The Braille Club (The Braille Club #1)

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The Braille Club (The Braille Club #1) Page 16

by J. A. Kerr

  As he had anticipated, Siena had not returned his calls. He lifted his phone and dialled her number for the fifth time this morning and was stunned when she picked up.

  “Siena, it’s Benedict. Please can we talk?” he said quietly.

  “What is there to say? I think you made yourself quite clear,” she said coldly.

  “Siena will you meet me…please?” Benedict said huskily.


  “The project, in an hour’s time?” replied Benedict.

  “Okay, I still have the keys.”

  The phone went dead and he replaced the receiver, noticing that his hands were shaking a bit. This woman had got to him, but he would have to remain detached, something he normally excelled at. He must secure the funding and rebuild their working relationship. Their short affair—even thinking of that word made him feel angry—was in the past. The fundraiser would be the perfect way to show everyone, including that bastard she was married to, that their relationship was purely professional.

  Grabbing his car keys he headed through the office, stopping briefly at Ava’s desk.

  “Do you think you’ll be free to attend a charity fundraiser? Trish has the date. Check your diary and let me know.” And he was gone.

  Benedict arrived at the warehouse, quickly unlocked the door, and got to work setting up the drawings. He clicked on the industrial heaters, which warmed the room slowly. He was relieved to see Siena’s car pulling into the street and her walking towards the building. She was late, and he had been afraid she had changed her mind. He saw her hesitate at the door but waved to her to come in. Benedict felt his heart start to thump as she walked towards him, savouring her beautiful face. Her long blonde curls hung loose around her face, making her look younger, more vulnerable.

  Her hazel eyes stared straight into his. He wanted to reach across and pull her against him, feel her body and warmth. He wanted to kiss her so badly he thought he might die. Surely she could hear how loud his heart was beating. That’s what he wanted to do…instead he gave her a tight smile, his glacial blue eyes more opaque than ever.

  “Can we start again?” he asked, his voice betraying his nerves. “I have all the drawings ready.” He indicated the table. “Coffee?” He gave her a shy smile.



  Siena had sucked in her breath when she got Benedict’s call, her heart beating faster; why had she answered? Hope soared through her while she tried to quash her rising spirits. She looked at his apprehensive face and felt her heart melt a little, and she smiled back.

  “Yes, black no sugar.”

  Benedict looked relieved. He handed her the large coffee cup as they walked towards the table, pulling out the chairs and sitting down.

  Siena took her time, sipping her coffee while listening to Benedict as he explained the project from start to finish. Impressing her by leaving nothing to chance, he delivered every piece of information she’d requested. The drawings were spectacular, the renovation costs impressively competitive. Siena was very excited about the project but kept her feelings under wraps. Throughout the entire time she wanted to reach over and touch him, but he had made it clear today was strictly for business, and although disappointed, she couldn’t help but enjoy just being with him; for now it was enough.

  He showed her around the building, pointing out utility sources, and when she got up several floors, the views. As they walked into an upper room, Siena stumbled over a piece of wood and felt herself falling. Benedict grabbed her and pulled her back, holding onto her tightly, his body warm and dangerously close.

  “This is becoming a habit, you rescuing me.” She laughed. She broke loose, her face flushed, she too had wanted nothing more than to stay in Benedict’s arms but what the hell was he playing at? She caught her breath, trying to slow her racing heart. They stood staring at each other. First he rejects her, and then…he wants her? Confused, heart leaping, Siena wondered if he had changed his mind. This game could not go on.

  “Benedict, I’ve seen enough,” said Siena.

  He walked towards her now, a strange look on his face, and she felt a small frisson of fear.

  “Yes, of course,” he replied.

  His hand moved to the small of her back as he guided her down the stairs, and neither of them spoke. Once on the ground floor Benedict asked Siena to wait while he turned off the heaters and stored the drawings into a locked cabinet. Then he walked towards her with that look on his face.

  “Have you made a decision?” he said intently.

  “Yes,” Siena whispered, staring straight into those glacial blue eyes and shivering.

  “Me too,” said Benedict, tugging her into his arms before bending his head and finding her lips.

  Chapter 31


  Braille Club, London, Present Day: Although Caligo is full of the rich and famous, it is the thrill of anonymity that interests most Elysian members. It gives them the ability to enjoy themselves without being judged, participate without fear of exposure. They often lead a double life, pretending to be something in keeping with the public’s perception of them. Some are single with a hidden partner, and some are married but in name only. All are desperate to take off their famous persona and leave it behind them, just like they do with their clothes.

  London, 2012


  Ava just sat with her mouth hanging open for a few seconds as she watched Benedict leave, then a broad smile crept over her face. Ava thought her boss couldn’t be sexier if he tried. Preoccupied and moody was a look that suited him. He was gorgeous, and he smelled amazing as well. She smiled; she had set her cap at Benedict Harrison, and she had never failed to get her man once she set her mind to it.

  She wanted to see Trish. There was no love lost between them, and she was mentally savouring the look on the old witch’s face. She couldn’t wait to tell her that she had been invited to an event…as Benedict’s partner. Her startled look had been priceless. Ava had never seen Trish lost for words before but she recovered quickly and, with a sour tone, gave Ava the date and time of the event.

