Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom

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Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom Page 8

by Elle Boon

  Her hips bolted up off the couch of their own accord as he made another pass. “I’m not so sure. Maybe we should…check.” He rubbed up and down again.

  Jase was being a big tease, torturing her slowly. Two could play that game. She reached between their bodies, gripping his dick in her palm. It was so wide she couldn’t quite wrap her fingers all the way around the middle. And long. Shit, she’d forgotten how big he had been. “Maybe you should put your dick where your mouth was.”

  He smirked. “My mouth has been all over this body.”

  “Jase Tyler, get in me now, or I’ll have to take care of myself. My spank bank is empty save for a few memories.”

  His surprise at her words had her laughing and him bending to kiss her. “I can’t wait to fill your spank bank, but I’d much rather fill you.” He leaned back and pulled a condom out, ripped the foil packet open and slid the latex down his impressive length. When he turned back around, she didn’t miss the slight wince.

  “Are you okay?” Her hand reached for the wound on his side.

  Jase stopped her before she could touch him, placing her hand over his heart. He moved back between her legs, got into position, and slid home. “Better than okay,” he groaned.

  Her body arched to meet him, hips thrusting up, and she cried out. “Oh, yes. Perfect,” she whispered. The stretch and burn of having him inside her was almost too much, but then, it was like magic, like they were made for each other.

  Chapter Seven

  Jase knew they should take things slow, but buried balls deep in the one woman he couldn’t forget, her body a perfect fit for his, slow was no longer in his vocabulary. He’d never felt the same bone deep satisfaction as he had with Brooke, like he was feeling as he powered into her again and again. In the last three years there had been no other women, and now he realized there never would be. He shifted up onto his knees, hooking his arms under the backs of her legs, forcing her to open wider for him, making her body take him deeper. God, he wanted to imprint himself on every inch of her, inside and out. Her hard little nipples beckoned as he pushed in and out, bouncing with the movement of their bodies. He leaned down, running his tongue over one then moved to the other tip and ran it through his teeth.

  Brooke gasped his name, her nails raked down his back, making the option to go slow non-existent. He powered into her harder, making her breasts jiggle, fueling his desire. “I’m close,” he warned. His hand slid down the center of her body, and he pressed his thumb over her swollen bundle of nerves.

  “Yes, right there!” she cried.

  As he pumped his hips and rubbed her at the same time, thrusting and rubbing, moving faster and faster, her walls began constricting around him, pleasure rippling along his dick until it was all blending together into one ball of sensation. He could feel her getting closer and applied more pressure, knowing he could get her there quicker.

  Harder, faster, utterly swept away with the need to make Brooke come, he fucked into her like he’d never done, a primal sense of ownership overtook him. “Come for me. Let me feel you squeeze my dick like a vice, baby.”

  “Oh my, Jase, Jase, fuck me, Jase,” she chanted over and over. Her hips lifted, writhed as she made sounds he’d forever remember as long as he lived. His Brooke was the perfect woman, complete blend of femininity and sexy badass mixed. And she was his.

  He lifted her ass higher, his fingers spread over those luscious curves, his groin hitting her clit with each forceful slam forward. “I can feel you, Brooke, you’re right there.”

  “Yes, right…there,” she moaned, her body bowed, inner walls squeezing his cock, taking him with her. He let out a groan as he flooded the condom with come.

  Completely and utterly spent, he collapsed onto his forearms, still conscious enough not to let all his weight fall onto her much smaller body. “Woman, you just about killed me,” he said as he rested his head next to hers trying to catch his breath.

  Lying under him, she ran her hands up and down his sweaty back. “I thought you were this big bad SEAL. Don’t you have more stamina than that?”

  Jase laughed and gathered enough strength to lift up onto his arms. “Not when you suck the life right out of me.”

  She looked down to where they were still joined. “I’m pretty sure that is not your life pole there.”

  He pulled out of her body, hating to leave the snug embrace but needing to dispose of the condom. Damn, if that small separation was a bugger, what was it going to be like when he had to leave for an assignment? He’d cross that bridge when he came to it. “Be right back.” The future wasn’t clear for him, not with the SEALs or the CIA.

