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Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  "I can't wait sweet. I have to fuck you now." Kneeling between her thighs I took my hard cock wet with my pre-cum in hand and stroked it as I thumbed her pussy with my other. She hunched her hips up against my hand. Here eyes were pools of wanton heat as she watched the play of my hand on my cock.

  "Play with those titties for me love." As she pulled on her nipples I imagined them filled with nurturing milk for my son. With the lascivious thought riding me hard I brought my cock close to her portal and rubbed it up and down her cleft.

  "Fuck me your majesty please don’t make me wait." She pulled on her nipples, stretching them out from her body as she tried to force her pussy onto my rod.

  The heat from her pussy was scorching as I eased my thick cockhead into her. Fuck! Her pussy stretched around me as her eyes widened. I was close to spending just from the feel of her, from finally being inside her after all the waiting.

  It was a struggle getting my girth into her and I had my answer. Mine was the biggest cock she'd ever taken. She was painfully tight, like a band around the heated flesh of my throbbing cock.

  But there was it can’t be. I pushed the thought aside and concentrated on getting my whole length inside her. Knowing my brother she was probably overly tight from four years of disuse.

  I forced my cock all the way home and stilled so I could enjoy just being there. Her flesh quickened around me as she squirmed in discomfort until I eased back out of her slowly, before pushing back in.

  I did this over and over, fucking her with slow soft strokes until she adjusted around me. She was a natural. Once she got used to my length she moved beneath me, grabbing at me with her hands and her inner walls.

  Her mouth opened in a silent cry of lust as I sped up my thrusts, going deeper with each stroke. She uttered what sounded like gibberish and her head went back as her legs spread wider and she took to my cock like she’d been made for it.

  "Do you like my cock pet?"

  "So" She seemed to lose all thought as I bored into her, her hips thrusting up as I fucked down into her pussy with wild abandon.

  It wasn't often that I fucked with the intent of breeding; in fact this was a first. It was an entirely different experience. I quite liked it. With her.

  The thought of planting my seed in her was better than the most potent aphrodisiac and I lost all control as I plowed into her with one purpose. The joy of finally plowing away between her thighs was eclipsed only by the idea, of her need for my man’s seed. Was there anything more powerful?

  She did not want jewels, or a courtly favor. She wanted what the man could give her more so than the king. She wanted a part of me to grow inside her, a child that would be a part of her. The bed near broke in half under the pounding thrusts that ensued as the madness chased me.

  My mind was suddenly overcome with visions of her ripe with my child, of that child suckling at her titties while I plowed her sweet cunny. The erotic picture unfolding behind my lids had me lifting her legs higher as I sought to bury myself deeper.

  I battered her rubbery cervix with my cockhead until I gained entrance into her womb, fucking hard even after she screeched at the sudden pain. I could not stop even had I wanted to. My will was no longer my own, but had been taken over completely by the rampant lust that had been given free rein.

  "Ssh, shh, it'll pass.” I calmed her even as I thrust into her, using a tender hand on her cheek, and a soft kiss on her lips. “There’s a good girl, take my cock, that’s it, that’s a good girl." She spread her legs wider and her hands dug into my arse as she moved beneath me wildly, her hoarse moans echoing in my ear.

  It was obvious she loved to fuck. To think her shyness all these years had hidden such fiery passion. I looked down at her, and saw the lust shining in her eyes. My eyes dropped to her titties that were begging to be sucked and downward to where we were joined.

  I was buried to the very hilt in her belly, could see the slight protrusion of my cock as it slammed into her just beneath her navel. I rutted her like a beast no longer fearing hurting her tight little neglected cunny.

  Her cries rang out around the room and my sweet little country maid begged me in the most profound way to fuck her with my big cock. “It’s glorious your majesty, don’t ever stop.” She would unman me I feared, if she kept this up. My cock was ready to spew inside her and we’d only just begun. And then her hands went to her titties and I was lost.

  I bit into one of her nipples as she held it up to me, the pain in her cunny seemingly forgotten as she fucked up at me, her tight pussy massaging my cock's length beautifully. There was no hope for it, I had to cum. My balls were about to explode. I needed release from the exquisite pain.

  “Are you ready to take my seed?” I dropped her nipple and pressed my tongue into her mouth. “Yes, yes, give it to me now.” She spoke around my tongue as her pussy tightened. “Cum my lord, give me your son.”

  The salaciousness of the act went to my head as I fucked her tight cunny to completion, cumming harder than I can ever remember cumming before. I bucked and roared as I felt life leave me and enter her through my seed. The world dimmed for just a moment in time, but in that moment I felt more complete joy than ever I had before.

  She screeched and tore the skin from my back before falling into a faint. I held still and let the last of my seed empty inside her as I waited for her to come to. “Sweet Cecile, I thank you.” I knew she couldn’t hear me but the words needed to be said. She’d given me a most precious gift. For too long now I’d felt nothing more than a quick release while participating in the act of fucking. Tonight, for the first time since my sire’s death, I felt.

