Hot Set

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Hot Set Page 4

by Ivy Blake

  “I see. If you’re interested, I would love to show you around a little more whenever you have the time. I promise I am not a creep or something.”

  I laughed at him again. “From what I just heard you are fairly well-known and I don’t think murdering anyone would be good for your career. Besides, you seem like an ok guy. But then again… so do most serial killers.”

  He laughed. “Serial killer? Wow. That is a kind of a big jump from ‘creep.’ However, scout’s honor, I am neither a creep nor a murderer. As far as I know.”

  “Good,” I said with a laugh, brushing a piece of stray hair out of my eye nervously.

  A few minutes later, the girls came back to the table and Hudson and I had already exchanged numbers by the time they arrived. He seemed trustworthy enough for that much and although I had his number, it didn’t mean anything would come of it. If he didn’t call me, I probably wouldn’t call him, mostly because I was terrible at summoning up the nerve to do it. It was cowardly and resulted in a lot of missed connections and lost opportunities, but I just wasn’t good at making the first move.

  During the car ride home, Jade and Mariah poked around to find out what happened between me and Hudson.

  “Come on, Chloe,” Jade said as she drove toward the apartment, “the guy was sitting at the table with you when we came back. We know that you guys had to exchange phone numbers. That had to have happened at the minimum.”

  “Ok, alright. Fine. He gave me his number, and that’s it. We talked a little bit, but I don’t think I’m ready to go out with anyone yet. You know why I came out to California. I want to get my career started. I need to focus. I don’t need to meet a guy and hook up with him just so my focus can be thrown off.”

  “Jeez, Chloe! You make it seem like the guy is asking to marry you or something. He just wants to hang out.” She looked at me in the rearview mirror, her eyes intensely zeroed in on me like she was seeing me for the first time. “I want to ask you something. When was the last time you went out on a date?”

  “Really, Jade? This again?”

  “What do you mean, ‘this again?’ I am asking because it is important! When was the last time you were on a date? Was it Mark Taylor? The basketball player at NYU?”


  She laughed out loud. “Maybe? That was at least two years ago, Chloe! That is ridiculous! How can you go this long without a fucking date?!”

  Streetlights cascaded over us as we barreled down the street. “Because I was motivated to graduate, and then after that, I was trying to get my career going. You know, doing things to better my future. That don’t involve a man.”

  “Um,” Mariah interjected, hesitantly, “now, I know we just met today, Chloe, so I don’t want you to feel obligated to answer this. But.” A few moments of silence went by as I waited for her to ask her question. “When was the last time you had sex?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Sex!” Jade said out loud. “You know. The thing two people do when they are naked in a bedroom. Or sometimes a car. Or maybe an elevator if they can’t wait.”

  I laughed and covered my face, embarrassed. “Probably the same amount of time since I’ve been on a date. I mean, I don’t just fuck random guys.”

  “Damn it, Chloe,” Jade said, laughing. “Listen, it’s bad enough you went this long without a date, but I can’t fathom that you’ve made it the same amount of time without sex.”

  “Shut up, you guys,” I said as they both laughed from the front seats of the car. “If I involve a man in my sex life, they’ll start to expect it all the time, and then they will think we’re in a relationship, and then they will try to control what I do. I don’t have time for it. I just don’t.”

  We rode a few minutes in silence until Mariah spoke up. “Chloe has a point. A small one, but she still has a point. I’ve known some men to get extremely clingy once you sleep with them. So, yes, I can relate. But still, there are a lot men out there who don’t mind the ‘no strings attached’ sex.”

  “Well, I am not in the mood to play Where’s Waldo for a fuck buddy. That is why I just stayed away from it altogether.”

  “Now, this is my opinion, but I think that if Hudson asks you out, you should take him up on his offer. Life is not about work and nothing else. You have to enjoy it, Chloe. And besides, Hudson is cute, and with him being an actor, he just might have some connections,” Jade said over her shoulder.

