A Secret History of the IRA

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A Secret History of the IRA Page 89

by Ed Moloney

  8. Ibid., 334–36.

  9. Irish Press, Dec. 11, 1986.

  10. Brian Campbell, Laurence McKeown, and Felim O’Hagan, eds., Nor Meekly Serve My Time: The H-Block Struggle, 1976–1981 (Belfast: Beyond the Pale Publications, 1998), 263–64.

  11. Confidential information, peace process source, 2000.

  12. See Daltun O Ceallaigh, Irish Republicanism: Good Friday and After (Dublin: Leirmheas, 2000).

  13. The details of the Reid message to Haughey were provided confidentially by two peace process sources, 2000.

  14. Martin Mansergh, “The Background to the Peace Process,” Irish Studies in International Affairs 6 (1995): 155.

  15. Ed Moloney, “Haughey and the Priest,” Sunday Tribune, Sept. 25, 1994.

  16. Confidential information, peace process source, 1999.

  17. Confidential information, peace process source, 2000.

  18. Ibid.

  19. Confidential information, peace process source, 1999.

  20. Ed Moloney, “There Will Be No Ceasefire,” Sunday Tribune, Jan. 17, 1988.

  21. Ed Moloney, “Impasse over IRA Campaign Threatens SF-SDLP Talks,” Sunday Tribune, April 3, 1988.

  22. See Irish Times, Sept. 6, 12, 13, 19, and 26, 1988.

  23. Eamonn Mallie and David McKittrick, The Fight for Peace: The Secret Story behind the Irish Peace Process (London: Heinemann, 1996), 171.

  24. Mansergh, “Background,” 153.

  25. Confidential account of Duisburg conference, Oct. 14–15, 1988, author’s copy.

  26. Irish Times, Feb. 27, 1989.

  27. Sunday Tribune, Nov. 5, 1989.

  28. Irish Times, Nov. 10, 1989.

  29. Draft 2, Oct. 1991, author’s copy.

  30. Confidential information, peace process source, 1999.

  31. For a comprehensive account of the intergovernment negotiations, see Mallie and McKittrick, Fight for Peace.

  32. Text of Downing Street Declaration, Dec. 15, 1993.

  33. Irish Times, June 16, 2006.

  Ten: “No Idle Boast”

  1. Confidential information from peace process participant, 2000.

  2. IRA Easter message, An Phoblacht–Republican News, April 15, 1982.

  3. Interview with former IRA member, Nov. 2000.

  4. Notes of author’s conversation with former IRA Convention delegate, Oct. 1993.

  5. “Jailed IRA Men Back Provos Drive for Dail,” Times (London), Sept. 1, 1986.

  6. Interview with former IRA member, Nov. 2000.

  7. Interview with former IRA member, Nov. 1998.

  8. Interview with former Sinn Fein member, Feb. 1999.

  9. Sinn Fein, The Politics of Revolution (Dublin: Sinn Fein, 1982), 11.

  10. Ibid., 7.

  11. Ibid., 20.

  12. Ibid., 22.

  13. Ibid., 26.

  14. Ibid., 27.

  15. Interview with former Sinn Fein official, 1999.

  16. “Sinn Fein in Search for a New Strategy,” Irish News, June 21, 1988.

  17. “Report of a Wing Discussion: H Block,” Iris Bheag, Aug. 1988.

  18. Ibid.

  19. Ibid.

  20. “A Pan-Nationalist Alliance?” Iris Bheag, June 1988.

  21. “The SDLP: An Enemy in Our Midst?” Iris Bheag, Sept. 1990.

  22. Sinn Fein Ard Comhairle, “Towards a Mass Movement,” Jan. 1989.

  23. “Delegates Vote to Seek ‘Anti-imperialist’ Alliances,” Independent, Jan. 30, 1989.

  24. Sinn Fein Ard Comhairle, “Towards a Mass Movement.”

  25. David McKittrick, Seamus Kelters, Brian Feeney, and Chris Thornton, Lost Lives (Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing, 1999), 1068.

  26. The Weasel, “Bodenstown: A Twenty Six County Day Out,” Iris Bheag, Sept. 1987.

  27. Ibid.

  28. Ibid.

  29. See Bullitt, “Attitudes to the Garda Siochana,” Iris Bheag, March 1988.

  Eleven: Death in Tyrone

  1. Interview with former IRA member, April 2000.

  2. Peter Taylor, Families at War: Voices from the Troubles (London: BBC Books, 1989), 156.

  3. Notes of telephone conversation with Tyrone republican source, April 2001.

  4. Michael Farrell, Northern Ireland: The Orange State (London: Pluto Press, 1976), 205.

  5. Notes of telephone conversation with former Army Council member, April 2001.

  6. Interview with former Tyrone republican activist, April 2000.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Interview with former Tyrone IRA member, May 2000.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Interview with former Tyrone IRA member, April 2000.

