Within a Captain's Hold

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Within a Captain's Hold Page 17

by Lisa A. Olech

  The gentle breeze sighed through the fingered tops of the trees. The birds around her serenaded her with their unusual songs. It was as if she’d been dropped into paradise.

  As delightful as it was, her only wish was to be back with Jaxon. A delicious tingle ran through her body at the thought of him. How had he come to be so dear to her? Had she been told six months past that she would be lying naked beside a tropical oasis daydreaming about her husband, a pirate captain, she would have said such thoughts were quite mad. But here she was, imaging Jaxon, strong and well again, making love to her next to a waterfall. His mouth at her breast, while beneath the foamy water, his hand would slip between her thighs and make her tremble with his touches. She’d wrap her legs about him, crushing her chest to his and gasping as he pushed into her, filling her, lifting her until she reached the sky. Catching her when she tumbled back into his arms again. Anna sighed. Her thighs hummed and a now familiar ache pulsed between them.

  She skimmed the tight tip of her breast with a lazy fingertip and shuddered at the rush of moist heat to her sex. Raising one knee, she stroked down her thigh, teased the curls at their apex and missed him. She missed the luscious feel of his skin next to hers and the heat of his kisses. And oh, when he fondled her….

  Before long, the tropical sun felt too warm on the paleness of her body, and her lurid recollection of Jaxon’s lovemaking wasn’t helping the rise of her temperature. She slipped back into the water to cool herself.

  Sarah returned and handed Annalise a drying cloth. She showed her how to wrap herself in a beautiful bright length of cloth. Then they sat in the shade, and Sarah began to comb the tangles from her hair with a gentle hand.

  She sang while she worked.

  Anna closed her eyes and remembered the last person who combed her hair. Alice. I’m getting closer, my friend. Soon she would be in Port St. Maria and they would be reunited. Wait until she heard how their clever plan twisted into such a fantastical tale. What would she say when she introduced her to Jaxon? Would she be able to see how happy he made her?

  Anna’s hair fell loose to her waist and soon dried in shining waves.

  Sarah fashioned a ring of colorful flowers in vivid pinks, yellows, and reds then placed the wreath upon her head. “Now ye’re a beautiful Fire Queen with a proper crown.”

  Anna picked up the woman’s large, gentle hands and kissed them as Sarah had done to hers earlier. “Lovely. Thank you, again, for being so kind to me.”

  Sarah held tight to Annalise’s hands and gave her a serious stare. “I see a danger fer ye. It hides, but Sarah sees de dark. Ye need te watch behind ye.”

  Anna stiffened. Living here it would be easy to forget that nearby was the crowded shore full of pirates and the dangerous docks they traveled through last night. Sarah was right, this island was not paradise and she would be foolish to forget. “I’ll be careful, I promise.”

  “Good. Come, Anna-Leeze. I feel Sam-u-el is comin’.”

  Arm in arm, they walked back along the idyllic path to her hut. Annalise didn’t ask her how she could feel Cookie coming, but when they arrived, there he was waiting for them.


  “Cookie. Did the Pinkerton arrive? Am I saved?”

  “Aye, and I must say, it be a fair sight more than a few quid to make matters straight with their thievin’ steward.”

  “Somehow I’ll return every last shilling.”

  “No need, Miss, was glad to pay. I see ye two’ve been getting on like beans and mash. Look like a proper native, ye do. But I’m afraid those togs ye’re wearin’ need to go before I can take ye to the capt’n. Don’t ye worry. No more britches. I brought ye a proper costume.” He handed her a bundle.

  Annalise ran a hand down the bright cloth she wore. “I do love this, but you’re right. I need to change. Give me just a moment, and I’ll be ready to go.” She moved back into the hut while Cookie and Sarah behaved like love-struck adolescents outside. The rough pirate caressed Sarah’s large round behind before she squealed and giggled like a young girl.

  With a sigh, Anna set the colorful garb aside, her fingers tracing the bright flowers. While the lightweight skirt and blouse were much more suitable to a traveling Englishwoman, Anna would be sad to leave the other behind. The fabric of the new clothes was soft and airy, however. One day she’d have to explain to Cookie the necessity of the petticoats and drawers worn beneath women’s clothing, but not today. She’d be meeting her husband slightly indecent, but had a feeling he wouldn’t mind in the least.