  I kissed her brow gently and spoke to her softly until her eyes fluttered open. “Forgive your king for being such a rutting boar. I wouldn’t hurt you for the world.” Her only answer was a soft touch against my cheek. “It was beautiful. Thank you your majesty.”

  Her smile was radiant if a bit tired and it tugged at my wretched heart. I found it hard to leave her so instead eased my weight slightly but did not release y hold on her.

  I don’t recall when last or if ever I’d stayed in a woman this long after coitus, probably never. But her I lingered over, enjoying the feel of her tight flesh wrapped around my still as yet erect cock. “You my pet are what’s beautiful. You were magnificent, superb, and you pleased your king very well.

  The words seemed to give her life, as it was she who lifted her lips to mine, she who wrapped her voluptuous legs around me and begged with just the slightest of movements that I should continue.

  “Do you wish me to fill your belly again my sweet?” At her shy nod I bit the corner of her lip ever so gently as I started to rock back and forth inside her. “I will try to be a gentleman this time milady.” What utter rubbish, already I could see myself pounding her into the very floor. Thankfully she had no need of a gentleman in her bed.

  “No, I want to be ravished as before. You will not hurt me, just…fuck me as you wish to.” I’ll have to find out later where she’d learned of my predilection for filthy talk in bed, for now I was more than happy to oblige. “As you wish princess.”

  I spread her arms out beneath mine on the bed and pressed my chest into her breasts as out hips slapped together hard, bruising. This is what men killed for, why jewels were fought and men lost their heads. I never knew until this moment, as much pleasure as I once had between the thighs of women, that with the raw emotion added, bed sport became something so much more.

  I almost gave myself away, almost proclaimed myself to her as the sweetest cunny in all creation suckled my cock and it owner ran her hands over my back and head and around to my chest, as she too was caught up in the maelstrom.

  When I spilled inside her this time I knew it would be a long time if ever before I gave up the feel of having her. Whether she took a year or a day to breed I will not stop plowing her quim for all the rubies in my kingdom. But for now, I was well and truly spent.

  “Sweet.” W
e shared a most enlightening kiss as lovers. That kiss said much. I knew what malady had befallen me, but in her answering kiss I got a glimpse into her heart as well.

  When I finally pulled out of her quim which fought to keep me locked inside her, I was shocked to find blood on my member. “Cecile, what is this; are you unclean, did I hurt you?” Even as I asked I knew the truth of it. I had felt it. But how?

  “No your majesty.” She hid her face away from me until I turned it back towards me.

  “How is this possible sweet pet?” The evidence was there but it made no sense. She had been wed to my brother for four years, there’s no way she could be untouched.

  “Your brother, he, we...oh please don’t make me say it your majesty.” Her eyes filled and she lowered them, her face going up in flames.

  “Tell me, I must know.” My heart beat even faster if that were possible.

  “He could not perform.” The words were so incongruous as to be unbelievable.

  “Did he not find you pleasing?” I couldn’t believe such a thing was possible.

  “I don’t believe that was the case. I think his mind was weak and it affected of him. We tried the first few days after we were wed, but it made him so miserable that we gave up, or at least he did.”

  “I soon grew tired of his rejections and so I too gave up after a time. I so wanted a child Julian. I had thought myself in love with your brother in the beginning but my love soon waxed cold from disuse.”

  “I cannot imagine not wanting you. Could never have spent one day in your bed without having you, having this.” I cupped her newly breeched cunny and kissed her lips softly.

  I moved from the bed, crossing the room in all my naked glory to fetch water and a cloth to clean us both up.

  I wiped her gently until there was no more blood before cleaning my rod. My heart was full of pride, lust and a much stronger emotion that I dared not give voice to.

  “I had once feared that he preferred the company of men, but that wasn’t the case. He just had no desire for the physical, though I know he did love me in his own way. He just could not perform the duties of a husband.”

  “We shall not have that problem you and I. For I shall plow your tight little cunny as often as I please.” I fucked her thrice more that night before taking her back to her bed, and once there I held her against the door and fucked her again for good measure.

  “I will take you again tonight. Rest well my love, you’re going to need it.” I kissed her one last time after putting her to bed and then turned for the door. I missed her as soon as I left her. But I couldn’t risk her being found in my bed come morning. I wanted nothing to taint this wondrous thing we had just shared.

  Chapter 9

  Princess Cecile


  I have done it. I have put my fears aside and threw caution to the wind. My Julian will never know what it took. The agony, or the fear of rejection, but the whispers had seen me overcoming whatever fears held me bound and now I am glad of it.

  I laid abed the next morn after that most glorious night, my body still suffering tingles and that place between my thighs sore and alive. For the first time I knew what it was to feel like a woman, whole complete. As was my right.

  I had been wed four years and some to a man I once loved. A man so broken of spirit, that his flesh refused to perform the most basic of tasks when it came to the marriage bed.

  Poor Frederick, what torments had driven him, I do not know. He had never shared with me what it was that had plagued him so. And though he had never said an unkind word to me, when he deigned spend time in my presence that is. Over time the warmth and admiration I’d held for him had dwindled and died.