  11. Interview with former Tyrone IRA member, May 2000.

  12. Confidential information, IRA source, Oct. 1998.

  13. Notes of author’s conversation with former British military intelligence officer, Oct. 2000.

  14. Interview with former Tyrone republican activist, April 2000.

  15. Notes of conversation with former Northern Command staff officer, Nov. 1990.

  16. An Phoblacht–Republican News, Nov. 17, 1983.

  17. An Phoblacht–Republican News, June 21, 1984.

  18. Confidential information, IRA source, Dec. 1999.

  19. Confidential information, IRA source, Oct. 1998.

  20. Interview with former Tyrone IRA member, April 2000.

  21. Ibid.

  22. Interview with former Tyrone republican activist, April 2000.

  23. Confidential information, IRA source, April 2000.

  24. Analysis of IRA “War News” column in An Phoblacht–Republican News by the author.

  25. Interview with former Tyrone IRA member, April 2000.

  26. Confidential information, IRA source, Jan. 1999.

  27. Interview with former Tyrone republican activist, April 2000.

  28. “Triple Murder by IRA Brings Sinn Fein Reprimand,” Daily Telegraph, March 9, 1989.

  29. Interview with former Tyrone republican activist, April 2000.

  30. Interview with former Tyrone IRA member, April 2000.

  31. Interview with Tyrone IRA member, April 2000.

  32. Ibid.

  33. Interview with former Tyrone Republican activist, April 2000.

  34. Notes of conversation with Tyrone Sinn Fein member, Nov. 1990.

  35. Interview with Tyrone IRA member, April 2000.

  36. Notes of conversation with former Northern Command member, March 1991.

  37. Confidential information, IRA source, Jan. 1999.

  38. Notes of conversation with former Northern Command member, March 1991.

  39. “Heroic Freedom Fighter,” An Phoblacht–Republican News, May 14, 1987.

  Twelve: “The War of the Twilight”

  1. Interview with former IRA member, April 2000.

  2. IRA Easter message, An Phoblacht–Republican News, April 23, 1987.

  3. Interview with former IRA member, Nov. 1999.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Interview with former IRA member, Oct. 1998.

  6. Interview with former IRA member, Jan. 1999.

  7. Confidential information, IRA source, Jan. 1999.

  8. Ibid.

  9. Author’s note of conversation with republican source, March 1988.

  10. Jack Holland, Hope against History: The Ulster Conflict (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1999), 220.

  11. Interview with former IRA member, Oct. 1998.

  12. Interview with former IRA member, Jan. 1999.

  13. Ibid.

  14. “IRA Killers Set to Focus on British,” Observer, June 1988.

  15. “IRA Will Target British Army in Bid to Broaden Support,” Sunday Tribune, July 17, 1988.

  16. Notes of conversation with Tyrone republican, Nov. 1990.

  17. Interview with former IRA member, Jan. 1999.

  18. Interview with former IRA member, Oct. 1998.

  19. Fortnight, Sept. 1992.

  20. Andersonstown News, Nov. 22, 1986.

David McKittrick, Seamus Kelters, Brian Feeney, and Chris Thornton, Lost Lives (Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing, 1999), 1096.

  22. “SF Leader Refuses to Support Bomb Attack,” Irish News, June 30, 1988.

  23. “Provos Must Get Organised, Says Adams,” Irish News, July 7, 1988.

  24. “Adams ‘Shocked’ by IRA Killing of Family,” Irish Times, Aug. 1, 1988.

  25. “Killing of Civilians Alienates Voters, Adams Warns IRA,” Independent, Jan. 30, 1989.

  26. “SF’s Position One of Critical Support, Says Adams,” Irish Times, June 9, 1990.

  27. Interview with former IRA member, Jan. 1999.

  28. Ibid.

  29. “Sinn Fein Changes Tactics to Let IRA Speak for Itself,” Irish Times, Jan. 26, 1991.

  30. David Sharrock and Mark Devenport, Man of War, Man of Peace? The Unauthorised Biography of Gerry Adams (London: Macmillan, 1997), 284.

