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The Infected Series

Page 20

by L. J. Cuff

  Claire watched her then looked at Ted who was standing behind. He growled loudly. Abby turned around just in time to see Ted pounce on her. He sunk his teeth into her neck as she screamed and flailed her arms. Other infected, who were released by the fire came towards Ted and Abby. Each one licking its lips in preparation for its feast.

  “Time to go,” Dennis whispered in Claire’s ear. She spun around and the two began running towards what looked like an opening to the courtyard.

  Suddenly, someone grabbed Dennis and Claire from behind. “Wrong way,” Ben said calmly, before pulling them towards some crudely made stairs. Dennis spun around, coming face to face with Ben. Ben winked at him and held up a key. “Found this for you too,” He said before taking Dennis’ arm and turning him back around. He undid both Dennis’ and Claire’s bindings before the three of them ascended the stairs.

  At the top, Dennis stopped and was about to speak when he saw the other two. He took in a deep breath of relief then noticed others standing around them. He looked to his left then his right. “Oh, shit,” He said before raising his fists.

  Ben held up his hand. “That won’t be necessary.”

  Dennis raised his eyebrow but kept his eyes fixated on the closest person he didn’t know.

  “These are all the people we abducted for Abby.” Maude explained.

  Dennis looked over at her. “That just raises more questions… Why would she want people be taken then keep them alive?”

  “Because we did what she wanted us to… She held one of our loved ones down in the cell at all times and told us if we didn’t comply, she would kill them…” One woman responded sadly.

  “And if she found you trying to move against her, she would kill all your loved ones in front of you and then you…” A man piped in.

  Dennis’ mouth made an ‘O’ shape as he finally grasped how she had the manpower to accomplish the abductions she committed.

  “This was the deal we struck with her. Other communities didn’t, their people were not spared. We provided her with sacrifices and in return our loved ones were kept safe.” Ben explained.

  “We’ve got to get going now though, if you want Mary to live.” Maude pointed out, motioning for everyone to get moving.

  The group found a couple of vehicles in the back of the motel. Ben, Maude, and Owen loaded Mary into the back of a car then got in themselves. Dennis and Claire stood side by side and waved as they drove away.

  The rest of the group began walking down the road, heading towards the settlement.

  “I guess you aren’t worried about infected around here?” Dennis asked one of them.

  The man turned to look at him as if he were joking then quickly realized he wasn’t. “There are no more infected around,” He explained, “We captured all of them, building an army for that bitch… They will burn in that inferno along with her…” He said before turning back to the road and carrying on with everyone else.

  Dennis and Claire looked at one another then back at the assortment of cars. They walked in between them but noticed most had no keys readily available. Even when searched thoroughly on the inside.

  After an unsuccessful attempt at hotwiring an SUV, Dennis turned to Claire and said, “I guess that’s why everyone was walking.”

  Claire shrugged in response then noticed a pair of keys on the ground shining in the afternoon sun. She stepped over to them and lifted them up. Looking around at the other cars, she quickly realized it wasn’t for a car but rather a motorcycle.

  “Hey Dennis,” She called out, holding the keys up like a trophy.

  Dennis smiled and stepped over to her. The two of them climbed onto the motorcycle and drove it to the road. Claire was about to turn towards the village but Dennis reached out and squeezed the brakes.

  “Hey, what’s the big idea?” She asked, glancing over her shoulder at him.

  “If we go there, we’re not much help. If we instead head to the base, we might be able to get some help for them,” He responded, pointing the other way down the road. “We’re only two hours away.”

  Claire looked back at him then looked to the right and realized he was right. She saw the giant donut landmark that caught her attention when they left the base almost a year earlier. She nodded slowly then turned back to him. “I guess we go this way then,” She said before revving the engine.

  Chapter Five

  After less than three hours on the road, the base was within sight. Plumes of smoke rose high from four different areas of the camp. Claire slowed down and watched from a distance. She glanced at the fields around her, listening for any signs of infected but couldn’t see any. She shrugged her shoulders and let out a sigh then pressed on.

  I hope we’re making the right decision, she thought as she approached the front of the base.

  The gate was dismantled, allowing anyone to freely enter. She revved the engine and drove right up to the mess hall.

  Dennis got off, leaving Claire to stay with the motorcycle. He carefully opened the doors but found the area abandoned. He turned to Claire and said, “There’s no one here.”

  Claire looked over at him then back at the smouldering areas. “Maybe we’d have better luck over there?” She asked, motioning for him to get on.

  She drove the bike around the ammunitions building right up to a barrel with smoke coming from it. Again, Dennis got off and looked inside.

  He turned to her with a perplexed look.

  “What is it?” She asked.

  “Why would anyone want to burn wheat?”

  Claire furrowed her brow and was about to respond when she noticed movement in one of her mirrors. She quickly spun around and saw a young man, in civilian clothing, helping an older man. They approached Claire and Dennis.

  “Please, help us…” The young man began, “They came so quickly so we ran here…” He stifled a sniffle. “We came for help but there was no one left…” He came even closer with the older man who kept his face down.

  “Who came?” Claire asked, positioning herself so she could defend herself.

