by Andy Bull
family background of, 6–7
fast cars driven by, 3–6, 147, 246, 250, 273
Hollywood production company of, 201–205, 218
marriage of Rose and, 221
memorial service for, 265–68
in 1928 Winter Olympics, 14, 82–86, 89–94, 171, 195
in 1932 Winter Olympics, 116, 148–49, 152–57, 164, 166, 171, 173–79, 182, 183, 185, 187–92, 211, 265, 272, 195
and 1936 Winter Olympics, 208–11
posthumous honors for, 273–74
in RAF, 224, 225, 226, 228–40, 242, 243–55
romances of, 198–99, 205, 215–19
Satan bobsled of, 50, 52–53
travels of, 12–13, 195–201
Fiske, Peggy (Billy’s sister), 6, 84, 196, 201, 205, 218, 238, 266, 268
and Billy’s enlistment in RAF, 229–32, 236–37
birth of, 7
childhood of, 9–10
in Nazi Berlin, 211
romance, marriage and divorce of Jennison Heaton and, 55, 82, 148, 269
in St. Moritz, 26, 51
Fiske, Phineas, 7
Fiske, Rose Bingham (Billy’s wife), 240, 244, 246, 248, 252, 253, 255
and Billy’s death, 260–63
and Billy’s RAF enlistment and flight training, 229, 233–29
death of, 268
divorce of Greville and, 218, 221
first marriage of, 216–17
marriage of Billy and, 221
at memorial service for Billy, 265–68
in New York, 194, 217–18, 227, 230
volunteer ambulance corps plan of, 231, 232
Fiske, W. L. M., I (Billy’s grandfather), 6–7
Fiske, W. L. M., II (Billy’s father), 6–13, 26, 51, 55, 82, 147, 197, 213, 236, 237, 261, 266, 273
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 43, 71
Fleischmann, Julius, 42–48
Fleischmann, Lilly, 43–44
Fleming, Major Philip, 153
Floto, Otto, 127–29
Flynn, Errol, 217, 272–73
Flynn, “Fireman” Jim, 127
Flynn, T. J., 206, 216, 274
Fonjallaz, René, 170–71, 189, 220, 272
Forrestal, James, 9
Fox, John Donna, 208, 209
France, 7, 10, 11, 13, 45, 46, 90, 100, 146, 219
resorts in, 100 (see also French Riviera)
in Second World War, 226, 236, 238, 244, 251
Winter Olympics team of, 87, 93, 163, 174
Francis, Owen, 219
Franks, Harry, 134, 138
Fraser, Lady Charlotte, 268
French Riviera, 3–6, 48, 49, 230, 246
Fuller, E. M., 33
Gable, Clark, 270
Garbo, Greta, 217
Garren, Jack, 208, 209
Germany, 10, 153
Nazi, see Nazis
1928 Winter Olympics team of, 57, 86
1932 Winter Olympics team of, 157, 163, 164, 166, 168, 170, 174, 183, 186–87, 220
post–First World War economy of, 10–11, 170
in Second World War, 71, 226, 228, 234–36, 238, 244, 247–48, 250–56
Gershwin, George, 70
Gestapo, 220, 273
Goering, Hermann, 255
Gold Cup, 26, 83
Gordon, Vivian, 177
Gould, Mrs. Frank J., 25
Grace, William Russell, 30, 31
Grainger, David, 84–85
Gramajo, Arturo, 24, 55, 86, 91, 93
Grant, Cary, 203–4
Grau, Fritz, 163, 183, 189, 1990
Gray, Clifford “Tippy,” 72–79, 116, 148, 179, 195, 215, 227, 238, 270
birth of, 72, 74–75
British songwriter Clifford Grey confused with, 63–66, 72–74, 79, 270
Dewey’s antagonism toward, 116, 149, 155–56
in 1928 Winter Olympics, 64, 79, 82, 85, 86, 92
in 1932 Winter Olympics, 64, 148, 157, 178, 179, 187, 189–91, 245
and 1936 Winter Olympics, 208–11
show business career of, 74–78
Great Crash of 1929, 9, 78, 111, 170
Great Depression, 98, 111, 145, 177
Great Neck (Long Island), 29, 71
Green, Paddy, 205, 206, 217, 219, 220, 273
Green, W. G., 257
Grey, Clifford, 61, 62, 63–74, 76, 79, 270
