Chloe's Double Draw [King's Bluff, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Chloe's Double Draw [King's Bluff, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 14

by Fiona Archer

  Coffee and a plate of brownies, courtesy of Gretchen, sat in the middle of the table. She wasn’t surprised to find herself nestled between Flynn and Noah. Without prompting, Mike poured her a cup of coffee, checking to see if she needed milk and sugar. Quinn placed a brownie, complete with napkin, on a plate in front of her. Good manners were a staple of these men, and damned if she didn’t find that oh so appealing.

  “So, Chloe, how long has it been since you’ve seen your stepbrother?” Silence followed Caleb’s question. Once again, all eyes were upon Chloe.

  “It’s been a while now. But like I’ve told the guys, we don’t know for sure that Trent was the one who broke in.” Ignoring the looks of disbelief shot her way, she turned to face Flynn. “I thought I’d answered all the deputy’s questions last night?”

  “No, luv. Sheriff Quilter has a few more he needs answered. Caleb’s a deputy, so he can take your statement.” Flynn reached for a notebook from the sideboard.

  “Oh.” She forced a stiff smile.

  She answered Caleb’s questions to the best of her ability, her throat tightening with regret as she briefly outlined the damage to her mom’s irreplaceable mementoes. Tears burned the back of her eyes, but she refused to cry. Tears had never brought back her mom, so what good would they be to her now?

  All during Caleb’s questioning, Noah’s hand never left hers, his gentle grip an anchor for her seesawing emotions. She wanted nothing more than to nestle in his strong arms while he and Flynn conquered her demons. Pity life didn’t play out that way. She’d fight her own battles. Never again would another get hurt on her behalf—one death on her conscience was already one too many.

  “Do you need help moving Chloe’s stuff here?”

  Chloe coughed on her sip of coffee. Quinn’s mouth quirked but he said nothing.

  “I’ve told Noah and Flynn there’s no need for me to stay here. I’m happy to check into the local B&B, but they won’t listen to reason.”

  “Good, because you staying in some B&B is plain stupid,” Mike growled, the hard cut of his brows adding a dangerous air to his dark features. “Your house was attacked. By default, you were attacked. Noah and Flynn aren’t going to sit on their asses and let you make yourself an even bigger target.”

  Chloe ignored the hearty agreements that echoed around the table and stared at Flynn, who cocked a brow in silent challenge. Crumbs. She’d get no help from this group.

  Caleb, sitting opposite, leaned his elbows on the table. His intense scrutiny triggered alarms bells in her head.

  “Sweetheart, as much as you don’t want to, we have to talk about your stepbrother.” Caleb’s tone was almost apologetic in its gentleness. “The graffiti on your wall wasn’t left by a stranger. Nobody in this town would be harboring that amount of anger toward you. Flynn told us that you’re estranged from Trent. Can you tell us why?”

  Oh, he was good. Smooth, gentle, yet determined to get his answer. This was the man hell-bent on capturing Purdy’s attention. Good luck avoiding this one, girlfriend.

  “Chloe, you need to answer the question.” The rigid set of Flynn’s shoulders declared his need for answers.

  Noah was no better. The hard lines of his face and the flare of command in his eyes dared her to defy Caleb’s request.

  A shiver rode up her spine.

  “I was eight when Mom married Hank Young. Trent was fourteen. My own dad died when I was just a baby, so it had been just Mom and me up until she met Hank.” She took a sip of her coffee, grateful the men let her go at her own pace. “Mom was lonely, and Hank was a real charmer. It wasn’t until they were married she found out he planned to use her family’s money to help him prop up some shady dealings he’d been running. The truth broke my mom’s h–heart.” She gulped a breath.

  Chloe’s mouth hardened as she pictured her once vivacious mom facing the realization her marriage was nothing to Hank but a glorified line of credit. Oh, Mom, you deserved so much more.

  In the back of her mind, she registered Noah’s increased grip on her hand and Flynn rubbing soothing strokes between her shoulder blades.

  “When I was fourteen, Mom developed cervical cancer. She had treatments and fought hard, but she passed away within a year.” She breathed deep. Get this over with.

