Vampires in Venice

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Vampires in Venice Page 2

by J. R. Thorn

  Growling, I planted my hands on his hard chest and pushed, but he didn’t budge. I drew power from my Blood Stone and energy sizzled at the touch of his skin, but still he didn’t move.

  He towered over me and wrapped his fingers around my arms. When he leaned down to kiss me and the front of his fangs pressing harmlessly against my lips, I melted.

  He tasted of bliss, roses, and blood.

  I opened my eyes to find him watching me. “You taste…” he began, but his words trailed off as he smiled. His hands caressed to the small of my back and pressed me close to him. The hard throb of his need pressed through his pants and against my abdomen, but he didn’t move to peel away our clothes. His power matched mine, and if he wanted to, he could overwhelm me with a single bite. My gaze locked on his fangs, knowing full well that he was holding back from dominating me—and that he could do that with ease. I was fooling myself if I thought I was his equal, this creature of endless ages and refined sensuality.

  “Why aren’t you taking me?” I asked, my words slurring with the drug of his magic that wafted over me. “You could, if you wanted to.” It was hard to admit that, but it was true.

  My magic unfurled with frustration and spoke to my need, encouraging him to cup my breast. I arched against his touch and my lips parted with a silent moan. “You’re not a toy, Sonya. I’ve waited for you for a very long time.” His fangs grazed my neck again and I knew that he fought the urge to bite down. Instead he licked a long line up to my ear. “I know it doesn’t make sense to you, but I will not take you unless you are my bride. You may not know me longer than a few hours, but I feel as if I have known you every waking moment since I started having the visions a hundred years ago.”

  My eyes widened. “Visions?”

  He reluctantly pulled away. “I could show you, if you like.”

  I should have said no. What kind of lunatic said he was going to show me visions? Instead, I found myself bobbing my head up and down with the desperate need to understand him.

  He drew his wrist to his mouth with deathly silence. His fangs pricked his skin and dollops of blood pooled. He offered me his wrist. “Drink before I ruin the carpet.”

  I should have been horrified, but the enticing scent of his blood wasn’t like regular blood. Instead of the metallic tang, it enticed with an aroma of pleasure and bliss. Taking his arm with both hands, I carefully brought him to my mouth and covered the wound with my tongue.

  Sensuality unfurled through me unlike anything I’d ever felt. This creature, this man, he was more than my equal, he was a refined object of desire. Visions of us intertwined in blood-red velvet sheets made me shiver. I watched from the edge of the bed to see this couple that was me, but not me. A Sonya with pearlescent skin and eyes that hinted with a ruby gleam. Fangs garnished her plump lips and she parted them with a moan when Xavier slid his hand under the sheets. She opened to him like a flower, so full of trust and delight. He moved in and fit his jaw to the curve of her neck and sank his fangs into her. It looked like it should have hurt, but the musk of pleasure that filled the room betrayed what agonizing lust his bite could give. There was magic in it, just as a succubus numbed the pain of her soul-sucking abilities, a vampire enticed his prey with pleasure so they would keep coming back.

  A hand pressed against the small of my back and hot breath kissed my neck as the real Xavier interrupted the vision. I couldn’t see him through the haze of this world where I was a vampire and I was his bride, but I could feel him as his hands slid lower and caressed my hips, drawing ever closer to the heat gathering between my thighs. “You see?” he whispered. “In this dream, you are mine. We feed on each other and your succubus instincts are diluted into the purest form of sensuality. No death. No suffering. Only pleasure.”

  Dream-Sonya bucked against Xavier as he unlatched from her neck, a stream of her life-force dripping onto the pillow. He bent down and licked the wounds while easing on top of her. He yanked the bedsheets aside and settled himself between her thighs, rocking and teasing. She grappled at him to bring him closer, wrapped her legs around him and bowed her back, but he didn’t take her, not yet.

  Pressure radiated across my groin as Xavier’s touch ran lower and offered a breath of reprieve. My lips parted as he circled his fingers around the swollen bulge of my jeans.

  His other hand popped off the button, slowly moved down my zipper, and I leaned into him, resigning to the need crashing over me.

