Chloe's Double Draw [King's Bluff, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Chloe's Double Draw [King's Bluff, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Fiona Archer

  “You ready?”

  “Sure am. I even practiced my lines, though I can’t believe I agreed to this. I’m delivering up our new teacher to the two of you on a silver tray. I should make you work harder for a chance to sweet talk her,” Gabe said.

  Noah shrugged, ignoring the tense set of Flynn’s shoulders. “Don’t be so quick to judge our intentions, mate. And for once in my life, it’s going to pay to be friends with the school principal. You’re her boss. She can’t run away from you at first sight.”

  “You owe us.” Flynn reminded Gabe. “Ever since we spotted this little filly outside the diner, you’ve been promising to introduce us. Fair go, mate, it’s time to deliver.”

  Gabe had the grace to look shamefaced for all of five seconds before giving a sigh. “She’s going to need a translator around you two, you know that, right?” He shook his head. “In the, what…two years you guys have lived here, I’ve never seen you both like this. You could have any woman you want tonight, but neither of you have taken your eyes off Chloe. You think she’ll be a pushover for your down-under larrikin charm?”

  “God, I hope not. Half the fun’s in the chase.” Flynn grinned and turned to Noah. “About time we said hello, don’t you think?”

  “Couldn’t agree more.”

  * * * *

  Purdy’s warning echoed in Chloe’s ears as she gulped more of her wine. The need to steady her nerves outweighed her caution. She was a cheap drunk with a two-glass limit. If she kept up this pace, any worry over horny ex-SAS commandos and their nefarious plans for her would be history, along with her reputation.

  “Well, good evening, ladies. Chloe, it’s great to see you made it to your first town dance.”

  Chloe startled at the sound of Gabe’s voice before relief flooded her system, leaving her almost giddy. Not the two Aussies. That was fine with her. Her face broke into a smile and she turned—then froze. Gabe wasn’t alone.

  Giants with rugged faces, one with eyes the color of blue flame, the other’s a piercing slate gray, the men were more striking than any Hollywood pretty boys. Even camouflaged in shirts, sports coats, and jeans, there was no hiding the hard-packed strength contained beneath. Short, layered waves of hair brushed the bases of their necks, identical except for the color—sun-streaked blond versus a darker walnut.

  Alpha confidence shrouded the duo like a fine mist rising from a glassy river in summer. Her toes curled in a delicious mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

  They stood, legs braced apart and arms held loose but ready at their sides, commanding obedience even without so much as a spoken word. Their stares, delivered with a direct assuredness, stole her breath. She’d never been on the receiving end of such blatant interest. Interest that said, without any pretense, these men wanted to gobble her up like their own personal Twinkie.

  She dragged her eyes away from the men and focused her attention on Gabe. “Hi, Gabe.” If she stared at the men any harder, she’d turn cross-eyed. “You know how Purdy is. She made it her mission to get me here tonight. Talked nonstop about how much fun everyone has. What can I say? She wore me down, and here I am.” She smoothed away nonexistent wrinkles down the front of her jeans. Yep, she said all that in one breath. Smooth, Chloe, real smooth.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re here anyway.” He cleared his throat. Though no giant like the other men, he was tall at around six foot, with a handsome face and dark-brown hair. “Hey, I know you haven’t had a chance yet to meet everyone in town, so I wanted to introduce you to two of my friends.” Gabe turned toward the two men. He grinned and gestured toward the blond-haired man. “This here’s Noah King, and the other’s his partner in crime, Flynn Taylor. Guys, meet Chloe Morgan, our new teacher at King’s Bluff Community School.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chloe.” Noah smiled. His whiskey-rough baritone mixed with that unmistakable Aussie accent set her pulse running.

  He captured her hand in a firm but gentle grip. Tightly controlled power rippled through Noah, waiting to be unleashed. He stroked her skin, awakening every nerve ending in her hand. That feeling increased tenfold when her gaze drifted up to encounter his. Unmistakable interest shone back at her. Her breathing quickened as recognition of his natural dominance surged through her body like wildfire up a mountainside. She took a small, involuntary step backward, breaking their contact.

  “Hi, Chloe, I’m Flynn, the good-looking one,” said another deep voice from beside her as he extended his own mighty hand.

