The White Whispers

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by Kizzie Hayes

  “Wow,” Morgan breathed before she could help herself.

  “Nature is so beautiful,” Darren said. “But sometimes it struggles. I think that’s true of life. Some things can be so beautiful. But then… there are struggles.”

  Morgan had to agree with that. God knew she’d had her share of struggles.

  “I think we have to keep that in mind when we’re working with people, just navigating our way through life,” Darren said. He gave her a meaningful look. “You know what I mean?”

  Morgan wasn’t sure but she knew he was trying to tell her something. Maybe not to take this blow-off after an incredible date seriously? Or maybe she was just reading into it too much.

  “Yeah,” Morgan said. “I know what you mean.”

  Chapter 7

  Bingo scampered back down the trail toward the parking lot and they were in the city again. Morgan wrinkled her nose, taking in all the cars and the busy road right beyond the apartment complex. She was missing their forest paradise already.

  “That was a really nice,” Morgan said, in a soft voice.

  “I want to know more about you,” Darren said. “You should come over.”

  Morgan almost said no. She knew what a guy usually meant when they said come over. But she trusted Darren, for some reason. So she found herself following him to her place.

  Bingo barked happily, trotting ahead of them. They went to an apartment building that looked familiar. Then when they walked up a short flight of stairs it looked very familiar. And then Morgan had to keep herself from gasping when he opened the front door.

  This was Devon’s place.

  It was daytime now but she could tell. It was clean. The same furniture. The same blinds, turned up now. And when Bingo barked again, she had another flashback.

  The same dog that had barked when she was in there.

  She had to get out of here.

  “Wait,” Morgan said, not walking far past the threshold. “I think--”

  Darren shook his head like he knew exactly what she was going to say.

  “Morgan, come here,” he said. He took her hand and pulled her over to the couch, inviting her to sit.

  But she still didn’t feel comfortable. She shook her head, eyes darting all around. Where was he?

  “Darren,” she started.

  “Look,” Darren said. “I know my roommate can be a jerk. But he really doesn’t mean any harm.”

  Morgan’s heart slammed up into her throat. Wait, what?

  Darren stared at her, continuing calmly. “He gets easily overwhelmed. Caught up in his head, you know? So… I hope you can forgive him.”

  Morgan pressed a hand against her cheek. She wasn’t sure what to say or what to think. She was very confused right now.

  “When I saw you that day… that night… I thought you were gorgeous,” Darren said, holding her gaze. “I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I cursed myself for not asking for your number. Even though I knew you were dressed up for a date. It drove me crazy.”

  Darren paused and Morgan swallowed hard.

  “Can I get you a drink?” He asked, completely taking her out of the story.

  “Oh,” Morgan said.

  “One moment.” Darren got up, moving towards the kitchen. Morgan looked around. In the daytime, the apartment was more beautiful. It was obviously a bachelor pad but it had a masculine charm to it.

  She looked down at Bingo, lying on the floor at the door like a little guard. Should she go for it? Should she leave?

  Darren was back before she could make up her mind.

  “Here you go.” He handed her a glass of white wine. It was still the middle of the afternoon but she took it anyway. The glass was cool and she took a big sip.

  “We didn’t even say cheers,” Darren said. But he laughed. She also laughed, nervously.

  “What am I doing here?” she asked

  Darren placed a hand on her knee. Instead of making her feel jumpy it calmed her down a little bit.

  “I wanted to talk to you,” Darren said. His eyes were so comforting. She sipped her wine and tried to relax.

  “I couldn’t get you out of my mind,” Darren continued. “The image of you was burned into my retinas. So… the next morning I told Devon about it. As soon as I told him what you were wearing he knew it was you. Devon… he’s my best friend. We’re like brothers. He’s very loyal. So once he knew how I felt… he was conflicted. I told him we hadn’t really talked. I have no claim on you. But he takes these things seriously. So… that’s why he hasn’t called you. I’m sorry. I know you must be feeling conflicted about that.”

