Taken by You (Killer Next Door #2)

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Taken by You (Killer Next Door #2) Page 6

by Carlie Sexton

  She finally got up about nine, and it was the latest she’d slept in for a long time. She usually was up around six for either work or school or both. But now, she didn’t have a job to go to. It was a strange feeling. Neil was already up, so she sauntered downstairs to greet him.

  “Good morning, baby,” he said with a huge smile. “Coffee’s ready.”

  “Good morning,” she said, reaching up to kiss her sexy man.

  “What do you want to do today? We have the whole day to spend together. In fact, we have the whole weekend to do whatever we want.”

  “This is exciting. I’d love to explore more of La Jolla with you.”

  “I was thinking we could go to L.A. and see a play and spend the night. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds amazing! I’d love to see Wicked. I’ve heard it’s sensational. The Wizard of Oz was one of my favorite movies when I was a child.”

  “I’ll check online to see if we can get tickets for tonight and I’ll find a room for us. You just relax and have some coffee. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Neil retreated to his office while she poured a steaming cup of coffee. She added her Truvia and creamer. It was so soothing to have her hazelnut coffee. The warmth calmed her somehow.

  She heard the phone ring as she took her coffee out on the terrace and stood against the railing. Neil answered it in his office.

  The view of the Pacific Ocean was beyond words. The crashing of the waves below brought peace to her soul. The sunshine on her face lifted her spirits. She knew quitting her job was the right thing to do. She woke up feeling it would be difficult for Roger to find her now. Trying to find her at SDSU would be like counting grains of sand at the beach. There were more than thirty thousand students on campus. It was a madhouse on any given day. But she would keep her eyes peeled for him just in case.

  Neil came out and joined her on the terrace. He wrapped an arm around her waist and gazed out at the ocean with her. “I got tickets for the seven o’clock show tonight. It has outstanding reviews. We can find an Italian bistro to eat dinner before the play begins. We should leave here about three. I booked a suite for us at the Four Seasons.”

  “That would be wonderful. Thank you, Neil,” she said, her stomach rumbling. “Sounds like I’m ready for breakfast.”

  “Well, let’s go inside and make some. What would you like?”

  “I need some comfort food. How about pancakes?”

  They went inside and began taking out the ingredients for pancakes. Kate started the griddle and Neil mixed the pancake batter with water, oil, and an egg. She added cinnamon to the batter and sliced up a couple of bananas. She loved bananas in her pancakes. When they were done cooking, she poured two glasses of milk and carried their breakfast out to the terrace. It was so relaxing to just sit, eating breakfast and enjoying the glorious day. Time seemed to stand still.

  “I need to talk to you about something after we finish breakfast,” Neil said, his tone serious.

  “Has something else happened? I heard the phone ring earlier. Is everything okay with your family?”

  “Yes, my family’s fine.”

  Kate had eaten maybe half of a pancake. She just couldn’t get any more down. “I’m done. I just can’t eat with everything going on, and now you have more to tell me. Is it ever going to end?”

  “Let’s go inside so we can talk,” Neil suggested. When they took their trays into the kitchen, he asked her to have a seat on the sofa.

  “Last night I made a call to a security firm we do business with. I’ve hired them to protect you when you go anywhere without me.”

  Kate looked at him with wide eyes. “What? You want someone to follow me around all day? Do you really think that’s necessary?”

  “I think given the circumstances, it would be a good idea for you to have protection when you leave home. Roger has proven he’s resourceful.”

  “Well, it’s going to be pretty hard for him to find me at school.”

  “He knows what kind of car you drive. He just needs to find your car and follow you. It will be easier for him than you think.”

  “But it’s a huge campus with multiple parking lots and countless buildings. He has no idea what classes I take. I can’t imagine he would find me.”

  “He didn’t have any trouble finding you at work.”

  “But that’s different. It wasn’t a stretch for him to figure out I transferred to another store. In fact, it was stupid of me to think that would’ve worked.”

  “That’s why I wanted you to quit your job to begin with,” Neil said, his voice tight. “But you wouldn’t listen to me.”

  She scowled when she heard his “I told you so” comment. She wasn’t ready to totally give up her independence and have him be in control of everything. Their relationship was still too new for her to rely on him completely. But here she was, having to rely on him for a place to live and a job. It went against her nature and how she’d been raised to not expect anyone else to take care of her.

  “I know I didn’t listen to you. I need you to understand it’s difficult for me to count on another person, especially a man. I couldn’t count on my father ever. He wasn’t there for me. His lack of providing has made it difficult for me to trust.”

  “I’m not your father, Kate. I’m the man who loves you and wants to protect you. I’m not going to let you down like he did.”

  “I know you’re not my dad. It’s just hard for me to accept. I feel like everything’s happened so fast. Me being in danger has put our relationship into overdrive.”

  Neil took Kate’s hand. “I really would feel better if you had security. If Roger is a killer, wouldn’t you feel better having a former Navy Seal looking after you and protecting you if necessary?”

