Every Heart Sings (Serenity Island Series)

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Every Heart Sings (Serenity Island Series) Page 21

by Lucas, Mackenzie

  She couldn’t let him face that alone.

  No matter how afraid she was to face the media and expose herself to the world again. She needed to be there to support him. He’d be debuting the lead single for his album. His new voice and new direction for this project. He’d need moral support.

  “No. I wouldn’t miss it for anything. I want to be there to support you.” Her fingers trembled as she removed them from his face.

  He captured her hand, pressed it to his lips, then held it to his heart. She felt the strong, steady rhythm of him thrumming under her palm. His heat warmed her and his pulse beat in tandem with her own. “That makes me supremely happy.” He touched his lips to hers.

  She melted.

  His mouth moved against hers, silky and warm.

  He tasted so damned yummy. She moaned as he tunneled his fingers into her loose hair.

  Jordan tried to remind herself why she’d been resisting Josh . . . why it was so important to not give into this combustible sexual energy between them. She came up empty. They’d all dissolved somewhere over the past few weeks. Not one thought or reason pushed its way through the sexual fog that clouded her brain.

  She straddled him and wound her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Her nipples tingled as she brushed them against his chest. She moaned again as she arched into him, scratching an itch that had been there ever since he’d stepped into her café that first day almost a month ago.

  His hands caressed down her back and tunneled under her T-shirt to find bare skin. He lifted her top. She let him pull it over her head. She was done resisting this bad-boy rock star. She’d been his since the first day he’d arrived, whether she’d been willing to admit it or not. And she wanted . . . what? What did she want?

  She wanted to give and receive pleasure. That’s what she wanted. But only with this sexy man. She didn’t know what the future held. And she didn’t care.

  Josh would go back to his world.

  Serenity was just a short diversion, one temporary stop, on the stage that was Josh’s life—a life on performance steroids, where he lived from one high to the next. A high that had nothing to do with drugs, but had everything to do with moving from one performance to the next.

  She got it.

  Jordan, better than anyone, understood Josh’s lifestyle.

  And none of that mattered right now. What mattered was what she was feeling, what he was feeling. This quiet moment on the back porch of her house, surrounded by sea salt and the cry of gulls, where connection with this man was the most important thing in her existence.

  Josh gripped her hips and rocked her back and forth against him. She felt the movement at her core as her clit rubbed against her panties and the rough material of her shorts and the granite-like resistance of his erection. She gasped.

  He palmed her breast, stroking his thumb over her hard nipple. He kissed her through the lace of her bra. Moist heat lanced from her nipple and arced through her, making her arch against him. Her head fell back, her hair brushing her bare back. He released the front clasp of her bra. Air rushed to caress her damp flesh.

  She couldn’t stand this much longer. She wanted him inside her, hot. Thrusting. She stood. Unbuttoned her shorts and shoved both her panties and shorts to the floor. She stepped out of them and offered him her hand.

  He stood. Slowly, oh, so painfully slowly . . . he unbuttoned his jeans. The glimpse of the ink on his abdomen had her girl parts preening. She watched him, lashes lowered.

  “Jordan.” He paused with his hand on his zipper. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Absolutely. One hundred percent. I haven’t wanted something this badly since . . .” She shook her head, trying to remember, and all she came up with was since she’d wanted to act. Her heart squeezed. “Well, in a long time.”

  Her voice was husky and it wasn’t just because her body was sex-soaked. No, it had something to do with the emotions he pulled from her. What he made her feel at heart-level.

  It scared her. Yet she felt more alive, more out of control, than she had in sixteen years. And that should really, really scare her. But it didn’t.

  Jordan wanted to experience Josh Nicodemus—fully—just once. This big strong rock star, who was always so sure of himself, who’d weathered life’s ups and downs and yet went after his dream, no matter what others around him said or did.

  Hell. She couldn’t resist him even if she wanted to.

  She tugged him toward the large padded chaise lounge in the corner. He toed off his shoes. Lost his pants and ripped his T-shirt off in less than it took her to blink.

  He was ready. God, was he so ready. His stiff cock stood at full mast. She licked her lips and it was his turn to groan.

  “Please tell me you have a condom?” he whispered.

  She ran for the bathroom off the kitchen and returned a moment later, foil packet in hand.

  “You keep condoms in the kitchen?” He laughed. “Resourceful girl.”

  “No, silly.” She tore the foil with her teeth.

  Josh stilled. She watched his eyes go predatory as he watched her mouth and she had no doubt where he wanted her next. “I’m a sexually liberated woman, and Grace is a nurse, so we keep condoms in a basket in the powder room.”


  She nodded, eyes sparkling. “Thank God we do.”

  “Yes, thank God,” he whispered, and she couldn’t help thinking he was talking about so much more.

  He closed his eyes as she rolled the condom onto his hard shaft.

  “You feel so good.”

  “You have no idea.” He growled, pulling her close and kissing her. His hands slid to her ass and he lifted her. “I can’t wait. I’ve waited too long as it is for you.”

