Shared by the Druids: Pagan Menage

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Shared by the Druids: Pagan Menage Page 2

by Chera Zade

"You have had the fertility ritual explained to you, and I can see already–" his eyes locked on mine, "that you are extremely devoted to pleasing the goddess. The truth is, though, that this problem is bigger than you, bigger than your family. The entire valley is in drought, and this curse is starting to creep into the surrounding areas – if something is not done now, all our people could go hungry. And while you may perform the ritual by yourself and the goddess will bless your family's crops, I believe we may be able to make the ritual even more powerful, so that the goddess may smile upon all of our people once again."

  "And what will make the ritual more powerful?"

  He closed the space between us in a flash, kneeling down so that his body straddled mine. His strong fingers grasped my hand, and he placed it on his enormous member. I gasped as it hardened against my hand, the hood pulling back and exposing the engorged head.

  "I think you know," he whispered in my ear.

  "I have never–"

  "I know. Your father told me so, remember? Do not worry, there will be some pain, but I will make certain you enjoy it. Now, let us pick up where you were in the ritual before I so rudely interrupted."

  Before I could say another word, he pressed his lips against mine, his tongue thrusting its way into my mouth, prying my lips apart. He explored my mouth, opening it wider and gliding his tongue over mine. I had never experienced a sensation like it before. Gently, tentatively, I began to push back, probing into his mouth, caressing his tongue with mine.

  His body, so close, radiated warmth. His hands pressed against the small of my back, his touch searing hot in the cool night air. He ran his fingers up my spine, his touch lighting my whole body on fire.

  Balor pressed himself still closer, and I could feel his hardness throbbing against my thigh. I tried not to think of how something so large would have to fit inside me, instead focusing on the wonderful sensations washing over me as he kissed and stroked my body.

  With one hand still nestled in the small of my back, Balor lowered me on to the ground, so I was lying with my back in the grass, my knees raised, my legs parted slightly. He leaned over me, his lips still locked on mine, and ran his fingers over my chest, cupping each breast in his hands, pinching and twisting the nipples beneath his fingers. A moan escaped my lips as Balor bent down and took one of my nipples in his mouth, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bump, sending a flicker of fire through my body.

  "Mind if I join in?"

  Balor and I whirled around. What was that?

  Another man stepped out from behind the north sarsen. He stood at the edge of the circle, his toes grazing the threshold, and regarded us with a grave glare. He too was naked, clothes strewn around his feet. I noticed the while cloth of a druidic dress balled up against the sarsen stone. The new druid had painted his muscled chest with the sigils of the Goddess, the blue lines gleaming in the moonlight, giving him an ethereal, unearthly aura.

  "Donmal." Balor said.


  The men nodded at each other.

  "You know this man," I asked Balor. "Why is he watching us? How dare he interrupt the ritual?"

  "It is alright, Eithne. He is a fellow Druid," said Balor. "We trained together in the mountains. He is a friend, and a good man. But his presence here is a real mystery. Why have you come tonight, Donmal?"

  "The chieftain of the next valley asked for a druid to come and dance for the rains. I arrived in the valley just yesterday, and saw the dire state of the crops. I read the sky and determined that tonight was the time to perform a ritual to secure the fertility of the valley," Donmal shuffled on his feet, but did not step inside the circle. "I hadn't anticipated that the circle would be occupied."

  "It is a large circle," said Balor. "You may join us in our ritual."

  My eyes widened. I stared at Balor. Is he serious? But there are two of them and only one of me? How will this even work?

  "That is," Balor said. "If Eithne consents."

  I stared at the second man, and he met my gaze and gave me a tentative smile. As his eyes flickered over my body, I saw his shaft rise and stand as erect as the sarsen stone he leaned against. His cock wasn't as long as Balor's, but it appeared thicker in girth. With his toned muscles and his friendly, clean-shaven face, he appeared as a Seelie prince, a mischievous warrior of the fey lands from one of the ancient stories.

