Deception (Tamia Luke)

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Deception (Tamia Luke) Page 5

by Naomi Chase

  Tamia pushed her sunglasses off her face, then crouched down beside Fiona. She’d never seen her sister’s eyes filled with such hatred and fury.

  “Listen, bitch,” Tamia snarled, viciously grabbing a fistful of Fiona’s long hair and wrenching her head back. “After today, I don’t ever want to see your face again. Don’t call me, don’t try to visit me, don’t even speak my fucking name. Because as far as I’m concerned, you’re dead to me.”

  Fiona eyed her piteously, tears rolling down her face. “But we’re sisters—”

  “Sisters don’t use and betray each other,” Tamia spat venomously. “Sisters don’t let each other take the blame for their crimes. And sisters sure as hell don’t put out hits on each other.”

  Fiona whimpered as Tamia’s ruthless grip tightened on her hair. “I know you showed up at the club last night and acted a damn fool when you got turned away. So let me repeat myself since your ass is stuck on stupid. You and I aren’t sisters anymore. Got that? I want absolutely nothing to do with you. If I catch you anywhere near me again, I’ma fuck you up, then call the police on your stalker ass. If you think I’m playing, just try me.”

  Fiona cried out as Tamia gave her hair one last vicious yank, then slid her sunglasses back into place and rose to her feet.

  “What the hell’s going on out here?” asked a slurred voice.

  Fiona and Tamia glanced across the living room. Dude from the club stood there butt naked, eyes bloodshot, nappy dreadlocks hanging to his shoulders.

  He looked Tamia up and down, lewdly admiring her big breasts and ass. “Dayuum!” he exclaimed, licking his lips as he stroked his short, fat dick. “You fine as hell, baby. Did she bring you here for me?”

  Tamia peered at him over the top of her shades, then rolled her eyes in disgust and muttered, “Nigga, please.”

  As she sauntered out the front door, he stared after her departing ass. “Dayuum,” he repeated, glancing down at Fiona for the first time. “Was that your sister?”

  She glared at him, trembling with pain and outrage. “Get out.”

  He frowned at her. “What’d you say?”

  “I said GET OUT!” Fiona screamed, lunging to her feet and charging toward him with tightly balled fists.

  He backed away, holding up his hands as he eyed her incredulously. “Wait a minute. Why you trippin’ just ’cause I said your sister’s fine?”

  “You dumb motherfucker!” Fiona raged, following him into her bedroom. “I don’t give a damn about that! I just want you to get your shit and get the fuck outta my house! NOW!”

  Calling her all kinds of a crazy bitch, he hurriedly threw on his clothes and grabbed his stash of weed, then bounced.

  After he left, Fiona ran to the kitchen and flung open the cabinets and drawers. They were bare as a bone, not even a fork to be found.

  With mounting hysteria, she turned and raced down the hallway to Tamia’s bedroom.

  It was empty!

  Fiona turned slowly in a circle, her stunned gaze sweeping around the room. Her sister hadn’t been bluffing. She really had moved out, leaving Fiona completely alone.

  Alone. The word ricocheted through her mind.

  For the first time in her life, she was truly on her own.

  As reality sank in, she opened her mouth and screamed at the top of her lungs before crumpling to the floor, her body wracked with sobs of anguish and fury.

  If Tamia thinks she’s heard the last of me, she silently raged, she’d better think again!

  Chapter 6


  Tamia stared out the window at the white shotgun house that squatted on a small patch of lawn. The house—with its sagging porch, rickety swing, and peeling paint—was the only home she’d ever known. She’d always dreamed of the day she would move out and never look back. But now that that day had finally come, she found it harder to leave than she’d expected.

  As she gazed at the old house, childhood memories replayed in her mind’s eye. She saw herself chasing Fiona around the small yard, their faces glistening with sweat, barrettes bouncing at the end of their braided pigtails as their grandmother looked on from the porch. When Tamia caught Fiona and playfully wrestled her to the grass, their mother would step from the house and call out warningly, “Be careful now! Don’t hurt your baby sister.”

