Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1)

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Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1) Page 19

by Maggie Mundy

  She clutched the ticket she’d rescued from the bottom drawer in her hand. There were so many people about, and the place was huge. It was overwhelming and she didn’t have a clue where to go. There was a sign for departures, so she would start there. Eventually she found the Air New Zealand section where people were lining up.

  She noticed there were about a hundred people waiting in the economy line, but only three in the business class line. She felt like she should apologize to the economy travelers while she stood there with her old suitcase. It was stupid. She had a ticket like the rest of them. They had paid for theirs, though, and Declan didn’t even know she was coming. On the plane, there was a glass of champagne with a strawberry in it on the armrest of her seat. A young boy walking down the aisle behind her said, “Mum. Is this first class?”

  A part of her wanted to follow him. What the hell was she doing here? Jack said he wanted her there, but Declan was hurt. He couldn’t say anything and might not agree. She could be making a fool of herself. The champagne and the strawberry were gone before they took off. Once the plane was in the air, her heartbeat started to slow a bit. Some of the people in fancy suits changed into sweats and were relaxing. All she could think about was that Declan would be in pain. He was alive and everything else could be sorted out. She decided if all went well, she was going to ask him to marry her. How crazy was that? The worst he could say was no. At least she would know where she stood and could move on.

  Thirteen hours later—she’d slept, thanks to the wine—her nerves were kicking back in again. She landed in Auckland on the North Island, but since the filming was outside of Christchurch on the South Island, she needed to get a connecting flight. She tried calling and texting Jack, but there was no answer. There was a storm raging outside so maybe that was the cause.

  The flight to Christchurch was rough with turbulence, and she wanted to kiss the ground when they actually landed. She wondered if there might be another earthquake and if the airport was safe. The air steward said the airport had only been closed for half a day and it wasn’t near the epicenter. She grabbed her suitcase and booked into the airport hotel. At this rate, her credit card was going to be empty pretty soon. She dumped her luggage in the room, went to reception, and ordered a taxi to take her to the hospital. There was no point in delaying now that she had come this far.

  As she sat in the back of the car, she sent a text to Jack, telling him she would be there soon. He still hadn’t replied by the time she pulled up at the hospital. She tried to call, but there was still no luck. Cassi started to lose her confidence as she bit her bottom lip. What if Declan didn’t want her, and was angry that she told him to go? What if she freaked out when she touched him again? She would go mad with the ‘what if’s.

  There was a group of reporters outside the hospital entrance and she hoped none of them would recognize her. She didn’t want to deal with them right now. She didn’t need to worry because they were more interested in a limousine as it pulled up and Kirsten got out. With Kirsten inside, she would have to run the gauntlet. She made her way around the photographers as they chatted, hoping no one would notice.

  “Cassi,” a voice yelled.

  Damn, someone saw her. As the cameras clicked away, she got through the doors of the hospital. There was a security guard inside. He raised an eyebrow as he looked her up and down as if she was something the dog dragged in. Kirsten was nowhere to be seen as people wandered around.

  The receptionist looked up as though seeing a mere mortal instead of a movie star disappointed her. She smiled one minute, and then it was gone the next.

  “I was wondering if you could tell me which ward Declan Reed is on?” Cassi asked, thankful the security guard was keeping the rabble outside.

  “I can’t disclose that information to members of the public. Only close friends and relatives are allowed to visit.”

  “I am a close friend. I’ve come all the way from L.A. to see him. His brother knows I’m coming.”

  The woman curled up her lip in disbelief.

  “My name is Cassi Yarwood. You can look me up on the Internet if you don’t believe it. Or go and ask the photographers outside.”

  She hadn’t come all this way to be thwarted at the last moment, but could see the woman was just trying to do her job.

  “I don’t have time to look up everyone who comes in here saying that they know these stars.”

  The woman’s phone went and she answered it.