  “Is it too much?” he asked, the vision still in full force. Dream-Xavier rocked against his lover, bringing her to orgasm as her eyes fluttered closed and she cried out as spasms overtook her body. Jealousy wafted over me, because I knew Xavier wouldn’t pleasure me like that, not until I was fully his.

  “I’ve never felt such… need,” I admitted, my breath coming in short gasps as his fingers slid down the gap of my jeans and pressed into the wet heat of me. He moved so agonizingly slowly that my body yearned to take his hand and shove him into me, but he anticipated the twitch of my fingers and took both wrists in a firm grip as he continued to tease.

  His fangs brushed against my neck, pricking ever so slightly without breaking the skin. “I told you, this vision has compelled me for a hundred years. Now you understand why I must have you. I must have this.” He thrust a single finger inside of me and I cried out. “You will be mine, but I will not take you by force. I want you to feel what I feel. I want you to know my agony.”

  He did something then I hadn’t anticipated. If I’d thought my own yearning unbearable, when his magic opened up his emotions to me, I bucked against him and gasped. Pleasure with such craving sent black spots glittered across my vision. “Don’t,” I begged, but he continued to unfurl the yearning of a hundred years into me until my wet heat closed around his fingers in a hard spasm. I gasped as the orgasm took control.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned and pressed my mouth against his and shoved my fingers down the tight band at his pants. The swollen girth of him pulsated against my touch. But the moment I crossed that line from teasing to sexual promise, guilt slammed into me.

  “Luke,” I whispered, but the uncontrollable urge to stroke the man I gripped overcame my guilt and I moved my hand slowly up and down.

  Xavier shivered and his whole body went tense. He bared his fangs at me and I knew that he was barely under control. “Even now, you think of him,” he growled. “Why are the fates so cruel?”

  I knew how much Xavier craved me, how much he needed me. I had been his sole purpose in the last hundred years. He’d been searching for me, this woman who would become his bride, not knowing who she was or if he’d ever find her. The visions weren’t a promise. They were one of many possible futures.

  I continued to stroke him, the guilt of his need just as strong as my ties with Luke. “You confuse me,” I admitted, my gaze flicking up to take in the blazing red heat of his eyes. “I—” my words cut off when Xavier’s gaze turned dangerous as he looked over my shoulder, a warning hiss escaping through his fangs.

  I turned, one hand still down Xavier’s pants and my own unzipped jeans soaked with my desire, only to find Luke watching us. “You said my name,” he explained.

  It had only been a whisper, but angels had damn good hearing. A blush crawled up my neck. I didn’t want to cause Luke pain. “Luke, I—”

  He waved a hand. “I only came to make sure he wasn’t hurting you.” His gaze went to my grip still in Xavier’s pants.

  Xavier relaxed and softly took my wrist in a gentle hold, encouraging me to continue to stroke him. “She means something to you,” Xavier said, his fangs dangerously flashing as he grew harder under the stimulation of my touch. “Yet you would allow her to do this to me?”

  I should have stopped him, but the knee-buckling lust still ran hot through my veins. Xavier continued to pour his feelings into me, his magic potent and his desire real. My eyelids fluttered at the effect of him. It felt so good to give him pleasure. The supple skin under my fingers becko
ned me to stroke him, care for him, give him what he’d craved for so long.

  “I have always shared Sonya,” Luke said, a stubborn hard line pulsating at his jaw. “I know what she is. I know that I’m not enough for her. I only mean to protect her, and if you do anything more than give her pleasure, I’ll rip your head off.”

  Xavier grinned. “Such a novel concept.” His fangs grazed my neck. “Perhaps she’d enjoy it if you joined us.”

  I went still at Xavier’s proposal. I’d had my share of men, but they’d always been one-on-one. With wide eyes, I looked up at the vampire who grinned with refreshed desire. “I can’t have her, not until she’s my bride. But I do not wish to deprive her of pleasure. If you join us, you can give her what I cannot.”

