High Seas Hotwife: A Hotwife Fantasy

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High Seas Hotwife: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 1

by Lexi Archer

  High Seas Hotwife

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2015 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, June 2015

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  Table of Contents

  1: Scenery

  2: An Invitation

  3: Teasing

  4: Propositioned

  5: Reconsidering

  6: Getting Ready

  7: Melissa Steps Out

  More from Lexi Archer

  1: Scenery

  I leaned back in my lounge chair and enjoyed the view from behind my reflective sunglasses. Not for the first time I was glad I decided to go out and get a pair of these babies before going on the cruise. For a couple of reasons.

  The first was the simple expedient that it was nice to be able to enjoy the scenery without having the scenery think you were a pervert for enjoying the view. Speaking of, a couple of particularly nice bits of scenery walked past in pink and red bikinis, respectively. I watched with my eyes as they moved past me, but didn't follow with my head or my neck.

  No, there was a subtle art too enjoying scenery, particularly young and sexy college scenery like what was walking past right now. You moved eyes only, hidden behind sunglasses, and above all you didn't make it obvious you were sitting in a lounge chair by the pool gawking even though that's probably what just about every guy sitting around the pool was doing.

  It wasn't that all the women at this pool didn't know what the score was, it was just that they knew how the game was played.

  "You're going to give yourself raccoon eyes if you wear those giant aviator sunglasses for much longer babe," Melissa said.

  I sighed and amended what I'd just been thinking. Almost every woman who was out here around the pool knew what the score was. Every woman but my wife who seemed forever oblivious to guys staring at her. Who seemed to have trouble even conceiving of a world where guys would want to stare at her even though she was one of the most beautiful women sitting around said pool.

  I turned and looked at her. My eyes traveled up and down her body, though I didn't bother hiding my appraisal of her. No, this was my wife. She was the one woman in the world who I was contractually allowed to ogle whenever I wanted, and whenever I wanted turned out to be a hell of a lot!

  She looked absolutely stunning leaning back in her own lounge chair wearing a bright red bikini that formed to her body in all the right places. It was a little more scandalous than anything she might wear back home, but she'd said that if there was ever a time and a place to wear something just a little scandalous then why not on a ship in the middle of the ocean where it's not like we're going to run into anybody we knew anyways?

  That was a sentiment I was inclined to agree with. Especially when she looked so damn good.

  I looked up just as a couple of college guys followed behind the girls I'd been checking out. From the way they were walking they were either dating those two girls or they were interested in getting a better look. Maybe getting more than a better look if they could manage to catch the girls' attention. I smiled and wished them luck. It reminded me of my own college days, though that was more than a decade in the past now.

  I grimaced. I tried not to think of just how far in the past my college days were. I liked to think I still had it even if those college girls hadn't given me the courtesy of a second glance. Looking over at Melissa I definitely knew that at least my wife still had it!

  I looked back to the two college guys pursuing those girls I'd just been enjoying and had to suppress a chuckle. I was well versed in the subtle art of checking a girl out, but apparently they hadn't quite learned their lesson yet. First one elbowed the other and then they were staring at her gawking as they walked. Well there was confirmation that my wife still had it, though I'd never had any doubt. In fact, they were so distracted by the sexy from my wife that one of them very nearly tripped over the other.

  Of course did Melissa see? No. Not at all. She was, as always, completely oblivious to the guys drooling over her. They were like howling wolves in one of those old cartoons, and she had no idea.

  Not that I particularly minded that she was oblivious. I always got a thrill from watching guys watching my wife, from knowing that she was all mine as another guy was staring at her and practically drooling. Her having no idea that she was getting checked out was part of the appeal.

  I looked back to Melissa and smiled. Damn she was beautiful. And even though she hadn't noticed the two college studs checking her out, she did seem to notice the movement out of the corner of her eye when I was staring at her. She pulled her sunglasses down and grinned.


  "Nothing," I said. "Just thinking about how beautiful you are."

  She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure you were! And you weren't staring at those two hotties that just walked by? You weren't thinking about what you'd like to do to them?"

  I grinned and shrugged my shoulders. Sure she was oblivious to other guys looking at her, but she never missed it when I was checking out a girl, no matter how much I tried to make it less than obvious. That was another reason why I went to such lengths to avoid being obvious.

  "What can I say? Guilty as charged!"

  "Bad boy," she said wagging a finger, but she was grinning. We were both secure enough in our relationship, in our marriage, at this point that neither one of us was particularly threatened by the other checking people out. Heck, there were times when I enjoyed the thought of Melissa checking other guys out. We would always be with each other at the end of the day, after all.

  Of course there were times I thought about her being with another at the end of the day, especially after I'd caught a guy checking her out, but that wasn't something that I'd ever give voice to.