  Morgan took a deep breath, taking in his words. It was a little overwhelming. No, Devon shouldn’t have blown her off like that. But she had to admit she felt a little better because it was on Darren’s behalf. And to be honest, she felt a little intrigued with Darren as well. There was something about his eyes.

  “So what are you thinking?” Darren asked.

  “Um…” Morgan said. “I just feel a little confused and overwhelmed.”

  “Do you think that maybe you could give him a second chance?” Darren asked. He scooted closer to her, looking at her imploringly. Morgan sipped her wine as she met his eyes. He was looking at her so intensely. All she could do was nod.

  “Good,” Darren said, softly. “Good.”

  And then Morgan heard a click coming from the front door. Bingo got up and started barking like crazy. The door opened. Darren called softly over his shoulder, “Hey man.”

  It was Devon.

  Chapter 8

  Devon stood in the doorway. Morgan took a deep breath. She was just as devastatingly handsome as she remembered, dark smooth skin and that chiseled jaw line. The memories came rushing back to her. The way he grabbed her jaw. His tongue in her mouth. His warm body pressing into hers. The way she wanted to lick him all over like chocolate.

  She was feeling hot all over again.

  “Devon,” Darren said from the couch. Morgan hastily downed the rest of her wine. “We’ve got company.”

  “I see that,” Devon said gruffly. He was carrying a briefcase. She watched him as she disappeared into his room.

  “He doesn’t want to see me,” Morgan said, numbly. It was worst than she thought. Rejected again. This wasn’t even the first time. Or the second time. It was the millionth time and she was pretty sick of it.

  Morgan got up to leave.

  “I’m going to go,” she said.

  “No, wait.” Darren stood up with her. “We want to talk to you.”

  A door opened again, down the hall in the apartment. This time when Devon showed up, he was naked.

  Morgan gasped.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call,” he said. He was naked. Morgan stared. She was seeing him in the light of day. Every hard part of his body was accentuated by the sunlight. She could see all of his fine hairs. The ridges of his muscles. The shine of his deep dark skin.

  Stark naked in the middle of the apartment. In front of her. In front of Darren.

  And he was holding chocolates.

  “I wanted to call you, I just had to think,” Devon said. Morgan sat there, frozen. Even though she couldn’t take her eyes off him, she didn’t know what to say.

  “He’s not a bad guy, Morgan,” Darren said. He gently pushed her back down to sit on the couch. Then, she stared at him.

  Darren took off his shirt.

  It was different with Darren. He wasn’t as muscular as Devon, that was for sure. But he still looked nice and toned. His skin was more of a light buttery caramel color and he had a sexy smattering of light brown curly hairs all over his chest and she the smooth start of a happy trail. But his biceps… he flexed them a little and she lost her breath for a moment.

  “We’re roommates and we share a lot,” Darren said. Now he was pushing down his shorts. “So we thought… maybe you’d like to share us?”

  Morgan was staring between them. No. Were they serious? She could not do this. Share the
m? What they meant was that they would share her. She wasn’t like that. She was a good girl. She dated one man at a time. Slept with one man at a time.

  Not two.

  But then again, what had being a “good” girl ever gotten her? Divorced and forced out of her own home? Because he would rather fool around with as many girls as he could? Wasn’t she trying to turn over a new leaf? Wasn’t she trying to let go?

  Didn’t she love driving two men crazy at the same time when she was in that parking lot, flaunting her stuff before the date?

  Morgan’s heart was beating so fast.

  She knew she should be talking herself out of this.

  But there were two extremely hot guys in front of her right now. They were both for the taking.

  She wanted to do this.

  “No,” She said, looking between the two of them. “You’re going to share me.”

  Devon and Darren exchanged a glance. Morgan stood up slowly. This time she was going to take control.

  “Take off your clothes,” she said to Darren, still dressed in his underwear. She watched as he pulled his boxers down. He wasn’t as big as Devon, but the difference was minimal. He was nice and thick and it matched his body perfectly.