  And Mama Esther would cluck her tongue at her daughter. “Oh, hush. Tamia won’t hurt that chile. She loves Fiona more than anyone else in the world.”


  Snapped out of her bittersweet reverie, Tamia turned from the window to meet Lou’s concerned gaze.

  “Are you okay?” he asked gently.

  She nodded, relieved that her sunglasses concealed the moisture in her eyes. “I’m fine.”

  She and Lou sat in the luxurious backseat of his Escalade while they waited for the movers to finish loading up the truck. While Fiona was at work yesterday, Tamia and Shanell had come to the house to pack up the kitchen and Tamia’s bedroom. They’d transported everything they could to Shanell’s place, where Tamia had spent the night. Early that morning, Lou and his movers had picked her up and driven her back home to retrieve the furniture and the rest of her belongings.

  Just when she’d begun to think that Fiona might sleep through all the commotion, her sister had showed her face. From there it was on and popping. Tamia’s hand still stung from how hard she’d slapped Fiona, trying to snap her damn head off her neck.

  “Did you get everything you came for?” Lou asked her.

  “Yeah,” Tamia answered, her gaze returning to the window. She watched as the two Puerto Rican guys closed the back door of the moving truck, then climbed inside.

  Lou’s driver glanced in the rearview mirror. “Are we ready?”

  Lou eyed Tamia expectantly, waiting.

  She took one last, lingering look at her childhood home, then swallowed tightly and turned away.

  Staring straight ahead, she said with quiet finality, “Let’s go.”

  Twenty minutes later, Lou ushered Tamia through the front door of her new apartment. Since he’d insisted on blindfolding her before they reached their destination, she had no idea where they were or what the place looked like.

  “Come on, papi,” she said, laughing. “The suspense is killing me.”

  Lou tsk-tsked. “So impatient.”

  “Impatient? You’ve had me blindfolded for—”

  He removed the strip of cloth and announced, “Welcome to your new home.”

  Opening her eyes, Tamia looked around and gasped.

  The apartment boasted rich hardwood floors, beautifully painted walls, and a collection of modern furniture and tasteful artwork. The ceilings were high, and a row of picture windows overlooked the downtown skyline.

  It was absolutely stunning.

  “Whose apartment is this?” Tamia whispered, staring incredulously at Lou.

  He grinned. “Yours.”

  “Don’t play with me.”

  “I’m not. This is your new crib, mamacita.”

  “What?” Tamia glanced around in shocked disbelief. “I can’t afford this!”

  “You don’t have to. Not for a while, anyway.”

  She looked at Lou as if he’d lost his damn mind. “Come again?”

  He chuckled softly. “The apartment is leased by one of my clients, who had to leave unexpectedly for Singapore. When I told him I was looking for a place for you, he offered to let you stay here while he’s gone. The lease is already paid up through a year, so all you have to cover are your utilities.”

  Suppressing a thrill of excitement, Tamia gave Lou a suspicious look. “It sounds too good to be true. What’s the catch?”

  He laughed. “Why does there have to be a catch?”

  “Are you serious? I just got out of prison. I have no money and no job, yet you’re telling me that I can post up in this fully furnished luxury apartment—rent free—for a whole year? Come on, Lou. Do you honestly expect me to believe there’s no catch?
” She eyed him skeptically, lips twisted to one side.

  “Why are you being so suspicious?” he protested, shaking his head at her. “Haven’t I always looked out for you? When you told me you needed to find a new place to live, did you think I’d let you move to the projects or some low-rent apartment complex? You deserve better than that.” He gestured grandly around. “You deserve One Park Place.”

  At the mention of the ritzy address, Tamia’s eyes widened. “Is that where we are? One Park Place?”

  Lou grinned. “That’s right.”

  As if needing confirmation, Tamia hurried over to the windows and gazed out at the glistening skyscrapers that defined the downtown skyline. When she worked at Richards Carruth, she’d often fantasized about living in one of the luxury high-rises that she passed on her way to the office every day. She couldn’t believe her fantasy was about to become a reality. There had to be a catch.

  As Lou joined her at the windows, she remarked, “Your client must be pretty wealthy to afford a place like this.”

