The Braille Club (The Braille Club #1)

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The Braille Club (The Braille Club #1) Page 14

by J. A. Kerr


  Braille Club, London, Present Day: Elysian members benefit from a complimentary shuttle service, the blacked out windows of the executive car obscuring their identities as they travel to Harrison’s. Unless they arrive with a partner, they are alone in the car park as they make their way to the lift. Inserting their card, they are whisked upwards to the Elysian reception and the E-Suites. They must use their card again to open the double doors that greet them. The bells ring as they enter and approach the desk. They anxiously look around them in case of discovery, but they are alone as they hold their card and key tightly in their hand.

  London, 2012


  Siena burst out of the building and started to run. She was desperate to hear Benedict behind her calling her name, but as she reached her car and sat inside, she could see the road was empty. She was in traffic within ten minutes but found she had to pull over as the tears streamed down her face, making driving impossible. Her mobile was ringing persistently, so she turned it off. It was some twenty minutes later she felt composed enough to start the car and drive slowly home.

  Her eyes still appeared red and swollen after she’d repaired her makeup, and she dreaded seeing Nick with his all-knowing eyes and accusatory sulk. She gave a silent prayer of thanks when she turned into her road and noticed the mews’ driveway was empty; it was still early, after all. Siena parked and let herself into the house. Moving towards the bathroom, she started to run the taps on the tub, a bath was the only way she could relax and think. In the soothing water, she let the tears slip down her face. Her life was a complete mess, her marriage hanging by a thread, her business deal in tatters and it was all her fault. She had pursued him, putting both the villa project and the building renovation in jeopardy. All that work for nothing, but what she hadn’t bargained on was putting her own heart in danger.

  The pain welled up inside her, recalling Benedict’s look of utter horror as he realised it was her at the building. The card and its message couldn’t have made his feelings any clearer. She probably looked like a desperate stalker to him. On and on, she twisted the knife until, exhausted, she crawled into bed and picked up the phone; she needed to speak with her mom. It would be mid-morning there, but she needed to hear a friendly voice. Her mother, always a late sleeper, answered on the fifth ring.

  “Hello,” she said sleepily.

  “Mom,” said Siena, her voice catching.

  “Siena?” Her mother was now fully awake and alarmed. “Are you okay? What’s happened?”

  “Mom, I’m fine, please don’t worry. It’s just Nick and I are having some issues.”

  “Should we come early? We can be in London day after tomorrow?” Her mother’s voice was firm and loving.

  Siena hesitated; she hated to worry her parents, but had learned from all her therapy she needed to share when things got on top of her. Bottling it up had led to her doing the only thing in her life that she bitterly regretted, and she had paid a high price as a result. She shuddered at the thought.

  “Could you? Is Dad coming too?” Siena could hear her father talking in the background and then her mother handed over the phone.

  “Honey, give me ten minutes, and I’ll have those flights booked. Here’s your mother; you hold tight, we’re coming,” said her father.

  Siena started to sob, alarming her mother even more.

  “I’ve messed everything up, Mom,” she sobbed.

  “Siena,” her mother’s voice was sharp now. “You are strong; you will get through this, I know you can.”

  Siena heard the front door open. Fear spiked through her, and she knew she couldn’t talk much longer.

  “Mom, Nick’s home, and we need to talk. Get Dad to mail me your arrival details and hotel. We’ll speak when you get here. I'll explain everything, please don’t worry. I'll see you both soon,” said Siena in a rush.

  “Okay, see you soon.” Her mother sounded reassured. “Call if you need to talk.”

  “Bye, Mom, bye,” said Siena, putting the phone down as Nick came into the room.

  “What’s wrong, are you sick?” He sat on the bed beside her, touching her head with his hand. She tried not to flinch, but he saw her recoil from his touch and he grabbed her by the arms.

  “Siena, what the hell is going on?” His eyes bored into hers.

