Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel

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Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  "Bedroom. Now!"

  Her hand wrapped around my own and she pulled me back towards the bedroom. I was more than happy to go along with. Damn. Who was this woman who'd possessed my wife? She was acting crazy, and I liked it!

  I had a few good ideas as to exactly what could get her this hot and bothered, but at the same time I thought those ideas were impossible. There was just no way that it could have actually happened. No way that she'd actually done something with another guy.

  What would make tonight any different from the hundreds of other nights when she'd come home and I was hopeful only to have those hopes ultimately dashed when she told me it was all a fantasy she made up for my pleasure? I still loved her for making up fantasies just for me, but at the same time I couldn't help but feel a stab of disappointment every time we finished an intense fuck session where she’d talked about dalliances with other men only to discover that she'd made it all up.

  Then again I suppose I should be thankful for what I had. I knew guys whose wives wouldn't even indulge them in that much. No, they were so freaked out by their husband’s fantasies that they wouldn't even talk about it. Those poor bastards were forced to live forever in a fantasy world. At least my fantasy was partially in reality.

  I could be thankful I had that much.

  As soon as we were in the bedroom I moved forward. I was about to wrap my arms around her when she turned around. She jumped on me, wrapped her legs around my torso as her arms wrapped around my neck and then she was pulling up and pressing her lips against mine again.

  Holy shit. Seriously. What had gotten into my wife? I ran my hands all over her body, though the movement was restricted just a little because I was preoccupied with holding her up while at the same time trying to feel her up in every way possible.

  Meanwhile she kept up with the kissing. It was a seemingly never-ending makeout session. Just kissing her hadn’t felt this hot since we were teenagers pawing at each other for the first time. And through it all she was grinding against me. Pressing her pussy against my cock, her heat radiating out and welcoming me. Giving me a hint of pleasures to come.

  Finally it was too much of a distraction to try and hold her up while also trying to feel her up. And so I moved forward and we fell onto the bed together. Rolled around until she ended up on top, her hair hanging down over me and tickling me. My face scrunched up and she giggled. She was well aware of what her hair did when she was on top. It was one of many reasons why I enjoyed being on top.

  Right now, though, I was far more interested in whatever it was she was about to tell me. I had a feeling it was going to be good.

  "You're never going to believe what happened today after class," she said.

  I grinned. "Let me guess. One of your students held you down over your desk and fucked you from behind?"

  She leaned down and bit the tip of my nose. "Hey! You be a good boy or I’m not going to tell you what our college’s star basketball player did. And no, it wasn't bending me over and fucking me over my desk, thank you very much. If you start talking like that too often you might get your story privileges revoked entirely, mister!"

  I held up my hands in a defensive gesture. "I'm all ears! Please don't cut off my story privileges!"

  "I don't know…" she said as she started grinding again. It was a subtle churning of her hips. I could feel her ass moving up and down against my hands. I wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off and have my way with her, but first I wanted to hear whatever it was she had worked up for me. Even if it was just another story, it was something that I had a burning desire to learn about now. I wished I’d held my tongue. Damn it.

  "Do you really want to hear about it?" she asked.

  "You have no idea," I grunted. "What happened?"

  "What would you think if I said he came up to me after class and asked me for a little help with his tutoring?"

  "I would say he sounds like a pretty good student. Why?"

  She fixed me with another look that said she wasn't in the mood for joking around. I don't know why I kept doing it. Maybe I was just a little freaked out now that this was actually happening. Fantasy and reality were different. When I was fantasizing about it I was the one in control of things. Quite literally since it was always either her talking about the fantasy and adjusting based on my feedback or me making it up in my head. Now that something might have actually happened in the real world, though, I could feel that control slipping from my fingers.

  It was a weird feeling. One of those "be careful what you wish for" sorts of situations. There was arousal, to be sure, but underlying all of that was a tension, an anxiety I never would have anticipated now that I was here in the moment. Though the arousal and anticipation was definitely overriding that anxiety in a big way.

  "What if I told you he was a perfect A student? Not exactly the kind of guy who needs one on one tutoring," she said. “Oh, and he also mentioned that his girlfriend, the pretty cheerleader I was telling you about? Turns out she wants to have a little study time with me as well. Though that could've just been something he was saying so I didn't think he was a cheating piece of shit while he was propositioning me. It's hard to tell."

  "Damn…" I breathed.

  Megan grinned. "Yeah? I figured you’d like that."

  "I like it very much," I said. "So what did you say?"

  Megan didn't get a chance to tell me how she responded. She was too busy shrugging out of her T-shirt as I pulled it up. I followed that by reaching and unsnapping her bra, bringing her tits spilling out.

  I couldn't help myself. I reached up and grabbed her tits. Massaged them and then pulled her down and ran my tongue around her nipples. God I loved her breasts. So perfect. And I found myself wondering if another man had an opportunity to enjoy her perfect breasts tonight as well. Not that it was too terribly likely that anything actually happened. It was never likely that something actually happened, but this was more than she'd ever admitted to before.

