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Liar Page 8

by Cole, Fiona

  “He’s here for me,” Daniel interjected.

  I faced the bar, stiffening my spine to not turn and look at her. Olivia still leaned against the bar, too close, uncaring of whoever was around. I had to admit, I liked her boldness. If she were anyone other than my best friend’s niece, I’d be the man taking her to the hallway for sex.

  “Thank you, Uncle Daniel.”

  “Anything for the princess,” Daniel exaggerated with a bow and a wink.

  A waitress grabbed his attention and pulled him away, but still, I fought to keep my gaze locked forward. My skin pulled so tight over my tense muscles, and I damn near jumped out of my seat when her small hand rested just above my knee.

  “Olivia,” I growled my warning.

  She, of course, completely ignored it. “How’s Paige?”

  Paige who?

  The way she kept biting her lip and inching her hand higher, I barely knew my own name.

  “She’s fine,” I grunted.

  “Any plans to see her in New York?”

  Her immaturity shined through in that moment, letting her jealousy pour out in a snide voice. It was enough to bring me out of the lusty fog she pulled over me, and I gripped her wrist just before she reached my cock.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  Her tendons jumped under my fingers when she fisted her hand in irritation. Good for her. I was being a dick about Paige, and Olivia should shove me to the curb. Her lips parted, and I braced myself like I always did with her. But a young jock pressed against her back, leaning down to talk.

  “Hey, save a body shot for me later.” His hand slid over her waist, where I’d imagined holding her earlier, and a primal roar rumbled deep in my chest.

  Olivia watched it all and cocked a brow at my reaction before slowly extracting her wrist from my grip, too subtle for the asshole behind her to notice. When I didn’t rise to meet the challenge in her eyes, she pouted before turning her head just enough to smile up at him.

  “Sure. Now dance with me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Where was Daniel to prevent this giant caveman from dragging such innocence out on the floor to do those moves? They were practically fucking in front of everyone. She flicked her gaze my way to make sure I was watching, and I quickly averted my eyes and took too big of a drink from the bottle.

  “The kids aren’t that bad,” Jackson joked.

  “That’s because you’re still a kid.” He was in the latter half of his twenties.

  “Yeah, but I’m settled down now with Jake. I’m too content to go out and party. They exhaust me just looking at them. I can’t wait to get home and curl up with Jake and watch some sports.”

  I’d never thought of settling down after college. Life had too much to offer to find a home and lock myself in one place. But I had to admit, hearing Jackson talk about his relationship spurred an itch behind my chest that had never been there before—a need I didn’t want to think about.

  “That girl is fucking wild,” Jackson commented, watching Olivia flit from boy to boy on the dance floor. Even that pencil-dick, Aaron, managed to grab her attention.

  When she finally extracted herself from her fan club to head to the bathroom, I’d had enough alcohol to let my reckless side free, and I followed her.

  By the grace of some divine interference, the hallway was empty when she came out, and I snagged her wrist, tugging her down to the corner.

  “Kent. What the hell?”

  Swinging her back to the wall, I rested my hand on the side of her head to corner her. “Having fun?”

  Her blue eyes blazed, and her pouty lips puckered, glaring at my overhanded attitude. Olivia liked it the other night when I took control, but she didn’t do submissive through the day, and I knew I was pressing my luck with her, just begging her to knee me in the balls.

  “Yup.” She snapped the p, and I felt it like a lash of the whip.

  Holding my stare, she snagged the bottle I brought back with me and lifted it to her lips, taking her own long drink. A little dribbled out the corner of her mouth, and it took everything I had not to tip the bottle over her body and lick every inch, getting drunk off her skin.

  “You’re a fucking tease.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” All innocence. All a masquerade to torture me.

  Gripping her wrist, I shoved her hand against my hard dick. “Yes, you do.”

  Her back arched, pressing her chest into mine, pinning her hand between our bodies where she began to stroke me. “Then do something about it.”

