“Huh? What text. I ain’t get no text.”
Mendosa sighed. “Hold up.”
A few seconds passed and then he said, “Damn, I sent that shit to Sen. She didn’t tell you.”
“No, you sent what? What’s goin’ on Mendosa?”
“I fucked up and sent the address where Kelly was spotted to Sen instead of you. Why wouldn’t she tell you?”
So, that’s where she was. I had to tell Mendosa the truth.
“I’m texting you the address. I’ll meet you there!” He said and hung up.
I hit the gas and headed in the direction that my GPS told me to go after I put the address in.
* * *
By the time I pulled up Mendosa was getting out of his car. It didn’t matter who was outside or what was going on, seeing Jake’s Caddie meant that some shit wasn’t right. It raised a red flag that she was still there after all of that time. At least an hour and a half had gone by. What the hell?
First I noticed that there was only one other car in the driveway and it wasn’t Kelly’s Chrysler 300. It was a gray big body Benz that looked very familiar. At the moment I couldn’t think of where I’d seen it, or who drove it, but it had Georgia tags.
“C’mon man,” Mendosa rushed me urgently.
The look on his face let me know that he was worried as hell. I was too, but I was also furious. There was no way that I was going to keep wasting my time trying to talk some sense into Sen. Why the fuck would she go behind my back when I told her not to go after Kelly?
We both scurried to the house and I looked around to make sure that the coast was clear. The blinds on all of the windows were closed and we both knew that if we knocked nobody was going to come to the door. There were children playing outside and a few adults were out so we couldn’t just break in or shoot the door down. It would be too many witnesses.
“I can’t see shit in there,” I spat angrily as I tried to peek through the slits in the blinds in the back of the house.
Mendosa wandered off and I followed him. There was a side door that looked a lot flimsier than the front and back doors. Without hesitation Mendosa turned the doorknob and the door opened with a squeak.
He quickly stopped. “Bingo,” he whispered. “It’s makin’ too much noise though, so we gotta squeeze through.”
I walked in first and took a look around. It looked like whoever lived there was moving out. Maybe in the midst of the move they’d left the side door unlocked by mistake. The spot was quiet as hell and I wondered if Kelly had turned the tables on Sen. Was she dead? The thought made my head start pounding. No matter how much she got on my nerves, or how stupid her decisions were, I still loved her.
After making our way through the kitchen there was a hallway and then the living room. There a tall, slim built dude was standing over a chick laying on the floor. Was that Sen? I glanced over at Mendosa and he raised his weapon. I raised mine too. Then I saw the woman’s face. Her eyes were gauged out of her head and there was blood everywhere. It was Kelly. I could tell by the haircut, but where was Sen?
“Where the fuck is my daughter?” Mendosa got the man’s attention and he turned around with a gun in his hand.
I recognized him right away. His name was Mack and he was one of Trell’s flunkies. That was why I’d recognized his car. He must’ve managed to escape the massacre on the rest of his crew. I’d heard that he was in Alabama, so he must’ve still been there when everything went down. My guess was we were at his spot and he was moving, but what was his connection to Kelly?”
“Mendosa…Keys…what’s up? Now explain to me why your daughter was in my crib in the first place. Huh? She killed my girl and shit…”
“Your girl?” I interrupted him in confusion. “Uh, she was fuckin’ JJ and my pops.”
“JJ was just a pawn man. I needed him to get yo’ trees for me. Kelly had already told me that you left yo’ shit there. That nigga JJ introduced me to her and she forgot all about him. That nigga got popped though, so that didn’t work. Then Trell ended up murked and the plan to rob that nigga went out the door.” He pointed at Mendosa. “Most of my niggas dead now, so it was time to get my girl and go. The last part of the plan was to get yo’ pops’ money. That was the only reason she was wit’ him anyway. My girl did that shit. She was a ride or die for real. Did ya’ll send that bitch here to kill her? ‘Cause if you did that was stupid.” He shook his head and then held his gun out like he could shoot us before one of us shot him.
“I ain’t gon’ ask you again nigga. I’m just gon’ send you to hell wit’ yo’ bitch. Now where the fuck is my daughter?”