  What would it be like to share two men? If Balor's touch could light my body on fire so, what would Donmal do? What would they do to me together? I was scared of submitting my virginity to these two powerful men, these warriors of the spiritual realm, but as I felt a tingling spreading between my legs, I realized I was curious too. I wanted to feel them both, together. I wanted to know them both, and to have them know me.

  "He may join us," I said.

  Donmal stepped over the threshold and knelt down on the grass beside me. He placed his lips on mine. His kiss was hard, forcing my mouth open and my head back against the ground. I moaned against his lips as I felt Balor take my nipple in his mouth, sucking and gently nibbling on it.

  Balor drew a line down my stomach with his tongue, circling around my breasts and drawing the sigils of the goddess across my belly. A river of fire followed his touch.

  Donmal's tongue probed deep into my mouth. He wound his hands through my hair, stroking his fingers down my neck, lifting my head and pressing me closer still. With one hand he reached down to stroke my nipple, rolling and pinching it between his fingers until it stood hard and erect.

  "Ooooh," I moaned. The goddess' fire surged within me.

  Balor's tongue and fingers slid away from me. I felt momentarily bereft, until something brushed against my exposed thighs. My eyes flew open, and I watched him bow his head and push it between my legs. He ran his tongue along the length of my slit, and my body trembled from the intensity and intimacy of that touch.

  His mouth still pressed against me, Donmal grasped my breasts in his rough hands, pushing them upward, feeling the weight of them. He twisted the nipples between his fingers, causing a jolt of pain to shoot through my chest, meeting the warmth spreading outward from my legs and melding, becoming one.

  The air around me swirled and shifted, warm and charged with energy. This energy seemed to be inside me also, centered between my legs and flowing through my veins, out and around my entire body, filling me with fire. The stones seemed to lean inward, as if they were watching over us. The goddess was here with us, and it seemed that our joining was pleasing to her.

  Balor stroked me again, his tongue probing into the depths of me before winding its way up and along, swirling over a little bud from which all the warmth and energy emanated. His hair fell in gorgeous ringlets over his eyes as he lapped at me like a kitten, his tongue dancing over that little spot, which grew hotter and hotter beneath his delicate touch. He pulled the little bud up with his tongue, sucking it in between his teeth, and I moaned against Donmal's lips as that warmth spread out further, touching my hands, racing over my legs, swirling up my neck and ringing in my ears.

  "The goddess," I breathed through Donmal's intense kiss. "She is within me!"

  Donmal pinched my nipples harder, but that pain only became one with the energy, part of that inner heat that the goddess had given me. An intense pressure pushed against my belly, begging to be released.

  Balor's tongue swirled faster, his fingers digging into the soft skin on my thighs. I cried out against Donmal as the pressure overflowed and rushed into my veins. My body exploded with heat, and I arched my back as the wave of pleasure engulfed me.

  It was as if my whole body were made of fire, but the fire could not burn me, only engulf me with ecstasy. Wave after wave of liquid pleasure coursed through me. The men held me tight as I bucked against them, my body unable to bear the brunt of the goddess' gift.

  As quickly as it had overwhelmed me, the sensation faded, leaving my body warm and limp. Donmal released my head and laid me back on the grass. He and Balor knelt beside each other, st
aring down at me.

  "She has never experienced the touch of the goddess before," Balor said.

  "Clearly not," replied Donmal. "She looks as if she is ready to sleep."

  "Mmmmm," I murmured. I tried to lift my arms, to sit up, anything. But my body did not wish to cooperate. My limbs felt like liquid, like flowing metal fresh from the forge.

  "You cannot sleep, Eithne. We are not finished with you yet," Balor rolled me on to my back. "To truly satisfy the gods, we need to take you here, as you are young and fertile, and we have opened the way for you, so you are ready to receive our gifts. As we plant our seeds within you, so too does the Goddess ensure the seeds our people plant in the ground grow tall and strong."

  As he spoke, his rough hands kneaded my buttocks. He drew his hand back and slapped me. I yelped at the sting, and he slapped the other cheek.

