The Nurse's Love (BWWM Romance)

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The Nurse's Love (BWWM Romance) Page 9

by Tyra Brown

  “Ladies, you look lovely, I was hoping I might be able to have a word with you both.” Faith knew Mrs. Robinson would appreciate being treated like an equal and they both nodded at her and sat down in the chairs in Mrs. Robinson’s room.

  “I need to tell you both something, and I hope you will understand and be happy about it.” Faith saw Mrs. Robinson frown slightly and Linda had an apprehensive look on her face.

  “It looks like I’m being moved to a new location. So it looks like tomorrow I have to head to the new family I’ve been assigned to.” Faith looked over at Linda, who was looking at Mrs. Robinson.

  Her head had drooped but her face is what triggered Faith’s tears. Mrs. Robinson only asked, “Why Faith? Why do you have to go? Don’t you like it here?”

  Faith had moved over beside her and hugged her to her chest.

  “Oh, Mrs. Robinson, of course I like being here and you haven’t done anything wrong at all. Do you remember when I came here because you needed a nurse? Well someone else is in the same situation and you are doing so well. They are moving me to someone who needs me more, that’s all.” She looked up at Linda who was obviously sad as well. Linda patted Faith’s hand and stood up.

  “I think I’m going to give you a few moments together, I’ll be downstairs.” She gave Faith a sad smile and left.

  After a few moments, Mrs. Robinson raised her head. “This is about Cooper, isn’t it, dear? Don’t lie to an old woman now.”

  “Somewhat…I love him…but he needs more than me.”

  “It’s not fair for you to decide what he needs, Faith, perhaps you should ask him.”

  “I will, Mrs. Robinson, I’ll talk to him.”

  Not wanting to hurt anymore, Faith smiled at her and they decided to go downstairs and hang the painting they had done in his study and make sure his room was ready for his arrival. They worked together until they found just the spot for the shades of blue and green. It was a nice touch in the artfully decorated room. They fluffed his pillows and made their way into the main hall just as the front door opened and Cooper was wheeled in by Andrew. Their eyes met and held for a second and Mrs. Robinson wheeled carefully over to her son.

  Faith smiled to herself and made her way to the kitchen for some water and went up to her room. She sat at the vanity table brushing her short hair and took a last glance around the room. Mrs. Robinson found her doing this as she walked into her room.

  “So it’s true then.” She said it quietly and Faith jumped to her feet.

  “Mrs. Robinson.” Faith was unsure what to say so she started wringing her hands.

  “I understand, dear, I do. Sometimes you have to walk away from a picture in order to come back to it and see the hidden meaning within. I have faith that you will be back.” She smiled at Faith. “Have you told Cooper yet, dear?” Mrs. Robinson had some concern on her face. She knew this was not something he was going to take well.

  “No, I had planned to after dinner. I wanted his homecoming to be pleasant.” Faith shrugged her shoulders lightly and Mrs. Robinson came over and put a hand on each shoulder as she walked her out of the room.

  “I think that’s a good idea, dear. Dinner will be nice and then you can go spend some time talking to him.” Perhaps he can talk you out of this nonsense was more like it, she thought to herself. Mrs. Robinson was no fool, these two belonged together but they both were hung up on reason.

  Dinner came and went smoothly, there were peals of laughter from Mrs. Robinson and even Linda was in attendance. They had roast duck with all the trimmings and plum jam and billowy rolls as well as baby lettuce with chicken and seasonings. Miss Linda had outdone herself that was certain. Each member of the house staff made a point in coming into the dining hall to greet Mr. Robinson and welcome him home.

  Cooper was surprised at the sentiment he felt when each person said their hellos. He was lucky indeed to have so many wonderful people who cared about him. His eyes sought Faith’s but she wouldn’t look at him. Something was wrong and he was determined to figure it out before the night was over. After the ice cream and mousse was served, Cooper expressed an interest in heading to his room to relax. Andrew pushed him and got him settled in.

  “Mother, has Faith seemed okay to you today?” Cooper inquired.

  Mrs. Robinson thought for a moment before answering. “Go talk to her, son. Before it’s too late.”

  Soon Linda came by and he stopped her to ask the same question. “Linda, dinner was fantastic. Have you noticed anything unusual about Faith?”

  “No not really, I mean, she is sad she is leaving but otherwise she seems okay.”

  “Who told you she was leaving?” He didn’t want to seem panicked but he was.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Robinson, I thought you knew.”

  “No, I didn’t but thank you, Linda, I’ll go find her now.”

  What would he do, how can he fix this? He closed his eyes lost in thought for a moment before he set out to find her.

  He could almost smell her perfume before he felt her presence in the room. She was all warmth and honeysuckle. He opened his eyes and she stood in the doorway. She was dressed in all white, a simple dress with a square cut neck and slippers on her feet. She was beautiful as always and she had her hair tucked back behind her ear on one side.

  She knew almost instantly that he knew why she was here. The tension was overwhelming in the room, almost to the point that Faith took a slight step back before squaring her shoulders and moving forward into the room.

  “Cooper, I know it's a surprise.” She moved towards him.

