotch then resumed her kneeling position. She felt Nathan’s hand upon her head, grasping a handful of her red hair. He tilted her head back, bent down and kissed her hard. When he released her, she knew her eyes were glazed with desire.

  “Have you been good?” he quietly asked.

  “Mostly, Sir, yes,” she answered, a blush rising to her cheeks.

  “Stand up and explain yourself,” he demanded, frowning.

  “I did as you instructed, but I failed in one aspect,” she admitted.

  “And that was?”

  Taking a deep breath, Rose hung her head in shame for a moment before squaring her shoulders and looking up at him. Quietly she said, “I had a few orgasms without your permission.”

  For a moment, Nathan said nothing and Rose squirmed beneath his gaze. “How many?”

  “Four,” she admitted.


  “Oh, Nathan…I mean, Sir,” she babbled, “I couldn’t help it. I’ve never worn a plug before. I had no idea how wonderful it would feel to be so full and whenever I moved I felt it inside me and before I even realised it, I was coming.”

  “You know what this means, don’t you?” he asked.

  Rather than answering, she dropped her head again and nodded.

  “Then get ready,” he instructed.

  Swiftly, Rose walked to the bedroom and placed two pillows in the centre of the bed. She climbed on top of them, her ass elevated. She buried her face in her arms and waited, her pussy dripping with her excitement.

  Nathan grinned and rubbed his hands together. Damn, he was a lucky man. As soon as he had walked in the door and seen Rose naked, her head bowed, his cock had grown hard. He’d known she would never make it through the hour without having at least one orgasm. He wasn’t angry with her. Hell, he had never been angry with her. The first time she’d looked at him with those big, green eyes, he’d known she would be his. Okay, she was a bit odd with her need for neatness, her weird ability of knowing what the weather was going to do or ‘seeing�
� a person’s past—not to mention her sketchy history—but she was also everything Nathan wanted in a woman. She was smart, kind-hearted, knew how to stand up for herself, and was sexy as well. Didn’t hurt any that she also seemed to be a natural submissive who craved order and structure, something he knew she had lacked throughout her childhood.

  Walking into the sparkling kitchen, Nathan grabbed a beer, popped it open and slowly drank it. In his mind, he could see her, trembling with excitement, waiting for him naked—her bottom raised and exposed, the base of the butt plug clearly visible. It took all his willpower to lounge about in the kitchen, but he knew that anticipation would make her even more excited and anxious to please him. Glancing at the clock, he decided that he’d make her wait five more minutes, then her ass was his.

  Rose took deep, calming breaths and waited. She heard Nathan’s footsteps, the refrigerator door opening. She listened as he popped the tab on a can, likely of beer. With each passing moment, she became wetter. Finally, she heard him enter the bedroom.


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