  Luke frowned. “And why can’t you fuck her?” He asked the question as if irritated, but with Xavier’s magic thick in the air, I scented Luke’s interest. To have me, even while Xavier was here, would be to remind me that he was my soulmate. It would be the ultimate possession to show that even if another dick was in my hand, I still belonged to an angel.

  Xavier grinned with such devilish pleasure that I instantly knew the reason.

  If Xavier fucked me, he would lose control, and he would make me his.

  “Because,” he said, his words hissing with delight, “if I fucked her, then she would become a vampire.”

  It wasn’t just sex that turned someone into a vampire. It was the possession of lust and bite and the sharing of blood. I’d already drank of Xavier, and if he drank of me, if he had me, I would become overwhelmed by his vampiric magic. I would transform and become a creature like him, forever bonded to blood and lust and him. There was an alternative to the turn, and that was only death. Once the process was initiated, there was no going back.

  Vampires could be born from two blood-bonded vampires in the natural sense of birth, or they could be made. Xavier had been born a vampire, which was why his magic was so potent. Births were rare, if not unheard of in the vampiric community. It made him special. As one of the rare sons of none other than Hades himself, he was capable of more than he cared to admit. But Xavier had never made another vampire. He hadn’t been ready for that commitment of a blood bond that existed between sire and lover.

  Not until me.

  The innate knowledge of Xavier’s world unfurled in me as the magic of his visions and desire coursed red-hot heat through my veins. My breath caught when Luke came up from behind me, settled his erection between my butt cheeks, and began sweet, teasing caresses down my arms.

  We had unclothed, but Xavier didn’t allow me more than his half-naked body. His sweat-glistened muscles gleamed in the moonlight that trickled in through the glassy windows, having gone hazy with the smoldering heat of vampiric magic curling with my succubus powers.

  I settled my knees onto the velvet ottoman and curled my fingers over the edge. With my free hand I pulled Xavier’s erection from his pants and began to lick.

  He groaned, and before I could enjoy his pleasure, Luke’s need nudged against my entranceway. I paused and turned to watch him, my eyes wide and my body shivering with disbelief and lust. He should hate me for putting him through this, but I needed him in me. My desire for Xavier was real, but having Luke here made this okay. It made it right.

  His blue eyes sparkled with desire and excitement. There wasn’t jealousy, and it was because I wanted him here. I’d said his name when I could have lost myself in the powerful magic of a vampire.

  “I want you,” I encouraged him and leaned into him, forcing him an inch inside of me. I gasped as Luke’s pleasure at the soft motion swept through me. Pleasure and need likewise unfurled through my fingers still on Xavier’s cock. It felt so amazing to be between two men who both wanted me so much.

  “You shouldn’t feed,” Luke warned me, his gaze flicking to Xavier. “Remember what I taught you.”

  Before I could remind him that I was in control, he pushed inside of me, making a cry escape my throat.

  Luke was right. If I fed now, I’d drink life-force from an angel and a vampire. I’d lose myself in a spiral of lust that I could never get out from. I wasn’t ready for it, but Luke had taught me how to enjoy sex without feeding. My Blood Stone unfurled fresh power through me, helping me to ease the gnawing hunger in my chest.

  “I can learn a thing or two from you,” Xavier purred. He curled a finger around my jaw and brought my attention back to the pulsating flesh in my hand. “But I don’t have as much control as you. I can feel your pleasure,” he told me. “Take me in your mouth, or I will rip that man away from you and take you for myself.”

  I glanced up at him for a moment to see the blazing fire in his eyes. A fire that reminded me of the Blood Stone and spoke to his magic that was dangerously close to controlling him. If he lost that last fragile thread of sense of mind, Luke would be dead, and I’d be worse. Xavier was danger packed inside of a body not meant to withstand temptation. He always got what he wanted—until it came to me.

  I wasn’t going to make him suffer a moment longer. He’d waited a hundred years and each second that went by filled me with more of that agonizing sense of longing. He hadn’t taken a woman since the visions had started. He feared that if he did, he’d lose control and feed her with vampiric magic, forcing a blood-bond when one was not supposed to be made.