Olympic bobsledder Clifford Gray confused with, 63–66, 72–74, 79, 270
Grey, Dorothy “Babs” (Clifford’s step-daughter), 64–65, 73
Grey, Dorothy Gould (Clifford’s wife), 67, 68, 70
Grey, Jill (Clifford’s daughter), 64–65
Grey, June (Clifford’s daughter), 63–65, 73
Grossmith, George, Jr., 67
Grosvenor, Lord Edward, 220
Gudenus, Count Baptist, 169
Gyssling, Georg, 170, 220
Hachmann, Erwin, 187–88
Haffenden, Maurice, 257
Hanson brothers, 65
Harrow School, 17
Harvard University, 8, 106
Law School, 135, 185
Hawks, Howard, 201
Healey, “Big” Tim, 120–21
Hearst, William Randolph, 71
Heaton, Jack, 26, 54–55, 59, 152, 153, 191, 214
in Bobsleigh Derby, 82–84, 91
death of, 269
in 1928 Winter Olympics, 85–86, 90
in 1932 Winter Olympics, 182–83
world travels of Billy and, 195–200
Heaton, Jennison, 26, 54–55, 59, 206, 231, 238
in 1928 Winter Olympics, 85–86, 90, 91, 93
romance, marriage and divorce of Peggy Fiske and, 55, 82, 148, 269
Heaton, Trowbridge, 26, 54–55, 59
Hege, Louis van, 164, 178
Hemingway, Ernest, 74
Heminway, Laura Hylan, see O’Brien, Dolly
Henie, Sonja, 94, 174, 181
Hildebrand, Joel Henry, 210
Hillman, Edward, Jr., 270
Hine, Lyman, 84
Hitler, Adolf, 211, 213, 214, 225, 226, 234, 240, 248, 272
Holcomb, Steve, 53–54, 166–67, 189
Holdstock, Tom, 134
Homburger, Hank, 144, 165, 168, 171, 176, 195, 208
course record set by, 152, 155, 178, 184
death of, 272
Dewey’s advocacy of, 150–52, 154–55
in 1932 Winter Olympics, 155–57, 181, 183–84, 186, 187, 189–91
at site of German crash, 162–63
in Olympic trials, 154
Hood, Betty, 164
Hoover, Herbert, 171
Hope, Archie, 239–40, 244–46, 254, 256, 258–60, 273
Hope, Bob, 70
Hopmann, Helmut, 163
Hopsicker, Peter, 104, 112
Horlick, William, 8
Horton, Ed, 150
Horton, H. L., 32
Houben, Max, 178, 189, 272
Howard, Brian, 136–37
Howse, Mel, 274
Hulks, Henry, 138
Huxley, Aldous, 1
India, 140
Inter-Allied Games, 131–32
Interlaken, 56
International Bobsledding and Tobogganing Federation, 115–16, 151, 156, 170, 187–88
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 86, 96, 112, 157, 212
founding of, 56
Olympic host cities chosen by, 108–9, 111, 115, 174
twenty-four-hour window after official close of games permitted by, 184, 188
unpopular decisions of, 88, 90, 91
International Skating Federation, 88<
br />
International Society of Olympic Historians, 66, 72
International Week of Winter Sports, 57
Irish Parliamentary Fund Association, 30
Italy, 11, 57, 140, 215–16
1932 Winter Olympics team of, 163, 164, 174, 186
Jaffee, Irving, 87–90, 176, 191, 211–12, 272
Janeway, Eliot, 9
Japan, 57, 201
1932 Winter Olympics team of, 145, 174
Jenks, Jeremiah, 103
Jewish National Council, 113
Jews, 87, 211–14
discrimination against, 8, 103–6, 113–14, 149
Kearns, Jack, 127–28
Jones, George, 257–58, 273
Kaufman, G. B., 207
Kelly, Barbara Tyrell, 111, 164
Kelly, Eugenia, 33–34
Kelly, Helen, see Princess Vlora
Kennedy, John F., 271
Kennedy, Joseph, 230, 238
Kern, Jerome, 68, 69
Kerry, Norman, 270
Kieran, John, 83–84, 92
Kilian, Hans, 86, 91, 93, 183, 187–89, 191, 272
Kirby, Gustavus T., 58–59, 86, 88–89, 153–57, 173, 191–92
Knickerbocker, Suzy, 48, 49, 270, 271
Krasnowski, Mademoiselle, 23–24, 55