He shrugged his shoulders and laughed. “I guess the plan I made earlier ain’t gon’ work out either. I was gonna leave town and hold that bitch for ransom. Damn, ya’ll timin’ is fucked up. I was just ‘bout to fuck that bitch in the ass… again.”
Me and Mendosa both started shooting and he made a run for it. We figured that Sen was still in the house and we’d be able to find her.
“Motherfucka!” I yelled as he bolted for the back door.
Mendosa let off two more shots. “You go find Sen while I handle that nigga. Take her to your spot. I’ll take care of Jake’s car.”
“But, it’s too many people outside man…”
“I’on give a fuck. Just get my baby girl outta here.” He went after that nigga full speed like a track star.
The house wasn’t that big being that there was only one floor, so I found Sen in one of the bedrooms pretty quickly. She was handcuffed to the bed’s headboard and her shirt was ripped open. Her slacks were around her ankles and immediately I wanted to kill that nigga. I hoped Mendosa put a few bullets in his head, although I wanted to do it my damn self.
Sen didn’t even notice that I had walked into the room. Her eyes were covered with a white bandana and there was something that looked like a sock stuffed in her mouth
“Sen,” I called out softly. “It’s me baby.”
I removed the blindfold and gag and noticed that she had a swollen black eye and dark bruises on her cheeks. There was even a cigarette burn on her thigh. It wasn’t the time to go off on her. Although she’d brought it on herself, she’d been through enough.
When she saw me through the eye that she could open there was immediate relief on her face and then guilt. I just hoped she’d learned her lesson because she could’ve been killed. Clearly that nigga had planned to kidnap her and possibly do all types of shit to her.
“Keys, I’m so sorry…” she whimpered.
“Shhh, do you know where the key is?”
“Right there.”
She pointed to a small, round table that was in the far left corner of the room. It was like she could see her freedom, but not get to it, which I was sure was torture. I got up to get the key and then I removed the handcuffs.
I fixed her pants and tried to cover her up as best I could with her ripped shirt.
“Give me my blazer,” she said pointing to the bed.
I gave it to her and she put it on. Her bloody shoe was by the bed, so I grabbed it and the matching heel before I scooped her into my arms. “Where is he?”
“Don’t worry about that,” I said before heading toward the door.
“He has my gun…”
“What did he do to you?” I asked once we were in the car and away from the scene. “Did he rape you?”
My jaw twitched and I bit down on my bottom lip until I tasted blood. Shit, Mendosa still hadn’t called, so I didn’t know what was up. Did that nigga kill him?
Tears fell from her eyes. “I fought him as best I could. He beat me and…he…he was about to rape me, but for some reason he stopped and left the room. He said that he met Kelly through JJ and he loved her. They were going to run off and get married. She stole the money from your pops and stole your work so they could run off together.” She shook her head. “I’ve never been so sorry about anything in my life. Once again you saved me and…”
“Your pops was wit’ me and he wen
t after him. I’on know if he’s good or not. Once again I gotta ask you if you think before you do shit. I’m really startin’ to…”
“What?” She asked.
I couldn’t look at her. A nigga had beat her up and I couldn’t do a thing about it. How the fuck did she think that made me feel? All because she wanted to prove a fucking point by killing Kelly even though I had told her to leave it alone.
“It’s like you just wanna defy me and your pops. For what? Why can’t you just listen Sen? It’s not rocket science. All you have to do is stop doing stupid ass shit. You’re jeopardizing everybody around you because all you give a fuck about is yourself and what you feel. I need you to chill the fuck out yo’. For real. You could’ve got yourself fucked up or worse ma. Who am I foolin’ though? I’m wasting my time and my breath right now.”
She sighed and stirred in her seat. “I already told you I’m sorry Keys. I fucked up but…”
“But this ain’t the first time. Sorry ain’t enough Sen. As soon as I hear from your pops you’re goin’ to his crib. I can’t do this…”
“You can’t do what?” Her voice let me know that she was terrified of me leaving her.
