Dragongrove_Becoming the Dragon Queen

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Dragongrove_Becoming the Dragon Queen Page 1

by Imogen Sera

  Table of Contents





















































  Ingrid’s wrist ached. She had been writing for hours, seated at a small desk in a charming attic room. She couldn’t sleep. She shivered against the chill that seeped in each night and glanced at the dark fireplace, but decided against it. She was having enough trouble sleeping. Her mate was sprawled across the bed that was too small for him, feet dangling off the end, and she warmed at the sight. He had been working for hours too long every evening and rest didn’t come easily for him. They had been writing letters together before he slumped in his chair and she needed to rouse him and help him into bed.

  When he’d asked her to help win back his kingdom, weeks ago, she’d pictured a campaign of death and destruction, fire and fury. She hadn’t considered what should have been obvious to her; that Helias was a patient strategist and would do everything possible in the name of diplomacy before engaging in actual combat. She finished her pleading letter to a lesser lord of an ancient family, having already written to the great lords weeks before, and signed it with her practiced flourish.

  Queen Ingrid. It looked strange to her, still, after penning it dozens of times. When Ingrid had brought Helias her first finished letter for him to sign he had looked surprised and insisted that she sign her own name, so she’d written a tiny ‘Ingrid’. He’d sighed at her. When she’d protested that no one had any idea who she was, he’d put a possessive arm around her and regarded her seriously, his eyes burning.

  “They will.”

  After that she’d started including her title.

  She looked at the stack of empty parchment and long list of names in front of her, and then at her big, handsome mate asleep on the bed. Her hands ached from use and cold, and Helias was always warm and comfortable. She abandoned her work, undressed quickly and slid next to him under heavy blankets.

  Helias was warm as expected, and as she cuddled next to him she couldn’t stop herself from running her hands down the hard planes of his chest. His breath quickened as her hand drifted lower and closed around his cock, and as she moved down the bed to settle between his legs she wondered if he was already awake. She kissed gently along the hard length of him before swirling her tongue around the head. His sharp inhale told her that he was awake now, and she smiled to herself as she caressed him with her mouth. She took him in her mouth and sucked, moving her head up and down and swirling her tongue around the thick girth of him. His hips thrust gently into her mouth, and she reached down to rub between her own thighs. Making her huge, restrained mate lose control thrilled her, and she found the she was slick with need. She rubbed herself while sucking, swirling, licking his cock, and he seemed to notice her need because a minute later he was hauling her up onto him, her throbbing center rubbing against his hard cock.

  She grinned at him and he watched her through intense green eyes as she positioned herself and slid down. She was surprised, as always, at how thoroughly he filled her, and as she began to move slowly up and down he put his hands on her breasts and teased her nipples. The feel of him inside her was like nothing else, deliciously rubbing every part of her, her clit rubbing against his pubic bone with every stroke, and before long she was trembling all over, calling his name, losing all conscious thought as he held her waist tightly. When she stopped shaking he flipped her onto her back, put one of her legs on his shoulder, and fucked her hard and fast until he tensed and spilled inside her. He bent and kissed her, slowly and for a long time, before he rolled off of her. He pulled her next to him and she nuzzled her face into his neck. His content sigh made her feel warm all over.

  Ingrid lay against him for awhile, her thoughts refusing to let her settle into sleep. Helias’s homeland was war torn, and while he had been in exile his father had died, unwittingly leaving him king. They spent their time writing letters to noble families, hoping to hear words of support for their king, but two weeks after the first letters had been sent they’d heard nothing. It was unnerving. She would rather have angry words of betrayal than nothing at all. She was anxious to be on the move again, despite the comfortable cottage they’d rented, but Helias was reluctant to storm back home with no idea of what awaited them. She knew she played a big part in his reluctance; as a human the smallest of dragons could end her life with little effort. She still wished to be doing something more though. She sighed to herself quietly and started to rise from Helias’s grasp, but he gently tightened his hold on her.

  “Ing, sleep,” he murmured with closed eyes.

  She bent over and kissed his brow. “Soon,” she promised, and she slipped from the bed as he released her. She pulled her robe around herself and settled, glancing at the list of names and spreading a fresh sheet of parchment before her.


  Helias awoke as the sun rose and smiled at the Ingrid’s small form curled against his side. He rubbed her hip softly where his hand was resting, inhaling her scent and feeling her hot breath on his chest. He knew she’d only been asleep a short time, so he kissed her softly and gently untangled her legs from his. As he dressed he crossed to the desk where Ingrid had spent most of the night, seeing that she’d written six more letters asking for loyalty and promising stability. He smiled at her written name.

