Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel

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Taking the Team: A Hotwife Novel Page 13

by Lexi Archer

  One thing was for certain. I knew what I was thinking about the next time I jerked off. Well, I knew what I’d be jerking off to the time after I jerked off to everything I'd just witnessed between my wife and Michael.

  I thought back to that picture he sent of him and his girlfriend fucking. And suddenly I was filled with images of my wife fucking them. Of her down on her knees in between the cheerleaders legs while another man fucked her from behind. It didn't matter if that man fucking her from behind was me or Michael. Either one was equally entrancing.

  I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. That was something to worry about in the future. Something that might not even happen. I was happy enough that I'd gotten to witness this moment where my wife came on another man's cock. Where she was filled with his seed.

  I figured fulfilling one fantasy I never thought I’d actually see coming to fruition would be enough for one night. Now wasn't the time to go adding new fantasies to my playbook.

  Megan glanced over at me and grinned.

  "I warned you. You've created a monster, honey," she said.

  Maybe I had created a monster, but I loved it!

  16: Indecent Proposal

  Grading papers. I was actually able to concentrate on grading papers again. It's weird to think that something so mind-bogglingly dull and boring could actually be a relief. Getting with Michael last week was enough to get all the tension and distraction out of my system. Just what I needed to finally start concentrating on other things.

  I’d worked through most of the backlog that had worked up while I was so distracted with the whole Michael issue. My advisor had even commented on how my work was picking up. Not that I was ever in any danger or about to get in trouble or anything. But still, it was nice that they noticed.

  There was a knock at the door. I looked up and smiled when I saw Michael standing there. I marveled that even just a week ago I would’ve freaked out at the thought of him standing there in my door. Now, though, all I really felt was excitement.

  Though at the same time there was a certain measure of disappointment. Now that we'd given into our desires, now that I knew it was probably going to happen again at some point, some of that delicious tension was drained from the moment. I was coming to realize that tension had been part of the fun. Still, what had replaced it was just as hot. We hadn't gotten together since that night, but I knew it was only a matter of time. That was a new sort of anticipation I could really enjoy.

  "Can I help you, Mr. King?"

  Michael stepped into the room and closed the door. I arched an eyebrow at that. It was a bold move, but at the same time it's not like I was going to stop him. It’s not like I was surprised by bold moves.

  No, after what we'd done we were far past the point of me getting upset over something simple like him closing the door to my office. Though when he locked it that was worth both eyebrows raising. I glanced at the clock. Thankfully there was still quite some time before my partner was due back from teaching their current lab and I didn’t have office hours for the rest of the day.

  "Locking the door? What if somebody comes asking for me?"

  "I looked at the office hours schedule for your officemate. I don't think I have to worry about him showing up anytime soon."

  "Those office hours are more a suggestion. You're still acting awfully cocky," I replied.

  He grinned. "You like it."

  The man did have a point. It was so hot when he took control like that. When he just did what he wanted. It had frustrated me at first, but now that I'd given into my baser desires, now that I'd given into this fantasy obsession that had taken hold of my husband, let's just say I was looking at his cockiness in a completely different light.

  "Besides, I figure I have reason to be cocky. Just a little," he replied. "I could have any girl on this campus, after all, and I chose you."

  Fuck. He knew just what buttons to push with me. I'm not sure if he knew what that did to me, if he was picking up on some subtle cue in my body language as he played me like a master, or if it was just a typical line he used on women and it happened to really work on me. Whatever it was, I really got off on being the girl he chose when he could have his pick.

  That wasn’t cocky. That was just a simple statement of fact.

  I frowned. Of course there was still his girlfriend to think of. And I did think of her. Quite a bit. Just thinking about her right now was causing my pussy to tingle. So far he hadn't delivered on that promise. Yet. But I intend to hold him to it.

  "What about Chelsea?"

  "Would you like to meet Chelsea?" he asked.

  "I think I would," I said.

  I licked my lips as I thought of exactly what I'd like to do with his girlfriend. It was weird. I'd never had a thing for girls before, and yet for her… I wasn't sure if it was because she was so hot or because she was wrapped up in the fantasy that was Michael. Or maybe it was a little bit of all of the above. Whatever it was, that was something I was very interested in exploring. And I figured it was something Brian owed me considering what I'd done for him.

  Though it still felt odd to think of fucking another man, particularly a man as hot as Michael, as something I'd done for my husband rather than simply been something he allowed me to do.

  Speaking of fucking another man. He had to have a reason to be here, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t his girlfriend.

  "You're still not telling me what you’re doing here."

  The words seemed silly even as they left my mouth. Of course I knew what he was doing here. I knew exactly what he was after. And the thought excited me so very much.

  Michael moved around behind me and his fingers went to my shoulders. Up my neck and down my arms, then back around massaging my back. God his hands felt so good. They were like magic dancing along my body. Brian never gave me back rubs like this. Why couldn't my husband ever do something nice like this for me?

  I stomped down on that thought. That was a dangerous line of thinking. More dangerous even than what I'd already done with Michael. It was one thing to engage in a bit of physical infidelity with another man. It was another thing entirely to think about how he was nicer than my husband in other ways.