  She pulled into the parking lot. Even though it was late, the beach across the street was scattered with people. The moonlight reflected off the surface of the water, and it was so beautiful it was almost blinding. “Alright. I mean, I’ll think about it… that is, if he asks.”

  “Good,” Jade responded, “That’s all I’m saying. Don’t bring it up, but if he asks, then I think you should take him up on his offer. Who knows what it could turn into?”

  We’d just walked up to the stairs when Mariah jumped, and pulled her vibrating phone out of her purse. “And that’s my night,” she said with a smile. “My own fuck buddy is calling and I think I’m in that mood. You girls have fun tonight.”

  She turned around on her heel and went to her car, then peeled out of the parking lot seconds later.

  “Looks like I’ll be spending the evening with my boyfriend,” Jade said, before she winked at me. “That late night TV host I’ve had my eye since we were kids. Hubba hubba Jimmy. Don’t come knocking!”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Yeah, thanks for the heads up.”

  As soon as we got into the apartment, I went to my room and closed the door. My luggage was still completely unpacked, and the sheets and blankets were still stacked on the mattress. I really needed to start organizing things

  I sat down on the mattress, then flopped backward as the fan spun methodically above me. I felt like I was going to nod off, when suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Hudson.

  Hudson: Hey, just wanted to make sure you got home safely. It was good meeting you and I hope we can hang out again… soon.

  My thumbs hovered over the screen, typing and then deleting words as I tried to figure out how to respond. Eventually, I just ended up closing the phone without sending a response his way. I didn’t want to seem anxious, so I was going to give it until tomorrow before I responded. As the silence flooded throughout the apartment, I listened carefully and could just make out the hum of the TV in Jade’s room. I suddenly began to feel lonelier than I had in years, locked in the silence of my undecorated, empty new room.

  Instead of dwelling on it, though, I took a deep breath, grabbed my phone and decided to send a response to Hudson. Maybe it was time to focus on something other than work for a change.

  Chapter 6


  Chloe: Yes, I am home. It was good meeting you, too. Maybe we can hang out sometime?

  Me: That would be cool. Just let me know when you are free, and we will go from there.

  Chloe: Ok. Goodnight.

  Me: Goodnight.

  I slid my phone onto my nightstand and folded my hands behind my head while I reclined on the bed. There was just something about Chloe that caught my eye. In some ways, she resembled my ex. I didn’t get the vibe from her that she was afraid to say what was on her mind. It was the same thing I loved about Monica, but at the same time, it was what ended up breaking my heart.

  Keith warned me tonight not to get involved with anyone, especially since I was getting ready to start filming Love Struck. I was pretty sure his motives were selfish, though. He knew that I was a faithful guy, so if I were actually to get involved with someone, it would mean the end of his ability to use me as bait. But he didn’t have to worry about that. I wasn’t ready to settle down with anyone any time soon.

  Despite that, I spent the whole night tossing and turning, thinking about Chloe, before I was finally able to fall asleep. When my phone rang the next morning, I groaned, felling like I had hardly slept at all. It was Keith.

  “What’s up, man? So, a
re you waking up next to one of those hot chicks or what?”

  “Really, Keith? You call me at fucking 7 o’clock in the goddamned morning and that’s the first thing you say to me?”

  “Oh shit, sorry, man. Good morning. Now, are you waking up next to one of those hot chicks or what?”

  I sighed and put my hand on top of my head. “You know what, man, if this isn’t about business, I’m not in the mood. It is early and I need rest.”

  “Ok, ok. Sorry. I was just yanking your chain, but the real reason I called was to let you know they are starting to shoot the movie next week Monday. It turns out that they found a director’s assistant, so they can get things going sooner than they thought.”

  “Really? Anyone I know?”

  “Shit, hell if I know. I can’t remember her name. Toby? Chandra? I don’t know, but supposedly, she is new to the business. I don’t have the specifics and they don’t really matter. You just need to have your ass on set Monday. That gives you tonight and the weekend to hang out and get all of your jitters out of the way, so you can get to work. This is our future and I don’t need you to fuck it up for us.”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m going back to sleep. I’ll talk to you later.”

