Recovery (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 3)

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Recovery (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 3) Page 8

by Sophia Hampton

  “I love you, Mom,” she was sure to whisper as she passed her gifts to her. “Okay, everyone, dig in!” Melanie announced, and the sound of ripping paper reverberated off the wood walls. Then choruses of “thank you” and squeals of joy followed, as they did every year.

  Melanie left the room, hearing her phone ring. Who would be calling her on Christmas morning?

  She picked it up to hear a familiar voice on the line. It was Irene. “Hey, girl, what’s up? Merry Christmas!”

  “You too, Mel! We really miss you over here. We just wanted to call and say hello.” The sound of five hellos came through the line. Irene had a grand total of four kids with Milo ranging in age from eighteen down to seven. They all knew Melanie as their aunt. “So, do you have a white Christmas there? The kids want to know. They barely ever see snow, you know.”

  Melanie laughed thinking about the weather back where she grew up. It was nice to finally be somewhere where it felt like Christmas. “It’s always a white Christmas here, Irene. Tell them I will text them some photos before dinner, okay?”

  “Will do, thanks. How are your little ones?”

  “Not so little anymore. Kylie is bringing her boyfriend to Christmas dinner.”

  “Boyfriend! Oh my gosh, how old is she now? I bet she’s a looker like her mom. You’re gonna have to watch out.”

  “Oh, her father will take care of that, I’m sure. He’s already thinking about having the rifles sitting next to him at the table. He’s worked up a list of what questions he wants to ask the poor guy. I’m sure he’ll have him running and screaming before dessert.”

  Both women laughed, and Melanie felt a warmth come over her. She had been so fearful that it would never be safe to contact her friends or mother again, and here she was talking to both. Caleb hadn’t been reachable lately, though. He’d apparently finally found the one and was off on some island getaway with him. But Melanie was happy to know it.

  “Okay, well I have to get cooking, and I bet you do too. Let’s be better about keeping in touch, okay? Maybe we’ll get up there this summer, you know when school’s out.”

  “That sounds great, Irene. Have a great day.”

  “You too.”

  Melanie felt a smile spreading larger across her face as she hung up the phone and made her way into the kitchen. It was time for the marathon cooking so that she could relax and enjoy the food at some point before midnight.

  Melanie felt Andy come up behind her and kiss on her neck as she started grabbing supplies. She felt his hand wandering all over her body, and she giggled. “Oh, look at my sexy woman about to cook everyone a damn good meal. Too bad you’re going to be too busy, otherwise I might have you put some of those ingredients on me and lick them off.”

  She slapped his arm playfully, and he spanked her ass cheek back. She blushed as their daughter entered the kitchen to see what she could do to help. She was a pretty good cook for a teenage girl. “Get a room, you two!” She called out, crossing her arms over her chest. Melanie and Andy laughed at her, and Andy went back into the living room with his parents.

  “Sorry, kiddo. You’ll get it when you get old like us. Now, what would you like to help with; the pie or the ham?”

  “Definitely the pie,” she answered, a smile on her face. As usual, dessert always fixed everything. “And, no Mom, I don’t think I’ll ever understand. I don’t even let Wiley kiss me at school. It’s private.”

  Melanie looked her little girl up and down with a concerned look. Not only was she kissing this boy, but she was doing it in private. What else was she doing in private? “So he has kissed you?” It came out less like a question and more like a disappointed statement.

  “Yes, Mom, that’s what boyfriends do, geez.” Melanie laughed and ruffled her hair. No way was she letting herself believe her little tomboy was doing more than kissing. A year ago she still thought that boys had cooties. She decided to change the subject.

  “So have you decided to take Theater or to do Speech?” Melanie asked, handing her the pie pan and the can of pumpkin.

  “I’m totally doing speech. They get to debate about current world issues and stuff. My friend Rose who’s a year older than me told me that they were just talking about the war on terror and abortion. I can’t believe those topics are allowed in school.” Melanie couldn’t believe it either for that matter, but her daughter loved to argue. She and Andy had always joked about the fact that their daughter would grow up to be a lawyer.

  They worked in silence for the next several hours, rushing around the kitchen trying to get the food ready in time. At one point, Andy’s mother even joined in while the boys all sat and watched the television with Melanie’s mother napping in the recliner.


  Dinner was long over and everyone was off doing their own thing. Melanie could hear her children playing a video game in the den, and her mother was already asleep for the night. Andy’s parents were sitting in front of the fire, watching It’s a Wonderful Life together.

  Melanie felt so grateful for the life she and Andy had built together after the dark times they had faced, and she never forgot the feeling she had when they walked into their dream house and he proposed. He made her whole world that day.

  She heard footsteps behind her as she looked up at the stars and the light flurries that piled in the yard. She closed her eyes as she felt Andy’s strong arms wrap around her waist, warming her from the inside out. “I love you, Melanie,” he whispered in her ear, and it made her feel complete.

  “I love you too, Andy.” She turned around and gave him a peck on his perfect mouth, tasting the cold on his lips.

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