  "We must wake up your body," he explained, as he slapped my ass again. Far from finding the action repulsive, the sting of his hand awakened my senses, rekindling the Goddess' fire within my belly. He slapped each cheek harder, and the pressure began to build inside me again, pressing against that little bud, longing for more of them, for the touch of the men to feed its hungry fire. My body trembled with anticipation. I wanted to know what it felt like to have a man inside me. But with two of them and one of me, how would they share me between them?

  "Kneel," Balor commanded.

  I drew myself up on to my knees, my limbs still shaking from my orgasm. Balor held my cheeks between his hands, alternatively squeezing and slapping them, the sound of his palm meeting my soft flesh echoing eerily through the stones. A moan escaped my lips, and I could feel my own juices run down my legs as his ministrations brought the goddess inside me back to life. My ass, held high before him, stung as the breeze caressed those red cheeks.

  Donmal stood in front of my face, his member proud and erect, the girth of it both exciting and frightening. He leaned in closer and rested it against my face. I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do, but then he said, "Open your mouth." I obeyed him, and he pushed his cock inside.

  It tasted warm and salty, like the ocean on a warm summer's eve. Not really sure if I was doing what he wanted, I swirled my tongue around his shaft, sucking harder as I pulled him inside my mouth. He grabbed my hair and yanked my head back, pushing his shaft deeper inside me, till the head scraped the back of my throat. I sucked as hard as I could, holding him tight within me and covering his shaft in my saliva. Donmal pulled himself out of me and thrust in again, deeper still, till I gagged on him.

  Balor's hands left my ass, now raw and tingling from his exquisite torture. I gasped against Donmal's cock as two fingers slid inside of me, pressing back against the wall of my cunt as Balor used his other fingers to swirl around that little bud.

  "Oooooh!" I cried, as the river of fire began to course through me once again. Balor thrust his head between my legs again, his tongue licking and sucking and swirling around that bud, while his fingers explored within my folds and the fire licked at every limb.

  I sank back against my knees as the pressure inside me became too great, and another orgasm claimed my body. Donmal jammed his cock deeper into my throat, and I sucked at it gleefully as my body trembled with pleasure. Balor tore his head from between my legs and, not waiting for me to recover this time, he grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me up and back, and I felt his great cock pressing against my entrance. I squeezed my eyes shut as he thrust into me, scared of what my first time would feel like.

  His cock filled me, pressing hard against every wall and crevice. There was pain, a kind of tearing, as of fabric being cut down with a blade. He pulled out and thrust into me again, and it felt as if he were stabbing a knife inside me, ripping and tearing at my most delicate parts. I whimpered against Donmal's tongue as the pain lashed at my legs and I found myself suspended between the two of them, my weak limbs propped up by the presence of their two beautiful cocks.

  Balor pulled out and thrust in again, and after a few more painful strokes my body started to warm and welcome him. The pain subsided, only to be replaced by a yearning, a sense of opening up, like the blossoming of a flower as it welcomed the sun. I wanted him inside me, every glorious inch of him.

  He slammed into me again and again, driving his thick cock deeper inside of me, and I bucked my hips back to meet him, enjoying the sensations of having that huge cock deep within my folds. Donmal pulled my hair back harder, thrusting his cock into my mouth, matching Balor stroke for stroke.

  All around us, the air swirled with life, the breeze caressing my naked skin, flicking over my erect nipples. The fine hairs on my back stood on end. She was here, the Goddess. She was all around us. She was inside us as we rode together on her wave of fire.

  Something pressed against my ass, and I moaned harder as Balor slipped a finger into that hole. Now every part of me contained a part of them, our circle of three was complete.

  And yet, I wanted more. I wanted more of them, all of them.

  Balor and Donmal began to chant. The language was an ancient tongue I did not understand, but their deep voices mingled together in perfect harmony. They were weaving their druidic magic from our ritual. The air surged with energy, with life. As they pronounced each word, they thrust themselves into me, so my body became part of the spell they were weaving.

  Still chanting, Donmal removed his cock from inside me and moved around behind me, joining Balor as he continued to pump me hard. I felt hands exploring beneath me, and the druid grabbed one of my raw ass cheeks, his other hand reaching between my legs, flicking across that little spot.

