Cold Blooded III: Sins and Sanctions (Nick McCarty Assassin Series Book 3)

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Cold Blooded III: Sins and Sanctions (Nick McCarty Assassin Series Book 3) Page 21

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Nick has US Marshal credentials authorized by the Attorney General,” Tim said. “He can find your mole if you’ll let him. We should work this in private, without bringing anyone else in on it from the Charleston Police Department.”

  Nick kept his mouth shut during the negotiations with Moragado, although he grinned at the thought his exercise ferreting out police corruption would be a pleasant and ironic diversion. He would be working inadvertently to solve his own killing spree. The chance to identify the insider tipping off crooks to target cops interested him even more.

  “You don’t speak much, McCarty. I hated the novel of yours I read.”

  “Duly noted, Lieutenant, but we’re here to help, not hinder your investigation,” Nick said. “I write novels, but I think out of the box about complex situations. It can’t hurt to let me help you. We’re on the same side. Another pair of eyes on a strange case can’t hurt anything. I’ve spotted and identified problems where everything appears in order, and no one else has found anything. As Marshal Stanwick explained I have been of assistance in working with law enforcement, both local and federal.”

  Moragado held Nick’s gaze for a moment in silence. “You certainly hold yourself in high regard, McCarty.”

  “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be of much use to you, Lieutenant. The important fact is my help benefited the agencies I’ve worked with. I already have a plan. Would you like to try it out?”

  “A magic formula, huh? What makes you think I’m not the one tipping off bad guys?”

  “You would have stonewalled us to someone else, or refused any liaison at all with the Marshal’s Service. We know we don’t really belong on a local internal affairs case like this, and you could have booted us aside – but you didn’t.”

  Moragado took a deep breath. “What’s your plan?”

  “Call a meeting with your Department heads. Have them bring along their second and third in command with them. First, explain the situation with the attempt to lure those two police officers pictured in the bad guys’ getaway car. Then introduce Marshals Stanwick and Reinhold to the gathering, letting them know the Marshals collared the driver, and found a lead into a leak within the Charleston PD. I will stay in the background and observe the meeting.”

  “That’s it? That’s your plan?” Moragado shook her head, but held up her hand as if warding off any comment. “I get it. You think you’re like that character on TV… ‘The Mentalist’. All it takes is a glance around the room, and nail the bad guy, huh?”

  “If you don’t want our help, kick us out. We won’t bother you again,” Nick said. “I have to leave for home soon. I’d be glad to help, but I’m not begging for the chance.”

  Something in the real life assassin’s tone stirred Moragado. When she stared into Nick’s features this time, the small hairs on the nape of her neck stood on end. She handed each of them a card. “Be at the address on the card tomorrow at 10:30 am. I’ll set the meeting into action tonight. I’ll call my bosses, but I won’t be specific as to the purpose. Please don’t be late.”

  “We won’t,” Grace answered. “See you tomorrow.”

  As they walked away, Grace nudged Nick. “Moragado’s not right about you mimicking the TV Mentalist for laughs, is she?”

  When Nick didn’t speak, Tim started laughing, but Grace was anything but amused. “I sure hope you can pull it off tomorrow, Mr. Mentalist. Otherwise, you’ll have a couple US Marshal administrators with their bare asses hanging in the cold breeze.”

  “Not a pretty picture, Grace,” Nick replied, making a face. “I’ll make sure I’m at the top of my game tomorrow so I don’t have to witness anything to do with your bare ass.”

  “I’d take a peek if it comes to that, partner,” Tim adlibbed for Nick’s amusement.

  “In your dreams, Timmy,” Grace retorted, but Nick noticed Tim’s poke had thrown Grace off stride.

  “Okay,” Tim replied. “I’ll settle for the dream peek for now.”

  Chapter Ten

  Consulting Assassin

  Everyone waited for Nick to enter the hotel room after being dropped off by Grace and Tim except for Grandma Mona, who had returned to her home. Jean ran over to hug Nick, with Deke prancing next to her. Tina and Rachel stayed in arms folded across chests solidarity at a distance, while Gus walked over to put a double Bushmill’s Irish into Nick’s hand.