  “I’m sorry to hear about your momma, sweetheart. A girl needs her mom, especially at fifteen.” Caleb’s voice rang with sincerity, and this time Chloe didn’t bother to blink away the sheen of tears threatening to spill over her lashes.

  “After Mom’s death, Trent took more of an interest in me. I put it down to him trying to make up for Mom.” Hugs of reassurance. A real adult thinking she was cool, paying attention to her. “You know, wanting to know what I was doing, who I spent my time with, that kind of stuff. I’d never had a boyfriend, but whenever a guy showed any interest in me, Trent warned them away.” Protecting her, he’d said. Fool, Chloe.

  “So you stayed with Hank and Trent after your mum’s death?” Noah raised her captured hand to his mouth, his lips brushing over her knuckles.

  Eleven horrible months. No, keep it vague, Chloe…don’t let him know it matters. “Oh, I think around a year or so.” Thank God she’d had her aunt to run to—why hadn’t she left sooner?

  Caleb’s eyes narrowed. Did he think she was guilty? They couldn’t know, right? No. Calm down, girl.

  She met Caleb’s stare, then shrugged. “Trent’s behavior got worse.” The constant staring. Walking in on her in the bathroom. Her missing underwear. “Eventually I went to live with an aunt. I saw little of him after that and hadn’t heard from him for a long time.” Seven blissful years. “Then a couple of months ago, his wife contacted me. He was leaving her. She warned me he wanted to see me.” To make me his wife. She’d die first. “I decided to move away, start fresh, and not tell him where I was going. I guess he found me.”

  “What happened to Hank? Is he still running scams?” Mike asked.

  “No. There was an accident. Hank died.” Chloe’s monotone admission belied the chaotic twist of emotions slamming her system as images best forgotten played in her mind. Waking up in her bed. A hand on her breast…squeezing. Trent, so big, standing over her. Her grogginess, and then the bedroom light flashing on. Angry shouts, Trent and Hank pushing and shoving out her bedroom door and continuing to the top of the stairs, and her unheeded pleas for calm. Hank’s livid glare. Her fault. It must be. She’d accepted those hugs…at first anyway. She was sorry. She’d barged her way between the men, her arms out in front. Hank’s scream as he fell down the stairs.

  I killed him.

  Chapter Ten

  Noah turned from the sight of Quinn’s truck as it barreled down the road toward the guest lodge Quinn and Mike occupied and walked back to the kitchen. The ex-SEALs had reported via the LAPD that Anita Young was unaware of Trent’s whereabouts. He’d apparently moved out of the marital home a month ago after an amicable split, and she hadn’t heard from him since. Or so she says. Both Quinn and Mike had their suspicions regarding her statement, but for now, they’d look elsewhere.

  Young needed money to survive. Where were his funds coming from? Quinn would dig into Young’s financials. Nothing like chasing down an enemy. Via computer, night vision scope, whatever means necessary. It was what they were all trained for. What they’d risked their lives doing every day for more bloody years than he cared to acknowledge.

  It was the same driving force that had fired up Flynn, who’d left with Caleb half an hour ago, anxious to chase up contacts for possible leads on Young.

  As long as that bastard was a threat to Chloe, they were at her stepbrother’s mercy. Noah’s lips hardened as he jammed the dirty coffee mugs and plates into the dishwasher. Their woman’s safety depended on their extra vigilance. No mistakes allowed.

  “What did those poor innocent coffee mugs ever do to you?”

  He looked to his left. There she was, his girl, standing just inside the kitchen doorway with those delectable lips of hers par
ted in a sassy smile. The tightness that had cramped his limbs drained away, replaced by an all-too-familiar hardness at his groin. He wanted—no, needed—to kiss those lips.

  “Come here.” Noah stayed still as she stepped toward him. He wanted to fist pump the air at her unconscious deference to his command. A small sign of trust, even if she wasn’t aware of it.

  She stood before him, dressed as instructed in jeans and a jacket for her tour of the ranch. That could wait. He needed to hold his little sub.

  He gripped the back of her neck and locked his fingers in the waves of her hair. The fine strands danced like whispers against the back of his hand.

  She gulped as he slowly traced his finger across the blush on her cheek before hooking under her chin. The glint of vulnerability in her eyes summoned his inner Dom.

