Trouble in Loveland

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Trouble in Loveland Page 17

by Jennifer Peel

  Ryan decided we should meet at his car at the designated time. I guess he, too, was worried about how it would look. I teased him that perhaps he was embarrassed to be seen with me. His response was, “I don’t know of any man that would be.” That scored total points with me.

  I threw my leftover stuff in my dad’s Audi before I walked over to Ryan’s deep blue Ford Explorer. He stood at the back of his SUV, handsomely waiting for me in jeans and a nice fitting black tee. I think he would look good in anything. He waited for me to reach him, and from there he walked me to the passenger side door. I took a deep breath and held my stomach for good measure.

  “Hi there,” I greeted him.

  “Hi there back. You look good, Charlee.”

  I tried to smile coyly. “Thanks. You look good, too.”

  He opened my door for me and genuinely smiled as he perused me. “Real good.”

  For a second, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I had never felt this way. It was a little overwhelming.

  He joined me seconds later on the driver’s side. “Here we go,” he said almost nervously.

  Yes, here we go, I thought.

  He headed up 287, since there was a report of an accident on I-25, which wasn’t a huge shocker. I-25 seemed to get worse and worse as the years went on, no matter how many extra lanes they added.

  “How was your day?” he asked once the office was out of sight.

  “Today seemed to be the day for last minute changes. I had three companies send me new data files today after I had already finished their payroll. Thankfully, I hadn’t transmitted anything yet,” I said frustrated.

  “You were smart to wait.”

  “I guess.”

  He glanced my way. “How about we don’t talk about work.”

  It was like he could read my mind. “How’s Josh?”

  “He’s great, but I’m missing him this week. Victoria’s parents are in town, and I won’t get to see him until Sunday.”

  “Can’t you go over there and visit with them all?”

  “It’s not really a good idea. Her parents and I don’t really get along.”

  “I’m sorry. Did you ever get along?”

  “Not really. Our families never meshed well. Victoria didn’t get along with my parents, either.”

  That didn’t surprise me, but I can’t imagine why Victoria’s parents didn’t like Ryan. I would think he was the model son-in-law. “Speaking of your parents, how are they?”

  “Interesting you should ask. My mom was just asking how you were when I talked to her last night on the phone.”

  “Really? And what did you say?”

  “I told her you were all grown up.” He looked my way and winked.

  I scrunched my face at his feeble attempt at wit and he laughed at me.

  “Honestly, I told her that you were smart and beautiful and she said, ‘Tell me something I don’t know.’”

  “I always did like your mom. So, what new piece of information did you throw her way?”

  “Only that I decided to rob the cradle and take you out.”

  “You know, you’re not that much older than me.”

  “Are you kidding me? When I graduated from high school, you were still in elementary school.”

  “Ok, that sounds a little bad, but when you’re seventy-eight, I’ll be seventy.”

  “I’m not sure that makes me feel better.”

  “Does our age difference really bother you? I thought guys liked to date younger women. Did your mom say something against it?”

  “Not at all. In fact, she thought it was great.”

  I love that woman.

  "I just don’t want to be one of those guys.”

  “You need to elaborate.”

  “You know, divorced and desperate.”

  “Did you say desperate?”

  “Wrong word.”

  “Yes, let’s pick a different word, please.”

  “Charlee, being here with you has nothing to do with desperation. I just don’t want people to think I’ve preyed on you.”

  That made me laugh out loud, maybe even snort. “If it makes you feel better, you can tell them I preyed on you.”

  He smiled at me wryly. “Have I ever mentioned how annoyingly charming you are?”

  “I think so, but feel free to remind me.”

  He surprised me and reached over and held my hand. Our fingers interlaced perfectly. “You’re so annoying … and charming.”

  He kept my hand in his practically the whole drive. It drove my senses crazy. I think there is something lovely about holding someone’s hand. In a way, it’s even more intimate than kissing for me. He only let go when we hit I-70 and the traffic became congested and tricky to maneuver. It seemed like everyone was headed to the concert. I wasn’t surprised, One Republic was amazing, and this was their hometown.

  I didn’t mind the extra time with him in the car. We were having a riveting conversation on the sordid affairs of his brother, Evan. I still thank my lucky stars I never snuck off with him at Ryan’s wedding. He hadn’t grown up like his brother. He was successful, of course, but he sounded like a real louse. Never married, but with three kids, all from different mothers. He had been really busy, apparently.

  “What do your parents think?”

  “I think they try not to think about it. They just do their best to try and have some contact with their grandkids. Two of the moms are amenable, but this last one won’t let anyone, including him, have anything to do with their daughter.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “Yeah, well, my brother only has himself to blame. He’s great on making promises, but not on following through.”

  “So you’re the favorite son.”

  He chuckled. “Probably, but my parents are too good to ever say it.”

  “Well, I always knew you were the better of the two.”

  “I’m glad, because my brother always had an eye for you.”


  He laughed to himself. “I always warned him to stay away from you because you were too young. Now look at me.”

  I didn’t respond. He was going to have to get over the age thing on his own. I for one didn’t have an issue with it.