  Kate sat there staring back at him. How had her life become so complicated and out of her control? She wanted some control back, but that seemed out of her reach right now. “Okay. I agree with you that security is a good idea. When do they start?” Kate rested her head on the back of the sofa. All she wanted to do was relax.

  “When you return from Minnesota,” he said, kissing her on the cheek.

  “I appreciate you doing that for me,” she said, looking into his gorgeous eyes. “I’m so sorry to put you through so much trouble.”

  “You’re not trouble, Kate. I want to keep you safe.”

  “You do know how to get your way, don’t you, Mr. Statton?”

  “I sure do. Right now, I just want my way with you, baby,” he said, scooping her up in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck. She could see where this was heading.

  “Hold on tight, baby,” he whispered.



  Roger woke up with the realization that this fling with Rose would be ending sooner rather than later. She was too clingy and needy. He hated that in a woman. Sure, she was beautiful and great in bed, but it was annoying she didn’t seem to have anything going on in her life. She’d been available to him every night since they met, either spending the night at her house or at his apartment. He liked her, but she hadn’t taken his mind off of Kate. He knew he wouldn’t be able to juggle her, Kate, and Paulina when she arrived with Jacob in a few days. Something was going to have to give.

  He’d made excuses not to see Rose over the weekend. He told her he had plans with friends that he couldn’t get out of. She tried to invite herself along, but he didn’t answer her. He was going to spend the weekend looking for Kate at Nordstrom again. It was his best bet for finding her. Perhaps the woman he spoke with had been protecting Kate and had lied about her quitting. It just seemed too convenient she’d quit the week before he was looking for her.

  If he struck out at Nordstrom, he would go to SDSU on Monday morning and drive around looking for her car. If he spotted it, he’d just wait for her and follow her home. The only problem was there were several places she could park and he could spend time perusing one area and she could leave from another are
a. Maybe she was even parking in a different structure each day. He doubted she had a different car. If she did, then he would have to actually spot her leaving campus.

  He’d go to Charlie’s work on Monday afternoon and follow her in case she and Kate were still roommates. He had a lot of surveillance to do, but finding Kate would be worth all of the time and effort. He was sure that deep down, she wanted him to find her.


  San Diego State had been a huge disappointment. He couldn’t find Kate’s car in the two structures he searched. By the time he made it to the third structure, he realized she would be gone. “Damn it,” he said, hitting the steering wheel. This was taking too long. His best chance would be later at Charlie’s work.

  He made it to Charlie’s office about four forty-five. He drove around the parking lot, but didn’t see her car. He decided to wait just in case she had bought a new car. He stayed until six, but he never saw her leave the building. This day had been a total waste of time and he was no closer to finding Kate.

  He went home and decided to drown his anger by pulverizing the punching bag for a while. But that didn’t work. He needed Rose’s body to take away the disappointment of not finding his Kate. He would see how far he could push things when he fucked Rose. It wouldn’t be fun for her tonight, but she was so desperate for love she’d take everything he had to give her and more. She would make him feel better.



  Wednesday rolled around and Neil was going to spend his lunch break taking Kate to the airport. He’d said he wanted to make sure she got there okay and caught her flight without any problems. She checked online to ensure her flight would be on time. Having packed only one bag, it was small enough to carry on. As she didn’t want to check her luggage, she wore the coat she would need for Minnesota and took only the shoes on her feet.

  Neil pulled up to the terminal to drop her off. Ticket in hand, she was ready to check in with the skycap. Neil put his hand on hers.

  “I’m going to miss you, baby. I wish I could go with you.”

  “I’m going to miss you too, but it will only be for a couple of days.”

  “I know, but it’s going to be tough.”

  “I’ll have my brother. He’s meeting me at the plane. He’ll be good moral support.”

  “I’m glad you two are close. How’s he taking the loss of your dad?”

  “He really hasn’t said too much about it, but he feels our dad abandoned him, as well.”

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I just need some tissues.”

  “I think there are some in the glove compartment,” he said, leaning over to open it. He then reached down to pop the trunk and opened the car door. Kate found the tissues, but she also noticed a small photo album. She took it out and put it in her purse without Neil seeing. She wanted to take some pictures of him with her as a small comfort while away. Neil had already taken out her luggage and placed it on the curb. He turned to hug her tight. He didn’t want to let go. Being wrapped in his arms felt like being wrapped in a warm towel just out of the dryer on a cold winter’s night—safety and love rolled into one gorgeous package.



  Roger was circling the terminal to pick up Paulina and Jacob. He nearly caused an accident when he spotted Kate hugging some man. He pulled up, stopping practically right behind them. They didn’t notice him. Grabbing his phone, he took a picture of the license plate. He’d have Rose run the plates and get an address on this guy. He couldn’t believe he’d just stumbled upon her. It was fate. He was meant to find her. This validated his belief that she was the one for him.