  31. Ibid., 284–85.

  32. Interview with former IRA member, Nov. 1999.

  33. Brendan O’Brien, The Long War (Dublin: O’Brien Press, 1995), 151.

  34. Notes of conversation with Adams aide, Dec. 3, 1990.

  35. Peter Taylor, Provos: The IRA and Sinn Fein (London: Bloomsbury, 1998), 317.

  Thirteen: The Derry Experiment

  1. Derry Journal, Oct. 26, 1990.

  2. Ibid.

  3. Andy Pollak, ed., A Citizens’ Inquiry: The Opsahl Report on Northern Ireland (Dublin: Lilliput Press, 1993), 267.

  4. Dr. Ronny Swain, Psychology Department, University of Cork, quoted ibid.

  5. Niall O Dochartaigh, From Civil Rights to Armalites: Derry and the Birth of the Irish Troubles (Cork: Cork University Press, 1997), xiv.

  6. Eamonn McCann, War and an Irish Town (London: Pluto Press, 1980), 40.

  7. Unpublished interview with Martin McGuinness Aug. 1989, p. 2, author’s copy.

  8. Ibid.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Ibid.

  12. O Dochartaigh, From Civil Rights to Armalites, 155.

  13. Ibid., 158.

  14. Ibid., 160.

  15. McCann, War and an Irish Town, 87.

  16. O Dochartaigh, From Civil Rights to Armalites, 237.

  17. Unpublished interview with McGuinness, 8.

  18. Ibid., 10.

  19. “McGuinness Reign Marked by 29 Security Killings,” Irish Independent, May 3, 2001.

  20. McCann, War and an Irish Town, 106.

  21. O Dochartaigh, From Civil Rights to Armalites, 281.

  22. Ibid., 279.

  23. McCann, War and an Irish Town, 102.

  24. Unpublished interview with McGuinness, 10.

  25. O Dochartaigh, From Civil Rights to Armalites, 285.

  26. Interview with British government source, Aug. 2000.

  27. Interview with confidential Derry source, Nov. 1998.

  28. Interview with senior British army source, June 2000.

  29. Interview with confidential Derry source, Nov. 1998.

  30. Interview with senior British army source, June 2000.

  31. Ibid.

  32. Ibid.

  33. Based on interviews with senior British army source, June 2000, and confidential Derry source, Nov. 1998.

  34. Confidential Derry source, Sept. 2000.

  35. Interview with confidential Derry source, Nov. 1998.

  36. Author’s analysis of “War News” column, An Phoblacht–Republican News, 1986–94.

  37. Interview with senior British army source, June 2000.

  38. Confidential Derry source, Sept. 2000.

  39. Information from confidential IRA source, Sept. 2000.

  40. “The Men of War Promise Third Violent Decade,” Independent, Sept. 29, 1990.

  Fourteen: Seven Men in a Room

  1. Constitution of Oglaigh na hEireann, 1986 version, section 8 (b) 1, author’s copy.

  2. Interview with IRA source, Jan. 1999.

  3. Interview with IRA source, Oct. 1998.

  4. Author’s note of conversation with former IRA Army Council member, Oct. 1993.

  5. Interview with IRA source, April 2000.

  6. Ibid.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Ibid.

  9. Interview with IRA source, Nov. 1999.

  10. Interview with IRA source, Jan. 1999.

  11. Ibid.

  12. Ibid.

  13. Ibid.

  14. Author’s note of conversation with republican source, Sept. 7, 1995.

  Fifteen: Cease-Fire

  1. Peter Taylor, Provos: The IRA and Sinn Fein (London: Bloomsbury, 1998), 142.

  2. “‘No Ceasefire’ in Northern Ireland Likely Say Provos,” Sunday Tribune, Feb. 25, 1990.

  3. “IRA Could Call Off Campaign—Adams,” Belfast Telegraph, April 10, 1990.

  4. “Provos Call a Ceasefire,” Irish News, Dec. 24, 1990.

  5. Gerry Adams, interview with the author, Jan. 31, 1991.

  6. “Adams Dismisses Ceasefire ‘propaganda,’” Irish Times, Feb. 4, 1991.

  7. Sinn Fein, “Towards a Lasting Peace in Ireland” (Dublin), Feb. 1992, p. 12.

  8. Jim Gibney, “It Is Our Job to Develop the Struggle for Freedom,” June 21, 1992, Sinn Fein press office fax to author.

  9. “SF Speech Is Seen as Significant,” Irish Times, June 23, 1992.

  10. Gerry Adams, A Pathway to Peace (Cork and Dublin: Mercier Press, 1988).

  11. Notes of conversation with republican source, Dec. 2000.

  12. Interview with republican source, Nov. 2000.

  13. Interview with republican source, Nov. 1999.

  14. Sinn Fein, “Setting the Record Straight”: A record of communications between Sinn Fein and the British government, Oct. 1990–Nov. 1993 (July 1994), pp. 11–12.

  15. Ibid., 27

  16. Brendan O’Brien, The Long War (Dublin: O’Brien Press, 1995), 271.

  17. Eamonn Mallie and David McKittrick, The Fight for Peace: The Secret Story behind the Irish Peace Process (London: Heinemann, 1996), 375–77.

