Bad Move The Lucid Dreams

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Bad Move The Lucid Dreams Page 5

by Clark, Wayne

  “You ok Jennifer?”

  “I’m fine! Please, just drive john”

  I did just that, our next stop was the animal home, then back to our

  house, I just hope we come back with our own dog, would be nice to have

  a dog wondering round the house.

  “John, I’m sorry I snapped at you?”

  I told her it’s fine, that I took no notice, I could understand why she was

  upset, angry, I knew It wasn’t aimed at me. We finally arrived at the

  animal home, we had then parked up and headed inside,

  we had a look around, Jennifer had spotted the dog she wanted. Husky,

  that is what I actually had in Mind, Jennifer was smiling away.

  “Oh john, please, please?”

  “Well that was the one I had in mind?”

  “I love you john, yay!”

  He was lovely looking dog, just what we need, Jennifer and I hadn’t

  thought of a name yet, Jennifer said we will sit down to together and

  think of a name, few hours past we arrived back to pluckley, we drove up

  the drive way, we had seen George waving at us, we got out the car, we

  walked towards George.

  “New dog I see”

  “Ha-ha yes, just what we need, what do you think?”

  “Beautiful dog, husky right?”

  “Yes, that’s right”

  We invited George in for a cup of coffee, a good catch up is what we

  needed, Jennifer was showing our new dog around the house, while

  George and I was chatting away, Jennifer seems happier now.

  “So what brings you here George?”

  “Well my wife and I was talking about you both, I must say the wife missis having Jennifer around”

  “Oh right, what about me, ha-ha, just kidding George”

  “Well… we was wondering if you and Jennifer would like a job at the B&B?”

  He then explained him and his wife wanted to move away, but didn’t

  want to lose the income on the business, so he offered the business to

  Jennifer an I, but we would be managers not the owners, it sounded like a

  brilliant opportunity for Jennifer and I, the fact that he is putting his trust

  in us sounds like he actually does like us.

  “George that is so kind of you, it would be great for us”

  “Brilliant, I shall leave now and let my wife know”

  As George left I shouted out the kitchen window as Jennifer was in the

  garden playing with the dog.

  “Jennifer, come here, I have some great news!”

  She came running In with our new dog.

  “How would you like me and you to be managers at the B&B just me and you?”

  “What? Really john? This is even better news baby!”

  She was right about that, it was the best news ever we could finely rise

  the money to move the only Problem is I’m not sure if I want to move

  now? I mean having this job at the bed and breakfast and our

  Baby on the way, a new dog, just seems pointless starting over again?

  Suppose we can just wait and see what life throws at us I suppose.

  “So Jennifer, have you thought of a name for our new dog?”

  “Kind of, what about jack, it’s been in my mind john”

  “Whatever keeps you happy, jack it is then”

  As time got on Jennifer was preparing to cook dinner why I take jack for a

  walk, didn’t really like the thought of taking him for a walk in the dark, but

  the good old dog needs his walk. I was taking jack for a walk, he wondered

  off into the woods, that’s the last place I wanted to go.


  I could hear him barking but couldn’t see him even with my flash light, I

  shouted him again, still Didn’t come back,

  “Jack come here!”

  I had no choice but to go deeper in to the woods, I just wanted to get him

  out of the woods and go home as I didn’t want to stand around out here

  all night, not the sort of place to be standing around.

  “Jack, please boy, come on now!”

  I walked deep into the woods, I had seen jack barking at someone, I had

  pointed my flash light at the person, I than called out to that person.

  “Hay you there!”

  I then pointed my light at jack, he was barking as if he was going to attack

  this person? But then I pointed the light back at the person but they had

  vanished right in front of me? This wasn’t a Person it was in fact a spirt,

  not what I wanted to see in the woods on my own.

  “Jack lets go home”

  Jack and I headed back home.

  I walked back inside our house, Jennifer was humming a song, it sounded

  like an old song? Sounded like the one from my dream.

  “Jennifer where did you hear that song?”

  “I hear you hum it in the bathroom john”

  “Jennifer, I have heard that song in my dreams? And I don’t hum that song?”

  She then was surprised, looked confused, I told her I do not hum any kind

  of songs like that, I only hear this humming song in my dreams.

  “Are you sure john?”

  “Yes I’m positive Jennifer”

  I walked out laughing, went to sit down so I could rest up my legs after

  that walk with jack. Jennifer Then came in and said

  “Are you really sure it wasn’t you who hums that song john?”

  “I’m sure Jennifer”

  “Hmmmm ok”

  She then walked out laughing, she knows I don’t sing nor hum.

  As she walked in the kitchen she shouted as the Plates smashed on the


  “Oh my god noooo!”

  I then got up, ran strait to the kitchen to see what was going on, jack

  wouldn’t stop barking.

  “What’s going Jennifer?”

