GRIND: A Stepbrother Romance

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GRIND: A Stepbrother Romance Page 34

by Stephanie Brother

  No sooner had I gotten warmed up did the door to the lodge fly open again, a tall, bundled figure appearing on the other side of it.

  I didn't need to see his icy gaze to know it was him. It was Liam.

  "It took you long enough," I said, pushing the quilt off of me as I stood up. I was incredibly aware at how very little I was suddenly wearing.

  "I apologize if I kept you waiting," he replied, stripping himself of his wet clothes. It only took a few strides of his long legs before he was standing right in front of me, his hand tilting my chin up. "I've been waiting long enough as it is."

  I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me, his hands tangling in my damp locks of hair. He leaned me back until we were both lying on the bearskin rug, the fur warm against my skin.

  "Tell me, Aly," he muttered against the hollow of my throat, his voice husky. "Tell me what you want."

  "I want you!" I cried out, rolling my hips against his.

  "And what do you want me to do?" His bulging cock pressed firmly against my thigh.

  "Fuck me, Liam. Please!"

  We were suddenly naked, without a stitch of clothing separating us. I could feel the soft warmth of Liam's rigid cock sliding between my legs as he threw them both over his shoulders.

  The round, thick mushroomed head of his cock was sliding around my aching hole, and as Liam slowly pushed himself inside, one agonizing inch at a time, my fingernails dug into the rug.

  The groan that rose up the back of his throat made me delirious—I was what brought that on! He wanted me, right here, right now, in the middle of a God damn blizzard! I'd never felt more turned on in my life.

  "Oh, Aly, baby. You feel like fucking heaven. Jesus, you're tight," he groaned again, burying himself all the way inside of me to the hilt. I gasped as my pussy took a moment to recover from being penetrated by such a large dick. My walls clenched around him, getting used to how full I felt. It was pure bliss.

  Liam leaned back, his hands grasped firmly on my hipbones as he rocked into me, slowly at first. My round breasts bounced wildly of their own accord with each thrust. I pinched and pulled at my nipples, feeling like a queen being worshipped in the best kind of way.

  "Yes!" I whispered when Liam picked my lower half up, slamming even deeper home. "Right there!"

  At the new angle, the friction from his cock against my g-spot was creating the most delicious buildup inside my belly. My breath grew ragged as he began to fuck me even harder, his heavy balls slapping ruthlessly against my round behind. I let out a long wail when Liam reached between us and rubbed his thumb gently around my aching clit.

  Everything in me seized up, my lust boiling over as I shrieked, "Oh fuck yes, yes, yes, yes!" I tried to shove myself down onto Liam, meeting him thrust for thrust as stars exploded behind my vision, my eyes fluttering as I came.

  "Shit, I'm going to come inside you, Aly. Take it, baby. Take it all!" With one final thrust, Liam shot his load deep within my pussy, and I squeezed his thick cock with my inner walls, milking him until he shuddered against me, completely spent…

  Chapter 6


  * * *

  A gleaming white private jet waited for us on the tarmac as my sister, my mother, and I walked quickly behind the Satterwhites to their plane. And I thought the Banks family had money to burn…

  "Here you are, ladies, why don't you go ahead first?" Randy called out to us over the roar of the jet engines, his arm linked with my mother's. "I want to speak with the captain first before we take off."

  Sage and I made our way up the flight of steps, and I grinned as I stepped inside, unable to help myself. "Holy shit."

  Sage playfully smacked me as she followed behind, her eyes wide as saucers. "I've always wanted to fly in one of these things," she said, her voice hoarse.

  Once we were settled in our seats, Liam boarded the plane too, his dark jacket clinging to him in all the right places. I quickly averted my eyes, striking up a conversation with my sister, even though she was obviously occupied with her phone. "So what do you say we hit the slopes once we get there? It's been forever since we've been skiing together."

  Sage peered up at me over her phone. "I don't know, Aly. Maybe."

  I quirked a brow at her. "Maybe?"