  Donmal pressed his finger inside my ass alongside Balor's, and I felt myself being stretched and extended. With each of Balor's thrusts, they pushed their fingers deeper, and Donmal flicked my little bud harder, swirling his fingers around in my juices and attacking it mercilessly as their chant rose in pitch and urgency.

  "Oh!" I threw back my head as another orgasm tore through me, my knees buckling as my body thrashed wildly against the roar of the goddess' fire. The walls of my cunt contracted and expanded around Balor's shaft. He reached beneath me and twisted one of my nipples, and I shrieked as I slammed back against him, the ecstasy of abandon running through me.

  The fire cooled to a pleasing warmth in my veins, and I rested my head on my hands, my legs so wobbly they could barely hold up my hips any longer. Only their grip on me held me in place now.

  Balor pulled out of me, and came around to stand in front of me, placing his hands on my quivering shoulders, holding me up off the ground. Through my swirling vision I could see his cock in front of my face, gleaming with my juices. "Donmal will enter you now. And he has a sacred item he will also use."

  "This will hurt a little," Donmal said from behind me, as he pushed his hand under my nose to show me this object. "But you will enjoy it, and it pleases the goddess."

  I stared at the thin object he held in his hand. It was carved from an enchanting translucent stone, every edge smoothed into a gleaming shaft. Balor smiled as he saw me staring at it in concern. Donmal retracted his hand. Balor indicated that I should open my mouth again.

  I obeyed, and Balor stuffed his cock inside my mouth, just as Donmal pulled my ass cheeks apart and pushed two of his fingers into my tight hole. After they had worked to open me earlier, this did not hurt. While I sucked and licked at Balor's long shaft, Donmal thrust his cock inside my wet, dripping cunt, and pushed another finger into my asshole. I squirmed as I felt myself stretching, the delicate skin widening to accept as much of him as possible. Another finger, and I screamed against Balor's cock as the pain and the pleasure of it became as one.

  Donmal removed his fingers, and I breathed a sigh of relief. But then I felt something else being pushed into my asshole – it was cool against my flaming skin. The shaft. He is pushing that giant shaft … oh no …

  I wriggled, trying to get away, but impaled as I was between their enormous, thrusting cocks, I could not move. I was trapped
, and I loved it. While my ass flared with pain as I felt myself being stretched further still, I loved the sensation of being so full of them, every hole on my body plugged with beautiful, gleaming cocks, every inch of me devoted to worshipping the Goddess within her sacred circle.

  As if she heard my thoughts, the wind around us swirled faster, caressing my skin with the Goddess' cool fingers.

  Donmal thrust into me roughly, as he continued to hammer the shaft inside my ass with the back of his hand. He slapped my cheeks, and I moaned against Balor's cock. "Harder!" I cried, my voice muffled by Balor, pushing himself so far back I choked and spluttered.

  "Come for us, Eithne," Balor cried. "Come again with us inside you, for the glory of the Goddess."

  With a scream I obeyed, my body curling and undulating against them both, my limbs convulsing as the flames engulfed me and another powerful orgasm tore through my body. Donmal's fingernails dug into my stinging cheeks as his body tensed with a final, shuddering gasp he came inside.

  In my mouth, Balor's cock throbbed and pulsed, growing more rigid, a salty dribble of pre-cum trickling over my tongue. I took him in deep, moaning against his shaft as the head scraped the back of my throat. Balor grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me back, crying out as he came with a shudder, pumping his juices into my throat. I swallowed, licking off every inch of his glorious cock, taking his sacred juices inside of me.

  Donmal and Balor released me, and I flopped onto the grass, my body utterly spent, my mind reeling from the events of the evening. The men crawled beside me, wrapping their arms around me, cocooning me within their warmth. The winds brushed over us on final time, and then they faded, the world now completely still. Balor and Donmal chanted together – something slow and enchanting – and I closed my eyes and let the words and the pleasing warmth in my body carry me off into the realm of dreams and fey …


  I awoke feeling damp. Something cold splashed against my face. I put my hands up, and felt water on my cheeks. Water? Here in the circle? Where is it coming from?


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