Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel

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Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel Page 9

by Lexi Archer

  "So did anything interesting happen at work tonight?"

  Megan wheeled around and there was suspicion there again. But then she seemed to take hold of herself. She actually shook her head and smiled. Slinked across the room. She looked positively seductive as she got close to me. Ran a hand down my chest and then up. Bit her lip.

  "And what if I did get naughty tonight? What if something interesting finally did happen after you've been bugging me about it for so long?"

  I swallowed and reflected on how odd it was that I could go my entire life fantasizing about something happening, I could imagine every possible permutation of that fantasy, and yet still be caught very off guard when I was finally in the moment.

  "I think you know how I'd feel about that," I said.

  Megan pushed me back until I was leaning against the couch. Almost until I was falling over the back of it. That would've been awkward. Her hand moved down and she rubbed at my cock. She never broke eye contact.

  "Maybe I did have a visitor tonight," she said in a quiet voice.

  Of course she had a visitor tonight. I had the complete play-by-play on my phone, but I wasn't going to tell her that. No, I had the whole story from his point of view. Now I wanted to hear everything from her point of view. It definitely seemed like her point of view was a positive one. She wasn't in tears like the night before. I took that as a one hell of a good sign. Maybe we’d be going for the good option rather than the disastrous option after all.

  Megan leaned up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against mine. Then that quick brushing of the lips turned to a full on makeout session as she threw her arms around me and her tongue moved into my mouth.

  I was surprised she was getting this aggressive, but I also wasn't going to knock it. I wrapped my arms around her. Moved my hands down to cup her ass. She sighed and melted into me, and then pulled away. Looked up at me, her eyes moving back and forth between my own. Obviously searching for something.

  And it suddenly hit me. She was wondering if I could taste another man on her lips. I shivered as I realized she hadn't done anything to cover it up since she finished making out with him. Maybe she was just realizing her mistake now and panicking. Maybe she’d done it on purpose to test me. It wasn't exactly tasting another man's cock on her lips, but it was close enough that I shuddered.

  And I think that shuddering gave me away more than anything else. That, coupled with the weird hug and the way I'd tipped my hand by asking her if anything happened at work tonight. The way she reacted next told me that she’d definitely just realized her mistake and panicked, then realized I was reacting a little too quickly. Her eyes narrowed.

  "Why are you acting like that?" she asked.


  She searched my eyes again, and then she did that annoying thing that only wives can do. She read my mind. Or close enough as makes no difference. "You knew. You knew something happened tonight at work, before I even said anything! How did you know?"

  If I'd had a chance to think about it then I might've been more smooth. I might've been able to come up with a lie that was at least halfway convincing.

  As it was, standing there being put on the spot, her staring daggers at me, looking so pissed off, there was nothing I could do. I was powerless in the face of her fury just as I'd been powerless the night before when she was alternating between being pissed off and crying. And so I went with complete honesty even as I knew we'd quickly veered from the good scenario to the bad scenario.

  Damn it.

  "I know because Michael was texting me."

  "He was texting you?"

  I winced at the way her voice rose. That was not a happy voice. This wasn't going to be good. No, not good at all!

  "How the hell was he texting you?"

  Now it was my turn to look away. My turn to be embarrassed. Even as I wondered if this was the end of our relationship. And I felt even more ashamed because I realized that even if it was the end of our relationship, this obsession was so strong that I'd probably end up jerking off thinking about her with whatever new guy she wound up with after the divorce.

  Talk about reaching fucked up new depths with this fantasy.

  "I talked to him after our conversation last night. Told him I thought you really wanted to get with him, but you were reluctant. And so we talked about a plan to maybe get you more into the idea of doing this…"

  The words sounded more and more terrible as I said them. I felt more and more like the piece of shit that I was. I'd basically thrown my wife up on a sacrificial altar. I'd given another man pointers on how to have his way with her. Without her permission. And from the look of hurt and anger that passed across her face it seemed she agreed with that assessment entirely.

  Not that I could blame her.

  "You seriously did that? I can't believe you would betray my trust like that!"

  "Honey, it's not like that," I said. The words sounded weak even as they left my lips. It was exactly like that and we both knew it.

  "I can't believe you!" she screamed. "Who are you? Where's the man I married?”

  I opened my mouth to tell her that the man she married was still standing right there in front of her, but was that really the case? No, it was more like I was the man she married plus this obsession that I couldn't control. This obsession that controlled me, to be perfectly honest. And what did I say to that? Why explain that the obsession was in control when it was already pretty damn obvious from my actions that was the case?

  Megan wheeled around and stalked back to the bedroom. The floor shook and a couple of pictures, including one of us smiling out across the church on our wedding day, swayed with the fury of her passing. Definitely not the sexy and seductive sway towards the bedroom I’d grown used to over the past couple of days. She slammed the door shut and I winced as one of those pictures fell to the floor and landed with a muted thump on the carpet.