  Nick sipped while hugging Jean. “God bless you, Sir.”

  “Did you take another mission from my nine year old?”

  “I think Gus took it. I came along so they wouldn’t get hurt,” Nick explained. “I called in reinforcements to pick me up. My new pals in the US Marshal’s Service arrived in the nick of time. I helped them get a big boost from the local PD in Charleston, thanks to my awesome detective skills.”

  “I hand you a double Bushmill’s, and you throw me under the bus? Gee thanks, brother.” Gus was obviously enjoying the exchange between Nick and Rachel.

  “Oh, I see. It was detective work,” Rachel said. “Six guys you three were stalking for God knows what reason, suddenly shoot and knife each other to death in a bizarre battle, while waiting to ambush two police officers in a scene that defies all logic. I recall some scenes like that from our cross country run to Florida.”

  Nick toasted Rachel with his double. “Ahhhh… good times.”

  “I thought we decided jointly not to allow Jean to assign two grownups, who know better, dangerous missions involving violence and mayhem.”

  “Define mayhem,” Nick replied.

  “Don’t start playing ‘Name that Tune’ with me. It won’t go well for you. We’ve been watching the news, Muerto. Those six mysterious deaths have El Muerto written all over them.”

  “I resent that inference, my love,” Nick stated, as Jean giggled.

  “You wore your black mask tonight,” Rachel accused. “Deny it. I dare you.”

  “I may have slipped on my black mask for a short time,” Nick admitted. “Mystery is good for the soul.”

  “You have no soul!”

  “How dare you say that? My soul is between my God and me. Did you have to let your Mom debrief you, Dagger. Now look what you’ve done. An innocent dog walk has become throw Nick and Gus to the wild wolves. I need to sip another of these, Brother Gus, while I explain how El Muerto ingratiated himself into the local PD’s good graces, thereby possibly saving all of Charleston.”

  Gus placed an arm around Nick. “Come then, and partake with me, my brother, in front of yonder excellent windowed view. These other more human souls will have to join us when they feel ready to hear about El Muerto’s wondrous further adventures.”

  Nick chuckled. “You’re getting good at this, Gus.”

  “I’m so glad you noticed. We should send the loose mouthed Dagger to bed early for setting free the Rachel and Tina Krakens on our butts.”

  Jean immediately joined with pleading tone. “But Dad, the Rachel Kraken broke me against the rocks. I was helpless before her rage despite my strong willed resistance. The Tina Kraken broke Gus by merely raising her voice above a whisper. He folded like an old lawn chair.”

  By this time, even the Krakens were amused, following the two men into the comfortable and scenic room with large windowed viewing over Charleston. With drinks refreshed, Nick regaled his companions with an entertaining event description, that took place after the six would be cop-killers waiting in ambush met their gory end. He garnered much amusement with his portrayal of Grace’s part in his adventure.

  “So now you’re going into this police meeting, after all that’s happened?” The Rachel Kraken was amused, but not entertained by Nick’s plan to save Charleston. “Your plan sounds like a TV show. Wait a minute… it is a TV show! No… no… no… tell me you’re not playing the Mentalist in the midst of a room full of upper level cops!”

  Nick frowned, as Gus, Tina, and Jean enjoyed Rachel’s spot on recognition of Nick’s plan. “Don’t ruin this for me, Rach. Sure, it may seem obvious to you an
d that other reprobate Grace, but the Lieutenant Irene Moragado and the meeting participants will be stunned and amazed.”

  “Oh man, brother, that is one bold and rather stupid move,” Gus said, shaking his head in wonderment. “You have indeed crossed over the dimensional barrier of unintentional consequences waiting to happen.”

  Nick again frowned, this time at his partner. “Now you’re just being mean.”

