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Claim (Talon Security Book 2)

Page 7

by Megan O'Brien

  He pulled me close, the deep rumble of his chuckle reverberating off my cheek. “You’re so damn cute.” He pulled back to meet my eyes. “I don’t give a fuck if you’re messy. And I like Able.” He shot the mutt in question a warm smile as he sat at our feet. “Buster will be fine. I want you to stay. Please?”

  I looked up at his handsome face, considering his offer. “Okay,” I agreed softly. “But I have a few conditions,” I added, trying to sound stern.

  His face split into a gorgeous smile as he nodded for me to continue.

  “I’ll need to go and get more of my things, along with Buster. And I’ll need my car. I don’t plan on changing my schedule. Come Monday, I’m sure I’ll feel well enough to go to work.” I took a deep breath. “And, if it gets too annoying having me here, I need you to tell me.”

  He reached out, cupping my cheek tenderly. “That’s not going to happen, but okay,” he agreed with a soft smile. “Now, I have a few conditions of my own.”

  I eyed him curiously.

  “I want you to set the alarm when you’re here alone. I’ll show you how to use it. I don’t want you out at night by yourself—for now,” he clarified when he saw my eyes grow wide. “In general, I want you to be vigilant. Don’t put yourself in situations where you could be vulnerable. Empty parking garages, walking to your car by yourself. Call me, and I’ll come get you. I have no reason to think I need a man on you full-time, but if I change my mind for any reason, I need you to get on board.”

  The clear concern in his voice had my heart warming. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Okay,” I agreed.

  “I mean it, Em,” he warned.

  “I know.” I nodded sincerely, my eyes dipping to his full lips and locking there. I considered making the first move, but before I could work up the nerve, his mouth was on mine.

  He took my mouth in a soft, slow caress, igniting an inner flame I hadn’t known existed before him. He pulled me close, letting out a delicious groan as I pressed against his hardness. The fact that I turned him on was a heady realization.

  We stood wrapped up in each other before a throat cleared from the doorway. We broke apart, but Travis kept me close as he turned to look at Declan.

  “Sorry, boss. Need you to check something out.”

  Travis nodded. “Be right there.” He looked down to me. “I want you to eat something and take your pain pills.” His eyes drifted to the bruise at my neck, and narrowed slightly. “I’ll take you over to your place in a few hours, and we can stop at the store.”

  “Okay,” I agreed, still breathless from our kiss.

  With one final touch to my lips, he left the room, headed back to his command center, as I decided I’d call it from now on.

  I watched him go, floored by the turn of events.


  “Tired?” Travis asked early that evening as I sat curled up on the sofa. We’d stopped at the grocery store and had been to my place to collect my things, the noisiest of which was Buster, who was currently locked upstairs much to his very loud dismay.

  “A little,” I admitted.

  He sat next to me, moving my legs into his lap. “How about I barbeque tonight?”

  “That sounds good,” I agreed. “I can make a salad.”

  “I want you to relax.” He shook his head definitively. “I’ll take care of it. I would take you out, but I think you should take it easy.”

  I blushed, pleased. “Okay. I’m going to go up and spend some time with Buster. Maybe he’ll shut up.” I winced at the continued yowling upstairs.

  “Able and I will hold down the fort.” Travis nodded, giving Able an affectionate pat.

  I headed upstairs to Travis’s room, where he’d insisted I put Buster. I wasn’t clear on what the sleeping arrangements would be and hadn’t worked up the nerve to ask.

  “Clearly, you’re thrilled,” I muttered to Buster when I entered the room. I crawled up onto Travis’s massive bed, and he immediately hopped up to join me. I scratched his head as his deep rumble of a purr kicked into high gear.

  “Em, baby, wake up.” Travis’s voice came to me through a dream.

  “Hmm?” I mumbled, my eyes fluttering open. “I fell asleep,” I stated in surprise.