  She ignored Noah’s snort and studied Flynn’s smiling face. A tiny scar, maybe half an inch long, sliced the left side of his cheek at the top of his cheekbone. On any other man, it would mar their appearance. On Flynn, it added an air of danger.

  His hand wrapped around her own. His grip was firm, securing her as his thumb brushed over her knuckles. She shivered and tugged her hand free. Did she see…yes, there, that flash of heat in his dark gray eyes.

  Jeez, talk about a girl needing to keep her hands to herself. What was wrong with her? She needed to stand her ground or be run over.

  “You know, Flynn, I could tell you were the handsome one the moment I set eyes on you,” Chloe teased, her lips curling into a smile. He rewarded her with a wink in return. Though she knew it was childish, she gained immense satisfaction at the frown her words provoked from Noah.

  “Oh my, this could be fun,” Purdy said before she and Gabe erupted in laughter.

  Both men smiled at Purdy, their affection for her obvious as they each gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  Noah fixed Purdy with a mock scowl. “Stop the mischief, brat, or I’ll report your bad behavior to Deputy Caleb King.”

  “Oh please, is that your idea of a threat?” Purdy huffed, disdain clear in her voice.

  Chloe’s surprised gaze flicked to Purdy. Why did Caleb King trigger such a reaction? As if she guessed Chloe’s unspoken question, Purdy shook her head with unusual force, sending the music teacher’s blonde curls bobbing like springs.

  What was this? Apparently, Purdy had secrets of her own.

  “Ancient history, Chloe. We dated in high school. Nothing to tell.”

  Chloe knew Purdy had married a man she met in high school but had been divorced for over two years. In that time, her ex-husband had moved out of state and they had no contact.

  “I doubt Caleb sees it the same way,” Flynn said with an air of detached bemusement. “In fact, I’m sure he’d like the opportunity to spend some time getting reacquainted with you. You know he’s back home from Buffalo?”

  “Well, he’s heading toward disappointment. Why don’t you be a good mate and tell him to steer clear instead?” Purdy shot back.

  From the wide grins on their faces, any assistance Purdy hoped to gain seemed doubtful. Noah answered for the men. “Sorry, luv, no can do. Us former brothers-in-arms always stick together, especially when it comes to conspiring against the fairer sex.” They’d addressed their answer to Purdy, but Chloe didn’t miss the underlying threat. She’d been warned.

  By the sound of their unspoken challenge, they were here for more than polite conversation. Too bad. That’s all she had to offer tonight, no matter how much her libido hissed and kicked to overrule her mind.

  Sighing, Purdy turned to Chloe. “I’m off to get another drink. Would you like a refill?”

  “Umm, sure, thanks. Soda this time. I need to keep my wits about me.” Particularly since two ex-SAS commandos surrounded her. Men trained to observe, analyze any weakness, and strike with deadly precision. She couldn’t risk exposure. For her, that made Noah and Flynn a no-go area.

  Chloe handed over her near-empty wine glass and cast her friend a quick glance. Purdy smiled in return.

  “Hey, Purdy, wait, I’ll come, too. Guys, you want another?” Gabe held up his beer. Both men nodded.

  Chloe’s stomach squeezed tight. Purdy and Gabe’s absence left a gaping hole in her defensive shield. Come on, you’re a big girl. She risked a glance up at the men’s faces
. Big mistake.

  The predatory heat of the men’s gazes warmed her skin, and she swallowed hard. She was a lamb, stalked by two hungry wolves.

  She opened her mouth and started to speak. The muscles in her throat seized and refused to cooperate. A strangled gurgle bubbled to the surface accompanied by burning cheeks.

  Heck, she was acting like a girl on her first date.

  She cleared her throat and tried again. “Do you have many former brothers-in-arms in King’s Bluff, or just Caleb?” For all she knew, there could be a whole battalion of ex-commando types around town.

  Flynn favored her with a soft smile.

  “As a matter of fact, there are a few of us living in King’s Bluff, including out at King’s Haven. Caleb’s a distant cousin of Noah’s besides being an ex-ranger. His family owns a large spread right next door to ours. Why do you ask, sweetie? Trying to shore up defenses against us?” He gave a slight shake of his head. “Sorry, luv, that’s got bugger all chance of working.”