  * * *

  When Tina and Gus adjourned to their room, she grabbed his arm. “I want to make sure I understand this. Tonight, you, Nick, and Jean went on a stalking exercise, found a real cop ambush, and then Nick executed the six men responsible? Then he calls his Marshal friends, escapes the scene of the crime, and ingratiates himself with the local police. What’s wrong with this picture? He admitted to all of it right in front of me. Before, it’s been innuendo. Isn’t he afraid I’d turn him in?”

  Gus patted her hand. “I doubt there’s anything on earth Nick is afraid of. When he decides to do something like he did tonight, although initially against doing it in the first place, a scene develops in his head. I’ve seen that slow killer grin spread across his features before. After that, it’s a game he carries out as coldly as if he were pouring a glass of water. God only knows the number of dead people following after that grin. He’s an assassin with an imagination, and believe me, you don’t want to know what Nick’s imagination developed in past situations.”

  “What about me though?”

  “To him, you’re family now. Remember, I advised Rachel not to ambush him at the door, but she has a mind of her own. You decided to become her bookend buddy of disapproval, so you heard the unfiltered happening version, although never straight from Nick. He never once admitted to anything. He commented comically about everything without a denial or admission.”

  “So I’m safe no matter what?”

  “Define ‘no matter what’ to me, babe.”

  “Well… uh… what if we decide to separate?”

  Gus smiled. “I guess we better make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  * * *

  Nick scanned the large meeting room, while watching each person entering. By the time Moragado was ready to start the meeting, Nick had picked out six likely candidates. His suspects did nothing out of the ordinary. Nick noticed what they didn’t do. The others were affable, shaking hands, and greeting each other, eventually talking shop. The six people jingling Nick’s warning bell were more wooden in their greetings and interactions. Two were women, and standoffish with everyone. The feeling appeared mutual, as the others avoided them. Two of the men were clearly in their middle to late fifties. Although cordial to the others, they tended to gravitate to each other as if they were old time acquaintances, and didn’t much like interacting with the younger crowd. The last two men triggering his suspicions were clearly nervous. Nick grinned. This was going to be fun, he thought.

  Moragado started the meeting on time, explaining the prior night’s attempted ambush, and the bizarre gun battle leaving six dead. She also went over in detail how the US Marshals had offered to help, and actually captured the getaway driver. Nick had his man already. When Moragado outlined what the meeting concerned, one of the last two of Nick’s suspects visibly relaxed. The other, a stalwart six footer, with trim physique, and longish brown hair blanched at the mention of the driver being taken into custody. By the time Moragado introduced US Marshals Stanwick and Reinhold, along with their perception of a break in the case concerning a leak, Nick’s main suspect was contemplating escape. Nick watched him edging toward the door to the meeting room with amusement before setting off on an intercept course while giving Grace and Tim the high sign.

  By the time his suspect inched his way in a casual manner to the door, Nick was waiting for him. The man tried to get around Nick, but was blocked.

  “Get the fuck out of my way,” the man hissed in a low threatening tone.

  “I can’t do that, Sir. You and I have business to discuss with your Lieutenant,” Nick replied. “I see you reaching toward the inside of your jacket, Sir. Don’t do it. It won’t go well for you. Here come my US Marshal friends along with your Lieutenant Moragado. You’re not leaving, so please put your hands in the air slow and easy.”

  The man glanced around at the approaching law officers, and went for his weapon instead. He was still inches away when Nick’s stun-gun discharged. It pitched his suspect to the floor in a ball at his feet. There were of course shouts of outrage with armed officers reaching for their weapons. Moragado, Grace, and Tim arrived in the midst with waving arms, calling for calm. Nick had already pocketed his stun-gun and stood with hands in plain sight.

  “What the hell, McCarty?”

  “This is your man, Lieutenant,” Nick answered. “Get me a court order for this guy’s financials, a list of all his duties, contacts, and previous duty stations when he was a cop instead of an administrator/boss. I’ll track the path of his descent into darkness for you.”

  “Damn it!” Moragado pointed at a police officer standing to the right of them. “Chuck… put the cuffs on Brandt. Get him into interrogation for now while I straighten this mess out.”

  “You want me to arrest Chet?” Chuck was staring at Nick.