  Annalise still didn’t have suitable shoes and remained barefoot. Somehow it seemed proper here. Folding her beautiful wrap, she left it along with her flowered crown upon the table. Tying up the rest of her things, she exited the tidy hut then returned to Cookie and Sarah, interrupting a rather amorous kiss.

  “Ahemmm.” She cleared her throat.

  “Ah, miss.” Cookie jumped back. His ears turned bright red. “Ready so soon?” He seemed intent on studying the ground as he moved to check the mule’s hitch.

  “Wait, ye fergot yer crown.” She rushed past Annalise into the house and retrieved the wreath and sarong. “It be yers te keep.”

  “Thank you, Sarah. I’ll wear it later for Jaxon.”

  Sarah picked a large white flower from a bush nearby and placed it securely behind an ear, nestling its creamy petals within Anna’s hair before crushing her to her chest in a fierce hug.

  Cookie settled her in the cart and kissed Sarah once more, before they headed off. He chose a route that rode close to the tent city at the shore before cutting inland--but not too close. Cookie said they needed to make sure someone saw them coming away from the docking area of the Pinkerton. Then the ruse would be complete.

  Annalise took in the new sights, sounds, and smells of the island in the daylight. The shore was quiet at this time of the morning. A night of carousing left the area littered with all manner of things--bottles, rotting food…bodies. Loud snores confirmed most were still alive.

  Traveling the road to the manor house, the distinct differences struck Annalise. Lodgings were finer the farther they traveled, and the English influence could be seen everywhere. Stone houses and plantations stood where the land had been stripped and acres of new crops grew tall and lush in the tropical sun. While lovely, she could not help but prefer Sarah’s unspoiled piece of the island.

  Before too long, they turned and entered the iron gates of a great estate. In comparison to the stately homes of England, the house was smaller in scale, but other details were decidedly British. Cut stone walls and wide pink, crushed-shell paths led to trimmed gardens surrounding a graceful entry. Grand, broad stairs climbed to an impressive set of doors where a short-wigged footman stood ready to greet them. He trotted down the steps as soon as the cart came to a halt to help her step down.

  Cookie started to follow, but Annalise stopped him. “I think it’s safe to leave me now, don’t you? Sarah is waiting. You should go back to her.”

  “Aye, that would be my choice, but I should see ye to the capt’n.”

  “I insist. You don’t want to make her wait. I can handle Jaxon, but an angry Sarah?”

  “Ye make a good point. Ne’re crossed her before, pity the poor fool who does.” Cookie gave her a short nod. “Tell the capt’n I’ll be back soon as I ken find the preacher. May take me a day or two. Gets himself lost in the bottom of a jug sometimes.” He flicked his eyebrows. “If the capt’n he needs me, he knows where to find me.”

  Annalise grinned, picturing the ardent pair. “I’ll be sure to tell him. And, Cookie?”

  “Yes, miss?”

  “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  He put up a hand to stop her. “I see the way ye look at the capt’n. I don’t be needin’ more than that.”

  He waved as he drove off.

  Breeding and protocol kept her from racing up the stairs and calling out to Jaxon, but her stomach tumbled with nervous a
nticipation as she was lead into an airy foyer.

  The polished stone floor was cold and smooth against the bareness of her feet. A sweep of stairs curved gracefully to the second floor, while several doors stood open, revealing a grand library. And Robbins.

  “Ah, Mistress. Ye look, I mean, Mistress Steele. Ye’re here. What a surprise.” He seemed relieved.

  Annalise could only imagine Jaxon’s mood when he learned of Cookie’s scheme. The poor boy dealt with it alone.

  A young maid scooted out from behind Robbins. She flushed, pushing loosened strands of dark hair beneath her cap. Her beautiful skin was the color of tea with cream and her eyes appeared hazel in this light. A long braid draped one shoulder. She curtsied.

  “Mistress Steele?” The girl shot Robbins a fierce look that only made him smile.