  Excited, she hadn’t been able to concentrate on her work all week. Benedict had said nothing to her about the upcoming charity dinner and although a little hurt, she decided that it must be because they were in the office. A bit irritated, she had tried numerous times to get him alone, but it had been impossible to get past that battle-axe Trish.

  She spent every night at the gym punishing her already perfect body so she would look fantastic in the expensive dress she had picked out. It was a dark ruby red silken sheath that clung to her body and complimented the coffee tones of her skin. Cleverly cut away, it exposed the side swell of her breasts with spaghetti straps over her shoulders while the silk fabric pooled at her feet, covering her legs. The hunt for the right shoes and bag had been so time consuming. She’d taken a half day from work so she could get her hair done, her nails manicured, and everything else needed to make her look fabulous. She felt this was her chance to make an impression on Benedict, and she didn’t want to blow it. As he left his office, she purposely bumped into him. “Benedict! I’m so sorry,” said Ava, not sorry in the slightest. She had been hanging around outside his office now for ten minutes, hoping she would catch him.

  “Ava, it’s fine.” Benedict stopped in his tracks.

  “Er…you haven’t mentioned the arrangements for Friday, I wasn’t sure if I was just to meet you at the hotel?” said Ava as a deep flush suffused her cheeks.

  “Ava, I’m sorry. Do you know what hotel it is, or should I check with Trish?”

  “It’s the Savoy,” said Ava, desperately trying to retain her cool; to her horror she was acting like a love-sick fool.

  “Right, well I’ll arrange to get you picked up, on the company of course, and we can meet in the reception.”

  Ava dropped her gaze, trying to hide her disappointment. “Yes, that’s fine,” she murmured, her voice sounding brittle.

“Good,” said Benedict, looking at his watch and groaning.

  “See you tomorrow, Ava,” he said distractedly as he headed out of the office to the elevators.

  Ava just stood where she was; her burning face locked onto his retreating back, her eyes filled with anguish.



  His preoccupation with Siena meant he’d completely forgotten about Ava. It was only now he remembered he was taking her with him this Friday.

  Now it was only a few days away. Like Ava, he couldn’t concentrate; all he could think of was Siena. She filled his thoughts and mind completely. Her bright hazel eyes, her full pink lips, her smile. He relived their kiss at the warehouse; its intensity had taken his breath away. The longing and desperation had threatened to overwhelm them both. Desire flooded him; it was still a new sensation but not an unpleasant one, and he let out a long sigh. He wouldn’t fight it anymore, in fact couldn’t. Married or not he wanted her, but it wasn’t going to be simple. She had broken free from him, her eyes sparking with anger.

  “Benedict, what the hell is this? You said you wanted to keep our relationship professional, you said I wasn’t to contact you,” Siena shouted, her voice shaking.

  He stared at her warily. “Yes, I’ve made such a mess of things, Siena,” he said quietly. “Forgive me.” His voice was hoarse with emotion, his eyes never leaving her face. She suddenly lit up before she turned away.

  “I’m not sure now,” she whispered. “I have everything to lose, and I hate myself. It’s me that’s made a mess of things.”

  Each word seemed to wound him, tearing at his fragile heart.

  “I need time, Benedict, please respect that. I’ll be in touch of course, regarding the project, but that’s all I can give at the moment.”

  She didn’t turn around before walking out the door, and he let her, momentarily paralysed, the feelings of rejection all too familiar, bringing back all his dark memories. His thoughts were interrupted by the bleep of his computer. The email made his heart start to thump; it was from GFH Ltd. The email confirmed the project was agreed in principle, but they would like to meet, to finalise the plans and figures in more detail. Several dates were suggested for him to check and confirm suitability.

  He should have been ecstatic…it was the response he had wanted. The project could now begin, his financier secured; a turning point achieved and an exciting challenge ahead. Instead, he felt completely deflated; he had hoped the email would be from Siena personally, not one of her team. He’d heard nothing since their meeting at the warehouse, and he was going out of his mind.

  He typed a quick reply:

  Wonderful news. I look forward to a long and rewarding relationship. I am available to meet on your first suggested date and look forward to it.

  Benedict Harrison.

  When he checked his mail some ten minutes later, he saw a reply but just at that moment Trish buzzed him. A courier had just arrived from GFH Ltd, and she walked into his office, placing the package on his desk. Refusing her offer of more coffee, Benedict waited till she had closed his office door before reaching for the package. He felt his pulse quicken as he slit it open and tipped its contents onto the desk. Out fell a key card with a long looped black ribbon with a bell on the end. Benedict’s heart started to hammer in his chest as he was enveloped in that beautiful scent. Turning the key over in his hand, he wondered what it unlocked. Dropping it onto his desk, he looked at it warily, when he remembered the email he had seen earlier. Clicking it, there was a picture of a door, nothing else, no message. As he stared at the door in puzzlement, thinking hard, he still didn’t recognise it. He slipped the key into his pocket, checking his mail continuously throughout the day, but to his frustration nothing further arrived.