  I dropped the bottle, not caring if everything shattered, and pressed my hand between her warm, firm thighs, dragging my fingers agonizingly slowly up to her heat. Her nipples pebbled under her silk top, and I was leaning down to suck them—bite them. When the bathroom door creaked open, and I jerked back.

  Thankfully, it was a swaying teeny-bopper and not Daniel or Jackson.

  “Come dance, birthday girl,” the drunk friend practically squealed. “Then we’re doing body shots. Bring the old man with you. He’s hot.”

  I somehow managed to hold back my cringe at her old man comment. Olivia ignored it completely, pulling my chin to face her.

  “Take me home, Kent,” she almost begged. “Fuck me.”

  “Fuck,” I breathed. Using all the restraint I’d stored up over the years when I never said no, I muttered, “I can’t.”

  Disappointment dragged her face down from the hopeful smile. Her eyes dimmed as though a candle being suffocated until it went out. But just as quickly, she pulled her shoulders back, shrugged, and stepped out from where I pinned her. “Have fun with Paige.”

  Then she turned and walked away, leaving me with regret and no more bourbon since the bottle tipped over when it hit the ground.

  “Only top-shelf liquors touch this skin,” she shouted to her friend as she rounded the corner.

  There was no way in hell I’d be able to stand by and watch Olivia let some drunk asshole drink liquor from her body. I’d fucking murder someone.

  Or I’d end up dragging her out and fucking her in the car.

  Best friend or not, I’d lay my claim.

  12 Olivia

  Olivia: Question: Do you think this mirror is a good selfie height?

  I sent the picture I took of myself in the lobby of the hotel. It was a wimpy excuse to message him, but I liked that I could send him a picture and talk to him. He’d been gone all week, and I couldn’t help but feel the loss.

  Since we had sex, the desire that had always been simmering under the surface started to boil over. All that talk of not pushing him became just that: talk. I was constantly thinking of ways to lure him to me. Any time I pretended I wasn’t craving him, I knew I was just a liar.

  Kent: What?

  Kent: How did you get my number?

  Olivia: Vivian gave it to me.

  Olivia: And selfies are huge, Kent. Get with the program.

  Kent: …

  Olivia: People will take pics of themselves in your hotel and post them to social media. But only if you have good mirrors to take pics in.

  Olivia: Like this one…

  I hopped out of bed and stood in front of my full-length mirror. As soon as I got home from classes, I’d stripped down to just a T-shirt and panties. I flicked on the lamp by the mirror to make sure he had enough lighting to see my nipples through the thin white material. I turned slightly and cocked my butt out so he could see the bottom curve of my ass peeking from the hem.

  Looking it over, I thanked my generation for making me so damn good at selfies and hit send.

  Kent: OLIVIA.

  Kent: Your uncle is right next to me.

  My head fell back on a laugh as I imagined Kent getting the picture and fumbling with his phone to hide it. Then I imagined him tipping it enough to keep it hidden, but so he could still stare at my body. I imagined him at a meeting, getting hard as he remembered everything under my shirt.

  Olivia: Tell him it’s
a business question for my class. I asked Vivian, and she told me to ask you.

  Kent: Jesus.

  Olivia: See how the lighting highlights my clothes.

  Kent: What clothes?

  Olivia: I’m wearing panties. Do you want to see?

  Kent: What the hell am I going to do with you?

  Olivia: I have a few ideas.

  Kent: You’re being very forward tonight.

  Olivia: And I’m not even sorry for it.

  Kent: I didn’t expect you would be.

  Kent: We’ll discuss the mirrors when I get back.

  Olivia: Okay. When *do* you get back?

  Kent: Tomorrow.

  Olivia: Yay! I can’t wait.

  Kent: Olivia ...

  Olivia: What? Can’t a girl be excited to see her boss?? I’m really excited to talk mirrors.

  Olivia: I know how much you love to fuck in front of them. Maybe we should test the bathroom mirrors on each floor for research purposes.

  Kent: ... I’m in a meeting. We’ll talk about the LOBBY mirrors when I get back.

  Olivia: At nine at night?