  That was one of the numerous dark paths I'd been worried about walking down when I first started entertaining the idea of even going through with this fantasy in the first place. That was something that was definitely a worry. And so I put it out of my mind.


  "I was wondering if you'd thought any more about what we discussed that night?"

  I was amazed at the immediate visceral reaction those words brought. My gut clenched. I felt a fire between my legs. My breathing picked up. My nipples strained out. And the simple pleasure that was his fingers dancing along my shoulders quickly turned into an almost orgasmic bliss. Fuck!

  There could be only one thing he was talking about. And my mind was flooded with images. Me on my knees with a bunch of guys on the basketball team surrounding me. Looking up at them with a smile as they pulled their cocks out. Maybe in some seedy room at one of their houses. Whatever the setting, it was turning me on thinking about it. Thinking about all of those sexy muscular guys looking down at me. Worshiping me. Knowing most of them could have whatever girl they wanted on campus, and that right now they wanted me. Were about to take me.

  Had I thought about it? Only about every other thought since that night. I couldn’t quite explain it, but it was as though floodgates opened when I did that initial naughty night with Michael. After fucking another guy, doing other things didn't seem all that bad. It was that slippery slope I'd been worried about from the get-go, and now I was sliding down it. I wanted to do more and more. I wanted to reach new heights of pleasure. Even if that involved something ridiculous like letting a bunch of guys fuck me at once.


  Yeah, that was getting me going. I'm not sure what it was about the idea of being surrounded by a bunch of men. Filled by a bunch of men at the same time.
It's not like the idea had occurred to me until Michael brought it up. But now that he'd brought it up, now that it was filling my head, it had been the subject of just about every other thought since.

  He didn’t have to know that, though.

  "What are you talking about?" I asked.

  Hey, it might be a new obsession for me, but that didn't mean I was going to let on just how much that had taken hold of my erotic imagination. I had a sneaking suspicion that part of the reason why he'd fixated on me in the first place was precisely because I'd made him work for it. It wouldn't do for me to turn around and start giving things away, now would it?

  "I think you're playing games with me," he said.

  "Why would I be bullshitting you?"

  "Because you think playing hard to get is going to get my attention," he said. "But trust me, you already have my attention."

  And with that his hand moved down and brushed against my breasts for a moment. I shivered. Damn his touch was like magic!

  "Really now? And now you want me to get the attention of the other guys on the basketball team? Is that what you're telling me?"

  "I always knew you were a smart girl," Michael said. "And not just because of that fancy degree you're working towards."

  He moved down. His lips brushed against my neck and I gasped. He was playing me like an instrument that he knew so very well. I suppose I was getting a taste of his charms. His ability to seduce a woman. To get her to do what she wanted when he wanted.

  Also very dangerous considering I was married.

  I wondered how many times he'd pulled this routine with other girls. College girls. Young women who didn't know any better. Who went to parties at player houses like so many lambs to the slaughter. Those parties were a meat market. The guys there were looking for women to fuck. Michael wanted to fuck me. He wanted all of his friends to fuck me.

  A lamb to the slaughter, though I was hardly innocent or naive like some of those poor girls. I knew exactly what I was getting into.

  I shivered. And yet I hesitated despite how delicious that thought felt.

  I hesitated because I'd seen the hesitation in Brian's eyes that night. I'd seen the worry when Michael brought up the idea of me taking on more than one man at the same time. I hadn't brought it up with my husband since, but I got the distinct feeling he wasn’t so cool with the idea of me getting it on with more than one guy even if he was fine with me getting with one guy at a time. To me it seemed like a distinction without a difference, setting aside the difference that it got me so turned on!

  "What's wrong?" Michael asked.

  "This is going to sound crazy, but my husband…"

  And the truth was I really didn't know. The way Brian had reacted to the idea of me being passed around by a bunch of guys… It was a weird reversal. I'd grown so used to being the one who was reluctant to actually go through with a fantasy while he was the one who was standing by cheerleading the entire time.

  Cheerleading. Chelsea. Probably not the best choice of words. Especially given the way I was prone to distraction every time I thought about her. Almost as distracted as I got when I thought about Michael.

  "What are you talking about?" Michael asked. "If he likes you with one guy I figured he'd go wild at the idea of you with more than one guy!"

  That was a good question. A damn good question. One I didn't have a particularly good answer to. I could try to answer it, though.

  "That's the thing. I'd say the same, but there was something about the way he looked when you mentioned that. Something that makes me think maybe he's not as into it as he’s into the idea of me with a single guy. I just have a feeling. It's difficult to describe…"

  "I bet if you texted him right now he'd be into the idea," Michael said.

  I looked down at the phone on my desk. Thought about texting Brian. Thought about how reluctant he'd acted about the idea of me with multiple guys even as it turned me on. Even as I felt an aching between my legs. A hunger. A desire to have this experience.