“It’s too much right now Sen. I don’t think you’re ready for a relationship. You’re too spoiled and selfish. You don’t think about the people who do love you. You just do what the fuck you wanna do without carin’ about the outcome. I can’t bet my life on that.”
“What are you sayin’ Keys?” She was clearly crying, but she just didn’t know how I felt.
“I can’t be wit’ you like this Sen. Not right now. I’ll do whatever I can until I’m sure that you’re safe, but I don’t think we can be together. You just be doin’ too much. I need a ride or die to a certain extent, but I need my woman to chill when I tell her to. I didn’t need you to handle Kelly. That was nothin’. You just wanted to do what the fuck you wanted to do. Look at what the fuck happened? Why don’t you fuckin’ learn?”
“Keys, no…no…don’t do this to me. I love you…Please…I won’t do it again. I’ll listen…I promise…Please. When I was pissed and ready to walk out on you, you said that we would work it out. Why is it okay for you to give up on me?”
My heart was hurting. I had always loved Sen and I would never turn my back on her, but she just didn’t give a fuck.
“Don’t do that Sen.”
“What? Fuck that shit! I’m beggin’ because I love you. Think about it Keys. You feel the same way about me that I feel about you. When somebody fucks with you I have a desire to do something about it. That’s the same way you feel. If I care about a person I want to get pay back for them. I have a vindictive nature. I’ll admit that.” She sniffed as the tears fell. “I don’t want to always be a victim.”
My timing was wrong, but I wasn’t one to pretend. She needed to know how I truly felt. “I get it ma, I do, but damn…I don’t know if I can keep you alive like this. Shit. I love you. I want to enjoy you and have some babies wit’ you one day, but how can I when you do shit like you just did? How can I trust you raisin’ our kids, or even bein’ around to have some?”
“It won’t always be like this. Babe I was in my feelings. Look at me. I’m fucked up and I learned my lesson this time.” Tears spilled down her cheeks. “I just hope my father is okay.”
“Mendosa’s gonna be good, but we need a break. I’m not sayin’ that it’s over, but I need yo’ pops to handle you. I gotta admit that I can’t right now. Mendosa’s pissed. You could’ve killed Jake. He woke up, but he is mad as hell. So mad that he ain’t tryna protect you no more. That nigga ain’t never done a drug in his life Sen.” I shook my head.
“I’m sorry about Jake, but shit, what about me and what that nigga just did to me!”
“I wanted to kill Mac for hurting you, but let’s face the truth. Ain’t nobody ask you to do that shit Sen. You should’ve just called me instead of takin’ shit into your own hands.”
“And like I said, I’m sorry okay. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Sometimes I just can’t help myself.” Her sobs shook her body. “I’m fucked up and maybe you’re right. I’m probably not ready to be in a relationship, but I’m ready to be loved. Everybody deserves to be loved and some people need somebody to save them…to help change them. You know?”
That stirred something inside of me, but I couldn’t let her get away with that shit. It was the second time she had gone behind my back.
“My love for you will never change Sen and I’ll lay down my life for you because of that love. I can’t be wit’ you though. Not right now.”
She sobbed and I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to comfort her, but damn. I didn’t know how. Instead I headed to my spot so I could at least nurse her wounds. I wanted Sen more than anything in the world and there were no words to express how much I loved her. Yet and still, there was only so much a nigga could take.
* * *
I didn’t want to be petty as I washed Sen’s body down. I honestly wanted to keep telling her how reckless she’d been. It was no point in me rubbing it in. She’d just gone through another hell and I didn’t want to not be there for her in some way. Still, she was putting me through so much emotional turmoil. Honestly, I didn’t mind my woman being strong. Actually I loved that shit. However, my woman needed to know when to stand down and let me be the man in the relationship. When I wanted her to go to war with me I’d let it happen. For now all I needed and wanted was her love.
She was still crying as she sat in the tub.
“My skin burns.” She grimaced in pain as she held an ice pack on her eye. She had more cigarette burns on her once flawless skin than I thought. I had counted four.
“I know baby. I’m so sorry.” My phone was right there in my pocket and Mendosa still hadn’t called yet.
