Prison Fling: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

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Prison Fling: A Dark Bad Boy Romance Page 13

by Cassandra Dee

  “I know it’s not much sweetheart,” he rasped hoarsely, “but I want you to wear something that’ll show the world that you belong to me. I’m so sorry it’s not more.”

  I shivered, looking down at the golden circlet, our hands joined.

  I was his.

  I belonged to him.

  I could hardly believe it. I was Mason Evercore’s fiancée. This sort of thing only happened in the movies…

  And with emotion in my eyes, I looked at my lover, tears brimming.

  “Thank you,” was my soft whisper. “It means more to me than any diamond could because you made it, Mason. I’ll wear it with pride,” was my promise, leaning forwards to kiss him once again.

  And just like that, I became Mrs. Evercore. It didn’t take a priest, a pastor, any witnesses, or the hand of God. Instead, our vows were said in the library, my man on bended knee as he promised his heart to me. And I promised mine in return as well because what choice did I have? I was in love with Mason Evercore … and our future was just beginning.



  This girl is right for me. When I slipped the braided rope onto her finger, those big brown eyes turned my way, wide and luminous.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered, that soft pout ripe and peachy. “I love it more than a diamond.”

  And shit, but my heart turned over, doing flip flops in my chest. Yeah, me, Mr. Asshole Billionaire was head over heels for this sweet brunette, her melodic voice and lush body pulling me closer and closer.

  “We don’t have to go to the chapel,” she murmured. “I’m your wife in my heart and soul, where it counts. You know I’m yours, Mason. Always.”

  But I was insistent. I needed Laney to be Mrs. Mason Evercore before the eyes of man and gold, the marriage certificate signed, sealed and delivered. So my head shook.

  “I appreciate your honestly, sweetheart. But I want you with me, totally legitimate in every way. Indulge me, honey, just this once,” I said hoarsely, clasping those small palms in mine.

  Because it’s true. The curvy brunette has my head spinning, every cell of my body oriented towards her. When she laughs, I laugh. When she’s outraged, anger burns in my soul. And when she cries, I want to murder the offender with my bare hands.

  But this wasn’t the time for that. This was the time for celebration and happiness, a new chapter in our lives. Because we were getting married and there were endless possibilities, the future bright.

  Of course, the prison wedding chapel wasn’t much. Just a small room with a couple pews, an altar, and a faded red carpet for the bride to walk on.


  Laney deserved to get married inside a palace. White roses. Golden streamers. Crystal chandeliers. The works. No expense would be too much.

  And yet, this was all I could give her because I would be damned if I waited another minute to call her my wife.

  The need to mark the female was all-consuming.

  Laney was mine.

  And now I was going to make it permanent.

  One hand reached up to fix my tie.

  Damn, it felt good to be wearing a suit again. After a bit of persuasion, I finally convinced the guards to let my lawyer bring me a suit from New York. Designer. A costume tailored to perfectly fit my body type. The jacket alone was a couple of grand. The outfit as a whole cost enough to put a down payment on a single-family home.

  Because I wanted to impress Laney. To show her that I was more than just an inmate.

  Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the shoddy green wristwatch from long ago. It was just as shitty as always, but it was accurate, and right now, that’s all that mattered.

  Five past.

  Where was my bride?

  I wasn’t one to get nervous. Fuck, I was known as the king of staying cool and collected. But the mere thought of Laney leaving me high and dry at the altar made me anxious.


  The brunette wouldn’t do that. She was crazy about me. I could see it in her luminous eyes, the way her breast rose and fell with every inhale.

  Still, doubt lingered.

  Hell, I might be the king of this little slice of hell, but I was still human. I had feelings. And the fear of being alone was the worst one of them all.

  You could choke on that shit and no one would ever know.

  I glanced at the watch once more.

  Seven past.

  Where the hell was she?

  But suddenly, the double doors swung open, the tinny sounds of music sounding in my ears.

  My heart skipped a beat, pulse thrumming in my throat.

  But there was no one there, just air.

  What the fuck? Was this some kind of a joke?

  But then, she appeared.

  Holy fuck.

  Laney was gorgeous.

  And I thought she was beautiful before, then now she was a goddess incarnate. No other girl could compare. Thick curves encased in a white, lacey dress that went to her knee. The fabric molded that big behind, her big boobies soft and entrancing.


  How did I get so lucky?

  I might be Mason Evercore, billionaire and business tycoon of New York City, but even I didn’t deserve a woman like her.

  A real woman.

  Perfection one hundred percent.

  As she swayed down the aisle, smiling that secret smile just for me, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her body.

  She was magnetic. Gorgeous. Unbelievably entrancing. It took everything in my power to control myself, big form tense, heart thundering in my chest. No one had the slightest idea how hard it is to control your desires when your literal dream girl comes walking into the room.

  Slowly, Laney stepped forward, face beaming, cheeks painted in a soft pink color.


  She really was perfect.

  Curves thick and delicious, filling out every inch of that white dress, making me want to take a bite out of her. Sweetheart neckline that accentuated her full chest. Her mounds jiggled slightly with every step, threatening to spill out at any moment.