  We parked in the top lot near the visitor’s center where the restaurant was located. It was beginning to fill up quickly. Ryan was every bit a gentleman as he came around and opened my door for me. He held his hand out to me, and I gladly took it and didn’t let go. He looked down at our entwined hands and smiled.

  “Don’t worry, I don’t think anyone will guess how much older you are than me.”

  “Come on annoying woman, let’s eat.”

  “You know you like it,” I said as I leaned into him and breathed him in. I could get drunk on that smell.

  “That I do,” he replied.

  Everything on their menu looked yummy. It made it hard to decide what to choose, but I finally went with the Blue River Salmon Salad and Ryan chose the Chipotle Turkey BLT sandwich. We talked easily while we waited for our food. I was still impressed he swung reservations and tickets. I needed a friend like his. The restaurant was filled to capacity, but the service was excellent and timely, as was the food. I was still enjoying the freedom of eating whatever I wanted, within reason. The red dress and I parted friends, but I was happy not to ever wear it again.

  We split a piece of to-die-for apple pie, topped with ice cream and caramel. For a moment, it was like I really had gone to heaven—perfect man paired with the ultimate dessert.

  Ryan paid our check, and I made a quick trip to the ladies room. As I washed my hands, I looked in the mirror. I don’t think I ever looked so happy. I hurried out to my waiting and smiling date. He held his hand out to me and pulled me close to him. “You really are looking quite grown up,” he teased and whispered in my ear as we walked out into the warm night air.

  “You know, it’s a good thing I like you,” I whispered back.

  “I like you, too.”
  Ok, so I have to say Red Rocks is the most amazing place ever to see a concert. For one, it’s called Red Rocks for a reason. The red rock formations are amazing, I can’t even begin to adequately describe them, so I won’t. The amphitheater was set against the foothills of the Rockies, another amazing feature, and then there was the structure of it all. The amphitheater was sixty eight rows of perfect acoustic sound and unobstructed views of the stage, so no matter where you sat, the show would be amazing. That’s why I was completely blown out of the water as we kept walking closer and closer to the stage. Ryan kept grinning at me as we made our descent. We landed at row five, center stage.

  “Ryan, you didn’t mention how good of a friend you have. I have to insist on paying for my ticket.” I knew how expensive those seats were.

  “Not a chance, Charlee. I wanted our first date to be memorable.”

  I kissed his cheek before we sat down on the stadium cushions Ryan brought with us. “I’ll never forget it. Thank you.”

  He flashed his breathtaking smile at me. “Don’t thank me yet, the night has only begun.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, I plan on thanking you again.”

  He raised his eyebrow at me, and that breathtaking smile turned seductive; I went a little weak in the knees. Seriously, best night of my life so far.

  While we waited for the opening act to come out, the skies began to darken as the sun set behind the glorious mountains and some non-threatening clouds rolled in. The mood of the amphitheater shifted the darker it became. Inhibitions were lowered as blood alcohol levels rose all around us. Ryan and I observed and commented on all the hooking up going on.

  “There’s going to be some serious regret in the morning. I guarantee it.”

  “Are you speaking from experience?” he asked.

  “Uh, no. I never drink or leave with random men I meet at concerts, or anywhere else for that matter.”

  “Why don’t you drink?”

  “For one, alcohol and I don’t get along well, and most importantly, I don’t ever want to lose control of myself or my surroundings.”

  He looked at me thoughtfully. “I’m impressed. Do you mind if your dates drink?”

  “As long as it’s responsibly and they act appropriately with me, I don’t mind at all.”

  He reached up and touched a tendril of my hair that framed my face. “I promise, whenever we’re together, I’ll always do both.”

  “Are you saying you want to see me again?”

  He leaned in closer and the butterflies in my stomach said, well we won’t mention it. Let’s just say I didn’t need alcohol, his breath and everything about him was intoxicating.

  “I think you can say that’s a safe bet.”

  I almost leaned in and kissed him. Our faces were mere inches apart, and I had the feeling he wouldn’t mind as he gazed into my eyes, but in a split second, he broke the connection and sat up straight and looked forward. At least he took up my hand.

  “Just so you know, I’m amenable to that.”

  He glanced my way and grinned.

  It was about that time, music began to play, and the crowd’s focus and attention shifted to the stage, at least momentarily. I felt sorry for opening acts; even if they were good, most people hardly paid attention to them, and some people didn’t even show up until the main attraction was ready to come on. Admittedly, I was anxious for the main attraction as well, but having Ryan by my side helped pass the time in the best sort of fashion, though it was getting harder to hear each other. That was ok too, it just meant we had to be closer to each other.

  Finally it was dark, everyone around us was thoroughly trashed, and the set on the stage was primed for my favorite band. The excitement was building up, and there was an energy in the air as the music started. The crowd all jumped up, including myself, and there was a roar as my other favorite Ryan and all his bandmates took the stage. They sounded even better on stage than the radio, and that’s saying something. Ryan Tedder had the most amazing voice ever. When he hit the high notes, I wanted to swoon. Not like Ryan Carter swoon, but pretty close.