  He sat at my side, his hand on my waist. “It would appear so.” He grinned. “Dinner is ready, but if you want to keep sleeping I can—”

  “No, no.” I shook my head. “I’m up.” I sat up blearily, knowing my hair was in disarray, and I probably had lines down the side of my face. “Where’s Buster?” I asked, looking around the room.

  “Downstairs on the sofa, acting like he owns the place.” Travis chuckled. “I came up to check on you earlier, and he shot out of the room like a cannon. I figured I’d just let him be.”

  “Damn cat,” I muttered. “Let me just freshen up, and I’ll be right down.” We may have been staying in, but I still wanted to look cute.

  “All right.” He nodded. “You want me to pour you a glass of wine?”

  I’d switched to over-the-counter ibuprofen, and a glass of wine sounded perfect. “Sounds great,” I agreed, watching his gorgeous backside as he left the room.

  The second he was gone, I launched into the bathroom, knowing I didn’t have long to get myself together. I winced at my appearance; my cheeks were red from sleep and my hair was… well, my hair was a lost cause. It was going up into a bun.

  I threw on my favorite pair of leggings, paired with a long cozy sweater that though big somehow still managed to be flattering. With a quick swipe of mascara, some lip stain, and a spritz of perfume, I was as ready as I’d ever be.

  “It smells amazing in here,” I complimented as soon as my feet hit the last stair. Able came barreling over as though he hadn’t seen me in years instead of hours.

  Travis came over, pulling me into him and kissing me softly. “You smell amazing,” he murmured. “Come on, let’s eat.”

  He guided me to the dining table where he’d laid out mouthwatering-smelling steak, salad, and potatoes.

  “I’m impressed,” I remarked as he pushed my chair in and handed me a glass of wine.

  “Good.” He winked as he found his own seat.

  “Any luck getting hold of Mabel?” I asked as I sipped at the delicious wine.

  Ever since the break-in, Travis’s team had been trying to contact her. I hoped she could stay with Charlie until things were sorted out.

  “Not yet.” He shook his head regretfully. “But if anyone can locate her, it’s Declan. What do you want to do tomorrow?” he asked, and I knew he was deliberately trying to get my mind off my concern for May.

  I shrugged. “I’m open tomorrow. I usually keep Sundays that way since my weekdays tend to be busy.”

  “You aren’t going to cancel your yoga classes this week?” he asked, concerned.

  I shook my head. “I don’t need to do all of the moves to teach the class. I already had to get a sub today, so I really don’t want to miss any more.”

  “So you work six days a week,” he stated.

  “Yep. I would work Sundays too, but I found I just couldn’t keep up when I tried it,” I admitted.

  He lifted his wine glass, taking a sip before he cocked his head to the side as though trying to understand me with a look. “Why so much?”

  I debated how much to share with him. Anything would be more than I told most people. “I have obligations,” I replied, knowing it was a vague answer but deciding I wasn’t ready to delve into the details just yet.

  “Obligations,” he stated. “And you don’t want to get into that now.” It wasn’t a question.

  “No,” I admitted.

  He leaned forward in his seat. “I’m not going to push you on this. Not yet. But Em, I want us to move forward, together. I can honestly say that I’ve never wanted that with another woman. Now, I’m no relationship expert, but I do believe trust and getting to know each other is fairly fundamental.” He smiled self-deprecatingly.

  I offe
red a soft smile in return. “I want that too. I just…. I haven’t let many people into my life. There have been very few that I could trust. It goes against my instinct to share certain things. I’ll work on it, promise.”

  “All I ask.” He nodded easily. “If you don’t have plans, I have to head to headquarters for a few hours. I’d like you to come with. We can bring Able, too.”

  “Okay,” I agreed readily, more than a little curious to see the business he owned.

  We finished our meal and moved to the couch, wine glasses in hand. “That was delicious, thank you,” I said sincerely. “I’m only sorry I didn’t help out by making something for dessert.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I’m mean on the grill, but anything involving the oven is all you.” He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me gently into his side. Buster immediately hopped up to join us as Able lay at our feet. It felt so natural to sit with him like this.