  I took him deep until he pressed to the back of my throat. He bucked against the sudden release of pleasure my mouth gave him. “Yes,” he breathed. “More.”

  I tried to focus and make my tongue dance across his sensitive flesh, but it was difficult to concentrate. Luke continued his slow thrusts. The pleasure he gave me curbed the dangerous bite of need that clawed through me. Wetness slid down my leg and gathered at my knee, hopelessly damaging the furniture that no doubt cost more than my monthly rent.

  Motioning for Luke to stop, he pulled out of me. “I can’t,” I said through a short breath. “It’s too much.”

  Xavier gave a husky laugh and his form flickered, his once rock-hard flesh in my fingers vanishing as he moved faster than my eyes could follow. My world spun and I found myself on my back, the wetness that had pooled on the ottoman sticking a cold patch against my spine. Luke staggered, growling at the shove, but he was between my legs and I instinctually wrapped around him and pulled him close, his dick nudging against my swollen flesh.

  Xavier appeared behind me, and I let my head fall back. He took my offer and put himself in my mouth. I groaned as his pleasure hit me hard and I reached up until I found his muscular forearms. He held me as I rocked and took him deeper into my mouth.

  He was right. This was easier. Luke eased inside of me and began his thrusts again while his hands moved to my breasts and squeezed. “Sonya,” he breathed my name through the waves of pleasure mounting between us. “If you want me to stop, just push me away.”

  Even now, Luke feared I wanted someone else more than I wanted him. I curled my ankled around him and nudged him closer as my response. He took the encouragement and moved faster, bringing tears to my eyes as the pleasure made me squeeze around his cock.

  “We must release,” Xavier warned. I knew he could have sex forever, as stamina was no issue for his kind, but the longer we teased with each other, the more dangerous the need became. Xavier was meant to make me his. That had been his only thought for the past hundred years and to feel my touch now made him crazy. Sex, blood-sharing, and lust was the only way he could share with me all of his emotions, memories, and visions. The moment this ended, the moment that cord was cut and I’d lose access to everything I could have learned.

  I didn’t want it to end. Every second that passed by I learned something new. As his cock slid across my tongue, a memory unfurled from the sweet musk of his magic and lust. He’d once been cruel, a dark vampire that had disappointed his father who knew that there was more to the world than sex and power. That’s why he’d found a witch to curse him with visions of a blood-mate he couldn’t have for a hundred years. T
hat’s when he’d changed. It was all because of me, and the knowledge that he was going to have to wait for a hundred years crushed him. Now, to realize that I was already bonded with someone else, the threat to him relapsing into his dark ways was real. I couldn’t let him believe that there wasn’t a chance. I didn’t know if I wanted to become a vampire. But Xavier had become a good man. He’d learned how to live off of the tasteless, metallic blood from refrigerated donations and had abstained from pleasure all for the sake of hoping it would draw me to him. There was magic in need, and so he’d starved himself, all so that one day I might find him and release him from his suffering.

  I reached out and grabbed the hard thighs that bulged against the pleasure of my mouth. Even though he wanted so much more, I could give him this.

  Fuck me as hard as you can, I commanded Luke in a mental wave.

  With my hold strong against Xavier’s thighs, I took Luke’s long, growing thrusts and let the pleasure unfurl in me. I rejected the power that wanted to settle itself in my succubus heart, and gave it to Xavier.

  He gasped when the power hit him. Luke’s lust, as well as my own, fed a strong dose that stroked him until he exploded in my mouth. He moved, the length of him rolling and throbbing across my tongue, as he came hard.

  Luke’s cry as he came to climax echoed my new lover’s and I lost myself in the bliss that threatened to take me under.


  Daddy's Home

  After a long, needed shower, I rubbed my hair with a towel and exited the bathroom to find Luke asleep in a bed that could have fit ten people. Xavier lingered at the door with a satisfied smirk on his face.

  “Do you plan on sleeping here?” I asked, not sure if my question was hopeful or concerned. The threesome had been amazing, but I still belonged to Luke. The only thing that could potentially change that would be if I ended my life as a succubus and started as someone new… as a vampire.


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