  Okay, so we weren’t exactly getting divorced, but things weren't all that great either. I pulled out my phone and shot off a quick text to Michael. Let him know the plan was off for tonight. He texted back and said he understood, but nothing else. After all, what was it to him if he didn’t get with my wife tonight? He still had his cheerleader girlfriend to go home to. That or any of a number of girls on campus who’d willingly hop into bed with him.

  It seemed my wife was the only woman on campus exhibiting any sort of reluctance on that score.

  No response. Apparently he expected me to figure out how to keep my own damn house in order. I looked up at the bedroom door. Squared my shoulders. It was time to go and do battle to try and save my marriage. I just hoped I could keep this damn obsession under control long enough to actually do that. And that Megan would be willing to accept a world where this overwhelming desire was calling the shots.

  I didn't know if that was even possible. I might be walking into the end of our relationship. But there was only one way to find out.

  12: Furious

  I'd like to say that I couldn't believe Brian would pull something like this, but who was I kidding? Ever since he first told me about this fantasy it had been an all-consuming obsession with him. To the point that it pushed out our regular sex life, which I resented just a little now that I thought about it.

  And now here he was talking with another man who was interested in fucking me. My husband was conspiring with another man to try and get that other man’s dick inside me! I was furious. I was livid. There just weren't enough words in the English language to describe how I felt.

  Okay, maybe some of my English major friends could come up with those words. When they were in between refilling the popcorn machine down at the local movie theater.


  I couldn't help but feel that part of this was my fault. That I’d created one hell of a monster by continually indulging him in this fantasy. I gave him an inch, and he was trying to take a mile. He was trying to make our entire sex life about this. I didn't know what I could do in the face of a
n obsession like that.

  Well there was one answer that was pretty obvious. I could leave him. Make him think about exactly what he'd done. Only I didn't want to leave my husband over this. Everything was so wonderful except for this one major thing. Not to mention there was a voice in the back of my head whispering to me. Telling me that I enjoyed this.

  I was the one who got hot and bothered tonight in my office. I was the one who let things go too far. I was the one who'd been filled with thoughts of Michael and his girlfriend over the past couple of weeks since the semester started.

  In short, I wasn’t the only one who was being controlled by an all-consuming obsession lately. There was definitely something in this for me as well as something for Brian. I was just reluctant to admit my own complicity in the fantasy.

  The door to the bedroom pulled open. I looked up and saw Brian step in looking sheepish. He also had his phone in hand and my eyes narrowed. I wondered if he'd been texting Michael again. I wanted to pick up his phone and smash it. I wanted to take his phone from him and shoot off a text message or two to Michael.

  Only I wasn't sure if I wanted to send a text message asking him to come over and complete this damn fantasy, already, or tell him in no uncertain terms that he needed to get the fuck out of my life for good. That I wasn't going to put up with this bullshit.

  The rational part of me knew which one I should go for, but that wasn't the part of me calling the shots. And so I didn't grab Brian's phone, because I knew what I’d say to Michael. And it wasn't going to be constructive to hit on Michael when I was trying to be angry about my husband going behind my back with the guy in the first place!

  "I've created a monster," I said.

  The thing is I wasn't sure which monster I was talking about. Was I talking about the monster I’d created with my husband by indulging him in this fantasy? The monster that was his obsession that was causing my otherwise loving husband to do crazy things like looking up a student I had a casual flirtation with and giving him pointers on how to seduce me?

  Okay, so maybe it was more than a casual flirtation. Maybe it was a hell of a lot more than that. Still.

  What about the monster in me? The burning desire I felt around Michael? The desire I had for my husband to go ahead and text my student and tell him to come over here. To have his way with me. To fuck me for everything I was worth while my husband sat off to the side of our marriage bed and watched it happen.

  Maybe there were two monsters that had been created in our relationship recently. And now that they were out, well I didn't know if there was going to be any capturing them.

  Still, we may have let the genie out of the bottle, but that didn’t change the fact that I was furious at Brian for going behind my back in the first place. If we were going to continue with this, if the monsters well and truly were released and there was no doing anything about it now, at least I could make sure we had honesty above all else.

  Without that we might as well go ahead and talk to a divorce lawyer now. Because that's right where we'd be headed.

  "Honey, it's not as bad as all of that," Brian said.

  I looked up at him and I couldn't help it. Tears were coming to my eyes. I felt ridiculous. Just as ridiculous as I'd felt a couple of nights ago when the waterworks started up. Why was I crying over this? It was his stupid fantasy, after all. But it was our relationship that was at risk. And I was so scared that I couldn't help but cry. I was terrified of what I was becoming. I liked what I was becoming, but it still terrified me.

  "What the hell did you think you were doing getting in touch with one of my students? Do you realize how much trouble that could get me in? Do you realize what position you put me in tonight? We were all alone in my office! What if he decided he didn’t want to take no for an answer? Could you live with something like that happening and being your fault?"