Krotki, Rudolf, 163
Kristallnacht, 214
Kubes, Milton, 140
La Guardia, Fiorello, 212
Lake Placid, 103, 105–7, 207–11, 114
National Championship competition in, 153, 154, 156, 157, 166, 181, 190, 191
1932 Winter Olympics in, 2, 63–64, 96, 97–100, 108–16, 144, 145–46, 148–58, 162, 164–66, 168–71, 172, 173–92, 219, 220, 265, 272
1980 Winter Olympics in, 63, 66, 99, 272
Lambert, Ernest “Henri,” 55, 83–84, 86, 91–93
Langes, Gunther, 207–8
Lapowski, Clarence, see Dillon, Clarence
Lardner, Ring, 69, 71
Larisch, Count and Countess, 18
Larsen, Roald, 88
Lasky, Jesse, 75
Latvia, 57
Laughlin, James, 60, 103
Lausanne, 65, 71
Lawson, Colonel Sir John, 268
Le Mans 24-Hour endurance race, 6, 13
League of Nations, 201
Leipziger, Henry, 104
Leo X, Pope, 15
Leonard, Bob, 40, 41, 271
Littlemore, Bill, 252, 258
Lloyd George, David, 132
Lockhart, Ruby, 209
Logan, Colonel James A., 11
Lombard, Carole, 270
London, 11, 15, 49, 148, 219, 238, 260
Cleaver in hospital in, 263
Eagan in, 138
Gray in, 76, 77
Grey in, 67, 68
Billy and Rose in, 221, 229, 232–33, 236, 239
Billy’s drives between Cambridge and, 5–6, 147
memorial for Billy in, 265–68
Longhurst, Henry, 4, 5, 147, 273
Loos, Anita, 38
Los Angeles, 142
1932 Summer Olympics in, 98, 109
Luxembourg, 91
MacArthur, General Douglas, 58, 59
Mahoney, Jeremiah, 212–13
Malan, Adolph “Sailor,” 250–51
Marion, Frances, 75–76
Maris, Mona, 203
Market National Bank, 43
Marshall, Louis, 104
Martin, George W., 154
Martin, James Stewart, 214
Martineau, Henry, 55, 86, 91, 92
Martineau, Hubert, 22–27, 53, 55, 56, 59, 93, 220–21
Martineau Trophy, 191
Marx brothers, 71
Mason, Geoffrey, 61, 72–73, 75, 81–83, 85, 86, 92–94, 99
Mathey, Dean, 9
McEvoy, Freddie, 219, 272–73
McIntyre, Odd, 26, 74, 76–79
McKinley, William, 43
McLemore, Henry, 181–82, 188, 191
McTigue, Mike, 139
Mdivani, David, 271
Melhorn, Hans, 167–68
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 34, 217, 271
Mexico, 57
Miami, 42, 47
Mildenhall (England), 5, 147
Miller, Marilyn, 67, 69–70, 76
Miranda, Carmen, 227
Mistinguett, 77–78
Mitchell, Harry, 138
Monaco, 5
Monte Carlo, 6, 46
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard, 268
Moore, Owen, 75–76
Morgan, Harry Hays, 27, 148
Morgan, J. P., 11
Morrison, Walt, 179
Mosessohn, David, 113–14
Moulson, Tom, 220, 247
Mumm, Baron Walther von, 170, 186, 187
Munro, Jack, 141
Murray, Mae, 34–43, 71, 271
Music Corporation of America, 74
Mussolini, Benito, 215–16
Myberg, Lum, 119, 123–24
National Amateur Championship, 130
National League, 34
National Steeplechase and Hunt Association, 32
Nazis, 170, 211–14, 220, 236, 272
Neil, Edward J., 146, 156–57, 162–64, 167–69, 171, 183, 184, 188, 190
Neil, Herman, 103
Netherland Cup, 83
Netherlands, 57
Newburger, Deputy Police Commissioner, 33
Newell, Cyril, 231
Newell, David, 203
New York City, 30, 46, 58, 112, 114, 140, 146, 149, 191, 204
Amateur Athletic Union in, 151, 212
Dillon, Read & Company in, 8–9, 218, 221–22, 261
Eagan in, 130–31, 133, 142, 211
Gray in, 74–75, 77, 195, 208
Grey in, 68, 70, 74
Nazism of German consul in, 170
O’Brien in, 32–42, 45, 84, 238
Rose Fiske in, 194, 217–18, 227, 230
Walker as mayor of, 176–77