  “Oh, and why’s that?”

  “We don’t fight fair, little one,” Noah warned. He stepped nearer, a giant wall of man swamping her vision. A frisson of excitement shimmied over her skin. The tip of one finger—hard, callused—trailed down her cheek then lifted a curl off her shoulder. His gaze never leaving hers, he twined the strand around his finger until with one gentle tug, it slid free.

  Seconds passed before she could speak. “I, uh, see. So, you take no prisoners, huh?”

  Flynn leaned in close. Her pulse clicked up a gear at the deliberate invasion of her personal space. “No, sweetie. We take prisoners, of the short, female variety. We just don’t fight fair when we catch ‘em.”

  Oh. My. God.

  A battle raged for what affected her more. Flynn’s words or the bald-faced intent both men wore like some badge of honor.

  Their prisoner—captured, contained. Her panties dampened at the mere suggestion. Would they tie her up, keep her helpless, at their mercy as Purdy hinted earlier? Lord, such imagery fed a secret fantasy she’d carried for years. Her clit, awake and alert from the moment she’d first glimpsed the men, now pulsed, demanding attention.

  The heat from her face would have melted a block of ice. She lowered her eyes, unable to meet their unflinching challenge without her insides turning to mush. Coward.

  “Here you go,” Purdy said, saving her from making a fool of herself.

  A glass of soda came into view just below Chloe’s chin. She lifted her gaze and caught Purdy’s raised brow. She gave the slightest shake of her head. This was one explanation best left for later.

  Accepting her drink, she offered her thanks before sipping the soda.

  She needed a safe topic, anything to draw attention away from herself. Spying Gabe, she had her answer.

  “Are Suzie and the kids here with you tonight?” she asked, ignoring Flynn’s smirk at her obvious change in subject matter.

  A frown creased Gabe’s forehead. His hazel eyes clouded with concern.

  “Unfortunately, Suzie’s at home with Rosie. The baby’s had colic, so we didn’t want to bring her out tonight.” Suzie and Gabe’s little girl was five months old and the apple of her dad’s eye. “The boys are here, holed up with their friends, on a mission to avoid girl germs.”

  Chloe looked down the hall and spotted Cody, Tim, and some of their friends huddled together in a show of male bonding. They did their best to shun the attention of some little girls gathered a few feet away, who giggled and whispered as they snuck looks at the boys.

  “In five years’ time, when he begs me for date money, I’ll remind Cody of how he wanted nothing to do with the opposite sex.” Gabe chuckled, shaking his head.

  Happy to let the conversation flow around her, Chloe sipped her soda and studied the groups of people scattered throughout the hall. Families, many made up of more than two generations, filled the room, chatting and catching up with one another. A sense of consistency infused the atmosphere. It surrounded her like a warm blanket and offered the very reassurance she had chased all her life.

  She sighed. Maybe, fingers crossed, things would turn out okay, if Trent would just leave her in peace—

  “Earth to Chloe?”

  Purdy’s face appeared smack dab in front of hers, and she blinked as her mind clicked back into gear. “Sorry, I was somewhere else.”

  “Deep thoughts? Care to share them?” Flynn asked.

  His soft tone, almost gentle as if not to startle her, captured her attention. Its baritone lured her in, tempting her further and testing her resolve. No. She needed to stay ahead of the game these men were playing.

  “Not really.” She didn’t miss his eyes narrowing at her evasiveness.

  The sudden hush of the music had everyone gazing down the hall. An older gentleman dressed in jeans and a Western shirt clapped his hands together. “Okay, folks, dinner’s ready. Grab yourselves a table and we’ll take turns going to the buffet. Don’t forget to thank the ladies from the Progress Association. They’ve gone out of their way to make sure we’re all fattened up by the end of the night.”

  Chloe stood straighter. This was her chance. She could take Purdy and they could flee and find their own little corner.

  “Do you ladies have plans to sit with anyone in particular at dinner?” asked Gabe.

  “Err, no.” Purdy looked at Chloe and arched an eyebrow.

  “Great, how about you join us? My kids are sitting with their friends. You can’t leave me with just these two for company,” Gabe pleaded.