  Cassi decided to give Jack another call. It rang, but still no answer. She went and sat opposite while the woman continued to answer her phone in between giving her disgusted looks over the top of her glasses. Cassi had a couple of choices. To look herself up online and prove to the woman she knew Declan, or she could go outside and let the paparazzi verify they knew her. The trouble was, she didn’t think the security guy would let her back in, and she didn’t want to be stuck out there with that rabble.

  The door opened again and a gray-haired man who looked in his fifties walked in. The lift across the corridor opened, and Jack walked out. Cassi had never been so happy to see anyone in her whole life. Her heart skipped a beat that she might see Declan soon.

  “Jack,” she shouted as she jumped up.

  The gray-haired man looked at her as she came across. Jack’s arm was in plaster with a sling on it, but the smile on his face calmed her. He hugged her with his one good arm.

  “Jack, they wouldn’t let me up to see him. I tried to call and text you, but there was no answer. The woman at reception thought I was just another crazy fan.”

  “It’s okay. Cassi, this is our dad, Robert. Dad, this is the girl Dec’s crazy about.”

  Those words sounded more than wonderful and she hoped they were still true. Robert shook her hand and gave her the onceover. She didn’t care if he approved or not. She was going to see Declan.

  “Hello, Cassi. I’ve heard quite a bit about you. I’m sure your presence will help with his recovery.”

  She hoped so, too, and that it wouldn’t cause more stress. They walked over to the lift and Cassi glanced back to see the woman at reception staring after them with her mouth hanging open. Cassi turned to Jack.

  “I saw Kirsten going up earlier. I won’t be in the way, will I? I don’t want to cause a fuss if she’s with him.”

  “She’s not here for Declan. One of the producers got hurt, too, and they’re together. Like I said, the papers make crap up. She was just being a friend because you two weren’t together. Nothing happened.”

  Cassi’s whole body relaxed. Then the lift doors opened and the antiseptic smell of the hospital ward hit her. She wanted to see Declan more than anything, but now she wondered how he was going to be. It didn’t matter as long as he was alive. He had been there for her when she needed him, and now it was her turn to return the favor. Her hand went to the necklace and she twiddled the pendant.

  “Our mum is in with him at the moment, and he’s only allowed two visitors at a time. If Dad goes in first, I’ll tell you what to expect.”

  Robert went off with one of the nurses and Jack took her to a visitor’s room.

  “His leg was broken, but they’ve fixed that up. Then he started to get worse and go unconscious. They did a scan and operated on his head to get rid of a blood clot. Now they’ve kept him sedated like in an induced coma until the swelling goes down. He looks pretty rough, but they reckon he’ll be fine as he was treated so quickly.”

  “Does he know I’m here?” she said and twisted her hands together.

  “I told him you were on your way, but he’s out of it.”

  “Let’s get this done. The longer we wait, the more nervous I’m going to be. By the way, what do your parents think of me?”

  “They can’t believe Declan’s found someone who’ll put up with him. They’ll be fine. They haven’t talked to each other for years and this has brought them together. Can’t see them kissing and making up though.”

  They walked back out and down
the corridor to Declan’s cubicle. Jack went in and Robert came out, followed by a well-dressed, middle-aged lady.

  “Cassi. This is our mum, Vivian.”

  Vivian smiled and embraced her. Cassi’s eyes watered at the acceptance.

  “Thank you for coming. I know it will help him recover. You go and spend some time with him and we can catch up later.”

  Cassi opened the curtains and gasped. Declan’s face was bruised and grazed, and his right eye was swollen and black. There were tubes in his mouth breathing for him. His head was bandaged and there was an IV in his arm. His right leg was strapped up and a tube was draining blood from the wound. There was another tube draining away his urine. There were monitors beeping and it all seemed so loud. There was a male nurse next to the bed, injecting something into the drip. Cassi hesitated, but the nurse motioned for her to come over. She walked across and sat down. Her hand shook as she took Declan’s hand in hers.

  “Declan. I’m here.”