  “Surprise, Faith, really? Is that why you think I’m upset?” He sat up and put his feet on the floor. He glanced up at her.

  “Why, that’s all I want to know is why? No, wait, that’s not true. When were you going to tell me? Just let me wake up one day and go to breakfast and when I say ‘Hey where’s Faith’ someone just tell me ‘Oh she’s gone like the wind?’” He was angry.

  “No, Cooper, I was coming here to talk to you tonight about it. It’s just time for me to move on. I am too close to Mrs. Robinson and this place.”

  He stood and walked over to her. He grabbed her wrist and put her hand on his heart.

  “Do you feel that, Faith? That is my heart, it’s racing and it’s broken at the same time. I want you to stay, I don’t want you to go. Not for Mother, or anything else but just for me.”

  “Cooper, stop...” he cut her off.

  “Tell me you don’t feel the same way, Faith. Tell me you don’t love me the way I love you and I’ll let you go.” He pulled her closer and kissed her. It was gentle and full of the promise of love. She pulled away and looked up at him. The tears were flowing freely now.

  She turned to go but he pulled her back. “No, Faith, I know you feel this between us, you tell me, you say the words and only then will I let you go.”

  She took a deep breath, her love for him was choking her and she couldn’t breathe.

  “Cooper, I can’t do this….” He held her close to him, feeling her heart beating, smelling her scent.

  She took what strength she had left and pulled away.

  “I don’t love you, Cooper.” It was barely a whisper but she spoke it and he could only stare at her as she moved towards the door. He dropped to his knees and cried freely like he hadn’t since he was a child.

  Chapter 19

  Faith moved quickly, if she looked back she would never go, she knew it. She went to her room and gathered the things she needed for a few days. She would have the driver bring the rest to the hotel tomorrow. For now, she had to go. She looked up at the house as she stood with the car door open.

  “My love...” She whispered as she got in and pulled out of the driveway.

  She drove the car down the drive until she heard a rattling. No not now, please, car, not now. She pulled off the side of the road for a second and let the car rest. It had been overheating a lot lately and it was not the time to fall apart on her. She had to get out
of there. Loving Cooper was a physical pain and leaving him was the knife that made it even harder on her. She unceremoniously kicked the side of the car. She immediately felt bad, it wasn’t like her to be this upset. Glancing to the side yard, she knew she was close to the church, it was the only option she had. As she set out walking on foot, she reflected on the way things had developed in her life. Before coming, she had been reserved and content with life. She had been enthusiastic about studying abroad and now all she could think of was being here, with him. Everything had changed, she had changed. Now she was sporting a broken heart and a head full of clouds. To make it harder, she was going to have a baby. She was planning on telling him…but he was too emotional...too much too soon.

  The sun was high the next day, Faith woke with her eyes puffy and swollen but she was determined to tamp down her emotions with a reality check. She had left, but it was the right thing to do for everyone. She was going to head into town and book a car, since hers was out of commission, to take her to the next assignment. She decided the phone call to Allison would be the first real step in that direction. It only rang twice.

  “Hey, chica, so I found out where you’re headed and who for this time. It’s only a temp assignment though until I find you something permanent. You calling for a reassign was very unlike you, so I’m doing what I can.”

  “I understand, Allison, thanks for working with me I needed it.” She sighed.

  “You okay over there?” Allison had dropped her usual friendly banter-like demeanor for a more serious tone.

  “Yeah I’m good, Allison, just ready to move on.” She got the details of her new assignment and called the car rental office to come pick her up. An hour after she had opened her eyes, Faith set out for a new twist in the walk of her life.

  Cooper Robinson was not finding peace. He wasn’t finding anything at all. He had been home two weeks from the hospital and from Faith. He still couldn’t believe she had gone. He had sat there on his knees the night she was leaving and poured out his heart to her and yet she still left. Time went slowly. He focused on work and nothing else... They hadn’t hired a new nurse, he was determined to give her the medication himself and Linda was there to help. He couldn’t replace Faith with anyone, it still hurt too much. He ran his hand over his face. He had allowed the stubble to grow freely. He was working from home now, dictation really until he could see patients again. He had yet to go back to the office so he really didn’t care what he looked like. He had nothing but work and for now he was okay with that. Occasionally he would drift around the hall and he would stop at her door. Almost hoping, wishing somehow, she would be inside brushing her hair. He knew better but every time he would open the door and take in a deep breath, her faint scent of honeysuckle still hung in the air.

  “Cooper, dear, I know you’re hurt but you are going to have to leave this house again one day.” She smiled at him. He was still her boy, even now she wished there was something she could do to make it better.

  “Yes, Mother, I know, I need to get out, I need to meet people.” He leaned back even further into the leather chair.

  “Cooper, don’t be sarcastic, I’d settle even for that Wilson woman before I see you like this. I’m worried.” She patted his hand.

  “I’m fine, Mother, I need to work this out my way. Business is great, I’m staying busy, I don’t know what else to do.” He said it and she saw the pained look cross his face.

  “Okay, I understand, I’ll leave it be.” She put her hands up in a defensive stance.


