Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel

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Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  This guy might be cute, but he wasn't very bright. Not that thinking he was cute would ever give him a chance. No, there wasn't a chance in hell anything like that would happen. Not considering that I was married, though that really wasn’t as much of an issue considering Brian’s stance on extracurricular activities. Mostly it was because I liked them smart and cute. Plus I’d be risking my job if I ever did anything with a student.

  At least I was pretty sure I'd be risking my job. I'd never actually looked up the rules. It was just sort of understood amongst the profs that students were off limits. At least the ones in your class.

  "Good morning class," I said, raising my voice so everyone could hear me. "I'm Mrs. Taylor, but all of you can call me Megan."

  The guy grinned. "Ha ha. Very funny. I get it, funny rejections are funny, but you could just say no."

  At least he was being a good sport about it, even if he wasn't too bright. He still hadn't noticed the wedding ring on my finger. Or the fact that I’d referred to myself as “Mrs.” Or maybe he did hear all of that and he wasn’t as nice as he seemed.

  Either way I had a class to teach.

  I looked to the back of the room and a couple of guys high-fived. No doubt excited about the prospect of looking at me for the entire semester, if past experience was any indication. I shook my head and smiled. Freshman guys. They could be so predictable sometimes. Sometimes it felt like they were barely even out of high school, for all they liked to think of themselves as sophisticated men of the world.

  Then again I knew fully grown men who high-fived and grinned when they saw a hot girl. I suppose it wasn't just something that was confined to guys fresh out of high school.

  I pulled out my books and opened them. All of them had “teacher's edition” clearly marked on them. I turned to the blackboard and started writing the day’s assignment. When I was done I turned and saw the guy was still standing there, though he looked a little less confident now. More awkward. More like a high school guy who'd just been caught doing something stupid. He also had that panic that the young had when they were caught doing something stupid and realized everyone was looking at them.

  "Are you going to have a seat?"

  "You're serious, aren't you?"

  "Yup. And also married, if you hadn't noticed already," I said, giving my ring finger a wiggle. Then again, it's not like the fact that I was married would matter if my husband had anything to say about it. Not that I would ever get into that with any of my students.

  The guy grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. I just assumed…"

  "Well you know what they say about assuming. Now go ahead and have a seat. I promise I won't cut your grade by much for your mistake."

  I smiled to let him know that I was joking. Mostly. It's not like he was being a complete prick like the guy yesterday. And besides, this would give me a funny story to tell Brian later tonight. I didn't think this one was going to get incorporated into our sex life like the one yesterday. For some reason the polite ones never did.

  I was about to turn and continue writing on the blackboard when I saw motion out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look, and my jaw dropped. I saw what had to be one of the hottest guys I'd ever seen in my life walking through the door with a casual confidence as though he owned the room even though I was the teacher.

  He had dark skin with close cut hair and rippling muscles in all the right places and a tight fitting T-shirt that showed it off. It brought to mind the tight clothes I always wore to show off the assets. I did that on the regular since it always got Brian off watching other guys watching me. The guy had dark skin and his hair was cut close.

  And earlier, when I'd been thinking about how all the guys in my classes looked like high school boys? Well the exact opposite was true with this guy. Damn. This guy looked like a man. He carried himself like a man. He didn't have any of the awkwardness that other kids coming into my class for the first time had.

  Of course none of that was the real reason why I was staring in astonishment. No, the real reason was that I recognized the guy. There wasn't a single person on campus who wouldn't recognize Michael King. He was only one of the most famous college hoops players in the country. Definitely the most famous college hoops player on campus.

  It was widely rumored he'd turned down the NBA, at least for this year, so he could finish out his senior season and complete his degree. The fact that he also had a pretty good chance at the national championship with this year's team probably didn't hurt that decision to stay true to his school.

  And he was walking into my classroom. The guy was a senior. Why would he be walking into my classroom?

  "Can I help you Michael?" I asked, and I immediately blushed as I realized I'd given away that I knew who he was without even asking his name.

  He turned and grinned at me. I guess he was probably used to people knowing who he was. The burden of being a whale in a very small pond.

  I blushed. That was a grin that made me go weak in the knees. A grin that made me want to melt into a puddle of hormones on the floor. A smile that made me want to run across the room and jump on him, rip his clothes off, and damn the professional consequences. Though that would probably at least result in a stiff reprimand assuming it didn’t get me kicked out of my Phd program entirely.

  "I'm here for class, miss…"

  "Taylor. Mrs. Taylor," I said after a moment. "I'm married."

  Damn it. I was babbling. There was a rush of giggles from the room. No doubt because I stumbled and made it clear I was married as though that was somehow critical information for this guy.

  I'm sure there were more than a couple of guys sitting out there, including the ones who’d just been high-fiving each other, who wished I’d react this way when they walked into the room. Well that was tough luck. None of them looked as good as Michael King. None of them were as good on the basketball court as this man.

  Michael King was in my class!

  My class. I was supposed to be teaching. Damn. I looked down at my papers. How could I have looked at his name and not realized he was going to be in my class today? At the very least I could've been prepared!