  “I don’t know… They had an army of infected… They attacked, making whoever was outside become one of them…” He said.

  “That explains what happened to the soldiers,” Dennis whispered.

  Claire stopped and looked at Dennis then back at the young man. She pursed her lips and took in a deep breath. Slowly, she began to speak, “So tell me… Why did they infect everyone here instead of making some of them generals?” She looked carefully at the old man.

  The young man stopped, looked at Dennis’ tattoos then back at Claire. “I don’t understand… We came after they attacked our town… I have no idea what happened here…” He paused as he watched Dennis and Claire.

  “Drop the charade, we both know you recognize us, so tell us who you really are,” Dennis responded.

  “Please… Please help us… My father… We need help…” The young man pleaded, holding out his hands to demonstrate he didn’t have any weapons.

  “Are there any jeeps left over or other cars around here?” Claire asked, holding up her hand towards Dennis.

  “Yes, there’s some over there,” The young man said in between whimpers.

  “Ok, see you over there,” Claire responded, motioning for Dennis to get on the bike with her. The two of them drove over to the other area where they did indeed find a few military jeeps complete with guns.

  Dennis lifted one of the guns and began inspecting it, watching carefully as the two men limped over to them. “I guess we’re taking them with us, aren’t we?” He asked Claire.

  Claire shrugged. “Can’t assume they’re lying…”

  “Can’t assume they aren’t either…” He responded, looking over at her then back at the gun.

  “At any rate, let’s load them into the jeep and get back to the village. I’m sure they’ll appreciate some of these guns and we can get some supplies…” Claire suggested.

  Dennis nodded and waved to the young m
an. “Need some help over there?” He asked, stepping over to the pair. He put the older man’s arm around his shoulder and helped the two of them get into the jeep. Claire turned the key in the ignition bringing it to life. She drove the jeep away from the base, heading back towards the village.


  Mary awoke with a start. She looked around the room then out to the doorway.

  “Umm… Hello?” Mary called out. She waited for an answer but found none. She sat herself up but found her movement limited by a pair of restraints. “What the fuck did I miss?” She asked out loud but again received no answer. She moved a little more but was overcome with debilitating pain from her stomach. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath to work through it.

  “Oh good, you’re awake,” A tall man commented, entering the room.

  Mary furrowed her brows and stared up at him. “Who the fuck are you? And where’s Emma?” She asked.

  “The name’s Darren, I’m Paul’s general… And I believe you are one of the people we’re looking for…” He said calmly, bringing a chair closer to her. “So tell me, what is Abby like?” He asked, his eyes lighting up in anticipation.

  “Untie me and I’ll tell you,” Mary responded, glaring at him.

  Darren chuckled and patted her on the head. “Maybe you aren’t understanding the new order of things…” He began, stepping over to the window, “In fact, most people don’t realize it yet but they’re much more valuable as infected to me…” He watched the workers loading barrels of food into his trucks.

  “There’s no cure, how can they possibly be more valuable? What use are they?” Mary retorted.

  “Hmm?” Darren smiled slyly as he glanced over his shoulder at her. “Well… We’ve discovered a serum that helps keep certain traits such as the ability to adapt and overcome but still suppresses the fear of death and empathy…” He turned to face her, “Those aren’t exactly the most desirable for an army…” His smile widened. “Once all those workers finish loading everything, we’re going to take them all with us and they’ll either be slaves or infected… One way or the other, they will serve us.”

  “You’re despicable,” A familiar voice from the hallway commented.

  Darren looked over to the doorway but couldn’t see anyone. He stepped away from Mary’s bed. A single gunshot rang out and Darren collapsed onto the floor. Dennis entered the room, still aiming the gun at Darren. He gave him a quick nudge with his foot.

  “I’m so happy to see you,” Mary said, smiling.

  “You didn’t think I-,” Dennis began before falling to the floor.

  Darren growled as he lifted himself up onto all fours. He glared up at Mary with animalistic eyes then back at Dennis. He opened his mouth, ready to bite when another shot was fired, this time hitting his forehead. He collapsed to the ground a second time.

  “Shit, so he was a…?” Mary asked, her eyes widening.

  “Seems so,” Claire responded, walking over and firing a few more rounds into his head.

  Mary looked over at Dennis then to Claire. “We’re screwed, aren’t we?” She inquired.

  “Yes, but at least we aren’t alone,” Dennis responded, standing up to look out the window.

  All of Darren’s men were being rounded up by the townspeople and forced to give up their weapons. They were then escorted to the jail cells.

  “I don’t understand, what’s happening?” Mary asked.

  “Emma suspected Darren was up to something, she wanted no part in it so she had her people play along. When we came back, we were able to arm them and organize them in a way that would overpower his people. So now, they will be tested and tried and if they are still human, they might be invited to join this settlement,” Dennis explained.

  “Doesn’t that put the people here at risk of Paul?”

  “Not if we get to him first. Are you up for another road trip?” Dennis asked, reaching out for Mary’s bindings.

  Mary smiled in response and nodded slowly. “Just let me recover.”

  “Always,” Dennis said, before bending down and passionately kissing Mary.

  © 2017 L.J. Cuff. All rights reserved.




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