  It was time to push some boundaries.

  “Chloe, your pulse beats like a caged bird,” he noted. “Why so nervous?”

  “I’m not nervous.” Her gaze darted to the side. Searching for possible escape routes? Not a chance, sweetheart.

  He lowered his head. His kiss captured her squeak of protest in time to force his tongue past her defenses. The sensation of her lips against his was silk against corduroy. Releasing her mouth, he kept a firm hold on her chin.

  “Don’t lie to me, sub.”

  “I’m not lying. Jeez, you don’t know everything about me, Noah. Back off.”

  “Very well. That’s one you’ve earned—so far.”

  “One what?”

  The quiver in her voice and the sight of her tongue licking her lips almost brought him to his knees.

  “Punishment. I won’t tolerate lies from my sub. A warm bottom will teach you right from wrong.”

  “Oh, you are so not spanking me, mister.” Chloe’s eyes shone as her face flushed crimson. Tiny hands pushed against his chest. “And who said I agreed to be your sub? I sure as hell don’t remember doing so.”

  “Hold still or I’ll give you that spanking here and now.” Noah gripped her neck harder. Her pupils dilated. So natural and responsive. God, he loved her. “To answer your question, you did agree, this morning. You said yes—to take everything that Flynn and I can give you, in and out of bed. That included our protection and our dominance.”

  “Hang on, Mr. Macho, we were in bed when you dragged that out of me. You and Flynn were doing…things that…well…distracted me. I would have agreed to anything.” She pulled against his grip.

  He let her take a step back. This time.

  “Anything, huh? Crikey, we’re that good?” He couldn’t keep the smirk off his face.

  “Yes. I mean, no! Oh, just shut up.” Chloe groaned and buried her face in her hands.

  He stepped close, wrapping his arms around her stiff body. His hands slid under her jacket and lightweight sweater, then massaged the tense muscles of her back until she burrowed against his chest like a kitten seeking warmth on a chilly winter’s night.

  “Chloe, look at me.” Noah kept his voice even, coaxing her response. Two green pools swamped with doubt stared up at him. His gut clenched. He’d slay dragons to wipe that insecurity from her world.

  “You’ve had so much thrown at you in the last twenty-four hours. I know we’ve pushed you. I won’t apologize for that. Your safety comes first. Acting the gentleman won’t cut it when you’re too stubborn to see what’s best for you.”

  “Noah, I—”

  “Quiet, sub, I haven’t finished.” He waited for her to close her mouth and forced back the urge to smile at the mutinous line of her lips. Adorable, every soon to be pink-bottomed inch of her. “When I’m near you, I want to wrap you up tight in my arms and never let you go. Christ, woman, you’ve turned my world on its arse.” He swallowed against his suddenly dry mouth. Don’t fuck it up, King. “I’m in love with you, little teacher. Flynn…well, he’ll tell you in his own words. We weren’t kidding last night or this morning. You’re ours, Chloe. For better or for worse, you’re stuck with us.”

  She blinked, her mouth opening and closing. He’d take that as a win. She wasn’t screaming, heading for the hills.

  “I…I don’t know what to say.” The chord of longing in her voice tugged deep. She lowered her gaze, her hair shielding her face. Afraid he’d see something she couldn’t disguise?

  “You don’t have to say anything.” He stroked the velvet-smooth flesh along her spine.

  She shook her head and refocused back on his face. “Noah, I think you and Flynn are special, and I’d be a lucky woman to have you both. But I’m not the right one for you. I’m not committed to being a sub or even to learning more about the lifestyle. Besides, you’re talking love, and I’m not sure what I feel.” Chloe pushed against his chest. Her impatient gaze smacked into his own. “See, that’s just another reason why it’s not a good idea for me to stay here.”

  “Sweetheart, apart from our protection of you and all that entails, you are in the driver’s seat. You set the pace, including learning about our lifestyle. Granted, we’re blokes. So it’s a given we’ll screw up at some point and barge our way past the line you’re comfortable with, but consider that part of our charm.”

  He squeezed her tighter to his chest, his cock lengthening as she attempted to wriggle free.