  I wasn’t sure how much longer I could control myself. This was almost torture. How could anyone be so gorgeous? On our wedding day, no less.

  But eventually, the girl reached the foot of the altar. I held out my hand, and as soon as our fingers locked together, I helped her to my side. Together, we stood hand in hand in front of the prison chaplain who began reading out of a worn-out, three-ring binder. The skinny man was the size of an elf, but his voice was a deep baritone, commanding yet melodious.

  “Dear beloved,” he intoned. “We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life’s happiest moments, the joining of two hearts in the sacrament of marriage. With my blessing, I shall unite this couple in marriage.”

  The chaplain looked up and smiled as if addressing a full congregation, even if it was actually just us.

  “Is there anyone here who has cause why this couple should not be united in marriage?” he intoned.


  C’mon, get on with it you old geezer. Come on, come on. She’s mine. I want her to be mine sooner and not later.

  Laney looked at me with a confused expression on her face.

  I squeezed her hand, rubbing my thumb against it. No matter what happened, this was going to be the central moment of my life. Nothing could ruin my marriage, even if the whole world came down crashing down. So long as Laney became my wife, I would be the king.

  And finally, the pastor continued.

  “Today, we have come together to witness the joining of these two lives. One man, one woman, melding together to become husband and wife. A good marriage will be created, unshakeable and everlasting.”

  As he said these words, I looked into Laney’s big brown eyes. And the longing for a family with this beautiful female began to burn in the pit of my stomach. I’d run my hands along her pregnant belly, caressing those smooth curves as a baby grew within. Hold he
r hand in the delivery room as she labored and delivered, the miracle of a child born of love.

  Or more than one baby. I was willing to have a dozen with this beautiful, fertile female, so long as Laney was willing. But that was only one stage. Because as the children grew and matured, we’d grow old together, faithful companions and spouses. We’d become gray and bent, dependent on walking sticks, loving each other until the very end.

  I was sure of it.

  There was no other woman for me.

  The priest cleared his throat, eyeing my lost form over the rim of his glasses.

  “Dearly beloved, let us begin the vows.” He turned towards me. “Mr. Evercore, are you ready?”

  I nodded mutely.

  “Then please repeat after me.”

  Subtly, I took a deep breath.

  This was it. This was the moment of truth.

  “I, Mason Evercore, take you, Laney Miller to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our relationship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.”

  And never were any words so true. The sentences flew from my lips with ease, my heart swelling with pride as I gave myself up to this woman.

  The pastor then turned to Laney who looked a bit nervous. But with luminous eyes, she turned towards me and repeated the same words, cheeks slightly pink, her voice just a tad breathless.

  God, she was adorable. And all mine.

  “And now, for the final part of our ceremony. The rings. Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this couple in marriage.”

  That’s right. I wanted the world to know she was mine.

  Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get her a proper ring. My fuck-up of a lawyer had forgotten to buy even the simplest circlets. He was going to pay for that just as soon as I was a free man.

  So without a choice, I took out a pair of matching rings made of rope. Yeah, during the arts and crafts hour, I braided the two golden circles, my big fingers clumsy and fumbling. But it was my most important project yet, even if the rope was really nothing more than a piece of string.

  Shit. This was embarrassing.

  And yet, Laney accepted the ring on her finger as if it was made of the most precious gold and platinum, diamond studded and dripping with rubies.

  Her smile lit up the room, the humble string tied around her finger.

  “By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife,” the pastor declared proudly. “You may now kiss the bride.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. In a flourish of passion, I took her into my arms, tilting the curvy female back as our lips collided. And it was earth shattering. Our bodies and minds touched, melting together with excitement, exhilaration, and the promise of a bright future. I held Laney close, cherishing the curvy woman, my love and life.

  Like clockwork, our kiss intensified, tongues tangling around each other, her lips parting as I swept into that sweet mouth.

  Her hair brushed the floor, one leg wrapped around my waist in that classic Hollywood pose.

  With lungs already burning for air, I slipped my hand onto her ass, squeezing the round rump tight. I already knew what I wanted tonight. The need raging, my cock throbbed heavily, pulsing against her soft stomach.

  God, it was so hard to control myself around this woman.

  The chaplain cleared his throat.

  “Mr. Evercore? Mrs. Evercore? Excuse me, it’s been several minutes now.”

  I ignored the poor guy, too addicted to my gorgeous wife to stop kissing. I swear she had the sweetest lips on Earth. If I wasn’t careful, I would overdose.

  The pastor cleared his throat once more, really trying to get our attention.

  “Ahem. Sir? Madame? It’s been five minutes? They need the chapel for something else now?”

  Annoyed, I straightened, keeping Laney pinned to my side.

  “What?” was my harsh growl. The pastor shrugged his skinny shoulders.

  “You shouldn’t get too carried away in here. We have another wedding in a few minutes. If you’d follow the guards, they’ll show you to your honeymoon suite.”

  Honeymoon suite?

  I swear, if this was some kind of joke, I was about to break necks. I was in no mood to be toyed with. Not today, not on my wedding day. Not to the most beautiful woman in the world.