  “Nick, let me go, you’re hurting me,” she gasped, twisting her body to free herself. He let her go but remained standing over her.

  “You’ve been upset for weeks now, ever since you collapsed in Marbella,” Nick said. “Have you been having nightmares again? I think the collapse and hospital stay has triggered some regressive memories, Siena. You haven’t been yourself, and I’m worried about you.”

  Siena was worried too, as she knew what ailed her, and no amount of counselling by Nick would mend her this time. Benedict was the only drug she craved, his touch her therapy and his kiss her cure.

  “Have you taken your medication?” Nick asked.

  God, he treated her like a child. Of course she had taken it; Marbella had scared the shit out of her too.

  “Yes,” she said, exasperated. “Nick, I’m going to bed early, it’s probably just a bug,” sighed Siena.

  “Have you been crying?” Nick was immediately suspicious.

  “It’s an allergy, started this morning,” Siena lied quickly.

  “Let me get you an anti-histamine,” he said, bustling out of the room.

  Siena closed her eyes; she couldn’t stand Nick fussing over her, and she wanted all the lies to stop. Benedict floated into her mind; she wanted him so badly, but he had made it clear he didn’t want her. A wave of tiredness pulled at her, and she realised she didn’t feel good.



  When Nick got back to the bedroom, she was asleep. He stood studying his wife, wondering what was going through her head. Things were very strained between them; in fact, they hadn’t made love in several weeks. Siena had been keeping him at arm’s length and, conscious of her fragility, he hadn’t wanted to push her.

  He put the tablets and water at her bedside and looked at her. She was his life, but over the last few years he could sense a restlessness in her. They had been through this before, but their introduction to a certain party had breathed new life into their marriage. This restlessness seemed to be different. When she sold out her share in her father’s business, Nick saw his chance to realise his dream of a London practice. Siena had been excited and completely on board. She also had several projects and more in the pipeline.

  She undertook the design for the villa, Nick was too busy with the clinic to have much input. Maybe she had been overdoing it; her collapse would suggest she had, he would have to insist she slow down. Nick realised he didn’t know much about her projects. Siena didn’t bring her work home, and in fact, now that he thought about it, she never discussed it with him. That was their rule, no shop talk, and it worked for them.

  Nick missed being close to Siena, his body was desperate for her touch. She knew him so well, knew what he wanted…what he needed. Nick felt desire flood through him and closed his eyes. It had been a risk introducing Siena to the parties. If it had backfired he would have continued attending without telling her, but she had surprised him by being a natural. Their sex lives from that moment on had never been boring. She kept things exciting, and he never knew what she would come up with next. A delivery from her at his clinic had him trembling with excitement as he opened it. Or sometimes it was just the blindfold and ribbon. She was his addiction now; he hadn’t been to one of their parties in years. He didn’t need to, he was hooked on his wife, and like any junkie suffering withdrawal he needed his fix!

  Nick turned out the light and padded downstairs. Still worrying about Siena, he thought she should see a doctor for a check-up. He felt tired, having been through a full scale of emotions himself. That phone call from Benedict Harrison about Siena’s collapse…he could feel his anger rising. Why had h
e hung up? He’d spent the next ninety minutes frantic with worry until he’d struck lucky with the hospital. They’d confirmed Siena had been admitted, and he’d left for the airport. It was the longest journey of his life, yet he still sensed there was something Siena wasn’t telling him. He looked forward to meeting Benedict Harrison in the flesh. One way or another, he would make it happen. His gut told him it was all lies. She was different, he could sense it. He would know more when he met this Harrison. In fact, he intended to find out as much about him as he could. With that thought in mind he entered his study.

  Chapter 29


  Braille Club, London, Present Day: Once booked in, Elysian guests are given a key to one of the E-Suites. They can choose to stay there until their keys start to vibrate, or they can mingle in Caligo. E keys are programmed with time slots and desired zones. Zones you wouldn’t usually associate that celebrity with…like the politician and his wife who arrive together but whose zone choices always keep them apart.