  Brian's mouth worked. It was obvious he was trying to come up with something, and it was equally obvious that he was utterly at a loss for words. I could see him mulling over what I'd just said, see the horror dawning on his face as he realized exactly what he’d done.

  If we were going to move ahead with this fantasy he needed to realize there could be consequences. Dire fucking consequences that went beyond me losing my job. Consequences where I was the one who would be paying the price, professional or otherwise!

  "I didn't think…"

  "Right! You didn't think. Whenever this obsession takes control of you you don't do any thinking!"

  "I just figured…"

  "You figured what? That he’d pop into my office and use some sort of cheesy pickup line that you worked out with him, throw an apology my way, and suddenly I’d let him into my pants or something? What were you even thinking?"

  He looked down. "I guess you're right. I wasn't thinking."

  I stood from the bed and stalked back and forth. Finally I turned on him. Pointed a finger at him. He held his hands up defensively and took a step back.

  "That's not the problem. The problem is that you were thinking. You were thinking and you still did this. You were thinking this would result in me hopping into bed with him. That you could be clever and figure out a way to manipulate me. You were thinking, but it was all fucking wrong!"

  Damn it. The fury was really starting to show in my voice. I hadn't intended to get this angry, but now that I was really working up a good head of steam there was no containing my fury. It was as though all the anger I felt at the situation I'd been put in was spilling out in one intense screaming match. It was as though all the frustration I'd felt at trying to keep from getting with Michael when that's all I wanted was coming out in this one explosion.

  "I was doing this for you," Brian said, his voice quiet.

  I wheeled around again. Blinked. Was he serious?

  "How could you possibly be doing this for me? This is your fantasy. This is your obsession. You're the one who's always going on about wanting to see me with another guy. And you're really going to have the balls to turn this around and try and say it was about me?"

  "But it is about you! Sort of," Brian said.

  I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. Fixed him with a withering glare. This was going to be good. I really wanted to know what sort of fucked up mental gymnastics he'd done to convince himself that he was doing all of this for me. That he was going behind my back and talking to one of my students, giving him pointers on how to get me to fuck him, all out of some altruistic desire to help me out rather than a selfish desire to see his fantasy realized.

  "I'm listening. Go on."

  "Look, it's pretty fucking obvious to me that you wanted this. That you want to have fun with this Michael guy. That you’re into this fantasy. I can see it with the way you react every time he comes up. I could feel it with how quickly and intensely you came talking about him while we were fucking."

  I blushed and looked down. He did have a point, as much as I hated to admit it. I did have a pretty strong reaction whenever Michael came up. After everything that had happened, though, it's not like I could help myself.

  "I'd like to see you acting different if some hot young college cheerleader suddenly started hitting on you. Suddenly started trying to get in your pants. You'd probably have a hard on every time you thought about her, too, but that doesn't change the fact that you're married and you shouldn't do it!"

  "But that's the thing. You're married, but I've already made it clear that I don't care. That I want this. You've been reluctant to go along with this even though you want it, even though I want it, and so I figured why not give things a little push? Why not see if maybe you could be convinced to take things further?"

  I shook my head. There was a certain elegant, if fucked up, logic to what he was saying. I could definitely see where what he did would start to seem like a good idea, almost an altruistic idea, if I was working under the influence of the lower brain rather than thinking with the more rational side of my brain. Hell, thinking with the lower brain was some
thing I could sympathize with considering all the thinking it had been doing for me lately!

  "This is really fucked up, Brian," I said.

  "You don't think I don't know that? I've had to live with this for so long. Longer even than what you knew about."

  "What if it all blows up?"

  Brian moved forward and wrapped his arms around me. I let him, though I didn't exactly respond otherwise.

  "It's not going to. I want you to do this. You want to do this. This isn’t you stepping out or cheating on me. That's when relationships end. This is us having an adventure together."

  I smiled. That reassurance helped with what I was about to say. As crazy as what I was about to say sounded in my head. It felt even crazier as it passed my lips.

  "This is going to be really dangerous when we go through with it," I said.

  Brian blinked. "When we go through with it?"

  I fixed him with my best seductive look. I did that little lip biting move that he always seemed to love so much. I saw him visibly shiver as I did that. Good.

  I took a step forward. Looked down at the phone in his hands. Looked up and gave him another smile.

  "I want you to take out that phone," I said.

  Brian licked his lips. Looked down at the phone and then back up at me. "Yeah? What do you want me to do with my phone?"

  "Do you still have that text conversation with Michael pulled up?"

  Brian started shuddering. Definitely the reaction I was looking for. I grinned, and he took it for a seductive grin, but it was really the grin of a woman who was about to have a little bit of fun with her husband.

  I figured it was the least he deserved after everything he'd pulled on me recently.

  13: Following Orders

  My body was shuddering and telling me that all systems were go as I leaned forward.

  "What do you want me to do?"

  There was only one thing I could think that she could possibly want me to do. Send a text to Michael. Let him know she was interested in him coming over after all. She had to have deduced that was the plan. She was a smart girl.


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