  Anna took back her original sympathy for him. He seemed to be having a fine time, and confirmed it by tugging playfully on the girl’s braid earning him a swat of her hand.

  “Where is Captain Steele?”

  “Excuse me, ma’am.” The girl curtsied again. “I’m terribly sorry. I’ll fetch someone to take you to him.”

  “What is your name?” asked Annalise.

  “Nell, ma’am.”

  “What is your position here, Nell?”

  “Scullery, ma’am, and I clear out the fireplaces and set the night’s fires.”

  “You’re from Port Royal?

  The girl nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Your English is perfect.”

  “My father is English.”

  Robbins stood with his arms folded, seeming quite interested in the exchange. Nell fidgeted and watched her with wide eyes that looked more green than brown. They reminded her of Alice’s green eyes.

  Nell wrung her hands and kept glancing over her shoulder. “I should find someone to bring you upstairs. Someone to take your trunks up. The governor’s daughter moved her maid back to England with her.”

  “Perhaps you could be my maid.”

  “Your maid?” She gave a quick glance to Robbins. “If you wish. Yes, ma’am.” Nell bobbed into another curtsy. “Yes, I can do that. I’ll show you to your rooms. And bring you some food. You must be famished. You’ve had such a long trip. You should rest. I’ll see one of the boys brings up your things. Are your trunks still outside?”

  “I have no trunks. They were lost on the voyage.” She handed Robbins his hat and britches. “I was given these by a kind seaman. Would you see he gets them back?”

  He gave a sharp nod. “I ken see te that, Mistress.”

  “I don’t wish to rest. I’m told my husband was injured, and I’m anxious to see him. Meals and rooms and clothing can wait.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I can take you to the captain.”

  Annalise lifted her skirts to follow Nell up the stairs.

  “Mistress. What happened to your shoes?”

  “We had very rough seas.”

  At the end of the hallway, Nell indicated the last door on the right. Annalise thanked her and waited for her to leave before slipping silently into Jaxon’s room.

  She stood with her back against the door. The large room was lovely in creamy whites, bright with sunlight, and fragrant with a cool breeze blowing through sheer curtains dancing at the windows.

  Jaxon lay in a large ornate bed of twisted brass. Clean bandages stood out against his bronzed skin. His chest was bare, and a sheet covered him from the waist down. A shadow of beard darkened his jaw. Annalise leaned against the door’s jam and drank in the sight of him.

  Her husband was simply the most handsome man she’d ever laid eyes on.


  Jaxon opened his eyes. Annalise stood by the door gazing upon him with warm eyes. How was it she became more and more beautiful each time he saw her. Be it in a torn chemise, a twisted gown of gold, or nothing at all, she left him breathless. Her hair loose and shining with a pale blossom tucked behind an ear had the same effect on him.

  “Annalise, why are you so far from my arms?”

  “I’m standing here thinking how lucky I am to love such a handsome man. I’m trying to remember you’re still recovering from your injuries so I don’t toss myself into your arms and cause you more harm. But, I have sorely missed you. Has it been only a day?”

  “Aye, a day and a night. A long, empty night. Come here.”

  She moved to the bed and sat by his side. Tracing the line of her cheek, he plucked the flower from her hair. He lifted it to his nose and breathed in its sweet scent before dropping it forgotten to the floor. She smelled far more intoxicating.

  “You appear to be feeling better.” She ran her fingers over his stubbled jaw and across his lower lip.

  He grasped her hand and kissed her fingertips. “I am better now that you’re here.”

  She laid a tender hand upon his bindings, “Are you still having pain?”

  “Not too much.” He caressed her hip. “I only ache from wanting you and not being able to have you. It feels like weeks since I’ve been with you.” Slipping his hand behind her head, he drew her to him for a passionate kiss. She sighed into his mouth before she scattered tiny kisses upon his forehead and his eyelids. Laid a tender kiss upon his mouth and skipped her lips across his face to tease his ear. Jaxon crushed the fabric of her skirt in his fist. Annalise rained more kisses across his chest, stopping to rest her cheek there. “Perhaps I could…if I promised to be gentle… I could ease your ache?”