  “They certainly made themselves comfortable,” he commented.

  “Yeah, I’m surprised—especially with Buster.” I looked at my persnickety feline.

  “And how about you?” he murmured.

  “How about me what?”

  “Are you comfortable here?”

  Was I? I looked around his home, so opposite from mine. “I’m comfortable with you,” I clarified.

  He chuckled over a groan. “So, no.”

  I looked up at him. “You have a beautiful home, Travis. It’s just not my personal style. But being comfortable with you is a big deal,” I admitted quietly.

  He squeezed me gently. “I get that, and I’m glad. We’ll figure out the house part later.”

  I was about to ask him what he meant by that, when his doorbell chimed. “Who the hell is that?” he grumbled. “Stay here.” He stood up, stalking toward the front door.

  A second later I heard the chorus of female voices, followed by a groan from Travis. “Sam, there’s this thing called a phone,” he complained.

  “Yes, but then there’s thing called answering.” She sang as she walked into the room with Danny. “We won’t stay long,” she assured him. “We both have to get back to the kids. Just wanted to check on our girl.”

  I smiled over the back of the couch at them. I’d texted a few times with both of them, but was touched they’d gone out of their way to see me in person. “I’m okay,” I assured them immediately as they plopped down on the couch, eyeing me with concern.

  “Your neck,” Sam breathed, her eyes wide.

  I touched the bruise lightly. “It feels much better today.”

  “And they didn’t catch the guy?” Danny demanded.

  Travis and his team were the only ones who knew that Mabel’s son was my attacker.

  “Not yet,” I replied, feeling guilty for not sharing all the details. The less people knew, Travis had told me, the safer I’d be.

  “We’re working on it,” Travis put in gruffly, seeming irritated by the question.

  Sam looked at him with a raised brow. “I don’t doubt it, oh protective one,” she assured him tartly, before turning back to me. “Will you be getting a sub this week?”

  I shook my head. “I’ll be fine. I’m fine now,” I insisted. “But I’ll take the extra day to rest.”

  “You definitely should,” Danny agreed.

  “I’ll go check in with the guys, twenty minutes, tops,” Travis grumbled with an eye toward Sam. Clearly he wasn’t pleased with the interruption.

  She held up her hands. “Twenty minutes, promise.”

  With a final heated glance at me, he left the room.

  Sam watched him go with a playful twinkle in her eye. “We didn’t mean to interrupt,” she apologized. “Honestly, I’m not used to my brother being like this.”

  “Like what?” I asked in confusion.

  She swept her hand toward the table where we’d blown out the candles that had been lit. “Like this. Being romantic, having a woman in his life. It’s fucking great.” She beamed.

  The fact that Travis hadn’t done this before continued to surprise me. Despite his occasionally gruff demeanor and tendency toward the bossy, he seemed to be a natural at relationships. The fact that seemed to only be with me made me feel something beyond special.

  “We’re getting to know each other,” I said evasively. I was already under his roof; the last thing we needed was more pressure when things were so new between us.

  “But you’re staying here,” Sam confirmed.

  “For a little bit.” I nodded. “He didn’t want me back at the cottage until he knows more about what happened.”

  “How are you doing living in the museum?” she stage-whispered.

  I had to fight a laugh. “Okay. I kind of sort of told him I’m not in love with his house,” I admitted. “I felt bad, but he asked, and I couldn’t lie.”

  “Thank God, someone had to,” she muttered with a grin. “We could never figure this place out,” she added, looking around at the high ceilings. “It’s like he wanted to make it as unwelcoming as possible.”

  “Maybe he just didn’t know how to make it a home,” I replied quietly, defensive on his behalf.

  Her expression softened. “You’re right. That’s probably true.”

  “Can we do anything for you?” Danny put in.