  I hung up the phone and tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t get Chloe out of my mind. For some reason, her face was etched brightly in the darkness as soon as I closed my eyes. I reached for the phone again and sent her a text message.

  Me: Good morning! Hope you slept well. Are you doing anything later tonight? I’d love to hang out with you.

  Five minutes had gone by before I got a response from her.

  Chloe: Sure, we can hang out.

  Me: Good. I can pick you up later today. Around 8 pm?

  Chloe: Sounds good. I’ll send you the address later.

  Me: Looking forward to seeing you again.

  Chloe: Same :)

  With a smile, I rested my head back on the pillow. The sunlight trickled through the blinds as it rose higher into the sky. I knew that today was going to be a great day.

  Chapter 7


  I stood in front of the mirror, getting dressed for my evening with Hudson. Jade was right next to me, helping me get ready like it was my first date ever. So much time had passed since my last one that it almost felt like it was my first.

  “Now, don’t come off as desperate, but if things are going well, run with it. And if he asks you to go back to his place for ‘drinks,’ you’re in girl.”

  “I’m not an idiot, Jade. I have done this before. And I’m not sure I want to go home with him on our first date, but I guess we’ll see.”

  Jade just laughed at me. “Look at you! Snagging a sexy actor on your first day in LA. You were meant for the ‘best’ coast, I just knew it.”

  I winked at her just as I got a text from Hudson, letting me know that he was outside. “Well, he’s here. I guess, wish me luck?”

  “You’ll be fine, Chloe. Just relax and be yourself. That’s it. And call me if you need anything, or if he tries anything that doesn’t sit right. Then I’ll show up with my trusty Taser.”

  She gave me a hug as I laughed again, and with that, I went outside to meet Hudson. He stood outside of his car, holding the passenger door open for me like a proper gentleman. A single rose was on the seat and I picked it up before I sat down. “Thank you,” I said when he got into the car.

  He smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  He took me to a restaurant just off the beach. It was a nice seafood place and even though seafood wasn’t my favorite, the food and atmosphere were so beautiful, I was won over immediately. As the waiter disappeared with our order, Hudson gave me a curious smile.

  “So, why are you REALLY out here? I mean, I know there is more to it than just wanting a change of scenery.”

  The waiter came back and placed our drinks on the table. “Work. Specifically, the movie industry.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yeah. I mean, my heart is in acting, but for now, I’ll settle for something behind the scenes, just so I can learn the intricacies of the business. I’ve always been a performer, but I want to learn how things work behind the camera first.”

  “I see. Well, you are definitely in the right place. No better time than the present to chase your dreams.”

  “That is how Jade convinced me to come out here.”

  Hudson took his drink and lifted it in the air. “Here’s to you chasing your dreams, Chloe. I hope you find what you are looking for, and more.”

  He winked at me, and with a smile, we both took a drink. This time, the liquor was much stronger than it was at Pierre’s. I winced.

  “Yeah,” he said, “this is a bit strong, but I like it. Hell, I need to enjoy this while I can because I start shooting on a movie this Monday.”

  “Really? Well, I start work this Monday as well. I got a gig as a director’s assistant, so we will see how that goes.”

  “Wow, that was quick,” he says with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yeah. Turns out that Jade knew somebody who knew somebody and then that somebody was able to get me a job.”

  “I think you’ll do great. You seem like you came out here with a goal, and before you can even settle in, you’ve got a job. That sounds like a great start.”

  “Hopefully it is.”

  The waiter brought our foot soon after, and before I knew it, we were lost in the delicious meals, the drinks, and what turned out to be incredible conversation.

  Could Hudson actually be the kind of guy I’d been looking for?

  * * *

  The world spun beneath me as the liquor mixed with the headiness of the evening. I lowered my head, in disbelief that I accepted the offer to go back to his place. As he put the key into the lock of his front door, his bicep flexed as he turned the handle, and at that moment, I felt a strong passion bubbling inside of me. Enough time had gone by since the last time I had sex and the liquor provided the perfect excuse for me to give in to my desires.