  As if she was totally ignoring me questioning her, she leaned forward and squeezed me, her arms wrapped tightly around my shoulders as she held her phone out in front of us, the camera flipped on. "Come on, smile for me."

  Begrudgingly, I put on a smile for her just in time for her to press the button on her phone. "You're a brat," I muttered to her through my teeth.

  When she was finished, Sage dropped her arm and added a quick caption to her Instagram story, flipping it toward me so I could watch it. My slightly reluctant smile wasn't exactly doing me justice.

  Blowing some hair out of my face, I sneaked a glance over at Liam, who was busy pouring himself a glass of what looked to be whiskey. I didn't like judging people too quickly, but it seemed to me that Liam was a fan of alcohol. And coming from a sommelier's daughter, that was saying something.

  My sister leaned back up against me, whispering into my ear, "See, I told you they're super wealthy."

  I shrugged. "Money isn't everything." If it was, I'd be getting married to Josh Banks and living what I knew would be a miserable and uneventful life.

  Sage coughed hard into her hand, trying to clear her throat. "Ugh, I think I'm coming down with something," she muttered, pulling her cardigan tighter around her. "I'm freezing."

  Finally, Mom and Randy boarded the plane, and Mom sat down on the other side of Sage, playing with her hair. "Are you feeling okay, sweetie?" she asked, concern in her eyes. "You look a little pale."

  Pitifully groaning to herself, Sage coughed again. "I don't know, not really. Do you have anything I can take? Like for a cold?"

  Mom hopped right up. "I think I might have something in my purse. If not, I'm sure they have a first aid kit on board somewhere. Let me go get Randy real quick."

  Leave it to Mom to get all bent out of shape over her baby girl being sick. If it were me, she'd probably be rolling her eyes, telling me to get over it already. I scooted a little ways away from Sage, just in case.

  But the medicine Mom produced from Randy's stock somewhere didn't seem to be helping that much, and Sage’s cold seemed to be growing worse by the hour. I felt bad for her, knowing how much she was looking forward to this trip, and wished she would just feel better already.

  And okay… Maybe a small, selfish part of me hoped that I wouldn't be left alone to entertain myself while my sister was laid up on a couch somewhere. Especially with Liam Satterwhite skulking around, constantly shooting me devious grins. I made a point not to even look in his direction the whole plane ride.

  After what seemed like forever, the captain announced over the intercom that we were closing in on the airport and that we needed to buckle back up. Mom, hugging Sage to her chest as she snoozed on, winked at me over Sage’s head.

  I looked out the window, tickled to see such a difference in the terrain. The view as we crossed into Vail was gorgeous—snow-capped mountains shining brightly in the early afternoon sun on either side of us. I could see a resort in the distance, but we were staying at the Satterwhite's family winter home instead, and I was curious to see just how the Satterwhites lived in the winter.

  Once we had pulled up alongside a gorgeous and huge ski chalet-styled home, Liam led the way as we all emerged from the car, Sage sneezing uncontrollably into a tissue. The house was immaculate against the deep set woods behind it, looking as though it was straight out of one of those old lifestyles of the rich and famous episodes on TV. I guess technically, it sort of was.

  It didn't take long for me to settle into the gorgeous room I had been given for the weekend, and part of me actually wanted to do some further investigating the house, even if only just to get a quick tour, but the slopes were calling my name.

  Thanks to the Satterwhites having
an abundance of skiing gear, I was easily able to find skis and gear that fit me, and grabbed everything just in time to meet my mom and Randy at the front door, giggling to one another.

  "All ready, Aly?" Randy asked me, flipping his sunglasses down to look at me.

  "Absolutely. Can't wait! Gosh, it's been so long since I've been out here."

  Behind us was my sister, wheezing it up on one of the sectional couches in the open family room area. "This sucks," Sage grumbled.

  My mom frowned at her. "I feel utterly terrible about this, Sagey. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better. Would you prefer if maybe I stayed here with you to keep you company?" she asked, ignoring the funny look from Randy.