  There wasn’t a response, but she didn’t care. She would wait and he would be fine. She needed to believe they would get another chance. Eight hours went past as nurses came and went and the family would come and go. She went to the toilet once, but didn’t want to leave.

  “I’m going to get a coffee. Do you want anything?” Jack asked.

  “That would be lovely.”

  Vivian came back with the coffee.

  “Robert and Jack will come in for a while. How about we have a little chat?”

  They went to the visitor’s room. Cassi sat down and let out a sigh. She didn’t realize she was so tense. Vivian sat down next to her.

  “As a mother, it’s obvious to me you care for my boy. Jack told me what happened, and I hope it goes well when he wakes up. Maybe a knock on the head will mean he’ll come and visit his mother more.”

  Cassi laughed. “Thank you, Vivian. I don’t know how it’s going to go when he comes around, but if we are together, then I’ll nag him.”

  Vivien frowned as she peered at her. “You’re not sure he’ll want you. After the way I’ve seen you stay by his side, he would be a fool not to.”

  “It wasn’t good the last time we saw each other. I told him to go. Worse than that, I totally rejected him, and he had done nothing to deserve it. If he’d hurt me like that, I don’t know how I’d be.”

  “You’re here now, and that’s the past. Now tell me about this little boy of yours and for goodness sake, call me Viv.”

  They talked about Tommy and finished their drinks, but Cassi wanted to get back to Declan, even though she was tired. When they got back, the doctors were visiting and Cassi stood at the end of the bed with the others and listened. Viv took her hand and squeezed as the doctor started to speak.

  “We are pleased with the progress Declan is making, and think we will let him come out of the induced coma tomorrow. I think the best thing is you all get some rest tonight.”

  Cassi didn’t want to leave, but her body was failing after the long flight. She yawned and everyone looked at her, then they laughed.

  Jack was the first to speak. “I think we should all get a decent meal and a good night’s sleep and we will be better to help Declan tomorrow. Where are you staying, Cassi?”

  “At the airport hotel.”

  “I think we all need to be together, so we’ll get you booked in with us. It’ll keep the paparazzi at bay, too, now they know you’re here.”

  Jack went back to her hotel with her where there was already paparazzi waiting. Jack stayed by her side as they made their way to the taxi with flashes going off. Later that night, she settled into a huge bed in a five-star hotel. There was one thing missing and it was the man at the hospital. All she could picture was him there with tubes and bandages. She needed to believe she would get another chance. She thought back to the first day they met. She had built up defenses, and right from the beginning, Declan had treated her right and made her trust again. It couldn’t end now. Finally, the jet lag and the time in the hospital caught up with her, and she fell asleep.


  Back at the hospital, refreshed and showered, they waited in the visitor’s room while the doctors took Declan off the breathing machine. She thought she would break Jack’s fingers, she was holding his hand so tight. The doctor came into the room and was smiling. That meant it was good news, right?

  “He is breathing on his own and his vital signs are good. If you would like to go in now?”

  Declan looked more peaceful now without the tube in his throat, but there was still no reaction when she took his hand in hers. They took turns over the next six hours, spending time talking to him. Cassi sat down and took Declan’s hand in hers again. They were alone for a bit and she needed to say something.

  “I don’t know if you can hear me. I just want you to know I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you’ll have me. I don’t care if it’s for a week or years, I just know I want to be with you. Like the pendant says. You have my heart.”

  Cassi felt the grip tighten on her hand and she glanced up. His face was a mess and he could only open one eye, but she could see his lopsided attempt at a smile. Before he could say anything, she needed to speak. She stood up, leaned forward, and gently touched his lips with hers.

  “I love you.”

  Someone cheered behind them and she turned to see Jack and Viv smiling.

  “I’ll go and tell the nurse you’re awake,” Jack said.

  Declan glanced from her to his mother. “Mum, Cassi. What happened?” His voice sounded like gravel as he struggled to speak.