  “I’m good,” I assured her. “Travis has been taking good care of me, and despite feeling a bit sore, I’m really fine. I’m looking forward to seeing the kids on Monday and getting back to my normal routine. Well, as normal as it can be,” I added hastily.

  “If you change your mind, you’ll let us know?”

  “I will,” I assured them. “I really appreciate you coming to check on me. You’re good friends.”

  “Anytime.” Sam smiled giving my hand a soft squeeze. “We’ll let you two get back to your evening. I’ll see you on Monday when I drop Hudson off.”

  “And I’ll check in with you this week,” Danny added.

  “Sounds good.” I nodded, suddenly tired despite my earlier nap.

  I walked them out and with a final wave shut the door behind them. I reset the alarm and headed up the stairs with Buster and Able close behind.

  I froze on the landing, unsure which bedroom I should go into. Buster and Able looked up at me as though to say “What the hell are you doing?”

  I heard Travis’s feet on the stairs and turned with wide eyes to watch him approach.

  He cocked a brow at finding me frozen like a deer in headlights. “What are you doing?”

  “Well, I, um, wasn’t sure where I should sleep. I can sleep in the guest room or...,” I rambled, my fingers twisted in front of me.

  His face spread into a slow, easy grin. He cocked his head, stepping into my space. “Do you want to sleep in the guest room?” he murmured in that deep voice of his that made tingles shoot down my spine.

  “I-I don’t know,” I stammered.

  I couldn’t contain the small shiver that raked my frame as his lips met my ear. “You don’t know?” he pressed.

  “I think I’d like to sleep with you,” I admitted, before realizing what I’d said. “I mean—sleep in your bed,” I amended, my cheeks burning. I groaned. “Can you just put me out of my misery here?”

  He chuckled, pulling back to look down at me. “I want you to stay in my room.”

  “Okay.” I sighed, wilting with relief that he’d made the decision for me.

  “Let’s go to bed,” he coaxed, taking my hand in his and guiding me down the hall.

  I went into his bathroom, butterflies fluttering in my belly. I’d never wanted a man like I did him, but I felt nervous and unsure. I had so little experience, and had a feeling he didn’t suffer the same affliction.

  I didn’t want him to find me lacking.

  He went into the bathroom when I was done, and I crawled into his bed clad in my drawstring pajama pants and camisole. When he reappeared a moment later, dressed only in boxers, those butterflies began to bat their wings at a furious pace. The man was mo
uthwatering with his broad shoulders, muscular chest, and six-pack abs so defined I could count them from across the room.

  He crawled into bed and didn’t hesitate to pull me close.

  I burrowed in closer, my back to his front. Part of me was disappointed that he wasn’t going to try for more, while the other was too busy falling contentedly asleep in his arms.

  Chapter 11

  I awoke to a warm wall of muscle along my back. Awareness shot through me that he was hard, everywhere. After a moment’s hesitation, I pressed my backside into him, trying to soothe the ache his proximity inspired.

  Lust. A foreign concept to me until now, and one I was enjoying getting to know better.

  His low groan had my heart thundering in response as I turned in his arms. I pressed my lips to his neck, shocked that I could be so brazen.

  His large hand moved to my backside, pulling me in closer as he squeezed firmly.

  I squirmed under his grip, needing more, needing him.

  He rolled me to my back, his large body pressing over mine as he took my mouth without delay. This kiss was different than the others we’d shared. It was nearly desperate as we sought to conquer each other’s mouths.

  He lay pressed between my legs, his hardness hitting just the spot I needed. I didn’t think it would take much more to push me over the edge. If he’d just move a little bit….

  I broke from his mouth with a gasp. “I need—I need.”

  He pulled back, leaning on his forearms as he stared down at me, his eyes half-mast with lust. “What, Em? What do you need?”

  The need was so acute I didn’t hesitate in answering. “I need you to make me come.”

  His slow grin would have melted my panties if I were wearing any. “How?”

  “How?” I stammered, perplexed. “You don’t know how?”


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