  “If I’m in the driver’s seat, what’s stopping me from pulling over and telling you guys to hit the sidewalk?”

  Noah couldn’t resist giving her bottom a firm swat. Her answering hiss filled the air. “Uh-uh, kitten, put those claws back where they belong. You don’t want to tussle with me. I don’t play fair, remember?”

  The fresh blush staining her cheeks confirmed her memory worked just fine.

  “Now, let’s get this tour started or I’ll find a way of keeping you occupied indoors. Clothing will be optional.” He pulled her close, his hard-on pressing against her stomach.

  Chloe blinked with doe-eyed innocence. “Well, there’s nothing much keeping me indoors, so I vote for the tour.”

  Little minx.

  “Honey, I’m looking forward to your punishment tonight.” Noah raised a brow at her gasp. “Did you think I’d forgotten, luv? What kind of a Dom would that make me?”

  Chloe nibbled on her lower lip. “A kind, considerate one?”

  The temptation proved too much. He traced a finger across the tortured, rosy flesh. His gaze captured hers. In that moment, those few seconds before she lowered the invisible shutter that closed her off to the world, he glimpsed in her eyes a plea for the cloak of dominance he and Flynn ached to wrap tight around her.

  So be it. He wouldn’t disappoint her.

  “You have a lot to learn about the dynamics of a successful Dom/sub relationship, a cornerstone of which is respect. If I gave you a free pass on your punishment, it would reduce your level of respect for me and set a precedent that would start us on the wrong path. That’s unacceptable.”

  He gripped her shoulders and ignored her gaping mouth. “Come on, little teacher, time to get this tour on the road.”

  He snagged his jacket off the peg near the door and steered her outside, toward the stable and the possible new future that awaited her with him and Flynn. A future he’d fight for. Guaranteed.

  * * * *

  He loved her.

  Chloe stood outside the office located within the new stable complex and hugged herself. Noah loved her. The urge to giggle and clap, dance around like a teenager experiencing the thrill of her first crush, staggered her. She squeezed her arms tighter, afraid she’d fly away from the lightness in her chest.

  Noah, standing a few feet to her left and deep in conversation with one of the ranch hands, often looked her way, as if reassuring himself she hadn’t fled since his announcement. And she was falling for him and Flynn, too. Make no mistake. Was it love? Maybe. Deeper than simple attraction, for sure.

  Her earlier promise to herself mocked her with the cold clarity provided by hindsight. One round of mind-blowing sex, have your moment in the sun, then walk away,
no regrets. She shook her head and groaned inwardly. Yeah, right. What a mess.

  Chloe stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets and wrinkled her nose at the earthy aroma of horse and straw. Her first time in a stable, and she’d bet this was the upmarket model. The paved floor, swept clean and inlaid with drains, allowed easy hosing. Timbered half walls, topped with an iron grill, teamed with a sliding door to make up each stall. An office and a storeroom were each fitted with internal windows, allowing for an unobstructed view into the corridor. Large double doors at one end of the stable provided easy access.

  The operation seemed set up for maximum usage and results. No surprise there. These men never left anything to chance. Did that include her? Was she supposed to fall into line and let her feelings toward them progress until there was no more fight left in her? Uh-uh, she had a mind of her own.

  So why did she feel like the ground had fallen away beneath her feet?

  Sometime in the last twenty-four hours, Noah and Flynn had tackled her defenses and staked themselves front and center in her future happiness.

  The lightness that infused her earlier vanished, swept aside by a prickly tightness that covered her skin. Flee or stay? Evade or trust? Her gaze flew to Noah.

  “Well heck, honey, whatever it is can’t be that bad. Noah, what have you been saying to the poor girl?”

  An unfamiliar male voice boomed from her right.

  Chloe spun around. A couple, probably in their mid-sixties, stared at her with unabashed curiosity.

  Noah walked over, slung a heavy arm across Chloe’s shoulders, and pulled her close. “I told her I loved her.”

  Sunbathing on Mercury couldn’t have roasted her face any hotter. “Noah!”

  A whoop of laughter shot out from the older man as the woman next to him rolled her eyes. Noah laughed and dropped a kiss on Chloe’s head.


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