  He pushed the door open while I tucked my hair behind my ear and followed him into his home. He flicked the light on and it lit up the hallway and a part of the front room. The door closed, and he placed his keys on the rack. “Yeah, so, this is it. It’s not huge or anything, but it’s home.”

  We didn’t waste any time after we walked into house, mostly because of me. I couldn’t control myself, and all at once, I didn’t want to. As we stumbled into his front room, our bodies connected like they had been made for each other. Our lips crashed into on another as I felt desire course through my body. I propped my leg up on the table as he slid his finger inside of me, a long, manly finger stroking me to pleasure as I tilted my head back. I want him so bad, I thought as I closed my eyes.

  His tongue traced shapes across my flesh, the warmth of him cooling only when the soft breeze from the ceiling fan made contact with my skin. He pushed his finger deeper into me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my breasts against his chest. Suddenly, he lifted me onto his waist like I was a rag doll as I wrapped my legs around him. I leaned in and connected my lips with his as he walked to the couch and gently laid me on the cushion, a lion ready to devour his prey.

  And I wanted him to. Oh, how I wanted him to. As my heartbeat picked up, I was desperate for him to swallow me whole and leave nothing left. He pulled his shirt off his body, exposing his rippled chest. I placed my hands on his pecs, then slid down to his abs. His stomach was perfectly sculpted, and my fingers tingled as I traced each section.

  “Are you sure?” he asked as he kneeled over me.

  I reached for his neck and pulled him down. His cleanly shaven face brushed against my cheek as he turned his head sideways and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I could feel him unfastening my dress from the back, unsnapping buttons patiently until he couldn’t wait anymore. He ripped my dress open from the back; I heard the buttons snap off, but I didn’t care. It was just a dress, and it could be replaced easil
y, but right now, my passion outweighed anything else that occupied through my mind.

  He slid between my legs with his pants still on, grinding on top of me as he wrestled my breasts free from their lace prison. He exposed my pink, erect nipples and quickly slipped his mouth around them. The tingling sensation shot through my senses and caused my pussy to pulsate as it continued to dampen my panties. With his other hand, he felt his way back into my core as I gasped and dug my nails into his back. I was already on the verge of coming. He explored me until he found my clit once again, stroking it with a gentle pressure that was driving me crazy.

  I felt a wave of pleasure washing over me already and I yelled, “Yes, I’m about… to come… I’m about to come!” He picked up his pace, stroking his finger back and forth across my clit as he crashed his lips back onto mine. I pulled his body closer to mine, using my nails like claws to make sure he didn’t move an inch from his position. I moved my mouth away from his.

  “I’m coming! I’m coming!” Suddenly, he pushed his body away from mine. My legs twitched as he moved his head down below my waist and replaced his finger with his tongue.

  My eyes closed tight as I dug my nails into the cushions of his couch as his tongue flicked quickly across my clit.

  “Shit!” I yelled as my core began to tremble with more need than I had felt in years. He kept his mouth there and held my legs in place to keep me from moving away from him. I tried. I pushed against the cushions on the couch, but his grip was too strong. I tried to move my legs off his shoulders, but he tightened his muscles around my thighs, and at that moment, I was locked. My abdomen quivered as he slowed the strokes of his tongue down like the waves after a storm. I leaned my head back onto the couch as my chest moved up and down, trying to catch my breath.

  I heard a package rip open below me while my eyes were closed. Suddenly, he stood up, and moments later, I felt a long, stiff cock sliding into me. My mouth opened, wanting to scream out in ecstasy, but not able to find the words. He drove his cock inside of me as he pushed my legs back to a V-shape, just beyond my head. My breasts bounced up and down as he rammed his cock inside. His hard body was pressed against mine as a pleasurable amount of pain erupted from my body. He leaned down and wrapped his mouth around my breasts, sucking on my nipples with a pressure that was driving me insane. “Shit!” he yelled out as sweat dripped from his brow. “Fuck!”


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