  No, best to sit back and enjoy being in the sun. Being on a cruise. Enjoying some of the scenery that was still obligingly walking past. It was surprising how many college kids could afford a cruise like this. I guess they had a some of mom and dad's money to throw around. Must be nice.

  I found myself wondering what it would be like to be on one of these cruises all the time. It seemed like a pretty sweet gig. I glanced up towards the bridge, or at least what I thought was the bridge. At the very least there were guys in white uniforms moving around up there as though they meant business. And when I looked I saw someone up there staring down.

  The guy could have been looking at just about anybody out on the deck, hell if I was the crew on one of these cruises with a nice vantage point like that I'd probably be enjoying the scenery on the regular as well, but I couldn't shake the feeling that guy up there was staring straight at my wife. It was crazy, he was too far away to really see who he was staring at, but that feeling was overwhelming.

  I shook my head. The guy was probably just up there watching out for icebergs, or whatever the hell it was people on the crew did when you were on a Caribbean cruise. I turned back to my wife, back to the scenery, and resolved to enjoy myself and forget about people potentially staring at my wife from on high.

  2: An Invitation

  "Damn," I breathed.

  Melissa had just walked out and done a twirl wearing a little black dress that I absolutely adored. With her petite frame, her perfect tits, and an ass that looked like it was sculpted by the gods themselves, she could pull off a little black dress in a way that no other woman I'd ever known could. Hell, she could pull off any piece of clothing that combined the words "little" and "dress."

  "You like it?" she asked with a giggle.

  "I definitely like!"

  I glanced down and her gaze followed. Down to where there was a very obvious tenting in my pants. She giggled again.

  "Well that's certainly one hell of a compliment!" she said.

  "So what would you say to skipping this whole dinner thing and staying in for some fun? We could send for room service or something…"

  Melissa flopped down on the bed next to me, and having my wife right next to me on the bed in that dress made me even more intent on wanting to get her out of that dress on this bed as quickly as possible.

  She grinned and started running a finger down my chest. The finger sent a chill running down my spine. It always amazed me how my wife could drive me so incredibly wild with a simple touch. My distraction was made all the worse as her finger started moving lightly up and down the length of my cock. Just enough to tease, just enough to get my pulse quickening, but not quite enough to provide the stimulation that I so desperately needed. That I so desperately wanted whenever I saw her in a dress like that.

  "Are you sure you don't want to go out? I heard there was going to be dancing at the dinner tonight. That sounds like so much fun!"

  I sighed. It would've been fun to stay in for the night and have a little fun, if you catch my drift, but I could understand where she was coming from. We were paying for an expensive cruise, after all, and what was the point of paying for an expensive cruise if we didn't enjoy some of the amenities that came along with that expensive cruise?

  I leaned in and kissed her. A lingering kiss that wasn't helping the situation down below considering her stroking was starting to pick up.

  "Fine," I said. "We'll go have some fun, but you bet your sweet ass I'm going to be ripping that dress off of you as soon as we get back to our cabin!"

  She grinned and leaned in to kiss me again. "I'm going to hold you to that!"

  * * *

  The dining area was quite impressive. I'd paid for one of the top level packages, though, and if it had been anything less I would've been seriously disappointed and seriously pissed off. Looking around it seemed like I was definitely getting my money's worth though.

  Tables with crisp white table cloths surrounded a massive dance floor. There was a stage in the center of the room where a band was getting set up. They hadn't quite started playing when we arrived, but we were just a little early. Most of the tables were empty.

  The room had a vaulted ceiling and it really felt like what I imagined an old-time ballroom might feel like. At least based on what I'd seen on television. I'd never actually been inside an old-time ballroom before.

  "Wow!" Melissa said.

  "You've got that right," I said. "Worth every penny, right?"

  She grinned and took my hand. "Let's take a seat!"

  Only taking a seat turned out to be a little more complicated than I would've thought. They had seats reserved and labeled for everyone, and maybe that had been put in an email or something but I couldn't for the life of me remember exactly where our seats were. So we spent the next ten minutes hunting around looking for our names. As we were making around our way around the room the band started playing, some sort of old big-band standard from eighty years ago that made me feel like I was about to ship off to fight the Jerries in Europe, and more people were streaming into the room and filling their seats.

  I worried that if we didn't find ours soon someone might take them and "lose" the cards with our names on it. I had paid for the best, after all.

  I grimaced every time I saw someone walk into the room laughing and smiling making a beeline straight for their table. Yeah, there definitely must've been something in the package I got from the cruise line that I'd ignored. I'd have to go through and check that out when we got back to our room later. After the festivities, of course. Who knew what else I was missing out on because I'd skimmed our vacation package?