  But my sister just waved us on. "It's fine, don't worry about me. I don't want to burst everyone's bubble. After all we did come here to have fun, right? Go on ahead without me. Seriously."

  My mom nodded, and I gave my sister a quick air kiss before following them out the door. And of course, because my curiosity always got the better of me, I looked around, wondering if maybe Liam wasn't going to be coming along with us.

  As if on cue, Liam came striding down from the opposite end of the house, around the corner, with a pair of newly polished skis and poles in his arms. "All set here."

  Randy adjusted his sunglasses and gave Liam a thumbs up before smiling. "Excellent! Let's get to it then, shall we?"

  * * *


  God, how cute her butt looked in those tight ski pants. I had high hopes of maybe getting stranded somewhere next to Aly, with our only chance of survival being to cling onto each other's body warmth. Or maybe it was just a fantasy in my head.

  She kept watching me through her ski goggles, probably thinking I couldn't see her. That's okay, look all you want, baby. And maybe later you'll be doing a lot more than just looking…

  Following my father up to his favorite ski trail, I was ready for a day of leisurely skiing, deciding against the harder trails that we usually favored when we came out here in the winter. As much as I'd love to show off and impress Aly, I wasn't going to get very far with her if I accidentally sprained an ankle or two.

  Part of me thought that maybe Aly would need some assistance either learning to ski or brushing up on her skills, but somewhat to my dismay, I quickly realized that Aly was pretty damn good, as she made her way down the side of the large hill before anyone else. Well, there went my chances at trying to ‘help’ her.

  It was still nice to watch her go, though, and even I couldn’t help but cheer her on once I got to the bottom, watching how fast she'd zoomed down the slope. "Not too shabby," I commended her as I slid up toward her at the bottom, spraying snow between us.

  I could see she was trying to fight a grin, and shrugged it off like it was no big deal. "I've had some practice."

  "I'm pretty practiced at some things myself," I said, just loud enough for her to hear. Even though her round cheeks were already tinged from the wind and the weather, I could see her throat swallowing hard. I loved having that kind of effect on her and smiled smugly to myself as I turned around.

  The afternoon faded into early evening, and the sky started darkening with incoming snow clouds. Once we’d made it down to the bottom of the mountain for the final time, my dad clapped me on my shoulders while squeezing Kay's hand in his other hand. "Great day for skiing, huh? I figured you’d be out there on the diamond slope today, son. Trying to take it easy on us old-timers?"

  I laughed. "Something like that." My eyes were still firmly on Aly as she tugged her bottom lip between her teeth. Damn, it made me want to nibble at that same lip myself.

  Kay whispered something into my father's ear and he nodded along. "Good point, honey. Kay and I would like to have dinner at The Monte Carlo tonight, as a nice little date treat for ourselves. You two and Sage are more than welcome to order food in tonight.”

  A night alone with Aly, and a free meal? This week just keeps getting better and better. "Sure, Dad. We'll find something to eat…" I didn't even have to look at Aly to know that she was probably thinking about our last fun encounter at those words.

  When he made it back inside our house, my dad and Kay went upstairs to get ready while I slipped off my ski gear and settled in for the fireplace, warming up my hands.

  "Did you have fun?" I overheard Sage croaking at Aly on the couch.

  "It was pretty fun, yeah. Of course, it would've been much more fun if you could have come along," Aly replied, leaning over the backside of the couch.

  "Well, of course. Fun is my middle name, you know. Ugh, I just want to get better! Why did this have to happen to me this weekend?"

  I felt bad for Sage too; it would be terrible luck to end up with a cold the weekend you're supposed to go skiing in Vail. I probably would've been a bigger mess about it, truthfully. I absolutely hated being sick, or being made to feel weak over anything. It was one of the reasons why I had such a problem with being promptly booted from the pros…

  "Shh, no need to worry about it anymore. Just take some medicine and try to get some rest, okay?" Aly said, trying to soothe her sister.

  "Yeah, I guess you're right. Would you mind giving me my next round of that disgusting crap in the kitchen? Mom says it's supposed to help my sore throat, but honestly it just tastes like ass."