  It was not hate I felt for my now dead husband, but remorse I think. My youth had been wasted, my chance to bear children frittered away, or so I thought. Now at twenty, a bit long in the tooth to be sure, but not too late, I was finally going to fulfill my purpose.

  The decision had not been an easy one, and not for the reasons one might imagine. It was guilt that had held me in its grip. Grip for the times while my husband had been alive that I had had the thought, why couldn’t I have been married to the king?

  The stories of his prowess were legend even before I was betrothed to his dear brother. It was rumored that he had got an early start, seducing one of the ladies of the court when he was a mere lad of thirteen.

  I had no interest in such scandalous mutterings back then, and until I first laid eyes on the king had only dreamt of Frederick. There had been such promise shown during our courtship.

  It was no small fete to be betrothed to the son of a king. My sire and said king had been fast friends and of course I am of good breeding.

  In those days though I had heard much of Prince Julian I had never laid eyes on him until the day of my nuptials. By then his father was long gone and he sat the throne.

  I remember the feeling of disbelief when he’d smiled at me. The way my heart had hurt in my chest. I remember well the hours spent on my knees begging forgiveness for my thoughts.

  Had Frederick known, had he suspected? No, I think not. Whatever ailed him had been there long before he and I ever crossed paths.

  I had put my girlish feelings aside, it was natural after all for one to be drawn to beauty and Julian was that. It was nothing more than the silliness of a young girl’s heart. One who had been sheltered much in her life by a father who did not trust the court and so never allowed her there.

  I was kept at home on our country estate learning the ways of a woman as was fitting. The only glimpse into the outside world the gossip of the servants and whatever news a guest might bring.

  Frederick had been handsome, dashing; so soft of speech and all that was kind. It was easy to give my heart to him. I had woven such dreams around us, and what we would be. But alas none of it was meant to be.

  I hated myself for comparing the two men when once I got to know the king. But it was hard not to. They were so different in every way. Where Frederick was pale and soft, Julian was dark and masculine it was hard not to notice whenever he was in the room.

  Thankfully we had not spent much time at the king’s court, though Frederick spent much time with his brother, after the first few failed months of our marriage my presence was not necessarily required.

  I had been spared the sin of lusting after my brother in law in body, if not in spirit. No one knew of my suffering. Frederick and I were very careful not to show that we had not yet consummated our union and whatever disappointment I bore was buried deep.

  Of course there were questions about my inability to produce an heir. That hurt most of all. That I would never know the joy of bearing children of my own always destined to fawn over my nieces and nephews.

  The loss had been like a dagger to the heart. But then Frederick had died. I had mourned him, as I should because except for the issue of the marital bed, I did like my husband.

  But then I had another problem. Now that I was a widow without a child, I was once again at my father’s mercy. I despaired of going through the same farce of a fixed marriage again. It was that mixed with the whispers that the king may soon wed that had sent me to his bed in such an unladylike fashion.

  If he did wed, I will mourn that loss as well, but at least I will have a part of him always. The thought will have to sustain me when that day came.

  Chapter 10

  Princess Cecile


  The door to my chamber opened in the early dawn before the palace was quite awake, other than the scullery maids. I turned my head expecting maybe my sister in law who had grown rather close these last few days, but instead it was he.

  My body responded almost immediately as I watched him close the door. He never took his eyes from me as he made his way to the bed. Already I could feel the liquid heat I’d only found in his bed gathering between my thighs.

  There were no words spoken as he pulled the coverings back from my sleep warm body and cl
imbed into bed beside me. The gown was lifted over my head and just like the night before, my body accepted his as he entered me without much preamble.

  His mouth on my breast sent my senses soaring and I was back to where I’d been not too long ago. Flying among the stars.

  Somehow this coupling felt more clandestine than the other. His coming to me; wanting me. The way he clasped my body close to his chest as he moved his body slowly in and out of me. As if he were holding something precious against his heart.

  He searched for and found my mouth with his and our passions ignited ever higher. My breasts ached with longing for his mouth but I did not wish to break the intimate contact of our lips.

  He seemed to sense my need and left my lips to root around at my breast much the same way I imagined our child some day would.

  I felt the change in him even as my body clenched around him in sweet release. His pounding became fierce and the sweet pleasure was almost more than I could bear.

  "Yes your majesty, fuck me."

  He pounded away at my cunny like a rutting ram in heat.

  “Did you miss my cock?"

  "Yes, yes, fuck me harder faster."

  I never knew, would never have imagined that anything could feel this good. Once again I became a wanton beneath him, my body completely out of my control and I didn’t care.

  He bit into my breast and I begged for more, giving him leave to do whatever he wished, to take me however he pleased.

  “Come.” He pulled out of my body and turned me onto my hands and knees before driving his cock flesh back into me rapaciously.

  “Uhhhhhh.” My mouth hung open wide in shocked surprise. Last night he’d only covered my body with his, this was new, this was...”Yes, yes, cries got caught in my throat as he surged in and out of my body binding us together with each stroke.

  Oh sweet mercy, the pleasure he rung from me with his beautiful, plunging most magnificent rod. His large hands came around and held my heavy aching breasts and the pleasure intensified.


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