  I glanced down and yeah, sure enough there was his name. Michael King. I just didn't make the connection when I was looking through the roster earlier. Michael fucking King was going to be in my class for a whole semester!

  Talk about your all time distractions. This might mark the first time I was more distracted by a student than the students were distracted by me. Of course I still needed to be professional. No more outbursts like that stupid “I’m married” slip.

  "Right. Good to have you in class Michael," I said. "You can take a seat anywhere you want."

  He grinned. "Actually, I think I'll go take a seat by my girlfriend if you don't mind."

  And then he was moving back through the lab. I followed him the entire way. He sat down next to a pretty blonde girl who beamed at him. She was petite, cute, and now that I really looked at her I realized she was wearing a T-shirt that identified her as a cheerleader for the school.

  Come to think of it she did look familiar. I'm sure I'd seen her at any of the hundreds of games I'd watched on TV or in person and just didn’t make the connection between the smiling blonde in a short skirt on TV and the girl in class.

  Of course he'd be dating a hot blonde cheerleader type. What would a guy like Mike want with a geeky TA? Even if I was the hot TA of the chemistry department?

  I blinked. What the hell was I thinking? What would he want with a nerdy TA? Why did I care? I was married! The fact that a star basketball player had walked into my classroom to pick up one of his core requirements on his way to graduation didn't mean anything. I’d teach him the same as I did anyone else minus the lascivious thoughts.

  I finally looked back to my class realized I was standing staring with a goofy grin on my face. I blushed and turned back to the board, the class giggling at my reaction. Though I noticed the other girls in the room were giving him
the same greedy eyes I was, and most of the guys in the room were grinning. I'm sure most of them would be asking for autographs when class was over. Hell, I might do the same.

  It was a little odd having guys grinning at someone other than me, but I’d take the deflection of attention.

  I started writing on the board again. "So for today's lab we’re going to be doing a few simple experiments to make sure you can follow directions and avoid killing yourself. Not that any of the experiments we’re doing in an intro level course are going to be dangerous or anything…"

  I droned on and the class listened politely, which was a major change from the night class the day before. That was a bit of a reversal. Usually it was night classes that were more attentive. Whatever. I’d take a respectful class whatever the time of day.

  I tried to concentrate on teaching, but it was difficult. My thoughts kept drifting back to Michael. I knew he was sitting back there. And when I released everyone to get started on their experiments I realized with a chill that he was staring at me just as intently as that creepy guy the day before. Only with Michael I welcomed the look. I blushed and looked away, and when I looked back he was still looking at me as his girlfriend set up the experiment. He smiled, winked, and I forced myself to tear my attention away from him.

  I had a class to teach, damn it. I wasn't going to be distracted by some muscles and a pair of pretty brown eyes. Especially when he was sitting right there with his girlfriend! His perfect cheerleader girlfriend, the bitch.

  Now where the hell did that thought come from? I definitely shouldn't be jealous of some pretty college girl. The basketball star dating the pretty cheerleader was a tale as old as time. I shook my head and got back to work. I had papers to grade before I made my first round of the room to make sure nobody was doing anything particularly dangerous.

  I'd said it would be difficult to hurt yourself in this entry level course, but I’d learned to never underestimate the ability of stupid freshmen to cause trouble with the seemingly most harmless of lab ingredients.

  Though it was hard to concentrate. My attention kept returning to Michael, and it seemed like every time I looked up he was glancing over at me with a thin secretive smile that sent a thrill running through me. A thrill that had me thinking about the permission to stray that Brian was always giving me.

  No, that wasn't going to happen with one of my students, even if he was hot.

  I did know one thing for certain, though. I was going to have some mind blowing fun with Brian later. With the way I was feeling just from those glances I was going to have to rock Brian’s world a couple of times to work this out of my system. It was the first time I'd ever felt a need to work his fantasy out of my system because it was turning me on rather than helping him out, but I suppose there was a first time for everything. I told myself that it didn't mean anything other than a brief crush.

  Yeah, that was it.

  I turned back to my papers and tried to grade them. I was still looking at the same page a half hour later when the class ended.

  4: Dinner Date

  I waved to Megan from my table near the back of the room as she made her way in. She smiled when she saw me and headed back.

  I'd already ordered and the food was ready. It'd arrived just before she did. She was running a little late from her last class of the day. Normally that would have me intrigued, but more than anything I wanted to eat. A good thing she arrived when she did.

  "I assumed the usual would be okay?" I asked as she sat down.

  "You assumed correctly," Megan said. "Thanks honey."

  "Anytime baby," I said. "So how was work?"

  "You're never going to believe who was in my lab today!" she said.

  I looked up and tried to imagine who could possibly get her that excited. I suppose it could be some famous chemistry guy or something. She was always going on about them, though I couldn't tell Avogadro from Einstein if my life depended on it. Well, I could probably pick Einstein out of a lineup. Though to be fair he was more of a physics guy than a chemistry guy.