  Abbey could hardly contain her excitement; she was going to The Braille Club this Friday. Her first time at the club, she told Steve she was dining with her girlfriends and he was to meet her in the club later. She asked if he could be added to the guest list. As a Braille Club member, you had six complimentary guest passes to Caligo a year. Steve would still have to register to gain entry, but she had already completed the details for him. Nobody unauthorised could gain entry. All night pass guests had to leave credit card security as everything within the club linked in, and some members would have their guest pass denied.

  Not everyone who was wealthy was clean and Benedict would not tolerate criminals, hence the background checks on all his members. There were numerous drug and vice barons in London out to impress, a whole underground society of hoods and in some cases, murderers with money and power. Benedict tried to ensure this element stayed out, but they often used clean associates with no record and big bank balances. Guy had to be thorough, using his contacts in the police force to identify any potential threats.

  Abbey was in Mono Zone XX and XY and was delighted to learn she would be the Patron. It would be nice to be in control for a change and use all the skills Grace had taught her. The thought made her smile as she wondered what sensory equipment to choose, concerned she would not have the experience to work them properly. She decided to book an overnight room as a treat, and was headed to reception right now. Her time slot wasn’t till midnight and she was feeling a bit nervous. She worried she wouldn’t be any good at it, and the person would be unhappy…or even worse, that the bells wouldn’t ring.

  Checking in, she asked for a suite, and was disappointed when she was told they were fully booked, however she cheered up when offered a room upgrade instead, and smiled happily as she headed to the elevators. The rooms were located on the upper floors; she found number five quickly, opening the ornate door with her room card. Pulling her small suitcase behind her, she gasped; the room was beautiful and huge. The twinkling lights looked magical wrapped around a large iron bed, which made you want to dive into it. The fireplace had a stove and the subtle tartan armchairs either side were incredibly inviting. Already charmed and delighted, Abbey was even more impressed as she stepped onto the impressive balcony. Exotic trees, luxurious couches, and decadent lighting gave it a magical feel. The scent of the room was Braille; it seemed to ooze out of everything with its unique and intoxicating presence.

  Abbey sighed in pure pleasure, and moved into the cavernous bathroom to open the taps on the exquisite slipper bath. She noticed the music system in the main room, and when she clicked it on, the familiar music of her Braille Club sessions flooded through the room. She felt everything inside her tingle and tighten, surprised that just hearing the music could give her pleasure. Lifting the Caligo bath oil, she poured in a generous amount before lying in the bath and embracing the scent. Humming to the music, she shut out her complicated life, letting her fingers trace over her body. She groaned, she was so turned on. Her mind drifted to Steve. Physically he was a good lover, but she was beginning to see something was broken in her marriage that sex alone could not fix. Suddenly she was sobbing, all the hurt and betrayal she had endured over the last months finally bursting like a dam. It was almost an hour before her crying subsided, and she started to feel a little better. Climbing out of the bath, she wrapped herself in a towel and decided to lie down for a nap, feeling exhausted.

  If it hadn’t been for the twenty-four hour notice required she would have cancelled, not feeling up to her Braille Club session anymore, but no-shows meant expulsion, therefore she would have to go tonight, whether she liked it or not. Her phone was set to wake her in a couple of hours’ time. She pulled back the duvet and slipped inside. Asleep in minutes, she didn’t stir until her alarm went off. She stared at her face ruefully, good job the person was going to be blindfolded; she looked scary. Her eyes were still swollen, her face red and puffy. She sighed as she reached for her cosmetics bag and got to work. She dressed carefully in a long white Grecian style dress which had a sexy split almost to the top of her thigh. As she piled her hair up she kept her makeup natural except for smoky eyes, which disguised her swollen lids. Fake extensions, lashes, tan, and nails were simply not her bag; she hated all that “wag” bling. With no need of enhancements, her natural beauty shone through. She made her way downstairs and turned down a long corridor until she saw the door, and was startled as her mobile buzzed with the incoming door code. Heart pounding, she punched in the numbers, and she was in. She breathed in the scent as she approached the high gloss desk where a pretty girl smiled at her and asked for her membership card and key. Her fingers were slippery with sweat as she placed the key inside the locket around her neck. On her orientation tour, Guy had shown her where the access was located to the Mono Zone of her choice. He had also shown her the other zones, should she wish to change.