  When he’d first met her and dared to suspect that she was his mate, he couldn’t help but wonder why this woman who was so mistrustful and unfeeling would have been chosen by the fates to be his. As they became friends and he got to know the passionate, kind woman underneath he knew that the fates couldn’t have chosen better for him or for Arnes. Her sense of duty, her steadfastness, her fairness and unyielding practicality would make her a very effective queen. He hoped that he could be a good match for her.

  Her pale shoulders were bared to the chilly air, so he pulled the heavy blankets over her. His hand grazed her cheek and she opened her eyes slightly, so he leaned down to her ear.

  “Sleep, love,” he whispered, and she murmured something unintelligible in response but shut her eyes.

  In the dining room he found the table piled high with meats and fruits and pastries, along with Augustus and his new son,
Laurent. Ingrid had been touched by the name Augustus and Annie had selected for their son; it was her surname. It seemed appropriate to Helias, after all, she’d sacrificed her family’s ancestral home to ensure his nephew’s health.

  Helias made a plate for himself and sat down across from his red haired brother.

  “Augustus,” he began abruptly, “I want you to find Tate and Demetri.”

  Augustus looked at him for a moment, and then down at the sleeping child on his chest. “You don’t want us to come with you?”

  “That’s right,” said Helias, and gestured toward the child. “I’m concerned about his safety. I don’t know what we’ll be walking into.”

  “Still no word?” asked Augustus.

  Helias shook his head. “Either all of the great lords have declared against me or something is blocking communication.”

  Augustus eyed him thoughtfully. “Reis will support you.”

  Helias thought of his father’s general who had ended Augustus’s imprisonment months before. Reis had been more like a father to the brothers than their own father was. “Yes,” he said, “which is why I believe communication has been blocked. I’ve heard nothing from him.”

  Augustus nodded. “I don’t like leaving you to do this without me, but I can’t leave them,” he said, looking down at his son’s little sleeping body.

  “I wouldn’t allow you to.” Helias smiled slightly. “Finding our missing brothers is important, I would have to send one of you regardless.”

  Augustus nodded again. “I’ll speak to Annie when she wakes, but I would like to plan to leave tomorrow.”

  They finished eating in silence. Helias mused over his red haired brother. It was difficult to tell what he was thinking. Caelian was so open with his moods, and although Tarquin would never talk about how he was feeling it was aways plain in his sneer, or lack thereof. They were both ruled by their emotions. Augustus was more like Helias: slow to move but quick to attack. He was continually surprised that they had both found human mates before the others. If he’d have known it was a possibility his money would have been on Caelian.

  Helias rose from the table and asked to hold Laurent. Augustus obliged, and as Helias looked down at his sleeping nephew he was struck right in his chest by how much he wanted this. Ingrid was taking precautions, which he supposed was a good idea given how unsure everything at home was, but he delighted in the possibility. Caelian entered then, looking worse for the wear, but with a smile plastered on his face.

  “Oh, don’t let me interrupt you,” he said, hands up. “I won’t be able to get a word in edgewise with you two here.”

  Helias and Augustus looked at Caelian silently, and he rolled his eyes before tucking in. Helias returned his attention to his nephew.

  “I think he should be a duke,” he said, not taking his eyes from the sleeping infant.

  “I just want him safe,” Augustus replied, and for the first time Helias could plainly see the emotion under that statement.

  He handed Laurent back to his father and breathed deeply. “Yes,” he agreed. “Augustus, you may not enter Arnes until I send word that it’s safe. You’re banished.”

  Augustus looked ready to argue. “What if I’m needed? You don’t know what’s waiting.”

  “Exactly,” Helias responded. “If it’s that dire then we’ll not make it regardless. Take care of your family. Laurent could be the last of our kind.”

  Augustus paused. “Or he could be human.”

  “He has dragon blood regardless.”

  Augustus nodded. “I will stay with my family until I hear from you.”

  Caelian asked for the baby then and the mood lightened considerably. Augustus was watching Helias with a strange look. He hoped that Augustus understood what he had just done.

  He would be a different kind of king than his father.


  Ingrid sat in Annie’s room, cooing over Laurent in her arms as Annie packed her few belongings.