  “No. More. Waiting.” She panted. She wrapped her legs around his waist.

  He touched her and she thought she might explode. His finger dipped into her wetness. She wiggled against him. He pulled out and inserted two fingers, stretching her. “Mmmm.”

  “You’re wet for me.” He clenched his jaw like he was holding back, restraining himself from claiming her.

  “From the moment I met you.” She breathed the words soft.

  The corner of his sexy mouth lifted along with a single brow. “The first moment? You sure you’re not just another groupie?”

  She laughed at his question. “The best kind of groupie, I promise. I wanted you the moment you walked into my café, even before I knew you were a rock star. You could have been the new exterminator or a traveling salesman.” She shrugged. And it didn’t matter to her. “I don’t care what you do for a living. All I care about is what you do for the next fifteen minutes.”

  “Fifteen minutes?” He sounded incredulous. “Lady, I plan to keep you busy all afternoon.”

  Jordan squirmed against him. The tip of his shaft grazed her opening. She whimpered. “I think you’re all talk and no show,” she challenged him.

  “We’ll see about that. Remember, sweetheart. I’m a performer through and through. Only I’m not just for show, I’ve worked hard to build my stamina.” He followed that statement by cradling her head in the palm of his big hand and lowering his mouth to hers.

  He kissed her as if both their lives depended on it, his mouth slanting over hers, giving and taking breath. Warm. Sensual. Passionate. He laid her back on the chaise as if she were a delicate flower and he an expert gardener lavishing care and sustenance on her.

  Josh caressed her body—collar bones, shoulders, elbows, forearms, to her fingertips. Then he started all over again, his lips meeting hers, while he stared straight into her soul, and she nearly drowned in his beautiful blue eyes, mesmerized by the navy flecks around the irises. She arched as he palmed the underside of her breasts and his skilled hands plucked at her nipples like
they were a fine instrument and he was playing her.

  A soft whimper came from her throat.

  He nuzzled her neck and moved lower. “I want to make this good for you. I don’t want it to be over before it even starts.”

  He continued to caress her, his hot, wet mouth moving down to suck on her hard nipples. He nipped the underside of her breast, which almost sent her through the roof.

  He growled.

  “God, you’re gonna kill me, Josh. I am so hot I’m going to combust. On the spot.” She whimpered.

  “I want to taste you.” He held her gaze as he moved down her body, between her legs, his broad hands massaging her inner thighs and working their way closer to her hot zone.

  She could feel her climax building already and he hadn’t even touched her where she really needed him to touch her yet.

  She’d explode when he finally did touch her. She was certain of it.

  “It’s already good. Please. I want your cock in me. Now.” She hated begging, but he didn’t get it. She needed to be fully impaled on him. Now.

  “Not yet, babe.” He moved close to her core and inhaled deep. “God, you smell like apricots. I need to know if you taste as good.”

  He nuzzled her core, inhaling again before his hot tongue swiped up her seam. Once. Twice. Dipping deep, he hummed in appreciation.

  “Apricots and sweet cream,” he murmured against her thigh. “You taste even better than you smell. God, I can’t get enough of you. All day, babe.”

  Josh bit down gently on the inside of her thigh, sending her arching again. Then he moved back into the zone and suckled her clit, laving it with the tip of his searing hot tongue.

  Jordan’s thoughts scattered as she became one big pulsing sensation of need and want and carnal desire that built and built until she thought she’d die. She squeezed her eyes tight.

  Her world exploded, fragmenting into a million tiny pieces of joy that fluttered and floated around her like confetti at a red carpet premiere event.

  Josh kissed her once more at her core before laying his head on her abdomen and stroking her hip with his hand. Damp curls of his hair tickled her belly.

  He’d worked hard to pleasure her. Not taking first, like so many men in her life had done. He’d made it good for her as he promised.

  She’d never felt more cherished or more content than at this moment. Sure, orgasms had always been good for her, but never this good. Never with a connection so deep. She trembled, watching Josh.

  Now it was her turn to rock his world. Only she hoped she remembered how, because it had been a very long time since she’d done this for keeps. If ever. Had she ever claimed a guy for keeps? No. She hadn’t. She’d had lots of fun over the years, especially during her raging teens. But she’d never wanted to keep someone.

  Never found a partner she thought she’d want forever.


  The thought thrilled and scared her shitless all at the same time.

  She doubted Josh Nicodemus did long-term, let alone forever. But she wanted him to experience something so deep with her that he remembered her forever.

  She pushed that thought aside with determination. If nothing else, this rock star would never forget her. Even when he moved on. Because he would move on. They always did.

  She’d watched it happen a million times in L.A. Both when she’d been active on the scene and now, as she caught snippets of gossip as they’d filtered through the island grapevine about the latest celebrities, even though she worked hard to keep herself removed from the scene entirely by ignoring phone calls and television all together.

  Couples in the entertainment industry didn’t last. The lifestyle didn’t allow it. Relationships were fleeting. So she’d take what she could get for now and make sure Josh Nicodemus never ever forgot Jordan Drake.