  Whatever. The point is that one of those famous chemistry guys definitely wouldn't be taking her intro to chemistry gen ed lab course. And if they were then it would mean there was probably something seriously troubling going on. Especially considering most of them were dead and them taking a class would be the harbinger of a zombie outbreak. Which would actually be kind of cool, come to think of it.

  I doubted zombie chemistry dudes were going to be at the top of the list though. I might be more of a techie than a science geek, but I knew the dead rising from the grave to take college courses was the domain of cheap cable channel original movies.

  Various starship captains seemed equally unlikely, whether we're talking the bald one who rocked that look or the bald one who wore a toupee. I didn't think either one of them were likely to show up in a general education chemistry course either.

  "Okay, I give up. Who showed up in your class today?"

  "Michael King!" she said with way more excitement than I would have expected.

  "Really? The basketball guy?"

  "None other than!" Megan said. "And he's in my intro class! Apparently he put off taking some of his requirements until he was getting ready to graduate. He said something about not wanting to take them if he was just going to go off and join the NBA."

  "Really now? So not only is he in your class, but you found time to chat with him?"

  Megan looked down, a blush coming to her face, and I was suddenly very interested. She hadn't reacted like this about any of the other guys in her class.

  "I might've talked to him a little bit after class. It's not like it's a big deal."

  "No, not at all," I said.

  I was trying to play it cool, but it was hard. I was suddenly taking far more of an interest in our conversation than in the food.

  "So you've never reacted like this to a guy in one of your classes before…" I said, letting the implication hang in the air for a moment. She looked at me and there was a twinkle in her eye.

  "Oh no you don't…"

  I held up my hands in what I hoped was a decent display of feigned innocence. "What?"

  "For one, I'm a married woman."

  "And I've explained to you how that doesn't really matter. At least not to me."

  “He also has a girlfriend. A pretty blonde cheerleader. You know the type. Perky tits, nice ass," she said.

  I grinned. "So you were looking? You know, my fantasy doesn't involve just guys. If you wanted to have a little girl on girl fun, if that's the tree I should've been barking up all these years…"

  Megan reached across the table and smacked me. "You're terrible. You know that, right?"

  "What can I say? I'm a man with a singular dedication to my fantasy!"

  "I know," Megan said with a roll of her eyes. "Either way, I'm sure his pretty cheerleader girlfriend wouldn't be very appreciative of me going after her man, even if he did go for the science geek type which I don't think is happening considering who he is and that he could pull any girl on campus that he wanted!"

  "Don't sell yourself short baby," I said. "I think I know the girl you're talking about, and your easily as hot as her!"

  Megan rolled her eyes again. That seemed to be a theme with her this evening. "Yeah, you just happen to know what all the girls on the cheerleading squad looked like? That's likely!"

  "What can I say? I'm a connoisseur of cheerleaders. They always cut to shots during game broadcasts. It's always the highlight for me when you're watching those stupid games."

  Megan stuck her tongue out and went back to her food. We ate in silence for a while, but everything she’d said was still very much on my mind. There was a bona fide basketball star in one of my wife's classes, and she seemed very taken with him. This was better than I ever could have expected.

  Besides, if I knew my wife, and I was pretty sure I did after being married for a couple of years and together for several years before that in colleg
e, then I knew when she was interested in a guy. After all, I'd been forced to figure out all the signs myself when I was dating her. And she definitely seemed interested in this guy, which had my interest piqued.

  This was the first time she'd reacted positively to anything to do with my fantasy creeping closer to reality, after all, and if that wasn't worth celebrating…

  "I'm just saying keep an open mind. Maybe think about it?"

  Megan glanced around and turned back to me when she was satisfied about whatever it was she was looking for. "Are you crazy? We shouldn't even be discussing this here. What if a student overhears you? What if one of my profs or one of my colleagues walks past?"

  "What are you worried about?" I asked. "We’re just having a friendly hypothetical conversation. There's not a chance you're ever going to do anything, right?”

  I very much wanted her to admit she wanted to get down and dirty with this guy, but her reluctance regarding bringing this fantasy into the real world had made me nothing if not a realist. I wasn’t expecting much. What she’d already admitted to was way more than I’d ever expected to get from her, to be honest.

  "Yeah…" she said. Though there was something about the tone of her voice that had me wondering.

  Once again I was excited about her hesitation, though. She'd never hesitated like that before when she was telling me there was no chance my fantasy was actually going to happen. No, usually she shut me down without a second thought. That she was considering it now. Even if not with this guy, what about others? The door was open a crack, so I decided to put my foot in there.

  I leaned forward. "Look, I know you have no desire to violate university policy or anything like that. But did you ever consider that if you're attracted to this guy, well maybe you'd be attracted to other guys as well? Maybe you should at least think about it?"

  Megan sighed and grinned. "You're not going to give up on this until I climb into bed with another man, are you?"

  I grinned, but deep inside I felt a pang. I felt my cock twitch and my stomach twisted. Just hearing her say the words “hopping into another guy's bed" was enough to have my cock standing up and taking notice, let me tell you!


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