  “John the plates where hovering?”

  “Are you sure they were hovering?”

  “Why would I lie john?”

  I did suggest to her if they were hovering we need to try and ignore it, if

  we ignore they will go away. I was trying to talk to Jennifer, jack was

  barking like mad, he was driving me crazy, I had than lost it.

  “Jack just stop it! Lay down now!”

  “Babe don’t shout out jack?”

  I then apologized to Jennifer and cleaned up the mess for her, it’s just

  frustrating when you’re trying to talk to someone and all you Here is a dog

  barking in your ear, I went and sat back down with jack on the Sofa with

  the fire place lit as it was getting cold, I than put the television on, all I

  wanted to do was relax as I was tired, it’s been a long day.

  “Come here boy, I’m sorry I shouted at you”

  Jennifer sat down with me why dinner was in the oven, Jennifer said she

  wanted to try contact someone To put these spirts to rest now.

  “John we need to think about talking to someone to get rid of these spirts now”

  “Yes, I know, I’m going to contact the local church tomorrow morning”

  Jennifer seemed uptight with what’s going on, she hasn’t been herself at

  all, I just wanted our life back, So did Jennifer. Jennifer then went to the

  kitchen to check on dinner, she then came back in the Living room really


  “Right I’ve had enough now!”

  “What’s wrong now? Just calm down please, think of our baby’s?”

  “I forgot mushrooms john”

  “Really? And that is your melt down?”

  Ha-ha is that all she was worried about? I can now see how tensed thi
s is

  actually making her.

  I tried to calm her down and explain to her that getting uptight isn’t going to be good for the baby And that we need to remain calm, we

  cannot let this bother us, I no it’s easier said than done but what Other

  choice do we have? Ten minutes passed, Jennifer was dishing up dinner as

  we both sat Down, I told her about the phone call I had when she was

  visiting her mother’s grave, I had told her About the dreams, what they

  were about too.

  “John tell me you’re just joking right?”

  “Sorry but I’m not joking, I have been having this dreams a while now”

  Jennifer didn’t look amused when I had told her, she stood up, left her

  dinner on the table.

  “I have lost my interest in this dinner good night john”

  I couldn’t understand if she was upset with me, or just fed up of this

  place, I had just left her to it. After my dinner I went in to the kitchen to

  wash up, the house phone rang, it was my mum.

  “Hi mum, you ok?”

  “Yes I’m fine, are you and Jennifer ok?”

  “Yes we are ok, just having a few problems with the house mum”

  “Bless you both, I’m free tomorrow, so was thinking of coming over to see you both?”

  That was amazing to hear my mother wanted to see us both. She then

  asked me for our address, when I told her the address she sounded

  terrified? I asked what was wrong.

  “I will call you back in ten minutes john”

  Confusing? My mother did text me saying she was ok but she needs to

  come over tomorrow because they is things I need to understand about

  the house? She couldn’t explain over phone. I was getting ready to take

  jack in the garden, I heard a faint voice calling my name? It was a male

  voice, so definitely wasn’t Jennifer? I opened the back door, I heard a

  voice again.

  “Help me, please”

  “Hello? Who is there?”

  It was frustrating because I didn’t know whether it was a spirt that needs

  help or just someone being Plain stupid. I went outside sat down on the

  chair why jack was playing, I couldn’t help think maybe this Ghost does

  need our help, is it trying to get our attention? I then went back inside,

  locked the doors and went to bed. I didn’t forget the alarm system this

  time. A few months had past, Jennifer and I was getting ready for her

  scan, hopefully we get to find out what we are having this time, Jennifer

  was in the bathroom getting ready, I really needed to go.

  “Jennifer, I really need the bathroom?”

  “Nearly done, one second john!”

  I was waiting to use the bathroom, I had then seen a note being pushed

  underneath the bathroom door. It was a note from Jennifer? It said I love

  you, that note had then brought a tear to my eye. Jennifer then had come

  out of the bathroom, she looked so beautiful, I am lost for words.

  “I love you too Jennifer, you look beautiful”

  “I know you do, and thank you”

  “Are you nervous Jennifer?”

  “Yes I am, but I know it will be ok, why are you?”

  “Yes I am too, I’m just going to the toilet and I will be ready to go”

  We had then made a move to the hospital, it’s a long drive though, maybe

  we should move? Few hours had past, we had then arrived at the

  hospital, we was an hour late due to traffic, the

  Reception lady booked Jennifer in, she told us not to worry, we was only

  waiting around for like ten minutes till the nurse called, lucky it was the

  same nurse as before.

  “Hello Jennifer, follow me, this is going to be interested, so what do you both hope for, boys or girls?”

  “I don’t think my husband john minds, but I hope girls”

  “No, I’m not fussed, as long as they are healthy”

  “Aww, you both sound like you are going to be good parents, right, would you like to lay yourself on this bed for me Jennifer, and again the gel will be cold”

  “Oh my god that’s cold!”