  Searching so far had been a waste of time. He finally realized she’d actually quit her job. No doubt this guy talked her into it. SDSU had been pointless. Following Charlie was a bust too. She wasn’t at work the day he went there.

  To think he would run into her here at the airport.

  He wanted to follow whoever this guy was home, but he couldn’t since he had to pick up Paulina and Jacob. He pulled out to circle again. He couldn’t risk Kate seeing him. She’d already turned and walked up to the check-in. He smiled broadly just like the day he first talked to her on the phone. Everything was falling into place.

  Suddenly a worrisome thought crossed his mind. Where was she going, and how long would she be gone? She only had one bag, so it couldn’t be for more than a few days. At least it didn’t look like she was leaving and never coming back. He’d give it a few days and then he’d begin watching this guy’s place. Coming up with an excuse for his absence to placate Paulina would be simple.



  Kate wheeled her suitcase behind her as she made her way to security. The line was long, but she had plenty of time. She stood behind a couple who looked very much in love. They reminded her of Neil and her. She wondered if they were going on their honeymoon. She noticed her brother about ten people ahead of her. Seeing him relaxed her, and she was glad she wouldn’t have to fly alone. He was only two years younger and they’d always been very close, so she would cherish this time with him. Thankfully, he was good company.

  She thought she would catch up with him once she made it through security, but a woman in front of her ended up being searched, causing her to be delayed. She finally found her brother at the gate.

  “Hey, Bro!” she said, hugging him. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “It’s good to see you too,” he said, hugging her back. “Are you ready for this?”

  “As ready as I’m ever going to be.”

  “Yeah, me too. I’m not looking forward to this at all. I haven’t had anything to do with dad since I was twelve years old. But I’m going to pay my respects.”

  “I know. He was a lousy father. I know it means a lot to Aunt Donna that we attend and she’s always been really good to us.”

  “Yes, she has.” Her brother nodded and smiled.

  An announcement was made saying they would start boarding the plane in a few moments. Kate just wanted to get on the plane so she could get this all over with. She felt somber, to say the least, and she hated leaving Neil. He’d been her rock during the past couple of months.


  Kate and her brother settled into their seats. The woman sitting in the window seat was staring blankly out the window. She seemed to be contemplating something. Kate was sitting next to her in the middle seat and her brother had the aisle. She buckled up and felt a knot grow in her stomach. For some reason, she always dreaded taking off in a plane. It felt like her stomach was falling out of her body. The idea of something so big being able to fly was a mystery beyond her comprehension.

  Once the flight departed, the woman looked over at Kate. Her natural beauty was astounding. Her long dark hair contrasted her big blue eyes, but her eyelashes were remarkable. She wasn’t wearing mascara, but they were thick and full. Every woman would pay through the nose for her eyelashes. She bared an uncanny resemblance to…Kate couldn’t come up with the actress’ name, but her claim to fame was playing Wonder Woman. The woman smiled graciously. “Are you traveling for business or pleasure?”

  “Neither. We’re going to our dad’s funeral. He passed away a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m going to a funeral as well.”

  “Was it someone you were really close to?” Kate asked.

  “He was the one who got away—my college sweetheart,” the woman answered. She had to stop for a moment to collect herself as her big blue eyes filled with tears. “I always thought we’d get back together somehow, but I was foolish. I didn’t let him know that I still loved him.” A tear escaped and streamed down her face.

  “I’m so sorry. That’s terrible. You must be a wreck,” Kate said.

  “I’ve been a wreck since I got the call from his best friend. Well, actually, he was our best friend in college. The three of us were inseparable for four straight years.”

  “Wow, you were together for a long time. Why did you break up, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I don’t mind. I took a job as a nurse in San Diego and Tim, my ex, stayed behind in Minnesota. I assumed he would follow me out. He told me he didn’t want to leave his family, but I figured he’d just do what I wanted. We ended up breaking up over it. I tried to control him and it obliterated our relationship.”

  She looked down at her hands in her lap and Kate’s heart broke for her a little. The woman next to her had lost out on years of love, just like she’d lost time with her dad.

  Kate put her hand to her chest. “It sounds like you never got over him.”

  “I didn’t. I dated other guys, but I always compared everyone to him. No one has stood a chance with me. I’d recently gotten in touch with Tim and his best friend Aaron over Facebook. We’d been communicating for the past couple of months. I was actually thinking about quitting my job and moving back to Minnesota to see if we could make a go of it. But Tim was in a car accident last week and didn’t make it.”

  This sounded all too familiar to Kate. She’d been like the woman sitting next to her. She lost her love, David, and had avoided men for years. That was until Neil came along and demanded she love him. She’d tried to resist him, but couldn’t. She loved his strong, commanding side.

  “I know what it’s like to lose a boyfriend. My high school boyfriend died in a car accident when we were sophomores in college. I thought we were going to get married.”


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