  Walking to the bathroom, he tossed the used condom into the trash after tying it off. It didn’t appear to have broken. He wondered how it had happened last time as well. He hadn’t double checked the condom when he’d taken it off afterwards three years ago, assuming they’d worked. Now, he’d do anything to make love to Brooke with nothing between them. “One day at a time, Jase.”

  When he entered the living room, Brooke was in the middle of dressing. He paused mid-step, raising a questioning eyebrow.

  “What if Jack wakes up?” she asked, standing up and wiggling into her pants.

  He grimaced as he realized he hadn’t thought of the intricacies of having a toddler in the picture. “Does he normally wake in the middle of the night?”

  Brooke paused as she clipped her bra on. “No, not usually, but this is not a…normal situation. At home, he’s normally in his own bed by eight and sleeps until around seven the next day. He’s potty training, but he wears Pullups for bedtime. He hasn’t had an accident in a while. I just don’t want him to wake up and find me naked in the living room.”

  Jase nodded then grinned. “So, he’s never found you naked in the living room with a strange man?” he asked as her head disappeared under her shirt. When she pulled clear of the fabric, she was glaring daggers at him.

  “Don’t go getting a big head, mister. I just don’t make it a habit of bringing home strangers to my house is all. I don’t want to have a parade of uncles in and out of his life.” She made air quotes around the word uncles.

  He gritted his teeth thinking of other men she had been with since he’d left her. “Fair enough. What about now? Any men expecting to hear from you? Do I have to worry some guy is going to want to kick my ass for sleeping with you? What about Derek or Darron?”

  “Okay, first of all, Darron was a guy I dated in high school for like a minute. Second, fuck you, Jase. How many women have you fucked since me? Is there a mercenary wench gonna pop out and want to kill me for poaching on her man?” Anger had her face turning red.

  His anger faltered then evaporated. Shit! He was screwing things up and doing a damn good job of it, if the hurt stamped on her body was anything to go by, hearing another lie had been told to him by the admiral wasn’t as shocking. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of that. You don’t owe me any explanations. You’ve single handedly brought up our child and are doing an amazing job as far as I can see. Plus, I deserve anything that you’ve done with other men and then some. Although it wasn’t my choice to leave, I still allowed myself to be bullied into going. You’re a remarkable woman, and any man would be lucky to have you as his partner.”


  The intensity of the moment nearly felled her, but a truth held her in place. She hadn’t allowed another man into her life. Not because of Jack, or not solely because of her son, but because none had measured up to Jase. “Let’s not hurl insults back and forth. I don’t want to ruin what time we have together.” The depth of her feelings hadn’t shut off because he’d left. She didn’t know how to convey that to him, nor did she want to. Not now, maybe never. Jase was here for a mission and would want to be a part of his son’s life. She wasn’t going to profess her undying love for the man just to make his guilt even worse.

  “Let’s be real clear, Brooke. I’m not giving up on us. You, me, and Jack. When this is over, we’ll
figure it out. I want us.” He reached out a trembling hand and brushed her hair back. As soon as his skin made contact with hers, she sucked in a breath from the pleasure the simple touch elicited.

  How can being brushed by his fingers send zings of pleasurable sensations throughout her? For the past three years, she’d had memories of his unique scent, the feel of his skin rasping against her as he brushed his hand along her cheek, the look of awe in his eyes when he would see her. None of those things could be replaced, yet they had her craving for more. “What am I going to do with you, Jase Tyler?”

  He pulled her into his body. “Trust me again,” he said. His head bent, and he covered her lips with his. He nipped her lower lip then forged inside her mouth when she gasped. “I’m gonna make you trust and believe in me, in us. Not just for Jack, but you and I.”

  She blinked back tears. God how she wanted what he was offering. A family with her and the two men in her life who meant more to her than anything in the world. “I want that too.”

  The sound of Jack crying out had her pulling away. “You better put some pants on.”

