BLADE: The villains also love (English verson) (Duology of criminals Book 1)

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BLADE: The villains also love (English verson) (Duology of criminals Book 1) Page 39

by Mari Sillva

  -You're silly, Blade! You fool! -She slapped him on the shoulder and laughed at the sullen face he had made.

  -That's not what you say when I'm…- he cooed profane and obscene things in her ear, making her blush deeply.

  - Stop it Blade, take your Christmas present and settle down! -Jesse pulled a blue box from the pocket of his denim jacket, which was small and delicate, just like her.

  -It's beautiful, but I do not believe in God! Much less in saint! - He took from his box a gold cord with a medal of St. Anthony, which she had bought in Puerto Rico.

  - Stop being annoying, Blade! The name Antônio originates from the Greek Antínis and means "valuable", "strong", "protector", "worthy of appreciation", "fearless". No doubt it describes you, so even without faith, I want you to use it. -I had to record Blade and Jesse forever behind it. She slipped the cord around his neck, which he promised never to take again.

  They stayed for a while at the Christmas party and said goodbye to everyone since they would not see them before the trip, which they would not return so early if just depended on him.

  -See you soon, Blade I'm going to miss you! I love you, I'm proud to have you as a brother! -Bobbi's statement moved him, that boy was everything to him.

  -Let's always talk, Mascot, every day. I am the one proud to be your brother. You are the best boy I know when you are not being spoiled and speaking ugly words. -Blade reminded him of his "rebellious" moment whenever he could.

  -You will never forget that, will you? - Bobbi rolled his teary eyes.

  -You know not! - He kissed the young man's forehead, ruffling his hair.

  Blade and Jesse ended up deciding to go to the hiding place at once and spend the whole night there doing their private party. Maria Joaquim packed some snacks and sweets to take with her, but Jesse did not want to, she said she had a very good stomach that week. She was avoiding eating heavy things until the malaise passed, maybe it would take longer than she imagined...

  -What are you doing there, love? Come back to bed, it's too early. -Blade said sleepily, watching Jesse get up from his bed in his gray sweatshirt.

  - I want to see the sunset, love, can sleep that soon I will return. - Jesse kissed his face and ran out barefoot, her hair flying. She was very close to a cliff at the back of the hiding place, from there to have a perfect view of the sun rising behind the mountains.

  -You're going to get a cold, stubborn! - Blade arrived rubbing her eyes, dead sleepy, wearing the sweatpants that were with her. Tucked inside a thick blanket, his hair all messed up.

  -I'm glad you came, my love! - Jesse jumped into his arms that wrapped around his plaid blanket.

  -And did I have another choice? - He muttered in annoyance.

  - Shut up and enjoy this masterpiece of nature, I've never seen anything more beautiful.

  The sky had taken on an orange, clean, cloudless tone birds flying in v-comers, beautiful and elegant. Behind the mountains, the sun came up half-timid, as if it knew it was being watched. And I was, for a couple in love, full of promises and hopes for a new future.

  -Neither do I, - said Blade, looking foolishly at Jesse. He had not taken his eyes off her. She never looked so pretty as at that moment, lit by the faint rays of the sun coming slowly. The cheeks lightly stained by the cold, the rebellious curls, flying in the direction of the wind. Then he thought: It's a good time to deliver her birthday present. I have nothing to worry about things could be more perfect. This bad feeling was nothing, just in my head. Soon he would be far away with her, with his Angel.

  - Will you marry me? This is your other gift!

  Blade knelt at her feet holding a ring with a huge diamond stone on top, the glow almost blinded her. Taking Jesse totally by surprise, she did not expect it so soon, even more so a romantic way. She never imagined that she would be so happy and loved one day.

  - Of course my love! Now if you want! - She knelt down in front of him and kissed him in the sunlight that had been completely born, with all her exuberance. "We are one now," she finished, her forehead glued to his, holding her face in her hands, both eyes closed.

  -Forever, - Blade finished, thrilled.

  Suddenly a strange noise filled the sky, sprouting police helicopters everywhere. When they thought of running, many cars with sirens on them cornered them in front of the cliff. The noise of everything together was almost unbearable, it was deafening. Without having anything to do, the two embraced. Whatever happens would be together.

  -Get your hands off her, Maldonado! You are arrested for all the robberies and murders of the police, you have the right to remain silent and everything you say will be used against you in court, you are entitled to a lawyer, if you can´t afford it, the state will get you one - exclaimed Jesse's partner, Hugo Rodrigues, approaching them with slow steps.

  -He did not kill the cops, Hugo, you have to believe me- Jesse tried to defend him, but was cut off by his partner.