  18. Ibid., 174.

  19. Notes of conversation with think tank member, March 24, 1995.

  20. Mallie and McKittrick, Fight for Peace, 177.

  21. Downing Street Declaration, Dec. 15, 1993.

  22. “Adams on IRA Peace Process.” Sunday Tribune, Dec. 12, 1993.

  23. Interview with Belfast republican, Dec. 20, 1993.

  24. Guardian, Oct. 25, 1993.

  25. Notes of conversation with think tank member, March 24, 1995.

  26. “McGuinness: Nothing Less Than Withdrawal Acceptable,” Sunday Business Post, Jan. 2, 1994.

  27. Transcript of telephone conversation with West Belfast republican, Feb. 1, 1994.

  28. Notes of interview with republican source, April 2000.

  29. Irish Times, May 26, 1994.

  30. Sean Duignan, One Spin on the Merry-Go-Round (Dublin: Blackwater Press, 1995), 136.

  31. Conor O’Clery, The Greening of the White House (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1997), 112.

  32. Ibid., 115.

  33. O’Clery, Greening of the White House, 138.

  34. Irish government source, Feb. 2000.

  Sixteen: The Sos

  1. An Phoblacht–Republican News, Sept. 2, 1994.

  2. Notes of conversation with republican source, Sept. 8, 1994.

  3. Duties and powers of the Army Council, IRA constitution, 1986 version.

  4. Notes of conversation with British government source, April 24, 1995.

  5. Interview with IRA source, Nov. 1999.

  6. “Gerry Adams Confirms Meeting with US Delegation to Take Place,” SF news release, Aug. 22, 1994.

  7. Interview with IRA source, March 1999.

  8. “Radical Agendas,” Common Ground, The Pat Finucane Centre, 1, no. 3 (Winter 1994).

  9. Interview with IRA source, Nov. 1999.

  10. Paul Bew and Gordon Gillespie, Northern Ireland: A Chronology of the Troubles, 1968–1999 (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1999), 300.

  11. Irish Times, Aug. 31, 1995.

  12. Interview with IRA source, Dec. 1999.

  13. David McKittrick, Seamus Kelters, Brian Feeney, and Chris Thornton, Lost Lives (Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing, 1999), 1401.

  14. Interview with Convention delegate, Feb. 2000.

  15. Duties and powers of the Army Council, IRA constitution, 1986 version.

  16. Clause 5, paragraph 5, Army Control, IRA constitution, 1986 version.

  17. Ibid.

  18. Duties and powers of the Executive, IRA constitution, 1996 version.

  19. Duties and powers of the Army Council, IRA constitution, 1996 version.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Interview with Convention delegate, March 2000.

  Seventeen: The Point of No Return

  1. “Any New Ceasefire Would Be Clear Cut—Adams,” Irish Times, Feb. 22, 1997.

  2. Jack Holland, Hope against History: The Ulster Conflict (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1999), 277.

  3. Sunday Tribune, April 8, 1995.

  4. Interview with IRA source, Feb. 2000.

  5. Irish government source, Feb. 2000.

  6. Ibid.

  7. Irish Times, July 9, 1997.

  8. Notes of conversation with republican source, May 2001.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Interview with IRA source, April 2000.

  Eighteen: The End Begins

  1. Sinn Fein press release, May 11, 1998.

  2. “Poll of SF Delegates Dislike Good Friday Agreement,” Sunday Tribune, April 19, 1998.

  3. David McKittrick, Seamus Kelters, Brian Feeney, and Chris Thornton, Lost Lives (Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing, 1999), 1431.

  4. Paul Bew and Gordon Gillespie, Northern Ireland: A Chronology of the Troubles, 1968–1999 (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1999), 349.

  5. “IRA Blunder in the Jungle Sparks US Rage,” Observer, Aug. 19, 2001.

  6. Ibid.

  7. “N Ireland Closer to Weapons Compromise,” Financial Times, Oct. 13, 1998.

  8. Confidential information from IRA source, 1999.

  9. Notes of conversation with Irish government source, Sept. 2000.

  10. BBC NI webpage: , Sept. 24, 2001.

  11. Irish Times, Oct. 29, 2001.

  12. “Hope in Ireland,” Washington Post, Oct. 26, 2001.

  13. “Burying the Guns of Northern Ireland,” New York Times, Oct. 24, 2001.

  14. “Securing the Peace,” Irish Times, Oct. 24, 2001.

  15. “Hand of History,” The Times (London), Oct. 24, 2001.

  Nineteen: The Midas Touch

  1. Notes of conversation with Gerry Adams, autumn 1994.


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