A New York Minute

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A New York Minute Page 13

by Ember Leigh

  “Josh here is a big fan of surfing,” Paige said once the conversation had turned back to surfing. “I won’t try, though, I’m too afraid of the sharks. Not to mention a sinus infection.”

  Josh’s skin prickled at his inclusion in their conversation. How did she know he surfed? She must pay more attention than she let on. “The sharks don’t bite much,” he said. “They just want a nibble, at best.”

  Penny and Daryl laughed and soon became wrapped up in a conversation personal to them. Paige and Josh were left staring at each other through the haze. “How was your evening?” she asked quietly. As she crossed her legs, the towel slipped even further away from her thigh.

  Josh’s fingers twitched. “Busy,” he said. “This is my first chance to relax.” He paused. “Well, second, I suppose.” He winked at her and swore he saw a blush rise in her cheeks, despite the heat. “What about you?”

  “Didn’t do too much—spa, pool, sauna…typical day in paradise, I suppose.”

  “Man, the life of a TV personality, right?”

  “Doesn’t even feel like work at all,” she said. “Couple hours in front of a camera and the rest of the day to wander around in a bathing suit.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “So you’re finally coming around to the idea?”

  “I didn’t say that. But today wasn’t so bad.”

  “Agreed.” His voice slid out shaky and low as she uncrossed her legs. Penny and Daryl continued chatting between them, oblivious to the sexual fireworks exploding around them. Paige glanced in their direction and then inched her legs apart. Josh sat riveted as she offered this furtive view. Electricity shivered between them and his cock stirred. He gulped, thinking about smoothing his hand up that inner thigh, about making contact with that sweet, hot spot in the middle.

  Sweat pricked at his forehead, though he suspected it had more to do with the secret show in front of him than the sauna. She grinned as he gobbled up the view.

  “Any plans for tonight?”

  “I think I’ll make it an early night,” she said, never ripping her eyes from him.

  He tried to maintain a sense of composure. He was thirty seconds away from physically removing her from the sauna and onto the nearest flat surface. Sweat pooled at the base of his neck and in the creases of his elbows and knees.

  “Well, let me accompany you when you go up,” he said. “I wouldn’t want you to walk alone. This hotel can be dangerous at night, I’ve heard.”

  She laughed. “I appreciate your help, sir.” She crossed her legs once more and he rubbed his face with his hands, trying to at least temporarily subdue the thoughts making him feel like an animal. Penny and Daryl needed to leave, and fast.

  While Paige licked her lips, presumably sending all sorts of dirty telepathic messages his way, Penny and Daryl rose from their seats, commenting on how late it was, it had been a pleasure talking to her, and maybe they’d run into each other again. Josh imagined a choir of angels erupting into praises as he said his goodbye, heart knocking wildly in his chest as he listened to the slow chug of the goodbye process.

  Finally, they left. The door swung shut behind them, and he sprang to his feet to lock it. Paige watched, legs crossed with the towel crumpled around her, breasts round and glorious with tight nipples staring back at him. He loosened the knot in his towel and it fell to the floor. Her gaze slid down to his hard-on, bobbing heavy in front of him. “Get the hell over here,” she said, voice firm and throaty.

  He pulled her to standing, lips meeting in a kiss that stirred both his heart and his cock. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and his hands made frantic, slick patterns over her body. Hoisting her at the hips, her smooth legs tightened around him like a vice. His cock found the slick entrance of her pussy, and he tensed.

  “That was quick,” she said, one arm hooked around his neck and the other hand sliding across his damp chest, fingertips grazing hard nipples. “I like how you work.”

  “I don’t have time to mess around,” he said, lips finding the curve of her neck. “I’m a businessman, and time is money.”

  “Is that the dirty talk you promised me?”

  He prodded her with his hard-on, rubbing it over her pussy, already knowing how easily it would slip in, how it might feel once it was buried deep inside her.