  I pulled away and Megan rolled off. Started working on her pants. That was as much of a go-ahead as I needed and I started pulling my own down. I'd only just gotten my jeans unzipped and my cock out when she hopped on top of me again. Grinding her pussy against me, though I noticed she was still wearing her underwear. She looked down and bit her lip.

  "Why did you have to do this to me?"

  "Do what?" I asked.

  "Why did you have to put these fantasies in my head? If you’d never said anything then I’d just think he was hot and that would be that. I wouldn't be…"

  I reached down and with a practiced motion pulled her panties aside just far enough to get access. Pressed my cock against her. Her eyes went wide as she moved her hips back and then she pressed against me. My cock moved up inside her and I gasped from the sheer pleasure of it. The sheer pleasure of her words to go along with that delicious warmth that was her body accepting my cock. From the smile on her face she was enjoying the feel of my cock inside her as well.

  I was also so ridiculously excited by what she was saying. Why did I have to put this fantasy in her head? That sounded suspiciously close to her actually giving this fantasy some serious thought. The moment that I'd dreamed about for so very long, and now it was here.

  "What were you thinking about when he was hitting on you Megan?"

  "I was thinking about how much I wanted to fuck him!" she gasped as she rose up and fell on my cock. Over and over she slid up and down, and a moment later she threw her head back, her mouth open wide, and she was screaming over and over. It was an unintelligible mess of feeling as her pussy clamped down on me.

  It was a good thing she came so quickly, too, what with her admitting she wanted another guy to fuck her. Let's just say there wasn't a chance I was going to last for very long. With a whimper of my own I unloaded inside her as she screamed louder than ever before.

  When she came down she looked down at me. Her face colored with embarrassment. Not that she had any needed to feel embarrassed. God
that had been so fucking hot!

  "I can't believe I did that," she whispered. "I'm so sorry…"

  I put a finger to her lips. "Why are you sorry? You've just given me something that I've fantasized about for so long. Something I never thought would actually happen."

  "I know," she said. "It's just so wrong…"

  I shrugged. "How many times are we going to have this conversation before you believe me?"

  Megan leaned down and kissed me, her breasts pressing against my chest in a most distracting way. She pulled back and smiled, though she looked more sad than turned on now. "We’ll have that conversation at least one more time."

  I sighed. "It's obvious you want this, Megan. What's holding you back?"

  "Well my job…"

  "Your job is bullshit," I said. "You tell me about guys who are banging their students all the time and they never get into trouble. So what's different for you?"

  "You," she said. "I'm married, and I take that seriously. I take those vows seriously. I take the ring on my finger seriously, and I'm afraid that if I let myself get carried away that it might go too far…

  I was stunned. I couldn't believe she just said that. She was worried about getting carried away? Getting carried away is exactly what I wanted her to do, damn it!

  "Megan, you know I want this more than anything," I said.

  "Oh yeah? And when you actually see another guy fucking me? When you realize it's not everything it was cracked up to be? What do I do then?"

  I was still inside her. My cock had been going soft, but now that she was talking about fucking other guys it was starting to stand back to attention.

  "I've had enough time to think about this. I know I don't have to worry about that," I said. "I'm comfortable with this fantasy. I know the dangers. And I really want to see you enjoy it. You were so close tonight, you came harder than I've ever seen before!"

  Megan sighed. "Maybe… But it scares me that I was actually seriously considering this after telling you no for so long. This is the first time I've actually been tempted, and it's terrifying."

  I pulled her down and kissed her. That added to the stimulation I already felt, and I could feel my cock moving back to full attention inside her. She pulled back and blinked in surprise.

  "Seriously? You’re ready so soon?"

  "What can I say? This has me turned on!"

  "You're terrible," she said. "Throwing your pretty wife at some basketball player like I'm some sports groupie for him to use as he pleases!"

  I shrugged. "What can I say? It's always an idea that's intrigued me. And I'm definitely intrigued now that you're intrigued by the idea!"

  "I might be intrigued, but it's still never happening."

  "That's fine, just tell me all about the naughty things you did with him tonight."

  Megan grinned. "I think I can manage that…"

  7: Jealousy

  Study sessions. I hated them and loved them at the same time. I hated them because they always took place in the evening. Not many college students could break away from their other classes to go to a study session during the day, after all, and it was expected the TAs would keep their schedules open.

  We weren't important enough to protest against it like some of the professors successfully did. Hell, that was one of the reasons why it was TAs running the study sessions and not full professors. That was one of the perks of their job.

  And yet I loved them at the same time. These sessions were always filled with students who actually wanted to be here. Who wanted to learn something. I'd always shown up to these sessions when I was the student rather than the teacher, and so I had a soft spot in my heart for the kind of dedicated learner who decided to really further their academic career by coming to a study session they didn't have to.

  Of course that wasn't the only reason I was looking forward to this evening's study session in particular. No, there was even more drawing me to tonight’s session. The real reason was something that still filled me with a bit of shame even as I knew it would excite Brian to no end if he knew how I felt.