  Kent: A dinner meeting.

  Olivia: Oh, is Paige there?

  Kent: Yes.

  Olivia: Does she like fucking in front of mirrors?

  Kent: Goodnight, Olivia.

  Olivia: Party pooper.

  I dropped my phone on the nightstand and went back to drinking my bottle of wine and watching Netflix.

  When the last of the alcohol was gone, and the movie was over, I ached. Despite how much I’d taunted him at the bar last weekend, I never went home with anyone. I never let anyone touch me after he left. Nothing brought my skin to life like he did, and the only person I wanted licking liquor from my body was him.

  I looked to the bathroom and remembered the way it felt to have Kent powering into me. I remembered how I was at his mercy with his hand around my throat.

  Tossing my shirt across the room, I flopped back on the bed and slid my hand into my panties.

  I hated the idea of him with Paige when all I wanted was for him to think of me. I wanted him to ache for me like I ached for him.

  Making a decision, and not bothering to think it through, I snagged my phone off the nightstand and held it over my body. I used one hand to barely cover my nipples and spread my legs. I considered taking my underwear off but didn’t want to have my pussy out in the cyber world.

  I snapped the pic and cropped to just above my lips and hit send.

  Olivia: I miss having you inside me.

  * * *

  When I woke the next morning—or more like afternoon—I still hadn’t heard from him.

  Stupid Olivia.

  I berated myself all day for my drunken text.

  It was one thing to flirt and another thing to outright announce how much I missed him. I just hated the thought of him with stupid Paige. And I hated that I hated the idea.

  I was Olivia Witt. I didn’t do jealousy. I didn’t care enough. I fucked who I wanted, when I wanted, and didn’t chase anyone.

  The whole day I felt like I was at war with myself. Two parts of me would argue each side.

  Obviously, he wants you. He just needs a little push. It’s okay to push.

  You do not chase anyone. Ever. Don’t degrade yourself like that. Don’t make yourself that available to anyone.

  But the sex with him is so good. I haven’t felt this kind of excitement over anything in so long.

  Don’t let him have that kind of power over your emotions.

  I was so tired of being in my own head that when Oaklyn invited me to dinner, I jumped at the chance. Then when Aaron called a few minutes after, I invited him too.

  “Why the hell did you invite him?” Oaklyn grumbled when Aaron walked away to use the restroom.

  I chewed my cheek, trying to decide how much I wanted to admit. But it was Oaklyn. I told her everything. Maybe she could help settle the internal mess my mind was.

  “I sent a dirty pic to Kent and told him I missed him.” Her eyebrows rose slowly into her hairline. “He didn’t respond, and now I feel stupid. I need to soothe my ego with male attention.”

  “I’d hardly call Aaron ‘male’.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do. And only because I know how big of a deal that message was, will I not comment on Aaron again. At least for tonight.”

  Aaron came back from the bathroom, and Oaklyn even tried to force a laugh at his stupid jokes. I scraped my fork through the alfredo sauce, clinging to my plate, barely listening to him ramble on. I almost jumped out of my skin when his hand landed high on my thigh and moved under my skirt. I slapped my hand over his to stop his ascent. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to my neck, making me cringe.

  “Come on, Livvie-baby. Let me get you ready for tonight.”

  I looked across the table at Oaklyn, who was looking down at her plate but also making gagging motions.

  This was a mistake.

  I was torn between pushing through with Aaron, just to prove I could, and pulling back because I didn’t want anyone else’s hands on me other than Kent’s.

  My phone vibrated, and I breathed a sigh of relief at having a reason to pull back. I pushed Aaron’s hand away and grabbed my phone.

  Kent: Meet me in room 1469. Follow the directions.

  My heart thundered so hard it blocked out all other sound. A rush of adrenaline flooded my veins, causing an excited tingle from head to toe.

  “Olivia,” Aaron said loudly like he’d said it before, and I hadn’t answered.

  “I have to go.” I didn’t even wait for a response. I threw money on the table, mouthed an apology to a wide-eyed Oaklyn, and got the hell out of there.