  “It was Marshal McCarty’s idea to call this meeting in order to single out the guy who leaked information to the hit squad,” Moragado replied. “It appears to have worked. I can’t believe it was Chet, but there wouldn’t be any other damn reason for him to inch his way out of the meeting, and then draw on someone stopping him. Tell me he was drawing on you, McCarty.”

  “You see where his hand was. It froze on the grip when I zapped him,” Nick pointed out. “I asked him to wait for you to come, and not to reach for a weapon.”

  “You could have yelled out ‘stop him’,” Moragado remarked.

  That statement provoked the killer. It showed in his features. “He’s armed and dangerous. Did you want casualties to make you feel better about this, Lieutenant?”

  A murmur of agreement rattled through the group of officers. Moragado didn’t like it at all, but the logic could not be denied. “We’re done with this meeting. Please keep these events to yourselves, and tell all officers under your command about the ambush plot. The order from on top is do not respond to any situation without backup. I’ll get the court order within the hour, McCarty. I want your two handlers with you at all times while you investigate this matter.”

  “Understood, Lieutenant,” Nick replied.

  * * *

  Moragado led them to an empty office after attaining the search warrant promised along with the items Nick requested concerning Chet Brandt. “The computer in here is yours to use, but I see you have your own satellite uplink. A consultant with local police, FBI, and the US Marshals isn’t all you are, is it, McCarty?”

  “They aren’t the only ones I take consulting jobs from.”

  Moragado smiled. “I will read a few more of your novels, hotshot. You’re like a bad crossword puzzle.”

  Nick smiled back, but Grace walked the Lieutenant out of the loaned office. “First off, I know you can’t access Nick’s records anyway, but why do you keep getting your panties in a bunch because he can walk the walk?”

  Moragado’s mouth tightened in annoyance. “Because the S.O.B. even reminds me of that arrogant character on ‘The Mentalist’.”

  “Take my word for it, Nick doesn’t mean anything personal. He’s direct, and kind of a smartass, but he’ll find your proof. One other thing, Irene. Nick’s someone you don’t mess with.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means there are some people in the world we work with, stay friendly with, and never cross. Nick’s one of them.”

  Moragado started a verbal retort, only to notice Grace’s no nonsense stare. “Are you afraid of that writer?”

  “It’s more respect than fear, but it’s also fear. Keep an open mind, Irene. He’ll make you a believer.”

  Moragado wav
ed her off as she walked away. “I’ll make a note. Let me know when Superman finds something, Grace.”

  Grace breathed out slowly. “Nitwit.”

  Inside the room, Nick was hard at work with Tim watching over his shoulder making notes. They both turned to Grace when she reentered the room.

  “Did you have fun with Irene?”

  “Oh yeah, Nick,” Grace answered. “I think you’ll have to screw her or she’s going to haunt you. She has a bug up her ass over you for some reason.”

  Nick grinned. “That ain’t ever happenin’.”

  “She’ll change her mind when she sees what Nick dug up,” Tim said. “This Brandt guy’s name is linked to five of the guys who died last night. All five are listed as Brandt’s Confidential Informants for years since his beat cop days.”

  “I’m certain they acted as his money drop,” Nick added, hitting another key on his laptop and smiling. “And you two don’t believe in my luck factor. Look here. The driver, Rudy Freeman, is also listed as a C.I. from way back. These guys weren’t young gangbangers ambushing cops for kicks. That’s for sure. They had a plan in place. You know what that means.”

  Grace and Tim groaned at the same time.

  “There’s someone in the high echelons of the PD running the narrow show in different sectors of the city,” Grace said.

  “Very good, Gracie,” Nick replied. “Dear old Rudy is still alive along with Brandt. We play those two against each other, and I bet one of them spits out the name higher on the food chain. To back anything like that up, I will of course be inching my way through our two hot picks’ phone logs. An excessive number of calls to a bigwig by Brandt, and we have another possible participant. Our problem will be whether Irene wants to pull on her big girl panties, and follow the yellow brick road with us.”


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