  I think Ryan watched me more than the show as I sang along and danced to every song. Once in a while, I got him to let loose a little. His cell phone even came out, and he waved his hands with me during one song. I could tell he felt completely ridiculous doing it, but he was a good sport about it. I had to laugh at him when, after the last song of the night and the band exited the stage, Ryan made his way to leave.

  I tugged his hand and pulled him back. “When’s the last time you’ve been to a concert?” I asked.

  “It’s been a while. Why?”

  “Because you can’t leave yet. The band always comes back out and does one or two more numbers.”

  “But if we leave now, we’ll miss all the traffic, and I’m pretty sure any minute now it’s going to start to rain.”

  I looked up at the cloud-covered sky and then back to Ryan. “A little rain never hurt anyone. Come on, live a little.” I winked at him.

  He shook that gorgeous head at me. “Why do I always find myself doing the exact opposite of what I normally do when I’m with you?”

  I took his other hand and pulled him closer to me. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  Ryan stared down at my lips and for a moment, I could sense I was finally going to get to taste the sweetness of his breath. I held my breath in anticipation, but I almost turned blue in the face. The kiss never came. In its place were confused, almost worried, eyes. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, and I don’t think he knew either.

  He let go of both of my hands and backed away. “I’m up for staying,” he said lamely.

  I faced forward and found it hard to get back into the anticipation and calls for the band to come back out. I was wondering if I kept doing something to turn Ryan off. Fortunately, the band came back out and I had something else to throw my attention at. Their last two numbers were incredible, as I knew they would be, and they ended just as I felt the first raindrop on my cheek.

  Ryan reached for my hand as we maneuvered with the crowd of people toward the exits. “I told you it was going to rain,” he yelled back at me so I could hear him.

  I shrugged my shoulders. The rain didn’t bother me in the least bit. In fact, I quite enjoyed being out in a good rainstorm. When the drops became many, Ryan tried to protect my head with the stadium seats. I laughed and told him it wasn’t necessary. He gave me that look again that made me think he thought I was off my rocker some. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, the rain went from a sprinkle to pouring in seconds. You gotta love the Colorado weather. We were drenched as we ran across the parking lot.

  In a way, I found it very romantic. I wanted to stay out in the rain and dance closely to Ryan, but he was practically dragging me to the car, trying to get out of the elements. Once we reached his car, he dropped my hand and the stadium cushions as he fumbled to get his car keys out. I couldn’t help but laugh at him in his hastiness.

  He paused for a moment and looked over to me. I’m sure I looked like a drowned rat at this point, but I had to say he looked quite sexy when wet. The look he gave was quite sexy, too. He purposely shoved his keys back in his pocket and, to my shock and utter delight, he took me up in his arms and this time he didn’t hesitate. His lips found mine briefly; I barely caught a taste of how sweet his lips were. Just as my lips were about to part, he released me.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  I took a deep breath in. Though the kiss was short, his touch had left me feeling a little breathless. “Why are you sorry?” I said as I wiped the water from my face. I had never had a guy say that to me after we kissed, especially the first time.

  “I’m not usually this forward, but there’s something about you.”

  I stepped closer to him, pulled on his wet shirt, and drew him to me. “Please don’t apologize for kissing me.”

  He smiled before he leaned down and hovered over my lips, teasing me with his indecisiveness. My
heart was racing and I wanted nothing more than to meet his lips, but there’s something about anticipation and that moment before you kiss that is magical. I didn’t have to wait long, he kissed me once more. Again, it was brief, but sweet. He hugged me quickly and looked me over. It was then that I realized I was wearing white and soaked. Thank goodness for slips, but it was still a little uncomfortable. Ryan quickly helped me in, grabbed a jacket from his backseat, and handed it to me like a gentleman. He got in the car, and as soon as he started it, he turned the heater on to blow on me. One thing about rain in Colorado at night, it can cause a chill. I hadn’t noticed, until we got in the car, that I was cold. Ryan had done a great job of warming me up outside.

  I pulled his warm fleece-lined jacket over me as we waited in what looked like a never ending line of cars. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to turn this into a wet t-shirt contest.”

  He chuckled and looked my way as we were in a standstill. “As always, where you’re concerned, I get more than I bargained for.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  He reached over and quickly, but ever so gently, touched my cold, wet cheek. “Not at all.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “There’s one for the books” perfectly summed up my first date with Ryan. We didn’t get home until right before one a.m. I would say the only thing that was a little off was Ryan’s unsure way of handling me. It was like, at times, he was all in, but then suddenly it was like he thought about it and decided caution was more appropriate. Even as he walked me to my door, he was thoughtful, gentle, and held my hand, so I just assumed he would be kissing me goodnight. Then we got to the door and the confusion returned to his eyes. He quickly kissed me on the cheek and left me there. I had to call out to him, “Thank you,” though thank you seemed inadequate for the kind of evening he had shown me. I tried not to think about how much he’d spent on our date. I wasn’t used to someone spending that kind of money on me, and I’d been surprised by it.


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