  She moaned low and gritty in his ear, breath hot on his neck. “I wanna be on top of you.”

  “Anything you want, babe.” He lowered her to the ground, hands leaving hot trails as he caressed the length of her legs as she stood. He took a seat on the bench, and she straddled him, looking at him with a gaze so sexy he thought he’d burst.

  He rubbed his hands over her slippery breasts, tweaking each nipple in turn as she lowered on top of him. The heat of her thighs seared into him on a cellular level, a thousand times stronger than the steam of the room. She let her head fall backward as his fingertips danced over and around her breasts—underneath, up the side, over the top and then a feather-touch down the middle.

  Her thumb found the ridge of his penis and circled it. His thighs tensed when her finger passed over the most sensitive part of the head.

  “I’m on birth control,” she said.

  “I was going to ask.” His thighs clenched as her finger grazed the tip again. “And I got tested like, a month ago. Part of my regular check-up. And, you know, all good.”

  She circled the tip of his cock again, a lazy smile on her face. “Same here. I want it, Josh. We have to hurry.” She came to her knees and steadied herself above him, fingertips digging into his shoulders.

  “Do you think we should go to the room?” He steadied her hips, loving the handfuls of flesh in his grip, her firm and full ass beneath his palms.

  “I can’t wait that long,” she whispered. “I’m not kidding around.”

  He wasn’t going to argue with that one. Paige hoisted herself so that the tip of his cock nudged her hot pussy. Despite the sweating and moisture of the sauna, there was no mistaking the heat of it.

  “I’ll be easy on you,” he promised as she lined up their parts.

  “No need.” She winked. “I’m a big girl.”

  Silky heat crashed around his throbbing cock, pressing deeper and deeper into her until he was buried, every last inch. His head fell back against the wall and she gasped, wiggling her hips to find the last millimeter of depth. Christ, the woman was silken and strong, unrelenting and captivating, both inside and out.

  “That…is…amazing…” Words didn’t do it justice. Breathless and eyes ablaze, she gyrated in slow, wide circles on top of him. Her muscles flinched and flexed around his dick, pushing him closer to delirium. Paige’s energy was something he needed far more regularly in his life, which both fulfilled and terrified him.

  “This feels really nice…” Her voice sounded like she was miles away, but the intensity of her gaze told him she was right there with him, loving every second of this.

  He grabbed a handful of butt cheek, squeezing hard and then smoothing his palm over its roundness; his other hand slunk between her legs, thumb finding the tight nub of her clitoris while she rocked back and forth on top of him, head thrown back.

  “Dammit, Paige.”

  She rocked up and down against his cock, so high it slipped out for a moment and then let her pussy crash back down around him. Each time she did, the breath evaporated in his chest.

  “That feels so fucking good.”

  She laughed throatily and kept riding him. The bench knocked against the wall to the rhythm of their passion, but he didn’t care. Let them hear, let anyone hear. He had Paige Alexander on top of him, and there wasn’t anything in the world that would pull him away this time.

  The knocking sound came again, but something told him it wasn’t the bench. He listened halfway, consumed by Paige’s new circular rhythm, let his eyes drift shut, and then it happened again.

  A knock. The door jiggled.

  Paige gasped, steadying herself against him as they waited for another nois
e. The shadow of a person shifted beyond the steamy window. He turned to Paige with a clenched jaw.

  “I’m gonna kill whoever it is out there.” She was still on top of him, taking all of him inside her, and it was hard to find the motivation to move. His fingertips traced the curves of her face. God, Paige, you are so pretty.

  “I don’t want to get off you,” she murmured, eyes fluttering shut as he caressed her. “Do I have to?”

  “Come on, babe, we better take this party upstairs.”

  Paige lifted herself reluctantly, like a kid finally convinced to go to bed. Josh gritted his teeth as his hard-on was slowly, torturously, revealed once more.

  “Grab your towel,” he said when it became apparent she had gotten distracted.