  “He is,” Lou confirmed. “But the company he works for is paying for the apartment, not him.”

  “Ohhhkay,” Tamia said, drawing out the word slowly. “So since they sent him to Singapore for the next year, won’t they want a refund on the lease?”

  “Nah. You know how these corporations work. They get huge tax write-offs for leasing corporate apartments. Besides, my client told them he wants to keep the place for his mistress.” Lou grinned. “Having a love nest is one of the perks of being a top executive.”

  “I guess so,” Tamia said sardonically. “But he’d better not show up here one day expecting to get some pussy.”

  Lou laughed, kissing the top of her head. “He won’t, mamacita. He knows better.”

  “Good.” Tamia hesitated, searching Lou’s hazel eyes. “When are you going to tell me about your new business venture?”

  He held her gaze for a long moment, then said, “Come on. Let’s have a seat.”

  He took her hand and led her over to the white sofa, which was so elegant and pristine that Tamia was almost afraid to sit down. As she did, she ran her hand over the plush fabric and realized that she could get very used to living here.

  Don’t get ahead of yourself, an inner voice warned. Hear what Lou has to say before you make any decisions about taking the apartment.

  Still holding on to her other hand, Lou looked her in the eye and said, “I run an escort agency.”

  Tamia blinked at him. “You run a what?”

  “An escort agency.”

  “Are you serious? That’s your new line of work?”

  “Yup.” Releasing her hand, Lou leaned back against the sofa and stretched out his long legs.

  “How did that happen?” Tamia asked.

  “When the studio went bankrupt, I found myself stuck with all these beautiful actresses who still wanted to work for me. So that’s when I came up with the idea to start an escort agency. And let me tell you, it was one of the best ideas I’ve ever had. You wouldn’t believe what some dudes are willing to pay for just an hour with one of my girls.”

  Tamia eyed him knowingly. “Like Honey?”

  “Yeah.” Lou grinned. “As a matter of fact, she’s my most popular escort.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me.” Tamia frowned, her mind flashing on an image of the young, voluptuous beauty who’d boldly propositioned her at the party. “How old is that girl, Lou?”

  “Old enough.” He winked at her.

  Tamia wasn’t amused. “I’m really surprised at you. With all the heat you’ve been catching from the feds, I would have expected you to lay low for a while. You know they’re looking for any reason to lock you up. If they find out that you’ve traded porn for prostitution—”

  “Hold up,” Lou interjected, taking umbrage. “Last I checked, escort agencies aren’t illegal in this country. I’m running a perfectly legitimate business and providing a valuable service to the community—”

  Tamia snorted. “Be serious, Lou.”


  She gave him a look. “If your girls are having sex with their clients, you know damn well that qualifies as prostitution. And if the feds find out, they’re gonna be all over your ass. Why even take that risk?”

  “First of all,” Lou countered calmly, “the feds aren’t gonna find out shit because my agency doesn’t offer sexual services—not officially, anyway. The no-sex policy is spelled out clearly on the website, and my escorts know that they have to be discreet. Not only that, but my clients sure as hell aren’t gonna talk. Some of these guys are powerful CEOs and politicians with wives and reputations to protect. And if the feds try to conduct some bullshit sting operation, my lawyer has contacts who will tip him off to the investigation.”

  Tamia arched a brow. “Your lawyer?”

  “Yeah. Brandon. Don’t forget that he’s the one who got the fucking Feebs off my back in the first place. And all he had to do was make a phone call to someone at the Justice Department—some higher-up who’s hoping that Brandon’s father will appoint him to his cabinet after he’s elected governor.” Lou grinned broadly. “I don’t think even you realize just how connected your boy is.”

  Tamia said nothing, remembering how Brandon had used his father’s powerful connections to sabotage Dominic’s business deals. If there’d been any doubt in her mind before, she’d realized then that Brandon was the absolute last person she’d ever want as an enemy.

  “His father plays golf with President Obama,” Lou continued. “And according to some of my clients who move in those political circles, the old man wants to appoint Brandon to attorney general when he becomes governor.”