  As Faith made her way through the hustle and bustle, she thought about the newest assignment she had been given. This time a boy was in need of a nurse who could just really take him to school and appointments. He had chronic ear and upper respiratory infections and was under close care. His mother was a busy music producer and his father was on the road. He was 6 and very active in sports when he could participate.

  Not much else in the case notes that she could find. Eventually Faith found the entrance to the subdivision and made her way to a three story house with lime green shutters. She made her way to the door and was greeted by an enthusiastic boy who was running through the house and headed into the backyard, allowing Faith some time to chat with his mother.

  “Basically Little Harry needs someone to watch over him in the afternoons after school and to make him dinner at night. He is quick, too quick.” She rolled her eyes. “But he is a good boy and will listen when he is told to do something. The biggest thing is to watch for signs that he is not feeling well, or not being himself. If we catch it early it will mean less time in the hospital.” She sighed. “It can be hard when he is sick, but he gets it the hardest; if I can have an extra set of eyes on him that would be great.” She gave Faith a genuine smile.

  “I understand, Mrs. Andrews, I do. I had an assignment where I was with a little girl, she had cancer, but watching for early signs was the most important part of my job.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened at your last job? I hate to pry but I think it’s good for me to get a feel for you by learning more about you.” She gestured for Faith to sit down on a cushioned bar stool in the kitchen. Harry was running around the back yard which was fenced in and secure. He was reaching for a butterfly but couldn’t seem to catch it.

  “I loved my last position, to be honest I was looking for a change. I think I got too attached to the people and I wanted to keep the relationship professional.” She gave a weak smile and started to fidget with her purse on the bar.

  It was obvious to Olivia that Faith had a broken heart. She would light up when talking about her last position and would quickly change the subject whenever it came up. Whatever the circumstances, it was clear she wanted a change and seemed like a sweet girl. She showed Faith around the house. Faith took in where everything could be found and was shown to a quaint and efficient room. She didn’t formally start until the next day, so she had the rest of the day to get settled and look around a bit. She decided to slip off her shoes and look out her window. The sky was brilliant and she smiled. God was always smiling and she would have to find comfort in that. She could only hope Cooper would find some peace in her decision. Time went on and she found that she still could not go a day without thinking about him.

  Chapter 20

  “Harry, that’s enough.” Faith grinned at him as he was pouring hot chocolate sauce on his ice cream. He always loved to push limits. He was a good boy. He loved to laugh and was always trying to get Faith in on some new experiment he had lined up. Just the day before, he had asked her to help him attach balloons to a frog to see if it would float. She stood back and looked him over. He had caught one cold in the two months she had been there but otherwise he was fine. Olivia had been a wonderful employer. She and Faith had become friendly and Faith had become fast friends with Olivia’s sister-in-law Kelly. Kelly was a year younger than Faith and full of life. They had met at church and then again at a dinner Olivia had for some friends in the neighborhood. Kelly was often around, but she had a busy life herself with school and couldn’t be pinned down for very long. The one place Kelly could be found without a doubt was church.

  They wrapped up dessert and Faith looked over at the door just as Olivia was coming in. She gave her a smile and ruffled Harry’s hair.

  “How’s he doing? Aha ice cream day huh?” Olivia kissed him on the top of the head before shooing Faith out. “I know I’m late, go on, I know you have church. I’ve got it from here, Faith.” Olivia grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and waved Faith out of the room.

  “You sure, Liv, I can stay if you need me to?” Faith started taking off her apron, making sundaes with Harry was often a messy encounter. After a few seconds and Olivia pushing her out, Faith quickly went to her room and changed. Her clothes were tighter now, the noticeable bump showing just how far along she was.

  It seemed like it had been only yesterday, but it had been two and a half months ago. Cooper was pr
obably married to Cynthia Wilson by now. She never struck Faith as the type to be patient for anything, if it was something she wanted. Mrs. Robinson still called Faith once every week or so to talk, carefully avoiding any mention of Cooper’s name at all. Faith was grateful for that, she didn’t need to be reminded of his new happiness, and it still hurt too much. She shook her head, clearing her mind of the past. Nothing good could come of her pining away for a married man. She had made a decision and now she tried to focus on work and the baby, it was enough to keep her happy, it had to be.

  Faith sat watching the movie with the girls. It had to have been the worst thing she’d chosen yet. A man loving the teacher who was homeschooling his son. They had come from different worlds but were destined for each other. Even the main character reminded her of Cooper. Stern and unemotional until the teacher, apparently played in her mind by herself, changed him and showed him love again. She took a long drink of her Diet Coke. It was too much. She hated herself for falling into it, but she was stuck watching every scene feeling the pain of the young teacher. By the time it ended, all three of them were crying and chatting about how there were no men like that left in the world. Faith could only sit there. Yes there was, he was at the Cove simple as that. For a second she felt a pull on her heart stronger than she ever felt before. Maybe she needed to call him. She excused herself for a moment and walked into the kitchen and dialed. The other two women were laughing at a commercial and she turned around and waited to hear his voice. It went straight to voicemail.


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