  “There was an earthquake and you were hurt, darling. They had to operate,” Vivian said.

  Declan gripped her hand. “So I had to shake the world to get you here.”

  He smiled at her with his crooked grin.

  “It worked, but don’t be so dramatic next time. I’ve got something Tommy asked me to bring to help you feel better.” She grabbed her backpack off the floor, pulled out the turtle toy, and placed it on the end of the bed. “When you don’t look quite so scary, I’ll send him a picture.”

  He tried to lift his head off the pillow, but it flopped back down. “Ow. Fuck, my body hurts.”

  “Language,” Viv said, and Cassi laughed. For the first time in a while, she thought things might just turn out okay.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  When Declan opened his eyes that first time in the hospital, his whole body hurt. No, that was an understatement. A truck must have hit him and he couldn’t remember. The pain was forgotten when he saw Cassi sitting there next to the bed, holding his hand. Mum was standing at the foot of the bed and he wondered what the hell had happened. He didn’t care. Cassi was here. His woman was back in his life.

  His throat was raw and his leg and head felt as if a mountain had landed on them, and when he found out about the earthquake, he wasn’t far wrong. The next two weeks were wonderful and hell at the same time. All the stuff they did in the hospital hurt like hell, even though they were looking after him so well. Cassi never flinched and sat through everything, helping when she could. One thing for certain was he never wanted a tube stuck up his dick again. He reckoned doing a normal pee was one of the best things one could ever experience. Cassi helped him to the toilet. She laughed as they ran taps and whistled to get him going.

  The family rented a place after two weeks when the doctors said he could leave the hospital. It had high fences, which was good, as they stopped prying eyes while he recovered. He was slowly getting back to normal, but so tired all the time. Cassi was so patient and understanding. She was an angel putting up with his frustration at himself. His foot was in a special boot, and he was on crutches. The physiotherapist had been coming every day, and Cassi would stay out of the room while he swore at the poor guy.

  Each night he would hold her in his arms, believing it was a dream, and that he would wake up and she would be gone again. He wanted to make love to her so much, but was scared. Would he be up to it? His fo
ot still hurt and maybe he would blow a blood vessel in his head if he came. He was not good at being sick, and snapping at her was not going to help. He tried not to, but it was what he found himself doing. He had an idea how he could make it up to her, but it would involve his mum in some secret dealings.


  Six weeks passed and now they were on their way to the airport. He noticed how Cassi couldn’t keep the smile off her face. She was going to see her little boy again. His hair was starting to grow and was so itchy, he couldn’t stop scratching. He reckoned the scar wouldn’t show once the hair grew back around it. It might make him look tough and he might get some jobs playing bad guys. Cassie bought some beanies and reckoned he would start a new trend and everyone would be wearing them. They might be a bit hot in L.A. and would need to be made from a lighter material. Tommy would have wanted one, and Cassi got him a black one with a New Zealand fern on it.

  The film company insisted on a nurse traveling with them. His name was Brian, and he was an Australian with a wicked sense of humor. Brian brought the wheelchair to take Declan through to the departure lounge. There was the usual crowd of paparazzi and fans.

  “You can wheel me over so the fans can get a few pictures if we have time before check in,” he said to Brian.

  Cassi stayed close by, watching on. He liked this protective streak in her.

  Once on board, they were settled into their seats. Thank goodness the seats went down flat so he could rest his leg. He reckoned the flight was going to take a lot out of him. Three hours into the flight, Brian was standing and tapping his foot.

  “Come on, mate. It’s time to get up and do your walk. It’s going to make me look crap if you get a blood clot.”

  Cassi kept reading her book while they walked up to the other end of the section so she couldn’t see them.

  “So you got it in your pocket? Reckon she’s guessed anything?” Brian asked.

  Declan fumbled in his pocket as he balanced awkwardly on one leg because of the special support boot. He flipped open the lid on the small box to reveal a ring. The air steward came and stood next to them.


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