New York State Education Department, Board of Regents of, 103–5
New York State Legislature, 108, 110–12
New York Stock Exchange, 84
Nicholas I, King of Montenegro, 132
Nicoll, Wilf, 248, 254
Nieminen, Toni, 94
Niven, David, 205, 217
Nordic Games, 56, 87, 109
Norton, Al, 131
Norway, 56, 135, 236
Winter Olympics teams of, 87–88, 94, 145, 174
Novello, Ivor, 67, 76
Nuremberg Laws, 212
O’Brien, Dolly (Jay’s third wife), 43–49, 179, 191, 237–38, 270–71
O’Brien, Jay, 26–27, 29–49, 71, 143, 148, 176–77, 215, 227
death of, 237–38, 270
Dewey’s antagonism toward, 115–16, 149, 151–53, 155–56, 170
family background of, 30–31
gambling of, 32–34, 42, 84
horse racing by, 29–32
in 1928 Winter Olympics, 28, 59–61, 62, 81–84, 86, 90–92, 99
in 1932 Winter Olympics, 151–57, 164, 168, 170, 176, 178–79, 187–91, 245
and 1936 U.S. Olympic bobsled team, 208, 209
Palm Beach home of, 195, 227
romances and marriages of, 35–49, 75, 77, 79
O’Brien, Mike, 135
O’Brien, Miles (Jay’s father), 30–31
O’Brien, Thomas (Jay’s brother), 30–31
O’Dowd, Mike, 133
O’Farrell, Val, 42
O’Hara, Ike, 125
Olavegoya Cup, 55, 83
Oxford University, 135–39, 179, 185, 220
Paige, Woody, 127
Papan, Lieutenant Alexei, 186, 187, 189
Papană, Alexandru, 164
Paramount Pictures, 37
Paris, 55, 60, 74, 81, 84, 148, 236
Churchill’s RAF escort in, 245
1878 World’s Fair in, 16
Fiske family home in, 11, 12, 26, 148, 202, 213, 226, 269
Gray in, 74–78
Inter-Allied Games, 131
International Bobsledding and Toboganning Federation congress in, 115–16
Jay and Dolly in, 45–47, 49
1924 Summer Olympics in, 57, 139
Parke, Dick, 59, 85, 86, 92
Patten, Gilbert, 121
Pegler, Westbrook, 142, 156, 169–70, 178, 180, 181, 185
Phillips, Mollie, 174
Pickford, Jack, 75–76
Pim, Cecil, 55, 86, 91, 92
Pirie, John, 139
Poland, 11–12, 226
Winter Olympics teams of, 85, 174
Polignac, Marquis de, 57, 59
Poniatowski, Paulette, 215–16
Porter, Fred, 111
Potocki, Prince Alfred, 11
Pryor, Sam, 133, 135
Read, William, 7–9
Reid, Wallace, 39
Rhodes-Moorhouse, Willie, 219, 222, 244, 245, 250–52, 266
Rice, Earl, 122
Rickard, Tex, 138–39
Riddle, Jack, 246–47
Robertson, Sparrow, 60–61, 79, 81, 82
Robinson, Peter, 247
Roch, Andre, 207–8, 218
Roche, Al, 130
Romania, 57
1932 Winter Olympics team of, 163, 164, 186
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 171, 268–69
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 98, 108, 111, 112, 114, 149, 171, 173–76, 228, 237
Ross, Harold, 207
Rossi, Count, 164, 186, 187
Ross Moore, James, 66, 70–73
Rossner, Heinrich, 167
Rothstein, Arnold “Ace,” 33, 34, 42, 84, 177
Rowan, Robert, 206
Royal Air Force (RAF), 219–22, 225, 226, 228–40, 242, 243–55, 262, 266
Rubien, Fred, 210
Runyon, Damon, 75, 121, 164, 179–80
Russia, 65, 233, 236
Ruth, Babe, 74
Ryan, Ted, 206, 207, 218
Sangro, Duke of, 59
Saranac Lake Red Devils, 144, 150, 152, 156, 157, 181, 183, 187–90, 195
Sargent, John Singer, 133
Schatz, John, 179
Schroder, Werner, 165
Scorsese, Martin, 9
Seabury, Samuel, 177
Second World War, 25, 214, 225–40, 243–60, 269, 272, 273
Selfridge, Harry Gordon, 26
Seth-Smith, Michael, 215
Shea, Jack, 176
Sherrill, General Charles Hitchcock, 116, 212
Sickle, J. Harrington “Pud,” 40, 41