  Chin propped on his laced fingers, Josh watched Jordan through heavy-lidded eyes. He rested on her belly, where he’d moved from between her legs to nuzzle her abdomen while she came down off the orgasmic high she’d just experienced.

  She was the sexiest woman he’d ever seen or tasted. God. She was beautiful. He wanted her all over again.

  But he had to give her a moment to recover.

  In his experience, strong women didn’t like the out-of-control feeling orgasms brought with them, so he never knew how they’d react. And if he’d learned one thing about Jordan Drake, it was that while she might have acted out in her youth, she now hated feeling out of control. It scared her.

  And he saw the fear come, barreling through a tunnel like a train headed cross-country that couldn’t stop.

  Her bottom lip trembled and a vulnerable look flashed across her face that squeezed Josh’s chest. She’d been so wounded by those closest to her in her life that he didn’t want to do that to her. Ever. No matter what, he wanted her to know that he wouldn’t hurt her.

  He’d be different than everyone else in her life.

  He had to be—He wanted to be—different.

  She opened her mouth to say something. Her eyes looked huge and a little glassy. Shit.

  So he soothed her the only way he knew how—by making love to her. He stroked her soft skin until she arched her taut body against him again, wrapping her long legs around his hips. He took her mouth in his, plunging his tongue deep while he positioned his cock at her slippery opening and pushed in hard.

  In moments, he’d made Jordan forget the fear that had gripped her and she gave in to the passion again. And her passion drove him nuts, wound him tighter than he’d ever been wound.

  A groan ripped from his chest. She felt so damned good. So tight. He didn’t want to move, afraid he’d explode, and it would all be over.

  He never wanted this to be over.

  He wanted to feel this way forever. Always.

  Gripped tight in emotion and pure physical heat.

  Tight. Hemmed in. Trapped. Fucking great. And he never wanted out, which was saying something for Josh Nicodemus, because for as long as he could remember, he’d only ever wanted to be free. Free to be his own man, with no one to control his movements or actions.

  Free of his mother, of his grandfather, and now of Ben and his fans. He’d hated expectations he felt he couldn’t live up to. He’d never craved this closed-in, exclusive control Jordan Drake had on him. On his emotions. On his actions. But now he wanted it more than he wanted his next life breath.

  He pulled out, then plunged deep again. She gasped and panted under him as his cock bumped her womb. He repeated his movement.

  The little mewling sound she made got under his skin, pushed at his own control.

  “Josh, please. Harder.”

  He lost it then, slamming into her and pulling out until they both lost all control. Boundaries crashed and fell away as they fused together, becoming one in motion, one in desire, one in body and soul.

  Josh had never experienced this soul-wrenching connection. Not once in his life. His world tilted on its axis and began a cosmic tumble. Jordan’s climax built. Her inner muscles began to tense and grip him harder as her body bowed against him.

  He watched her face. “Jordan, open your eyes,” he demanded.

  That kind of connection with a woman had never been important to him. Not once. But this was different.

  She was different.

  Jordan blinked her wide hazel-green eyes open, bewilderment, and wonder holding her tight as he continued to thrust into her. He fell deeper into her liquid heat as their gazes held and he felt his heart cartwheel and spin under her spell.

  He read every emotion on her face. Her vulnerability sucked him in and evoked his protectiveness. This strong, complicated woman was fragile in ways no one could ever imagine and all he wanted to do was make sure she was safe forever. Coddled. Protected. Cherished.
Like she deserved.

  Sweat rolled off of Josh. He held his body weight off of her, his arms locked on either side of her body, and he anchored his thrust from the position of his knees on the chaise. She arched her body, shifting him even deeper, as she bowed against him.

  Jordan’s inner muscles gripped his cock hard.

  Another tight squeeze like that and he’d explode.

  He’d no sooner had the thought, then Jordan shattered, finding her release. Her orgasm seized them both. A seismic hit with tremors of aftershocks that squeezed him hard, milking him.

  He thrust again, riding the waves of her orgasm.

  Then he did explode. His own release rocked him in an intense, violent detonation that threatened to rip him in two—heart and soul.

  They both sagged to the chaise; he rolled her and pulled her into his side, stroking her hip, trying to gentle her while he hid his own trembling hand through the repetitive motion.

  Their breathing finally evened.

  He pressed a gentle kiss to her damp forehead and rested on his elbow to look at her. He brushed a strand of her golden hair from her cheek, tucking it behind her ear. “You okay?”

  She gazed at him, her hazel eyes appearing more tawny gold in the afterglow of sex. He loved the liquid amber color of her eyes—green to golden, ever changing with her emotions.

  “Yeah.” A slow, sexy smile lit up her face and he thought his heart might crack wide open. “Damn.” She laughed. “You are a rock star. In every way.”

  He trailed his thumb over her lower lip. It trembled under his touch. She’d been as affected by their lovemaking as he’d been. Her eyes grew shiny. She blinked several times.


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