  Thoughts of the upcoming charity ball had his stomach in knots. He wanted to see Siena so badly but was aware her already suspicious husband would be with her, and did not know if he could stand seeing her with another man. In fact, the mere thought of Siena’s husband brought on a disturbing flash of rage, but an idea was forming in his mind.

  Benedict picked up his mobile and scrolled up his contacts. In fact, it was the first one on his list, and he hesitated briefly before clicking the number; it answered on the third ring.

  “Hello…Ben is that you?” said a voice that was as familiar to him as breathing; he just hadn’t heard it in a long while.

  Benedict took a deep breath. “Yes, Alex, are you free to speak?”

  He spent an hour talking to his twin, bringing him up to speed, apologising for not keeping in touch, and it was like before. Their bond still strong, Benedict felt a rush of love towards his brother, giving him the courage to ask him the next question.

  “Alex…I need your help, are you free this Friday evening?”

  “Er…this Friday?”

  “Yes. I need a big favour, Alex. I wouldn’t ask, but it’s important to me.”

  “I see. What were you thinking?”

  Alex’s voice was like a balm and Benedict felt himself start to relax. He realised how much he missed his twin.

  “It’s a long story, could we meet tonight?”

  “Well, any chance you could come to the hospital? It’s just I’m working on this new project—you know how it is.”

  Benedict smiled, a real smile that reached his eyes, and they transformed from their usual opaque to clear brilliant blue.

  “Yes, is six-thirty okay? I’ll bring pizza.”

  “Perfect,” said Alex warmly.

  They said their goodbyes and Benedict hung up, his heart feeling lighter than it had in years. Siena had changed his life already and now inadvertently put him in contact with his brother. He would not have believed that was even possible a few weeks ago. Benedict clicked back to Siena’s email; the door was just the same, and he stared at it moodily before closing it down. The rest of the afternoon sped by as he dealt with clients, upcoming projects, and numerous meetings. He stretched and glanced at his watch—damn almost time to go—but he couldn’t resist having another look at the email.

  As he clicked it, he noticed straight away the picture had changed; there was now a number fifteen on the door. What did it mean? He reluctantly shut down his computer and checked the key was secure in his pocket, completely intrigued.

  Chapter 32


  Braille Club, London, Present Day: The E-Suites are seriously luxurious and complimentary to all Elysian members who choose to stay over. They are penthouse suites and all come with a roof terrace and hot tub. A spiral staircase within the room leads up to the private roof enclosure. Champagne sits in a loaded ice bucket while the flickering scented candles fill the room with the sensuous scent of Braille and the promise of the night to come…


  Gabriella smiled at Max nervously; he had been so good-natured about his birthday surprise later that evening. Of course, she had given him lots of other gifts, including the Braille scent, Caligo, and was delighted he’d opened it and put it on. The smell almost made her swoon—that and the fact it was Max who was wearing it. She was still strongly attracted to her husband; his face, although older, was still handsome—his salt and pepper hair and glasses the only indicators of his years. He looked very dashing in his suit and she desperately wanted this night to be a success. The lack of intimacy between them had only heightened her desire for him, her longing; she wasn’t sure she would be strong enough to deal with another failure.

  Their table was booked for eight-thirty, and she didn’t spend long deciding what she would request the chef to make. She would go with all her husband’s favourites; she knew he was a creature of habit. He loved to share his food with her, so she had devised the meal accordingly.

  A seafood sharing platter of lobster, crab, scallops, oysters and langoustine, served with individual sauces of Thermidor, salty lemon mousse and chilli and lime aioli. A selection of freshly baked brown bread and herb butter would complement the starter. T
heir main meal of Chateaubriand would be cooked to their preference, with a selection of Max’s favourite cheeses to finish.

  Max had been to every Michelin Star restaurant in London; he appreciated the style and artistry of the dishes the chefs prepared. He particularly enjoyed the flavour sensations, the originality and ingenuity brought him new and exciting taste experiences. But he always had his favourites on his birthday. A bit like turkey for Christmas, he looked forward to it and always wondered why he didn’t have it more often. He was curious about his gift, had, in fact, found himself looking forward to this evening. He caught his breath as Gabriella walked towards him; she looked wonderful in a floor length black dress, her golden brown hair in elegant curls. She had never appeared more beautiful to him.

  As they travelled to the restaurant, Gabriella felt for her mobile; she wanted it close so she could access the entry code. They drew up outside shortly afterwards, and Max seemed puzzled.

  “Where are we?”

  “Wait and see,” said Gabriella, smiling.

  They entered Harrison’s, moving quickly towards the lifts and Elysian. She took Max’s hand as they stood outside the plain, unremarkable doors, and punched in her code. The door clicked open, and they were inside in seconds.

  Max stopped and stared. “What is this place?”

  “I told you already, you will need to wait and see,” said Gabriella teasingly, although she could feel her stomach twist with anxiety.

  They moved towards the highly polished desk where the girl smiled at them. Gabriella produced her card and key first, before turning to her husband and handing him a carefully wrapped gift.


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