  She could work with this.

  Bingo came scampering into the room, barking out of nowhere. Morgan gasped once again. Darren chased him out of the room, locking him in a bedroom. It was so ridiculous. Two full grown men butt naked in the same room, staring at her and then all of a sudden, a wild dog appears. Oh, and she was planning on having a threesome with these two men. Morgan started laughing so hard that she doubled over. She was laughing so much she feared she wouldn’t be able to stop.

  “Are you okay?” Devon asked, in his deep voice. His hand on her back was enough to bring her back into this moment. It was really happening.

  And she was going to enjoy it. A lot.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” she said.

  Chapter 9

  Morgan sat on the bed. She had an idea about how she wanted this to go. But first she wanted to admire them both, really take in their difference so she told them to stand at the foot of the bed. They were in Devon’s bedroom and she was glad. She loved the color of the duvet and the way it felt so soft underneath her.

  Devon was tall. Darren was a little shorter. Devon had a chiseled jaw. Darren had a bit of a baby face. Devon’s abs tensed when he breathed. Darren’s happy trail weaved all the way down to the spot of his most ultimate pleasure.

  She looked between them both for a long time, taking in what she liked and what she didn’t like. She wasn’t able to find much that she didn’t like. Looking at them like this was just like foreplay. Having two extremely hot black men in front of her was a definite turn on. She was feeling hot. More than that, she was feeling wet.

  Morgan took off her shirt.

  “Do you guys think you can handle me?” she asked, only in her bra. It was a sports bra. She didn’t expect to be sexy today. But it didn’t matter. She was already too far gone into this little game.

  “I’m not sure,” Darren said. “But I know we can try.”

  “I think I handled you the other night,” Devon growled.

  Morgan felt her body flush with the memory. She had to agree with that. The memory now was causing her to feel even more heated.

  “Darren.” She beckoned him over. “Come here.”

  She watched Darren crawl on the bed towards her. She was sitting up on her knees. She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss. She kissed him, heatedly. Morgan hadn’t kissed Darren before. His lips were supple. That was the first thing she noticed. He tasted good, a bite of alcohol on his lips. She couldn’t recall what he’d been drinking before but whatever it was, she wanted to drink some. He teased his tongue over hers. She invited him to kiss her deeper, laying back on the bed.

  Morgan continued to kiss him hard as his tongue explore her mouth. He was hovering over her. She wrapped her arms around him to rub over his masculine back. Darren’s lips worked against hers. She didn’t know kissing could work her into such an frenzy, but it was true. Her core was lighting up, pleasure zones being activated everywhere. She squeezed her thighs together through her shorts. She moaned against his mouth and then pushed him away.

  “Now, you,” she said, beckoning Devon over.

  He threw his hard body on top of her, naked and ready. She met his kiss with a clash of lips and tongue. He kissed her just as aggressively as last time. She loved the way he’d push his tongue deep in her mouth and sweep it all over. She felt him everywhere, from the roof of her mouth to her taste buds. And he was on top of her, rutting his body against hers. It was so feral and needy and hot and full of pure, raw lust. All of a sudden, Morgan pulled away. She pushed Devon off of her.

  “Now,” she said. “I want you both on the bed.”

  The bed grunted a bit under all of their weight. The two men faced her so they made a triangle on the bed. She was on her knees again and she leaned forward to kiss Darren first. She let it linger for a long time. Then she moved away and kissed Devon. She made the kiss even harder than it’d been before. When she pulled away, she felt light-headed from both of them.

  “Wow,” she said. She pulled her sports bra over her head and tossed it aside. Then she laid back. All of a sudden, she knew exactly what she wanted to do.

  “Darren, take off my shorts,” she said.

  She bit back and groan as he tugged her shorts down over her thighs. Morgan swallowed hard, thinking of the next part.

  “Now kiss me there…” she whispered. At the same time she beckoned Devon over. When he went to kiss her lips, he pushed his head down towards her breasts.