  But it was true. The guards, to my amazement, brought us to a small, private cottage on the jail premises. It wasn’t much, but at least we wouldn’t be disturbed.

  And when a key was dropped into my hand, it was like winning the lottery. Holy fucking shit. We had real privacy, state-sanctioned time to get real. No one was going to stop me from celebrating my conjugal rights now.

  Without any further thought, I scooped Laney into my arms and carried that curvy figure over the entrance.

  “Sweetheart,” I rasped into her ear. “I’m sorry this isn’t our home, but bear with me okay? We’ll make the best of it.”

  Because the cabin was hardly Shangri-La. Naw, this was no five-star hotel with roses and champagne. Instead, it was a cramped, dark room with bars over the windows. Not much inside except a double bed, with a sheet and comforter placed in the middle of the mattress.

  But no worries. All l I cared about was the bed. Hell, it would probably be broken by morning, but all that mattered right now was pinning Laney to that mattress and having my way with her all night long.

  “Oh, I’m going to have so much fun with you,” I murmured into her ear, nibbling at her earlobe.

  The female moaned ever so softly, her eyes already soft and luminous. Oh yeah, my wife wanted me. Bad. Hell, I could already smell it. In fact, I bet she’d already soaked through her panties, if she’d bothered to put some on at all. Yeah, after I ripped through about five of her thongs, the curvy brunette started to do her visits commando, that sweet pussy moist and bare.

  The thought turned me on.

  Fuck, I couldn’t wait a moment longer.

  I tossed her onto the bed, watching her body bounce for a moment before she settled into a natural pose that made her look like a model. If I wasn’t the jealous type, maybe I would have pushed her into that profession. Laney would have been a natural. She’d sell a million lipsticks, a million bras, a million of anything they wanted to pimp.

  Quickly, I doubled back, locked the door, and threw the key into a corner.

  She was mine now. All mine.

  Raging need consumed my big body, the suit coming off in ragged pieces. And as my big form came into view, Laney’s eyes widened, the caramel pools going deep with desire.

  I loved how much she wanted me.

  When my shirt came off, she practically licked her lips and leaned forward, causing her chest to dance precariously along the hem of her dress.

  “If you’re going to tease me with your nips, I’ll make sure you walk out of this cabin with them so sore and sensitive, that you’ll nipples will stay hard for a week,” I growled, undoing my belt as I stood at the edge of the bed.

  In a flash, she crawled over, offering to help. Her nimble fingers struggled with the clasp, tugging at it in desperation.

  I chuckled, taking her head into my hands and kissing her hard. So hard.

  My lips were rough, almost painfully so, against hers. I just couldn’t help myself. I wanted her so fucking bad.

  Already, my cock throbbed inside my pants. I had never wanted someone so much in my entire life.

  I had planned to seduce her with a night of foreplay, toying with her body until she begged me for it, but I just couldn’t wait. I had to have her. Now!

  Without warning, I threw her back into the bed, pouncing on her. Our bodies ground together as I kissed the female, hands trying to grab at her supple flesh, but that dress was getting in the way.

  Wanting to get rid of it as soon as possible, I flipped her over, unzipped the back, and tore it right off her body.

  Laney gasped, chilly air rushing over her bare skin.

�� she whispered breathlessly, already slightly drugged. “Oh Mason.”

  I ignored her, rolling the dress off her curves and onto the floor.

  Once she was naked, I took in every swell of her body, thinking she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. From her hips to her thighs and chest, she was just perfect.


  Her blush deepened as she turned her head, looking at me over her shoulder.

  Before the female could say anything, I grabbed Laney’s hair, winding my hand into her curves. Yeah, it was rough, take-no-prisoners style. I pushed her head into the pillow as my other hand snuck under her body, hoisting her hips into the air. “Now, shake that ass for me.”

  Like the obedient little girl she was, she did just that, swaying it from side to side.

  I watched, entranced by the movement for a moment, that big white rump bouncing and jouncing in the air.

  Fuck. Now that was a woman’s ass.

  My hand shot out and slapped her right cheek, making it shudder and tremble.

  Mmm. That was good.

  I did it again, this time to the other cheek, decorating both with large, red handprints.

  Her screams echoed through the cabin, back arching, ass jutting further into the air.

  Oh fuck, I loved it when she turned into a little slut just for me.

  Quickly, I freed my cock, holding its thick girth in my hand. Squeezing tight, I brushed the wet tip against her entrance.

  “Reach back and spread your cheeks,” was my harsh command. “Now.”

  Laney hesitated for a moment before two hands crept to her butt, fingers digging into her thick ass before spreading her cheeks, exposing the pleated rosebud, the punctuation point above those slick pink lips.

  Because yeah, we were going backdoor this time.

  Congratulations on your wedding, sweetheart. The big bad wolf is taking you both ways to Sunday.

  Her anus winked and blinked at me flirtatiously, tiny as fuck.

  I could only imagine how tight it was, hot as an inferno inside.

  Shit, it would feel so good.


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