  I was almost running by the time I hit the door of the restaurant. I snagged a cab and tried to do breathing exercises in the back seat to calm my racing heart.

  I took a deep breath at the front door of the hotel and walked in with a calm I was far from feeling. Only a few workers lingered in the lobby, and I gave a polite smile, walking to the elevators like I had every right to be there.

  I swiped my master key and held my breath as I pushed the door open. Would he be waiting for me? What were the directions? What would I find on the other side of this door?

  I found nothing. The room was empty, and I exhaled hard. Shaking off the disappointment of him not waiting for me, I quickly scanned the suite, looking for his directions.

  When I walked into the bedroom, I spotted a large box on the bed with an envelope resting on top. My hands trembled when I unfolded the note.

  Strip naked and put on what’s in the box.

  Follow the directions and wait for me.

  I slowly lifted the lid like I’d find a bomb inside.

  But I definitely didn’t find a bomb, even though what I found made my heart feel like it might explode.

  I told him I didn’t want his kid gloves.

  And he’d definitely taken them off.

  13 Kent

  Standing outside the hotel room door, I inhaled deeply, trying to prepare myself for what I’d find on the other side.

  I knew she’d be there. I watched her walk in from where I sat in one of the offices off of the lobby. However, I didn’t know if she’d follow the directions. I didn’t think she’d balk at the plans I had for her tonight, but Olivia was her own woman and one that didn’t necessarily bow down to a man. Which made any time she did, a heady, powerful rush.

  I’d given her thirty minutes to prepare. Thirty minutes to wait for me. I wanted the anticipation to build. I’d needed thirty minutes to gain a little composure. As soon as I’d seen her walk through the doors, I’d wanted to pin her to a wall and fuck her into oblivion.

  I still did.

  After jerking off to her picture from last night three times, I was ready to say fuck it and give in to the temptress. I was done with this bullshit of denying myself. It stressed me out, and I had enough shit I had to rein myself back on. I was done
holding back from burying myself inside Olivia, and frankly, my arm was tired.

  I was almost forty, not some teen who imagined what he wanted and came into his hand. I had a willing pussy on the other side of this door, and I was damn well going to take it.

  Again, and again.

  There was nothing wrong with consenting adults. Daniel didn’t need to come into the decision at all. He didn’t need to know. He’d never been informed of my sex partners before; he didn’t need to know now.

  Shoulders back, I swiped my key and entered. Her sweet vanilla scent hit me, and my cock throbbed harder. Staring out at the sparkling city lights beyond the living room, I listened for any sound. A brush of fabric came from the opened bedroom door, and I braced myself for what I’d find.

  The most beautiful sight I’d ever seen greeted me.

  A moan building deep in my abdomen rumbled up my chest and fell from my lips. Soft flesh pressed to the fluffy white comforter, spread for my taking. I stared at her red-tipped toes, the black, satin cuffs strapping her to the bed, up her slim, spread legs. My mouth watered at the glimpse of her pink pussy, and I fought another groan at her heaving breasts, pulled high from her arms stretched overhead, and cuffed in the same black satin.

  What I wasn’t prepared for was her red lips pursed in irritation and her eyes a fiery blue.

  “You made me wait long enough, Kent.” She snarled my name and cocked a haughty brow. God, I was going to love making her bend to my will.

  Pushing down the pulsing throb urging me to take, take, take, I gave her my best, unaffected tone. “You need patience, Olivia.”

  “I need you to fuck me. Not be tied down and wonder if you’d actually show.”

  “You could have unstrapped yourself.” The cuffs that bound her hands were looped through the headboard and had plenty of room to undo the Velcro chaining her in place.

  Her gaze narrowed, and her lips remained firmly closed. She may be snapping at me, but I knew if I dragged my finger through her folds, I’d find her wet and wanting. She was a spoiled little girl, not used to waiting—always getting her way. The fact that she went against her natural instinct and waited for me, flooded me with pleasure.


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