  Aly snorted. "So classy. Yeah, I'll go get it for you."

  Seeing that maybe my clothes were a tad wetter than I realized at first, I decided to head upstairs to my bedroom and change into something warmer and more relaxed. It felt silly, but part of me wanted to look nice on Aly's behalf, especially with the hopeful plans I had for this weekend with her.

  After freshening up in the shower and getting dressed again, I walked out of my room at the same time that Aly was walking Sage into Sage’s bedroom, shutting the door behind her sister with a sad smile. It looked as though her sister was going to be down and out for the count… And as terrible as it made me feel, deep down I was pleased.

  I didn't want Aly to think I was intentionally trying to encroach on her personal space, but I wanted to talk to her at the very least. "So you had a good time today?" I questioned her, as we both awkwardly made our way down the steps.

  Aly cleared her throat, clearly surprised that I’d even said anything. "Yes, I did, thank you. There's lots of good um, skiing here."

  This time I laughed, finding it incredibly cute how she kept stumbling over the right things to say. I was surprised I could pull it off so well myself. "Yeah, that's one good thing about Vail. The snowboarding's not so bad, either."

  She nodded along. "I'm not a big snowboarder."

  "Really? It's not too different from skiing. In fact—"

  My phone rang in my pocket, startling both of us. We smiled at each other shyly, and I pulled my phone out, seeing that it was Dad calling. "Hey Dad."

  "Liam, I'm glad I was able to get a hold of you. Listen, the weather's gone crazy outside, looks like a blizzard coming through. The weather is getting…"

  I frowned into the phone. "Dad?" The service kept cutting in and out, making it nearly impossible to hear his words stringed together. "Are you there?"

  Aly's eyes flashed at mine as we exchanged a look. "What's going on?"

  I shrugged. "Dad, can you hear me?"

  "Sorry. Hard to. Understand. Blizzard. Restaurant. Road is all shut down. Staying over tonight. Stuck here. Call you in the morning, okay?" my dad said, static cutting in and out of half the conversation.

  "You're stuck there overnight?" I tried to say, but the phone dropped the call. Oh shit.

  Aly hugged herself, squeezing her arms tightly together. "What happened?"

  "From the sound of it, it looks like there's a blizzard going on and our parents are stuck at the Monte Carlo. Which is totally okay," I added quickly, taking in the alarmed look on Aly's face. "The Monte Carlo is actually the restaurant at the resort you saw flying in overhead? They'll just book a night at the hotel, I'm sure. They're totally

  "Oh, okay. Well, that doesn't sound so bad."

  "No, it's not so bad," I slowly repeated, our situation dawning on me. Not only was Sage knocked out cold from medicine upstairs, but now both my father and Kay were going to be gone all night long.

  It was just going to be me and Aly. Alone, together. Inside, I was doing laps, my fists punching the air above me.

  Chapter 7


  * * *

  I glanced over at the clock sitting on the mantle. It was already after eight o'clock, but I was just getting started.

  Aly looked as though she were completely lost, unsure of what to do now, considering that she was going to be alone in this house with me. I could already see the thoughts running around her pretty head.

  One of my own fun thoughts decided to come forth, and I was talking before I even had a chance to process what I was saying. "Hey, would you care to join me for a snowy swim?"

  As cheesy as I sounded, Aly didn't seem to mind, raising an eyebrow at me as she flipped through a book at the table. "What do you mean?"

  I beckoned to her. "Come find out."

  Not caring about my spontaneous eruption of an idea, I waited for her to follow me to the door of our game room and pushed it open, quickly crossing it and heading down the heated steps that led to our outdoor heated pool in the back.

  I heard Aly gasp behind me as she followed suit, and it only took a moment for her to realize that I was quickly undressing down to my underwear. "What on earth are you doing?"

  I looked over my shoulder and grinned at her. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm getting in!"

  It was, of course, freezing like crazy outside, the mere inches of cold I was exposed to digging its heels into my skin like tiny little jabs of needles everywhere, and my brain told me to quickly hop in.


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