  “Yeah, really.” Lou laughed, shaking his head with an awed expression. “The Chamberses are like the fucking Kennedys or something. So as long as Brandon’s got my back, you think I’m worried about the feds coming after me? Hell, no.”

  Tamia chuckled. “I see your point,” she conceded, leaning back against the cushy sofa and crossing her legs. “It’s great to have friends in high places. But I still think you need to be careful.”

  “I am.” Lou paused a moment. “And you can help me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Holding her gaze, he reached over and took her hand again. “I want you to come work for me, Tamia.”

  Caught off guard, she stared at him. “Are you asking me to be one of your escorts?”

  “No. I want you to run the agency for me.”

  Tamia frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “I have a receptionist who schedules the appointments with clients, but I need someone to manage the escorts for me. Someone who’s smart, sexy, and knows how to carry herself with class. Someone the girls already respect and would listen to.” Lou brushed his lips across the back of Tamia’s hand, smiling into her eyes. “That someone is you, mamacita.”

  “Ah.” Tamia nodded wisely. “So that’s what this is all about. The new wardrobe, help from the movers, the swanky apartment. You’re trying to bribe me.”

  “No, I’m not,” Lou insisted. “I bought you new clothes and got you this place because we’re friends, and friends look out for each other.”

  Tamia eyed him knowingly. “So you weren’t trying to bribe me?”

  “Of course not.” Lou hesitated, then grinned sheepishly. “Maybe just a little.”

  “Umm-hmm. That’s what I thought.”

  “Did it work?”


  “Why not?”

  Tamia sighed heavily. “Don’t get me wrong, papi. I’m flattered by your job offer. But I don’t know anything about running an escort agency.”

  “Neither did I, but that didn’t stop me from starting one anyway. I’m telling you, Tamia, you’re perfect for this job. You’ve already proved that you have a head for business, so you’d know how to interact with my clients. Not only that, but all of my girls already know who you are. They’ve watched your mov
ies and they look up to you.”

  “They look up to Mystique,” Tamia corrected. “And I’m not her.”

  Lou groaned. “Come on, mamacita. If you worked for me, you’d make a killing. You could afford to buy a new car and lease this apartment on your own next year.”

  “Damn,” Tamia marveled, staring at him. “So it’s like that? You’re really making that kind of paper?”

  “Hell, yeah. I wasn’t lying when I said that starting an escort agency was one of the best ideas I’ve ever had. That shit is recession-proof.” Lou grinned broadly, looking pleased with himself.

  Again Tamia sighed. “I won’t lie. Your offer is very tempting, because after I pay off my legal bills, I’m gonna be flat broke. So I need a job ASAP.”

  “Then come work for me.”

  “I can’t.” She grimaced. “No offense, Lou, but I’m not interested in going back into the sex industry.”

  “This is different—”

  “Maybe in some ways, but sex is still the main focus of your business.”

  Lou smirked. “So what? You got something against sex now?”

  “Not at all,” Tamia said wryly. “In fact, getting laid is all I’ve been thinking about since I left the courthouse yesterday.”

  “Why didn’t you say so?” Lou wiggled his brows suggestively. “You know I can help you out with that.”

  Tamia grinned. “Um, no, that’s okay.”

  Yet she found herself staring at his full lips and remembering what her fellow porn stars used to whisper about his bedroom skills. If she hadn’t made a vow to hold out for Brandon, she would have been seriously tempted to give Lou some pussy. She needed her back blown out like nobody’s business.

  Pushing the thought aside, Tamia said humorously, “I appreciate the offer, papi, but I value our friendship too much to take advantage of you like that.”

  “Take advantage of me,” he urged. “Really. I don’t mind.”

  They both laughed.

  Sobering after several moments, Tamia smiled softly at Lou. “For real though, papi. I’m glad that business is going so well for you, and I’m flattered that you’d entrust me with managing your agency. But I love working in advertising, so I’m really hoping that I can find another job in that field. Starting Monday morning, I’ll be scouring every job search engine that’s out there and sending out my resume. With any luck,” she added ruefully, “I’ll find an employer who doesn’t know, or doesn’t care, that I was just acquitted of murder.”


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