  “I know I’ve told you this a million times, but I’m really going to miss you guys,” Ingrid said.

  Annie turned and smiled at her. “Laurent will miss his aunt and I’ll miss my friend.”

  Ingrid beamed. They had become extremely close over the last several weeks. Annie’s postpartum experience had been quite unpleasant. Physically she was alright, Helias had healed her quickly after the birth, but she was struggling adjusting to motherhood. Ingrid thought that she seemed a natural at it, but Annie constantly doubted herself. She hadn’t been sleeping or eating, and after a lot of coaxing Ingrid was able to convince her to take care of herself again. Ingrid worried about her leaving. She knew that Augustus would take care of her as well as he possibly could, but he wasn’t the warm and fuzzy type.

  Ingrid had spent most of the previous day consulting herbal remedy books that had been saved before the fire. She’d mixed up a tea that was supposed to help with melancholia. Annie accepted it, looking touched, and promised to drink it twice a day. Then she burst into tears and the two women hugged, awkwardly because of Laurent, and soon they both were crying.

  The door opened and Augustus strode in.

  He paused and his eyes widened at the sniffling women. He picked up his son and left the room, shutting the door behind him, all wordlessly. They both started laughing then, hysterically, with so many deep emotions hidden under the laughter.

  As their giggling subsided, Annie reached for Ingrid’s hand. “Be safe, Ingrid. The men can take care of themselves but I’m worried about you.”

  Ingrid smiled in a way that she hoped was reassuring. “I’ll be well looked after. We’ll all have a home together soon.”

  Annie’s expression was doubtful. “We need you. He needs you.”

  Ingrid nodded, and together they descended the stairs.


  Sorrow was etched on Ingrid’s face as she worked on her endless letters. Helias watched her intently, worried about his little mate. He came and knelt next to her, gently taking her hands in his and looking in her eyes.

  “Come with me?” he asked, and she rose, a question on her face. He shook his head and pulled her behind him, out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house.

  He stopped her just outside of the garden, and she watched him curiously.

  “I want you to ride me,” he said, grinning breathlessly at her.

  Her cheeks colored and her eyes widened. “We just did! And we’re right by the house, Caelian and Tarquin could — ”

  His loud laughter cut her off. “I mean actually ride, love. My dragon form.”

  “Oh,” she said, and then her eyes widened further. “That sounds much scarier.”

  “I don’t want you to be frightened,” he said, “but now that Laurent is gone we can travel much more quickly if we fly.”

  She nodded at the sense of it, but didn’t look comfortable. She chewed on her lip slightly. “How can I get on you? Your head is taller than I am.”

  He looked around the area, and guided her to a series of large boulders. He helped lift her on top of one that was about his height.

  He looked up at her. “You know I can’t talk to you when I’m shifted, but I can hear you. Just tell me what you need.”

  She nodded, clearly trying to look brave, and he chuckled to himself at the charming resultant face. He stripped then, and a moment later he had shifted. He longed to stretch his wings and soar, but he needed Ingrid to be comfortable. He was unsure of how it would work, certainly no one had ever ridden on his back before, but he had witnessed it and knew it was possible. He planned for their maiden voyage to be low and over the nearby lake, so in case of any accidents Ingrid would merely be cold, wet, and cranky.

  He turned to her, and she was staring at him with enormous eyes. He positioned himself next to her as well as he could, and with the help of his wing she was able to crawl and climb her way onto his back. He turned his head to watch her, not wanting to make any sudden movements and frighten her, as she
was trying to figure out the best way to sit. She settled down and gripped two ridges of upturned scales on his back.

  “This doesn’t hurt, does it?” she asked, and for the first time he could remember in dragon form he wished he was human at that moment. Instead he shook his enormous head slowly, and she smiled, seeming satisfied.

  “I think I’m ready,” she said, and he heard her heart thundering in her chest, her blood pulsing in her veins. He stared at her a moment longer, and she grinned despite herself. “I am ready.”

  He turned his head back forward and took flight.


  The inky black waters of the lake at night sparkled with moonlight. They rushed over it impossibly fast, although Ingrid was sure that Helias was going as slow as possible. The initial takeoff had surprised her, but she held her breath and shut her eyes, stubborn that she wouldn’t make him land prematurely. His flapping wings were deafeningly loud, but after he was airborne and able to soar the only sound was the wind rushing past her. She opened her eyes then, expecting to be high, and was surprised that they were only a few feet above the water.


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