  Jase blinked then looked down at his dick. “Do I gotta?” he asked with a wink.

  Laughing she ran her fingers along the underside of his hardness. “I’m afraid so. This is what being a parent is all about.”

  Jase gave her a quick kiss then released her. “I missed so many firsts.”

  She nodded but moved toward the back of the cabin to see to her son. “We can’t go back in time Jase, ain’t that what you said?” Looking over her shoulder as she reached the doorway, she saw him stepping into his pants.

  “Live for today and treat it like the gift it is. You and Jack are the best fucking presents I’ve ever been given. I’m gonna be like a fucking dragon and hoard you like you’re my gold.” His eyes clashed with hers, complete truth echoed through every word.

  “For some reason, that’s reassuring to me.” She ducked inside the room to see Jack sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes. “Hey, little man, what’s wrong?”

  “Mama, I gotta go potty,” Jack whined.

  From past experience, her little guy probably already went in his Pullup, but she scooped him into her arms and carried him into the bathroom, glad the light had been left on with a dimmer switch, keeping it from being too harsh on their eyes. “Here we go.” She placed Jack on his feet and spent the next couple minutes helping him sit on the too big potty without falling in. He woke up completely by the time they were done, proud he hadn’t wet himself.

  “Can I have a sandwich? My tummy says it’s hungry.” He pushed his belly out and rubbed circles around it with his little hands. “See, look at it mommy, it’s so hungry.” Jack blinked eyes so like his father’s up at her.

  She tapped his nose with her finger. “You’re a little stinker, you know that?”

  He scrunched up his nose. “I didn’t go poopy, mommy. You silly.”

  “Your mommy really is silly. My tummy is hungry too. What do you think sounds good?” Jase asked from the doorway as he leaned against one side with his arms crossed over his chest wearing another dark T-shirt.

  Jack moved closer to Brooke. “I’m Jack. Who’re you?”

  Jase moved into the room and got down on one knee. “My name’s Jase.” He held out his hand, waiting for Jack to put his into it.

  Like the little soldier he was, Jack slapped his father’s hand before he shook it, laughing as Jase gripped with two fingers and shook all over as if the little boy was doing it. “Wow, you’re a lot stronger than you look, big guy. Let me see those muscles.”

  Brooke watched as Jack held up his arm and flexed and fell a little more in love with the father of her son as he measured the width of Jack’s little bicep, pretending to be impressed. “Alright you two, how about a late-night snack?” Usually she would deny the request, distracting Jack with a story instead. Tonight though…tonight, father and son were meeting for the first time.

  “Peanut butter and banana sandwiches coming right up. Want a piggy back ride?” Jase asked a clapping Jack. In that heartbeat in time, they both forgot about her as Jase placed Jack onto his shoulders and headed out the door. He paused and turned to look back at her. “You coming?” Jase asked, the purest delight glimmering on his face.

  God, if she wasn’t already head over heels in love with the man, she’d have fallen right then and there. “Oh, you bet I am.”

  “Mommy gonna eat one, too?” Jack asked in a gleeful tone, his fingers twisted in Jase’s hair, probably so tightly he was ripping a few out by the roots.

  “Does your mommy usually eat one?” Jase asked once they entered the kitchen and settled Jack on the counter.

  Her son giggled, rubbing his tiny fist over his eyes. “She eats my crusts.”

  Jase glanced at her over his shoulder, raising his brow. “Hey, don’t judge, I like the crusts. Plus, I smear lots of peanut butter over the edges. Don’t I nugget?” She swooped in and kissed Jack on the neck, blowing a raspberry. He tried to squirm away, laughing like she knew he would. God, she’d missed this. Missed out on what having Jase in their lives would’ve been like. She had to shake herself from the thoughts of what ifs, knowing things happened for a reason.

  “What can I do to help?” she asked, standing close to Jack while Jase pulled out the milk from the fridge. Jase was busy getting the fixings for their sandwiches out, but he didn’t know that he couldn’t leave a two year old on the counter unattended. Of course, she needn’t have worried. Jase being the super SEAL he was didn’t stray far from their son, his arm always within reaching distance. The instant Jack began to try to get down while she was pouring a glass of milk, Jase was the one to swoop in and catch him first.