  Trapped, with no escape route. She had no reason to decline Gabe’s invitation. Noah and Flynn might as well have tied her to a chair then and there.

  Purdy quickly nodded her agreement. Chloe took a deep breath before answering. She couldn’t shake off the feeling everything was about to change for her once she uttered her next words.

  “Sure, Gabe, we’d love to join you.”

  Chapter Two

  Caged in her seat between Noah and Flynn, Chloe chewed the tender morsel of chicken and tried to ignore the brush of Noah’s arm against her sleeve. Impossible.

  A finger stroked her wrist. A thigh pressed alongside hers. All calculated to warm her to the men’s touch. Each sweep of contact sent a lick of pleasure over her skin that left her tempted and regardless of the inherent danger, hungry for more. Score one for the Aussies.

  She sneaked a peek across the table to her friend, hoping for…something…anything, to provide a cushion against the intense scrutiny of Noah and Flynn. Purdy’s wide grin indicated her stamp of approval at the turn of events. Traitor.

  “Chloe, Gabe was telling us you’re from LA. I’m guessing you don’t have family nearby. How about back in Los Angeles?” Noah’s finger traced the rim on his bottle of beer.

  “No. Just me.” She ignored the lift of his brow at her lack of follow-up.

  “Have you explored much of King’s Bluff since you moved here?”

  “I’ve been wrapped up in getting settled. Moving here after the start of term put me behind the eight ball. There’s a lot for me still to learn about the town.” Chloe shrugged and directed her smile around the table.

  “We’d be more than happy to show you the ropes.” Flynn offered, his face deadpan, his thigh brushing against hers. Gabe choked on his beer.

  “So I’ve heard.” Chloe wanted to rip her words back as soon as they slipped out. Heat tap-danced over her face even as her body hummed in wicked curiosity. She couldn’t, wouldn’t look at Flynn.

  “So, umm…Noah, Purdy tells me that your ancestors founded King’s Bluff?” She lifted her glass and gulped down the remainder of her soda. The fizz went up her nose, and she coughed.

  Noah nodded, his eyes twinkling as she blinked moisture from her eyes. “True, my great-great-grandfather, James King, was a bit of a rebel. His father planned for him to take over the family’s legal practice. James had other ideas, wanted to embrace certain freedoms that polite society considered abhorrent.” Noah took a
swig of his beer. “He grabbed his girl, convinced a couple of families to join him, and they sailed over from Sydney, landed in San Francisco, and ended up here in Wyoming around 1894. In true rebel tradition, James won the land that today makes up King’s Bluff in a poker game. He started a ranch, established a business or two, and things took off from there.”

  “I’ve noticed some streets and buildings named after places in Australia, but I didn’t realize the connection was still so strong today.”

  Purdy sat up straighter in the chair, her eyes bright with excitement. “Oh, honey, there’s often an Aussie visiting some cousin or another. Plus, over the year, you’ll get to see certain traditions celebrated like back in Australia. You should watch the town play their annual cricket match. It’s hilarious!” Purdy nodded toward Gabe.

  “Hey, you try learning field positions like ‘silly mid-off’ and ‘backward short-leg’ and have some guy bowling you a ‘googley.’” Gabe huffed in defense. “Then we’ll see how you cope, smarty-pants.”

  “Hilarious isn’t the word. Tragic is more like it. Next year, we’re training for a few weeks beforehand. Pete Jenkins is not winning another King’s Shield, even if we have to fly Flynn’s brothers in to shore up the bloody team.” Noah shook his head.

  Chloe smothered her smile at the frustration in Noah’s tone. Sounded like King’s Bluff had a unique fusion of American and Australian identities. There was something about that, a quirky charm, which intrigued her.

  She was curious as to why Noah had inherited so much when his distant cousins already lived in the town. Then again, who knew what skeletons lay in his family’s closet, and she’d be the last to point a finger.

  When dessert was ready, Gabe excused himself to go check on his boys. Noah and Flynn offered to get dessert for the women. After asking for their preferences, Noah returned with hearty slices of red velvet cake smothered in cream cheese frosting. Her mouth watered.

  “Thanks, Noah. This looks fantastic.” She smiled. The air seemed warmer when he sat beside her, and the subtle sound of his breathing magnified in her ears.


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