  Down at her legs, Darren began to kiss her. He kissed over her calves, her knees, her thighs. When he got to the inside of her thighs she let out a moan, his head between her legs. His nose nudged the bottom of her damp cotton panties. Her whole body was shaking in the most delicious way.

  Devon was all over her too. His mouth started at her collarbone and he trailed soft kisses down her skin that made her sigh softly. Then his mouth was on her breasts, kissing her there but also licking and sucking lightly. She gasped when his teeth scraped against her breasts and nipped her there. She hadn’t experienced that before but she really liked it. Then he sucked her nipple into his mouth and she groaned loudly.

  Darren was pulling off her panties now. She couldn’t protest. She definitely couldn’t protest when she felt his lips between her legs again, but this time in a totally different spot. Morgan moaned, feeling his tongue right there, pushing into her center. It had never felt so good. Her husband would never do that. She shuddered around him as Devon continues to suck on her breasts. She could feel his tongue roaming over her hard nipples. She gripped the edge of the bed and arched her back. Being worked over at the same time by two hot men… it was unreal. She felt like she was in a movie. But she wasn’t. This was real life.

  Darren continued to work his tongue inside of her, skillfully. He dipped his tongue deep inside and then licked up slowly over her clit. Morgan jerked a little, moaning with pleasure once again. Devon kissed over the sides of her breasts. Then he picked a spot, just above her left breast, and bit down there hard.

  Morgan cried out loudly.

  She loved it.

  Finally, she needed a break. She grabbed Darren’s hair and pushed Devon’s face away. They were all breathing hard. Their panting filled the room.

  “Oh my god,” Morgan said, in a hushed voice, still laying on her back, her eyes closed.

  “Want us to switch?” Devon asked in a gravely voice. When she looked over at him, he licked her lips.

  “Mmmm…” Morgan moaned. She shook her head. Her body was shaky but she managed to get up on her hands and knees.

  “I want both of you,” she said in a low voice. She rubbed her hands over her naked body, imagining both their hands. Her eyes were closed as they took over. Devon was kissing her neck. Darren was kis
sing her neck. Devon was kissing her mouth. Darren was kissing her throat. Their hands all over, two pairs of hands, touching her. Rubbing over her breasts, her stomach, her back, her ass, rubbing her neck, rubbing between her legs, fingers exploring the silky dampness down there, stroking over her thighs. She never wanted to stop. She just moaned, tossing her curly hair to each side, body rocking and shaking, responsive to their every touch. They knew exactly what they were doing, with their large hands, capable, firm but not too rough. They spend some time like that until Morgan felt like she was going to explode.

  And she wasn’t ready yet.

  “Devon,” she said. “Darren.” She paused to take a breath. They paused with her, keeping her trapped in their embrace. She felt their strong arms all around them, smelled the masculine scent of their sweat and their lust.

  “It’s time for the real thing,” she said.

  Chapter 10

  Morgan shivered as she felt Darren take her from behind. It was different from Devon, the way he pushed into slowly. But she loved feeling each inch of his manhood sliding inside, against ever ridge inside of her, all the way until the tip had nowhere else to go. He held onto her hips as her ass pressed against his hip bones and the tuft of curly hair down there. Morgan moaned, feeling her body shudder against him.

  When she could breathe again, she beckoned Devon over. He was on his knees on the bed. She stared down at the hardness between his legs. She remember how she felt before. Like she wanted to lick him all over.

  She took him into his mouth.

  Darren continued to thrust inside of her, slowly at first but each stroke was getting harder. She moaned around Devon’s cock each time Darren sunk in deeper. But she kept her lips sealed around Devon as he rocked into her mouth. Her fingers curled around Devon’s sharp hipbone, rubbing her thumbs against the hollows of them. She was sucking him like her favorite chocolate ice cream cone with the extra dark chocolate dipped coated. Each time Darren pushed into her from behind, her mouth sank down on Devon’s cock just a little deeper.


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