  Grateful for the glass of champagne as she entered the main club, she sipped nervously. She stood staring at the place, alive with famous people, and she felt awed and a little star struck. There was a pleasant noise of conversation and laughter; there was a young guy playing the piano and singing. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, sipping cocktails in the soft glowing light, the air heavy with scent. She didn’t see him at first; it was on her second sweep of the room that their eyes locked and Luke smiled at her.

  As he started to move across the floor, panic overwhelmed Abbey and she gulped down the rest of her drink.

  “Abbey, what a lovely surprise,” he said warmly, leaning over and softly kissing her cheek.

  Abbey felt herself flush as at that moment her key started to vibrate and she just stood there panic-stricken for a few seconds before recovering her composure.

  “Luke,” she said distractedly. “I’m meeting some of my girlfriends and I’m so late. Sorry, I’ve got to go,” she replied nervously.

  Turning away, she almost ran towards the restrooms, fumbling for her key in the locket, her heart hammering in her chest. God, he had smelled so good, but this timer system was making her a nervous wreck, although it was strangely exciting. There were other people around her. She smiled politely at them as she approached the vast row of ultra-chic cubicles and stopped when she felt her key vibrate violently; she turned towards the door and clicked the key fob. The door popped open, and she slipped inside quickly. Minutes later she had changed into the clothes provided, and slipped the silk mask over her face as she waited for the bells to ring.

  She was shaking now, almost screaming in fright as her key vibrated indicating the fifteen-minute deadline. Several minutes later she heard the bells and saw the rear of the changing room slide open. She moved into the zone and stopped in front of the chair, trying to calm her nerves. She could do this; she could do this; she kept repeating under her breath. Again the scent of Braille surrounded her, and the sensuous music began to soothe her tense nerves. She stood, trying to get her breathing under c
ontrol and stop herself shaking. The hood and sensory suit made it difficult to recognise the person in the chair, but the charge in the room was unmistakable. A collision of emotions including anticipation, fear, curiosity and suspense seemed to vibrate through Abbey as she made her way towards the hooded figure.

  She selected the weighted belt and gently placed it around his lap. Conscious of the time, she secured the cuffs next and heard him murmur softly as she did. She picked up the tablet from the back of the chair and clicked into the programme she needed before clipping it back in place. His breath quickened at her touch, and she felt a heady sense of power as she watched the clock count down.

  So much to remember, and terrified of making a mistake, she kept glancing at her neighbours to ensure she hadn’t forgotten anything. When the bells ceased to ring she thought her heart would stop along with them. Her fingers shaking, she tapped the Assignee, then switched on the sensory suit. She started to slide her nails gently down the exposed sides of his face and chin again and again, gently repeating the motion as she felt him begin to respond. She traced the outline of his lips with the tips of her fingers on one hand while the nails of her other hand continued to pull softly on his neck.

  His breathing was louder now as she moved her hands around his face and neck. Slowly she relaxed and got into a rhythm, wanting to explain to him it was her first time as a Patron, he must be patient with her, but of course, she couldn’t speak.

  She could only communicate through touch, the whole essence of The Braille Club. She hoped he would forgive her lack of experience. Grace assured her that everyone had started the same way and to concentrate on enjoying herself. She should take control and make herself proud. Her fingers shook as she activated the belt and lifted the wand. He had chosen the original velvet cuffs with bells, although they all had motion sensors in them now. This surprised her, she had assumed the men would go for the hi-tech modern cuffs, but she had to admit she approved.


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