  Josh wrapped his own towel around his waist, dismayed by the embarrassingly evident tenting below his waist. How the hell would he make it out of the sauna without anyone noticing? He grabbed Paige’s hand as she moved toward the door.

  “You talk to them first, okay?” He gestured downward. “I need a couple minutes.”

  She giggled then leaned in to kiss him. “I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to do the talking.”

  Josh hid himself in the corner of the sauna as she opened the door, focusing on something, anything, other than Paige Alexander’s ass in his hands, the memory of her breasts bouncing and the way she had sunk down on him and how he’d filled her fully, exquisitely.

  Starvation. Elderly women. Uncle Joe’s breath every year at Christmas. A large pack of angry dogs. Jesus, anything but Paige.

  “Hello?” Paige peered out of the doorway.

  “Hello ma’am. We’re locking up the saunas for the night. We have to ask you to leave.” It was a male; nobody Josh could identify from voice alone and he heaved a sigh of relief as his hard-on shrunk.

  “Sorry about that, I didn’t realize I’d overstayed. Time flies when you’re sweating, right?” She laughed, and the voices on the other side of the door laughed too. She turned to Josh and looked him up and down, happy to note he was now presentable. “Shall we?”

  Paige reached for his hand and he took it, delighted at the small display of intimacy. They scurried down the hallway toward the locker rooms, sharing a sloppy kiss before going their separate ways to pick up their clothes.

  Josh threw on his clothes with a frenzy he’d never experienced before. The faster he could put his clothes on, the sooner he’d have Paige in his arms again, his cock bathed in silky warmth, her eyes ablaze and consuming him alive. When he exited the locker room, breathless and clothed, Paige was there…and beside her, Gary.

  “Hey there, Josh,” Gary said with a knowing smile. Paige looked sheepish next to him. “I’ve come to rain on your parade once more.”

  He groaned. “What is this time? Post-production? Contract negotiation? Did a camera explode?”

  Gary smirked. “Your presence is requested in the Lambert Wing. Apparently you left your phone in your room and there is an emergency only you can deal with.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Paige watched him with an unreadable expression. Gary shrugged.

  “Well, I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had being your own personal carrier pigeon,” Gary said. “But I’m calling it a night now. You’re on your own. Take your phone with you next time, Josh.” After a pointed glance, he shuffled away.

  Josh was at a loss—his body and mind were begging him to take this woman back to his bedroom and consume her with every ounce of his being and breath. But ‘emergency’ could be any manner of events—rumblings from higher ups, pay talk, or maybe a really whiny Bridgette. Either way, he had to find out. The passion dissipated, hissing like a leak in a balloon.

  “Well, shouldn’t you be on your way?” Paige raised an eyebrow, but he caught the sexy edge in her voice.

  He reached for her hand. When she allowed it, he pulled her into him, nuzzling the hollow of her neck until she giggled. He’d give anything to prolong this contact, to drag the next few seconds into the length of a week.

  “Do you want me to come to your room later?” His fingertips drifted up and down the length of her body. She tilted her head to look up at him, one eye pinched shut.

  “Do you want to?”

  “More than you know.”

  “Come find me then.” They kissed, again and again, his heart clenching like a warning signal. Just fooling around. He would be content finding her in her room every night for as long as she’d allow it. On the island and off.

  “Come on.” He squinted against the glaring brightness of the main lobby area as they walked to the elevator, fidgeting impatiently as it ticked its way down to the main floor. As they exchanged alternately sexy and silly glances, Josh’s heart rate resumed its frenetic pace from the sauna.

  Once the elevator doors slid shut, he pinned her to the wall with his hips, grabbing at her wrists. “How am I supposed to keep myself off of you?” His voice came out like a growl. “I can’t go more than thirty seconds.”

  “Sounds like a personal problem.” Her voice was shaky as he nuzzled her neck, kissing and biting at the sensitive flesh. “Or maybe it’s part of the contract.” Her hands were at the waistband of his shorts, dancing the dangerous line between his low belly and swelling hard-on.