  “I’m so sorry, not a nice thing is it, right let’s have a look, first what I want to do is get all the measurements first, then I will see if its boy or girl”

  The nurse had checked all the important stuff first, good news though, the

  twins look healthy.

  “Right, I have great news for you both, I have found the gender of your baby’s, are you sure you want to no?”

  “John and I have been waiting so long now, yes please”

  “Ok, well your baby’s are in fact…girls”

  Jennifer and I were so happy, it was amazing to have finely found out

  what we are having. Again as always we had thanked the nurse for her

  time. We headed back home to prepare for the twins. This is where our

  life as a family begins, time for me to be a good father to our little girls

  happy days.

  Chapter Three: Any day now

  Three months had passed by so fast, we was still in bed at 10am as we

  didn’t sleep great last night, Jennifer was complaining of pains in the night

  along with the water pipes keeping her up last night.

  speaking of water? Jennifer thought her waters had gone, however they

  hadn’t, but any day now though. Jennifer and I had received a phone call

  from my mother, she said she would be over in the next hour, Jennifer

  and I then got out of bed to get ready.

  “I didn’t know your mum was coming over today john?”

  “Yea I know, look I’m so sorry I totally forgot”

  “Oh ok, its fine, it will be nice to see your mum”

  Jennifer seemed off with me, I couldn’t understand why, could be the

  pregnancy or she could be sick of this place. But I feel now it’s time we get

  to the bottom of this, I did start to wonder if all this was the Sprites

  playing tricks, I then asked Jennifer if our boiler had been checked

  recently or before we had moved in I said if it hasn’t maybe this could be

  our problem, boom she wasn’t happy with that.

  “John how can you be so arrogant that you only see one reality that we live in but you don’t see beyond our reality? It’s not the boiler”

  Jennifer stormed off to get dressed, I can’t stand her attitude Right now

  but maybe she is right? I just wanted to find something to blame, what

  she means by Reality is that we are within two realities, but I only chose

  to see the reality we are in, but I guess I am Finding it hard to accept that.

  “I’m taking jack for a walk Jennifer!”

  “Yes ok, whatever!”

  I then walked over to the front door to get my boots on, might just take a

  walk Back To the woods where jack ran off just to see if any think appears

  again, why not ay?

  “Come on boy, let’s go”

  Jack and I took a walk ten minutes up the road where the woods are, as I

  was about to walk in the woods I heard a car slowly pull up at the side of

  me, I didn’t know the person in the car but it was a Female, she pulled

  down her window

  “I wouldn’t go in there if I was you”

  “Ha-ha why is that then”

  “I’m sure you are aware of the rumors around here john!”

  After she said my name she drove off…how the hell did she know my

  name? I took down the number plate because I was concerned, she could

  be a stalker? I then phoned the Sargent at th
e station and told him what

  just happen. He then run a check on the number plate, all I heard was

  Sargent Jackson laughing.

  “What’s so funny? “

  “John, that women you spoke to died three months ago”

  “I see why you’re laughing now, strange?”

  that moment I then said to the Sargent she could be related to the lady

  who died three months ago. He then said can you give a description of the

  lady, yes I in fact could. I had then gave Sargent

  Jackson the description, brown short hair, a tattoo on the side of her

  hand…some kind of symbol, He didn’t laugh after that.

  “Err are you sure that’s what she looked like? “

  “I’m really sure that’s what she looked like? Why what’s wrong”

  “Where are you john?”

  I had then told him I was near a foot path near the woods five minutes

  from mine. He knew where that was, he said that’s the only foot path

  leading into the woods, the lady I had seen died inside the woods

  three Months ago, her car was in fact written off He explained, he should

  not really tell me this but considering the situation now he wanted to find

  her death report.

  “John listen give me an hour to find her death report, I need to check a few things “

  He then hung up, I got jack and walked back home. As I got through the

  door Jennifer looked at me.

  “Sorry for the way I have been lately john”

  “It doesn’t matter, let’s just move on from that Jennifer”

  Thirty minutes later my mother had knocked the door, I went to answer

  the door while Jennifer makes drinks for us all.

  “Hay mum! Come here, big cuddle”

  “Oh john, I have missed you both so much”

  My mother came inside, she froze, just stood there looking around she

  muttered words I couldn’t here.

  “What was that mum?”

  “Oh nothing, I need to speak with you both about this house”

  “Ok, come through to the living room mum”

  “Yes first I need the loo, it’s been a long drive”

  I offered to show her but she then said

  “Don’t worry I nowhere every room in this house is john”

  Yea I was kind of confused in what she meant… Jennifer brought the

  drinks into the living room, she Looked at me confused as well.

  “How would she know where every room is john?”

  “I don’t know, ask her?”


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