  “Easy there, little man.” Jase didn’t put him on his feet like expected. No, he placed Jack on his hip as if he’d done it a million times. They looked perfect together. The image brought a sting to her eyes, but she blinked several times to keep from letting the tears fall. She tried to never cry in front of her son if she could help it.

  “Here, I’ll cut the edges off of Jack’s. Do you want me to do the same for yours?” Brooke held up a knife, waiting for Jase’s answer.

  He grinned at her. “You just want all the healthy nutrients from the crust. I see how you operate, ma’am. I’m gonna have to decline your polite inquiry with a negative. Ain’t that right, Jack?”

  Jack nodded. “Decline,” her son parroted.

  Jase tickled their son, loving the interaction of the simple late night snack and moved around to the small kitchen table with their sandwiches. She grabbed the glasses of milk and followed, feeling a little left out. Dang, why was she being such a…bitch. Yes, that was the word she was looking for. Jase had a right to spend some one on one time with his son, and it wasn’t as if she wasn’t invited.

  After setting the glasses down, she scrubbed her hands over her face. The cup with the lid for Jack wobbled as her son reached for it, falling over without spilling a drop. “Wow, that’s a neat trick. Maybe I should get a cup like that. Do they make them in extra-large?” Jase asked picking up his own glass and smiling behind the rim.

  The look he gave her made her think of other things that were extra-large and had her blushing, if the heat in her face was any indication. “You’re a naughty man, Jase Tyler.”

  Jack sat his cup down. “Uh oh, is he going to have to go to time out? Mommy, he’s sorry. He didn’t mean to. Tell mommy you’re sorry. She’s a good mommy. If you pinky promise to be good, she’ll give you a pass.”

  Her heart melted at her son’s words and the way he pronounced his words, his r’s still had a bit of a w to them, reminding her he was still her baby. The men who’d come after her this evening wouldn’t have cared that he was innocent. That she was innocent. Her gaze jerked to Jase’s, and she could see he was thinking the same thing. He’d almost missed getting to know his child.

  “I’ll keep you both safe,” he promised.

  The conviction she heard in
his tone had her taking a deep breath. With a nod, she sat next to where he sat holding Jack. Her son picked up one of the squares of his sandwich that she’d cut up for him and held it out for her. “Here, mommy. I share with you.” Heart melting, she took the proffered sandwich with the peanut butter and bananas. Looking at her two favorite people in the world, she took a huge bite and moaned around the gooey goodness.

  “Mmm, so good,” she murmured.

  Jase groaned, shifting Jack on his lap. “Yeah, it is.”


  Jase watched Brooke clean their son’s face and hands after they finished their late-night snack. Jack was already nodding off while she did the little routine. He couldn’t believe how much he loved the pint sized little guy already. Hell, he’d love the kid even if he hadn’t been his, but knowing he was, made his heart swell with pride and joy.

  Standing between the bedroom and the bathroom while she lifted Jack into her arms, she turned startled eyes toward him. “Oh, I didn’t know you were there.”

  He shrugged. “I wanted to…I don’t know, say goodnight to him.”

  The smile she gave lit up her face. “I totally get it. Come on,” she said, tilting her head to the side.

  He’d never thought he’d be one to blindly follow a woman, but damned if he wasn’t ready to do just that. The bathroom light switch had a dimmer, so instead of shutting the light off, he turned the dial, keeping the room softly lit. Inside the bedroom, Brooke placed Jack in the center of the bed, then laid down on one side, tapping the other. He glanced at the door to the hallway. His watch was set up to alert him if any of the perimeter alarms were tripped.

  Bone tired, and weary, yet needing to be next to his family, because that’s who Brooke and Jack were—his family, he sat and took off his shoes before he lay down. Grabbing the blanket from the end of the bed, he pulled it over the three of them.


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