I was just glad she hadn’t asked about him. So far she seemed to be in so much pain that she was distracted. I’d given her a Percocet that I had from the time I’d pulled my ACL playing basketball. She seemed to be more mellowed out, but she was still not one hundred percent herself.
“It wasn’t your fault baby. I don’t know why I’m so damn stupid.” She really broke down then. “I don’t want to lose you. Please forgive me.”
I pulled her wet body into mine and held her tightly. Damn, I just couldn’t help myself. Although she was like kryptonite to me, I still felt the need to comfort her. She hadn’t been comforted enough in her life. Nobody was there to hug her, or wipe her tears away for most of her life. I knew that feeling so much. I could relate, so my heart went out to her.
“Why ain’t you in here with me?” She whispered in my ear.
“You know why ma.” My head was pounding.
“I need you Keys. Please don’t leave me right now.”
Damnit, I wished she’d stop begging. That shit was hard enough. “I’m not leavin’ you Sen. I’ll still be there for you. I told you that.”
“But you don’t want to be with me. I thought you said you love me.”
I pulled away from her and then took my wet shirt off. Her eyes lingered on my chest and abs. I wanted to snap as I stared at her face. That nigga had really fucked my baby up. Damn, I wanted to put my hands on that motherfucka for that shit. I hoped Mendosa had killed him. As much as I wanted to give up on Sen, I didn’t really want to. I wanted to work it out, but she was so damn hard headed.
“I do love you Sen, but maybe we moved too fast…”
“You’re down playing what’s going on between us. What the fuck do you mean? You said it was never too soon to be in love with the right person. What? You just wanted to fuck me?”
“No, you know it wasn’t that. You’ll never be reduced to just bein’ a piece of ass to me. I should’ve assessed the situation though. I jumped in too fast without knowing what I was getting into. I let my feelings for you get in the way of my better judgment.”
“So you regret fucking with me? Is that what you’re saying?”
Tears burned my eyes then, b
ut I wasn’t one to let them fall. I had to be honest with her. “No, I don’t regret it. I just should’ve thought it over. We ain’t kids no more Sen. This shit ain’t innocent and cute. It’s life or death.”
She didn’t say anything. Instead she moved away from my touch and leaned back.
“I want to be left alone,” she whispered.
That didn’t really sound like a good idea to me. “Umm, I’m not leavin’ you…”
“Get the fuck out…now!” She screamed. “You’re giving up on me, so I’m giving up on you! Go!”
Her face was different from any expression I’d ever seen her wear. I didn’t recognize the woman who was lashing out at me. She wasn’t the Sen that I knew. She was the Sen that Mendosa had warned me about.
Instead of trying to defend my stance and get her to understand my point of view as the man who loved her, I reluctantly got up and returned to the bedroom. Once I was away from her I ran my hands over my face in frustration. Why hadn’t Mendosa called yet? I was so stressed out at that point. What the fuck was going on?
As if on cue he called and I answered before the first ring even finished.
“Shit, I’m so glad you called man.”
“Is my baby alive?”
“Yes,” I confirmed.
“I need you to meet me somewhere?”
My interest was piqued but I couldn’t leave Sen alone in her condition.
“Uh, what about Sen?” I didn’t tell him about what we were going through.
“Take her to my house. Ana will keep her company. I don’t know what that nigga did to her, but I’m hopin’ you can fill me in. I’ll text you the address.”
“A’ight. I’ll text you when I’m on the way.”
“She okay?”
“I’on think so.”
He sighed heavily. “Okay. I’ll see you in a minute.”
I hung up and patiently waited for her to come out of the bathroom. When she finally did I told her that I would be taking her to Mendosa’s for us to handle some business.
“So, you’re leavin’ me for him to handle my bullshit huh? You’re tired of dealin’ with me; with this. You got a few nuts, I killed a couple bitches for you and now you’re done. I knew it. You’re just like every man other than my father. You ain’t shit and you don’t give a fuck about me. It was all lies. He’s all I got. I shouldn’t have trusted you…”
The Plug's Daughter 2: It's Love and War Page 12