  -I know he kidnapped you, Jesse, but do not worry. We're here now, you're safe. We got footage from the street cameras where the shed where his father was murdered and quartered before being taken to the front of the FBI department. Is Maldonado coming in or will he lie now, Blade, saying he was not at the crime scene? Hugo accused certain of what he was saying. Maldonado looked at Jesse desperately but did not deny anything.

  -You said there would be no lies and no secrets! - Jesse walked away from a few steps away from him, not caring about the bunch of guns pointed at them.

  -I was at the scene, Jesse, but I did not kill your father. - Jesse covered her face with his hands, beginning to cry.

  -You broke our covenant! - There was so much heartache in Jesse's eyes, it was real anger.

  -I did not break it, angel, let me explain. - He tried to approach her but was shot by Hugo with a shot in the middle of his chest.

  - BLADEEEEE! - Cried Stephen at the exact moment, startling everyone in the hospital.

  He had awakened from the coma, his skin paler than ever, his eyes wide blue. The raven flew into the room from side to side in celebration Nayla could not stop crying with joy.

  - No! - Jesse tried to help him but was dragged away by two policemen.

  Hugo approached Blade who still stood with both hands on the bullet hole that blew without stopping a Maldonado did not fall easily.

  -That's because you came into my house and killed my little brother. I'm Matteo Castelli!!! -Whispered Hugo, so that only Maldonado could hear.

  Blade's eyes widened, making it clear who killed his brother. If he had known, Jesse would be in danger.

  -That little brat, he just waited for me to travel with my mother to Europe to do all this licking. With the stupid craze to prove he's capable, acting behind my back, and not from now on. You idiot jerk now it ends up dead and my mother spends her days crying because of him! I hate to see her crying! Matteo was as crazy as his younger brother.

  -I'll come back, even if it's from hell to kill you. If you dare touch a finger on her, I'll tear it one by one, -Blade threatened, his voice cracking, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

  -She's mine now as a consolation prize! - Rot in hell, damn you, your bad race ends here! Not because I like her, but because you love her. Discreetly, with the tip of his index finger, he pushed Blade Maldonado into the cliff, which fell in slow motion, watching Jesse kicking at him.

  - I love you! - He whispered already too weak for her to listen, unfortunately. He regretted that he had not said it before and now it was too late.

  Some years later…

  -Look, he's waking up, what's your name, boy? - Asked an old gentleman, wearing worn clothes. He was smart enough for ask the question before the doctors arrived.

  - My name is Vladimir Alvarez, known as Blade Maldonado!

  And so the story continues, where Maldonado comes back thirsty for revenge in Phoenix Blade "(Rising from the Ashes).


  The newest businessman in Los Angeles, Vladimir Álvarez, who wor
e a beautiful gray Italian suit, took a few hours of his precious time to admire the work of the beautiful photo exhibition of a talented photographer who a few years ago has left the not-so-brilliant career in police to devote full-time to her love in art and the dream of traveling the world. It was next to a photo of her, very beautiful by the way, in Africa, wearing a delicate flowery cloth dress in with no makeup and hair in a shortcut, trimmed with a white bow, holding a professional camera ¬- which he had bought - and smiling spontaneously surrounded by children visibly enchanted by his presence. She was like that, leaving a trail of love wherever she went. He watched the young artist approach politely greeted everyone who had come to pay tribute to his remarkable work, was more beautiful than he remembered, but the delicacy remained the same, the sweetness of making the small gestures, however simple they were. Even after all this time, she still blushed like a teenager when she was somewhere with lots of people, a shy angel. The world stopped as he admired his large, expressive dark brown eyes.

  At first, because of the elegance, he did not recognize her. He was more confident and mature, in fact, a breathtaking beauty of anyone, especially his. As she approached accompanied by her mother and sister, past him, she inclined her head and body in a chivalrous greeting. His hands sweated and his breathing became more and more breathless.

  -Thank you for coming, welcome! - She greeted him with a beautiful smile, being kind.

  He knew he should not have been hurt because she did not recognize him, but he still did. He could not blame her, nor did he recognize himself when he looked at his reflection in the mirror. The hair was now long in light brown, the beard medium, rustic and sexy. His eyes darkened with the aid of lenses, thus making him more attractive than he already was. However just being able to hear that sweet voice again was already more than enough to make him immensely happy.

  - Thank you, Miss! -Vladimir tried not to hesitate when look into her eyes, but it was in vain. For years, he longed for that moment. And she was so beautiful, perfect! Wearing a long dress, wine, mermaid model that she knew very well, after all, it was him who chose him to give her at his first ball. He was surprised she still have it, had saved it to use it only on special occasions. This made Vladimir's ego inflate like a gas balloon.