  And why shouldn't I have this experience? I'd done a hell of a lot for my husband lately, after all. I'd had sex with another man! I'd broken our marriage vows! I'd let him watch me fucking. Who was he to suddenly get upset about pushing the fantasy further when he was the one who'd pushed me into it in the first place?

  I was surprised at how angry that thought made me. But it was true. This was everything I'd worried about since we first started talking about this fantasy. This was exactly the scenario I'd warned him about. Him pushing me to do something I wasn't sure about, and now I liked it so much that I wanted to push it past the line Brian had drawn. I wanted to explore the boundaries of this fantasy.

  Michael leaned in closer. "Forget about what Brian thinks about you getting with a bunch of guys. What do you think? You're the one making that call, aren't you?"

  I didn't respond in words. Not exactly. More of a moan, but I'm sure that got the point across just fine. Michael snickered behind me. Yeah, he got the message. Loud and clear.

  "I think you like the idea. A lot. So why worry about hubby? Wasn't he the one who was trying to get you to do something by going behind your back? Just do the same to him."

  His voice was so seductive. It made so much sense. And I knew what he said was dangerous precisely because it made so much sense. That it made so much sense precisely because I so very much wanted to do it.

  Though he did have a point. My husband offered me up to him as a sacrifice in the name of his fantasy. He’d gone behind my back and given another man pointers on how to get me to hop into bed. Sure I'd secretly wanted it the whole time, but that was neither here nor there.

  I’d also felt how hard Brian's cock was after I got done with Michael. I didn't think that was only because of how hot it was watching me fulfill his fantasy at long last. No, there was something new there. Something burning in his eyes to go along with the worry that came up when Michael talked about me fucking more than one guy.

  I was pretty sure my husband was into the idea even if his first impulse was to hesitate. Was that maybe wishful thinking because I wanted it to be true? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

  Ultimately that wasn't the question that mattered, though. No, there was only one question that truly mattered. Did I want this? Yes, I very much wanted this. There was a second question that mattered almost as much. If this was Brian looking to fulfill his fantasy, wouldn’t he just go for it?

  Given his recent history that seemed to be a resounding yes. He’d do it. He’d pull something sneaky to make it happen. He wouldn’t bother to discuss it. Make sure everything was cool before we went ahead with something that was potentially relationship changing. So why was I hesitant to do the same thing?

  I was surprised to feel some of the rage that had been bubbling inside me when he pulled those stunts coming back to the surface. I thought for sure I was over that rage, but there it was. Maybe I wasn't as over it as I thought.

  Maybe I was in the mood for a little revenge.

  I looked up and smiled. "So do you really do everything that's rumored at these parties?"

  "Fuck yeah we do, and you’d be the center of attention. You'd probably be even more the center of attention than Chelsea usually is!"

  I closed my eyes. Took in a deep breath. Let out a sigh that was actually more of a pleasured gasp or moan than anything else. Damn did he know how to paint a picture with words. Crude, simple, to the point, but very effective. Especially considering how wet I was. How turned on I was.

  "God, that sounds so hot…"

  "Fuck yeah it is," he said. His hands trailed up my neck. "A pretty piece of TA ass like you? They'd be all over you.”

  Fuck that was so hot. Again I imagined being surrounded by a bunch of guys on the basketball team. Each of them as muscular and sexy as Michael. Each of them staring down at me with lust in his eyes. Each able to pull whatever hot girl he wanted, and knowing as they stared down at me with pure lust in their eyes that I was the only hot girl they w
anted in that moment. Talk about a turn on!

  Sure I was being objectified, sure they probably wouldn’t want me after that moment which was fine considering I was going home to Brian at the end of the night, but it was fucking hot regardless!

  “I know you want to try it. I can tell from the way your body reacts. It's so obvious," Michael said.

  "Am I that obvious?" I asked.

  His hands moved up my neck. I thought he was still massaging, but I let out a yelp of surprise and pain as he gathered some of my hair up in his hand and pulled me up.

  "What the hell…"

  I didn't get anything else out. No, instead I was pushed over my desk. I instinctively glanced over to the door to make sure there wasn't anybody there, though that was a ridiculous thought. If anyone was out there they’d be knocking. Trying to figure out what the hell was going on in here. A moment passed and no one came to investigate my cry of pain. Maybe it hadn’t been as loud as I thought.

  Good. There’d be no one to interrupt us. Bad, too, I suppose. That meant nobody was willing to come to the aid of a girl who was clearly crying out in pain. Though I didn't think that pain was going to last for very long. He was holding onto my hair just tight enough to maintain control. Nothing more. It was almost gentle, but forceful at the same time.

  "I know what a girl like you wants," Michael said. "You want to feel this up against you. Over and over."

  He punctuated that by pressing his rock hard cock against my ass. Against my pussy. And then he started dry humping me up against my desk. To the point that it started rattling against the wall. To the point that I worried the person in the office on the other side might be able to hear something. Assuming they were even in.

  This building was made of purely old-school 1950s solid concrete brick construction, but he was pounding against my ass hard enough and fast enough that I figured it might be able to make it through even material that was reinforced in an era when the buildings were designed to hold up to nuclear explosions in addition to tornadoes and the like.


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