  “Annalise?” Her shy suggestion only added to his ache. He shifted his hips.

  “Teach me what to do. Tell me what pleases you. I could make love to you.”

  Her fingers raked paths through the hair on his chest and stopped to tease his nipple. It hardened at her touch. She licked it with her tongue and gently sucked it onto the softness of her mouth. Jaxon pushed his hand into her hair and hummed his delight.

  “You taste like the sun and the sea.” Teasing the side of his neck, she whispered beneath his ear. “I’ve missed being with you, too. I could ease both our longings if you tell me how to pleasure you.”


  She once more laid a trail across his body. Her fingers burned silken pathways upon his skin. Her lips followed. Each kiss, a flame.

  He smoothed the soft curls of her hair while reaching down to the rich curve of her hip, pushing her skirts higher, needing to reach the silk that lay beneath, his hand found nothing but skin.

  “Bloody hell, woman, you’re as bare as a babe.”

  “I know.” She gaped at him and shook her head with feigned innocence. Batting her eyelashes, she laid the back of her hand against her forehead. “I’m terribly distraught. I lost every stitch of clothing during my hellish voyage aboard the Pinkerton. Skirts, gowns, chemises--all ruined. Lost. Shoes, too. All claimed by the sea in a terrible storm. I was able to borrow these two bits of clothing. I’m most indecent, but what was I to do? Wear britches to reunite with my husband?” She stroked his face and ran a finger over the wide curve of his earring. “He’s a famous captain, you know. Brave and fearless. Brutally handsome. I couldn’t meet him naked, could I?”

  A smile spread across his face as his hand smoothed over the roundness of her bare behind. “My poor, dear woman. The trials you have suffered. I’ll see you wrapped in silk from now on. I imagine you’d be stunning in gold.” Jaxon tugged at her skirt and growled softly. “But naked would suit you just as well.”

  She sighed against his mouth. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed the feel of your bare skin against mine,” he whispered.

  Annalise left his side just long enough to rid herself of her two bits of clothing, then slipped beneath the sheet.

  Jaxon sighed as he pulled her close. “I’m feeling better by the minute.”

  Laying upon his shoulder, she snuggled closer. Again, her fingertips danced upon his chest. She laid the flat of her palm across the plane of his stomach, care
ssed the play of muscles, and teased the rim of his navel before sweeping a slow hand lower.

  A shaft of pure pleasure shot through him as her fingers encircled his erection. When he sucked in a breath, she jerked away.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “Sweet heavens, no.” He guided her hand back to his cock.

  Annalise laid heated kisses upon the side of his neck as her hand stroked the length of him. “You are as hard as polished stone,” she whispered into his ear.

  Jaxon groaned and struggled to keep his sanity. Her timid touches endeared her to him, but the heated torture of those touches made it difficult for him to think.

  “Tell me how to love you.”

  He pulled her tight with his good arm and kissed her deeply, moaning into her mouth as her hand gently squeezed upon him. He tried to pull her atop him but she balked, shaking her head. “Your wounds.”

  He was beyond caring, consumed with a burning need. “To hell with my wounds. I want you, now. I must be in you.”

  She pushed her hair away from her face. “What do I do?”

  “Straddle me,” he said in a low rasp.

  She raised her eyebrows at the suggestion, but he urged her on. Her slow movements tormented him.

  Now, his body shouted. He needed to sheathe his bursting cock in the warm, moist tightness of her. Jaxon ran a hand over her back. “Get on top. Lower yourself upon me.”

  * * * *

  Annalise hesitated, unsure, but impatient to relieve the building desire within her as well as satisfy his obvious longing. He gripped her hip with strong fingers, kneading her there, telling her again to move over him. His flesh pulsed in her hand, igniting a desperate rush to have him within her, filling her.

  Rising up on her knees, she then swung one leg over his hips. A cool breath whispered over the heat of her parted sex. She shivered with want.

  “Yes, that’s it.” His lips parted. His chest rose and fell with short rapid breaths. “Move higher.”

  Every other time, he led the way in their lovemaking. Would her inexperienced fumbling hurt him somehow? She positioned herself over his erection.


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