  I was looking forward to this evening's study session because it was the first one since I told Michael he could come to one of these if he really needed extra help with his schoolwork. Not likely. I'd looked up his grades in the main class as well as the lab section. He was getting a solid A. Even had enough extra credit that meant he would have to actively work to sabotage his grade at this point if he wanted to earn anything less than that A and endanger the academic scholarship that kept him operating as a minor deity on our college campus.

  Stranger things had happened with guys trying to get a girl's attention, but I didn't think he would go that far.

  I glanced out across the room. We were set up in a lecture hall rather than the lab. It made it easier to handle these sessions since we were covering material that came from the regular class rather than the lab portion. My room was always filled with mostly guys. A fact that never ceased to drive dear old hubby wild.

  My heart skipped a beat as I saw the pretty cheerleader Michael was supposedly dating walk into the room. She looked over at me and blushed and then looked away. Now that was interesting. I could get used to her blushing at me.

  I also felt an odd sensation as I looked at her. Normally when I looked at a pretty girl I just thought they looked pretty from an objective point of view. I’d never really looked at the fairer sex and thought "I have to have that." Only as I'd been giving more and more thought to what Michael told me about his girlfriend's feelings, well let's just say that watching her walk into the room and blush like that was causing me to think outside the box when it came to girl on girl relations.

  At least in her case.

  None of the other girls in the room inspired me like that. Then again, it's not like there were that many girls in the room to begin with. They were all in Matt’s section, mostly, mooning over him. Which brought even more significance to the lovely Chelsea being in my room today. Or maybe I was letting wishful thinking cloud my judgment. It wouldn’t be the only very forbidden student-related thing that had been clouding my judgment lately.

  Chelsea. A pretty name for a pretty blonde girl. Definitely the athletic type. Not probably not a dorky bone in her body. Michael didn't follow her, though.

  Disappointing. I kicked myself for being disappointed that he wasn't following her. I shouldn't be getting this worked up over the prospect of a student coming to one of my study sessions. I definitely shouldn't be getting this worked up about a student at all. Nothing could happen, no matter how my husband had tried to use his Jedi mind tricks to get me to admit that I wanted this. Wanting this and letting it happen were two very different things, thank you very much.

  I glanced up at the clock and then to the assembled students. Michael wasn't here yet, but it's not like I could talk to him, flirt with him, while we were doing the study session. I clapped my hands together and was about to turn to the board when he finally arrived. Fashionably late, of course.

  My heart nearly stopped. There he was. Wearing his jersey, of course. It looked like one of the replicas that could be picked up in the bookstore rather than his official jersey, though. Still, he was looking good the way he wore it. He didn't have a shirt on underneath, and it showed off his muscles in a major way. A couple of guys looked over at him and rolled their eyes. A group of hyper achieving academic types in a science course? Definitely not the target demographic for idolizing a basketball player. Except for maybe Chelsea and a few other girls who were giving him the once over.

  And me, of course. Also of interest was that I seemed to be the only girl that he noticed noticing him. He looked straight at me before taking a seat next to his girl.

  I shook my head. Speaking of academics. I really needed to start this session. The last thing I needed was to stare at him and think about what it would feel like to have those muscular arms on either side of my head as he moved his cock up in between my legs and…

  Damn i
t. I was going to have work out some of this excess energy with Brian tonight when I got home. I was also going to tell him exactly what I thought of him putting this stupid fantasy in my head, because it was sure as hell complicating my ability to do my job!

  Of course that was going to be counterproductive. I knew it. He’d just get excited and then we'd end up fucking again. Having a pretty incredible fuck session too, if recent history was any indication. I'm not sure what it was that had changed, but the orgasms had been so much more intense with this new fantasy I'd been incorporating. I was pretty sure I knew exactly what was causing it, the guest star this time around was definitely far more hot and intriguing than any previous guest stars in our fantasy life, but at the same time it's not like I was going to knock it too much. It felt too damn good. I couldn’t argue with results.

  "Right," I said, clapping my hands together. "It's time to start, so any stragglers are going to have to miss out on the first part of our session. Does anybody have questions about specific parts of the material that needs to be covered tonight?"

  I glanced over to Michael. A part of me hoped he might raise his hand. That he might have a question I could answer, if for no other reason then it would give me an excuse to look over in his direction without seeming too obvious. Only he was ignoring me. Completely.

  Now that was interesting. The one time I'd wanted a guy to pay attention to me in one of these classes and he was ignoring me? Talk about annoying! No, instead of paying attention to me like he should be the jerk was leaning in and chatting with that Chelsea girl. And from the way she was giggling he seemed to be putting on the charm.

  I heard a throat clearing and I looked back to the classroom proper. Realized there were a couple of students who had their hands raised.

  "Go ahead," I said.

  I did my best to answer the question. Only it was difficult because I kept glancing over to Michael who kept right on ignoring me. I lost my train of thought on a couple of occasions, and I was sure at least a couple of students had a pretty good idea of exactly what was going on. Which just served to compound my embarrassment and add to the already considerable distraction.


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