  It took a little doing, but finally we managed to get to our seats. Our package was expensive enough that we were pretty darn close to the band, almost to the point that it was uncomfortably loud. Not that I minded too much. Only the best for my wife, particularly on this vacation.

  There was one other table that caught my attention on the other side of the room from us. It was raised and off to the side slightly, so the people sitting there weren't going to get blasted by the music despite being close to the stage. It also had a good view of the dance floor. And it was completely empty. I wondered who'd be sitting there as I looked over the menu.

  I felt Melissa's hand at my arm and she was pointing. I followed her gaze back to that same table as some members dressed in crew uniforms walked in and sat down. There was an older looking guy who still looked pretty good despite being older. More rugged than old, I guess. He was accompanied by several younger guys as well.

  "That must be the Captain's table," Melissa said. "Why couldn't we get tickets for that?"

  And suddenly the reason why that table was empty made more sense to me. The Captain's table. That was one thing that wasn't offered in any of the vacation packages. I'd looked.

  "My understanding is that's strictly invitation-only babe," I said. "And I bet they don't invite random people from the cruise up there all that often."

  "That's a shame," Melissa said. "The captain up there is kind of cute."

  I looked back over there now that she'd announced how cute the captain was. He had to be the older guy holding court with everybody else. Really? She thought he was cute? That wasn't exactly the word I would use to describe him. He had a commanding presence, and it seemed everybody at his table was having a good time, but I don't know if "cute" is the word I'd use to describe him.

  Still, I got a little thrill from her admitting she had the hots for another guy, even if the way she decided to describe it was a little ridiculous. I felt my cock twitch just slightly, but then it went back down.

  But only for a moment. As they were all talking and laughing I saw the captain sweep the room with his eyes. And then they fell on us. He glanced at me for a moment and nodded, brushed pass Melissa, and then over to the band. Only his eyes shot straight back to our table. Back to Melissa.

  I felt another chill looking at that man staring at my wife. I felt my cock stirring looking at a man staring at my wife with that much intensity.

  "Honey?" Melissa's voice came intruding in on my thoughts. "Honey, what are you looking at? You're staring off in the distance…"

  I turned and smiled at Melissa. Reached out to pat the delicate hand she'd placed on my arm.

  "It's nothing honey," I said.

  It really was probably nothing. I'm sure they were just doing the time-honored tradition of checking out some of the guests. If I was in that position then I'd do the same, and I knew firsthand just how hot my wife was. It's not like I could blame the guy for checking her out!

  I dismissed those thoughts and looked back to the menu. I grimaced. Apparently there weren't too many choices. We were part of a package plan, and that meant we could get the chicken, the steak, or seafood. There wasn't much choice in how it was prepared. I suppose even if I paid for a first-rate everything on a cruise they were going to cut corners somewhere. Oh well.

  "Excuse me," someone said off to the side.

  I turned, expecting to see a waiter standing beside us ready to take our drink order. It seemed they were fully stocked in that department, at least, even if the meal choices left something to be desired. Only I blinked when I looked up. Standing right in front of us was somebody in the crisp uniform of the crew and not one of the waiters.

  "Can I help you? Is
something wrong?"

  "No, nothing's wrong," the guy said. "I've just been asked to extend an invitation for you to join the captain at his table."

  I heard a squeal and clapping from beside me. A squeal that was almost loud enough to render me temporarily deaf. I turned to Melissa who was beaming.

  "The Captain's table honey!" she said. "Weren't you the one just saying that never happens?"

  I looked back over there, back to the men who were no doubt the bridge crew. Or at the very least they were important in some way. I looked to the captain who was staring at our table, at Melissa, not even bothering to hide it. And he lifted his glass to me in salute and smiled as I glanced over.

  Interesting. What was going on here?

  So the guy had been checking out my wife. That wasn't a big deal. Lots of guys check out my wife, and I enjoyed watching those guys check her out. Only it appeared that the captain over there was using some of his pull to get my wife closer to him.

  I was intrigued, but it wasn't like my spider sense for guys trying to move in on my girl was tingling or anything. I was sure a lot of people got this sort of invitation, and it probably just helped in this case that I had a smoking hot wife. She tended to get this sort of attention quite a lot even if she was oblivious to it.

  I was sure professional courtesy would prevent him from being too blatant about hitting on her or anything like that. Besides, what could it hurt? We got to have dinner at the Captain's table, my wife got a little thrill, and they got to enjoy looking at my wife for a night before I took her back to our cabin and fucked the ever loving daylights out of her thinking about all of those guys with their eyes on her. Thinking about all of those guys thinking about what they'd love to do to my wife.

  It seemed like a win-win scenario to me.

  "Do you want to baby?" I asked.

  "You bet your ass I do!" Melissa said.


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