  “So you’re just doing your job, huh?” His lips grazed her cheekbone, skipped across her forehead, and then landed on her mouth. The fresh scent of her skin from the sauna drove him wild.

  “Obviously.” She wrapped a leg around his hips, knocking up against his cock, sending a jolt of pleasure through his body so strong his knees almost buckled. “My lawyer recommends I comply with all areas of my contract, including the clause about seduction of coworkers.”

  “I’m glad to hear you’re contract compliant.” He wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug and locked eyes with her, searching for something he couldn’t even articulate yet. She leaned in to kiss him, but he dodged it, not breaking eye contact.

  “What is it?”

  He didn’t know what to say; he’d been sideswiped with something just then—Fulfillment? Mania? Insanity? It had stormed through his body without warning, an emotion knocking at the front door of his consciousness and shouting to be let in while it rang the doorbell over and over again. It was something about the way she felt in his arms, and the way she made him feel about his life in general—the whole idea that this force of a woman was not only in his presence but influencing his life.

  “I’ve never been with a woman like you.” The words had tumbled from his mouth without thinking, and he had no idea what to say next.

  “What do you mean, a woman like me?”

  “Paige.” His thoughts crashed together in his brain and he furrowed a brow. Where to begin? “You’re amazing. You’re…you’re like me in so many ways. I’ve never met a woman I can relate to on this level.”

  Her expression softened. “You don’t meet many women?”

  “I meet plenty of them. That’s exactly it. You are…” He didn’t know how to vocalize the million things clanking around inside his brain. He hadn’t realized this had even been on the docket. How long had it been floating under the surface of his brain, a silent tadpole constantly eluding his logical mind?

  The elevator stopped and the doors slid open behind them. Neither moved.

  “Finish what you were going to say,” she whispered, kissing him on the cheek as though urging him to continue.

  “I can’t,” he said. “I don’t even know what I’m trying to say.”

  He was turned on yet comfortable—in fact, he could probably stay here for a considerable length of time. Days, maybe even weeks, spent basking in Paige’s warmth, looking at her so closely he could see the laugh lines around her eyes, unspoken sentiments dangling in the air, yet no need for words. She shifted in his embrace, eyebrows knitted in confusion.

  “I need to go. I’ll see you later.” He kissed her once more and detached himself from her, feeling the deep absence
of her warmth as soon as he’d stepped away.

  Chapter Eight

  Paige awoke the next morning confused and horny in a shimmery oasis of bedding and pillows, completely and solely occupied by her.

  Josh had never shown up, which meant she’d stewed for hours over those things he’d never said in the elevator. She’d also stewed for hours over all the different sexual positions she’d considered exploring with him, but as the minutes dragged on and midnight made a sudden appearance, Paige decided she’d been stood up.

  Her dreams had consisted of erotic underwater hookups and elderly women stalking through abandoned houses with knives. She wasn’t sure whether she’d have to Google for any hidden meaning on those—no matter how much she brushed the incident off, she was miffed and embarrassed by how eager she’d been for him to show up. She was extremely eager to not let Josh know. Because if she did, he might think she was falling for him, which was very unlike just fooling around.

  Which she wasn’t. She absolutely was not falling for the former Jerk Lambert.

  Not even a smidgen.

  She rolled out of bed, wincing as memories of his biceps squeezed tight around her waist flooded her mind. Whatever. Let him show up or not show up at her bedroom. It didn’t matter to her.

  Mid-walk to the bathroom to begin her morning routine, the phone rang. She picked it up and the voice on the other end was talking before it was even to her ear.

  “Paige, you’re fabulous.”

  “Thanks Gary…uh, why, though?”

  “Because I manage you, that’s why. Did you hear? Ratings bumped up after yesterday’s show.”

  Paige’s heart fluttered. “Really?”


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