  - Thank you, sir! -He thought he was going to die, she had given" that smile "that enlightened the whole world that she could take whatever she wanted, just ask and have it in her hands.

  Thank God the conversation between them was too brief, and she continued on her way greeting the other guests. One more minute and he would have kissed her to nurture the longing he was feeling for herself, his angel. But before that happened, he had to do something very important: prove his innocence to his beloved. Unable to remain in the room, Vladimir decided to leave as fast as his feet could walk. But something made him stop, an unexpected thing...

  -Auntie Jesse, Antonio hit me again! - There was a little girl crying, so white that she was pale. She wore a black dress at night, it was her favorite color. Her hair was dark and long, smooth and shiny. His eyes were a strong blue the features of his face that reminded him of someone Vladimir knew and loved as a brother.

  - I really hit! - She deserved it and if she fucks me, I'll hit again! Behind her came a sulky boy, closing his fists looking for a fight. He was dressed like a little man in a gray suit and a black tie with scratches. The light brown hair, with gel, brushed back. He had her face , but the eyes ... The color was not blue or green, but of an indecipherable tone identical to Vladimir, as well as his father and grandfather. Rarity found only in the heirs of the surname Maldonado and nowhere else.

  -Bad boy, Antonio! - Apologize to Estefania now or you will be grounded! She scold.

  -But mom ... - He tried to explain himself, there was no way.

  - Now, son! The mother put her hands on his hips, her heels bouncing on the floor, nervous.

  - What the hell! Sorry to have beat you, you bore girl! -he came out with a sour face, worse than he had come.

  Then Vladimir realized that it was not just the eyes he had on the family, but the strong genius as well. Thinking of it, he left the recital, totally shocked by the discovery.

  By: Author Marí Sillva

  Thank you for accompanying me to the end of this insane trip called Blade Maldonado, where anything can happen. A devil who fell in love with the angel, surrendering to her charms, the sweetest being in the world named Jesse Carter. I have no words to describe what I'm feeling at the moment, it's too strong. Blade came into my life in a difficult time, took me out of the depression and showed that anything is possible when we believe in us. Jesse taught me to never lose faith, even in the face of so many difficult problems, to look at people without evil, with love. Stay with God and see you soon, a hug.

  Do you think everyone should know, Blade Maldonado?

  I knew the answer would be ... yes!

  I got you, you can laugh I'll let you!

  So do not just keep to yourself the overwhelming emotion that was to know the story of the devil what fell in love with the angel, spread it to the four winds, but without giving any spoilers, huh? Get out with your friends reminding yourself of Li's hilarious jokes, Stephen's sincerity, and Julius's wisdom, but do not forget to warn them to be careful of the charm of Blade Maldonado, because he is simply enthralling. Embellish your social networks with this beautiful and wonderful cover, made with a lot of affection by Mônica Caster, and last but not least of all I would be very happy if you could honor my work leaving your evaluation on Amazon, this helps a lot the hard work of we, authors. Thank you!

  More information about these, and all my other books, at:

  Group on Facebook: Romances - Mari Sillva:¬if_id=1514935343649540¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic




  Biography of the author:

  My name is Mari Sillva, I'm Brazilian and I'm twenty-four. I have always dreamed of being tall, but not taking my feet off the ground. My greatest talent is never giving up seeing opportunity where it does not exist. Faithfully believes that Acai should be among one of the Seven Wonders of the World awarded the first prize. I am passionate about cold places, and a good place to read a book. I began writing in the year 2015 after the tragic death of my brother it was the only way I found to overcome this difficult moment. Since then, I have not stopped, and here I am presenting to you my first book translated into English...

  Soon to be released by Blade Phoenix – II


  To the beautiful readers that I love so much of the group in WhatsApp "Blademaniacas" and the group of Facebook Romances - Mari Sillva, who always support me a lot and are with me every day, whether they are good or bad.

  To my Wattpad readers where it all started, they accepted Blade from the first chapter and are with me to this day, strong and strong. Thank you so much for believing in my work and, above all, in me.

  Layde and Thamara, my love, I do not even have to say anything, right? From readers, they became great friends, giving support at my worst moment. Love you!

  My beloved reviewer, Luciene de Luca, who besides my friend, I love with all my heart always so sweet and kind to me, it is an honor to work with you, woman, you are an angel that God has placed in my life!

  My Capist Monica Caster has wrecked this wonderful cape, and the wonderful designer, Margaret Antequera always so kind to me.





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